CNN Commentator: 'Blacks CAN'T Be 'Racist'!

The far right crazies who hate the police like Bush92 are not heroes.
The far right crazies are as bad as the far left crazies. The far right calls them "jack-booted thugs" and the far left calls them "Gestapo". You can favor one side or the other, but I think both are nutjobs.
Oh. So BLM are heroes now. LMFAO.
Without context or further explanation, I don't know what the BLM comments made by Johnson were about. He was definitely a sympathizer and he followed many Black separatist groups online. Therefore, I don't know if he thought BLM were heroes or wimps.
I will tell you they are advocates of killing cops.
Oh. So BLM are heroes now. LMFAO.
Without context or further explanation, I don't know what the BLM comments made by Johnson were about. He was definitely a sympathizer and he followed many Black separatist groups online. Therefore, I don't know if he thought BLM were heroes or wimps.
So you don't shit but say he was a sympathizer, definitely.
Oh. So BLM are heroes now. LMFAO.
Without context or further explanation, I don't know what the BLM comments made by Johnson were about. He was definitely a sympathizer and he followed many Black separatist groups online. Therefore, I don't know if he thought BLM were heroes or wimps.
I will tell you they are advocates of killing cops.
You are an advocate of cops dying.
My brother is a cop prick. If you were in front of me right now I would smash your fuckin face. 5 great American's died the other night because assholes like you have pushed this shit since Ferguson.
Why do you call your brother a "cop prick"? You're quick rise to anger and violence denotes a person with anger management issues. I've had several like you arrested in my line of work; people who can't control their impulses and feel hitting others is a justifiable response to disagreement.
Okey doke. We will continue to pretend the guy was a BLM secretary/treasurer until the full transcript of his words to the negotiators is released.
Post 70 also has a link, although no one has yet quoted word for word this p.o.s. exact words.
A blatant lie. I never said anything about him being Sec/Treas or any other leadership organization. He was obviously a supporter who did as many BLM protesters and supporters have advocated. He channeled his anger and frustration into action and he made a stand to demand "they stop killing us". Kudos. He did as they requested.
Divine Wind and crazy boy keep saying Johnson was BLM when he was not.

Johnson criticized BLM.
Dead police are the result of BLM.
Just use the phrase "racially bigoted" and the PC Hillary campaign workers disguised as CNN "News commentators" cannot play PC wordsmithing.

BLM is racially bigoted against everyone not black.

CNN cannot deny that, although they may try...
My brother is a cop prick. If you were in front of me right now I would smash your fuckin face. 5 great American's died the other night because assholes like you have pushed this shit since Ferguson.
Why do you call your brother a "cop prick"? You're quick rise to anger and violence denotes a person with anger management issues. I've had several like you arrested in my line of work; people who can't control their impulses and feel hitting others is a justifiable response to disagreement.
My brother is a fuckin prick. I do not care how many people at the mall you have had arrested. BLM is a racist murderous organization.
BLM is a divisive and useless organization.
Agreed. They're the Tea Party for Black People.
When did the Tea Party express support for killing cops or claimed that only White lives matter?

Dont be an idiot engaging in equivalence nonsense.
Don't be an ass and exaggerate what I said into idiocy. You said "divisive and useless" and I agreed because that is what the Tea Party has become too; divisive and useless. If you want to extrapolate bullshit into it, then that's on you.
OK, then how has the Tea Party become divisive and useless? What is divisive and useless about demanding that the Oligarchs stick to the Constitution?
I will tell you they are advocates of killing cops.
I think most are just dumb asses who use heated rhetoric to say things they don't fully understand. You know, like when a teenage girl tells her mom "I hate you!" or you tell someone "I'm going to kill you!"
My brother is a cop prick. If you were in front of me right now I would smash your fuckin face. 5 great American's died the other night because assholes like you have pushed this shit since Ferguson.
Why do you call your brother a "cop prick"? You're quick rise to anger and violence denotes a person with anger management issues. I've had several like you arrested in my line of work; people who can't control their impulses and feel hitting others is a justifiable response to disagreement.
Oh and BTW kicking the shit out of someone is a healthy and justifiable response.
The far right crazies are as bad as the far left crazies. The far right calls them "jack-booted thugs" and the far left calls them "Gestapo". You can favor one side or the other, but I think both are nutjobs.
No conservatives or Tea Party members are calling local cops "jack booted thugs", that is held by the ATFE, no one else.
OK, then how has the Tea Party become divisive and useless? What is divisive and useless about demanding that the Oligarchs stick to the Constitution?
I used to be a member of the local Tea Party and am still on their mailing list, but when it got to Dick Armey and the Koch brothers, the message became more about hating liberals rather than reducing the size and power of the Federal government and keeping all government fiscally responsible. When the Tea Party started calling people "RINOs", I was out. Just because someone disagrees on an issue or does't toe the "party line" doesn't make them a traitor, a Republican-in-name-only, a Liberal or anything else. To do so is divisive. The Tea Party has become useless because they've driven so many conservatives away, they've hamstrung themselves. Now, because of their extremism and actions, the odds are Hillary, one of the most loathsome Democrats to ever run for President, will likely win the election in November. Ergo, the Tea Party is useless because they castrated themselves giving the Democrats power by default.
OK, then how has the Tea Party become divisive and useless? What is divisive and useless about demanding that the Oligarchs stick to the Constitution?
I used to be a member of the local Tea Party and am still on their mailing list, but when it got to Dick Armey and the Koch brothers, the message became more about hating liberals rather than reducing the size and power of the Federal government and keeping all government fiscally responsible. When the Tea Party started calling people "RINOs", I was out. Just because someone disagrees on an issue or does't toe the "party line" doesn't make them a traitor, a Republican-in-name-only, a Liberal or anything else. To do so is divisive. The Tea Party has become useless because they've driven so many conservatives away, they've hamstrung themselves. Now, because of their extremism and actions, the odds are Hillary, one of the most loathsome Democrats to ever run for President, will likely win the election in November. Ergo, the Tea Party is useless because they castrated themselves giving the Democrats power by default.
Democrats will vote for Trump in record numbers.
I used to be a member of the local Tea Party and am still on their mailing list, but when it got to Dick Armey and the Koch brothers, the message became more about hating liberals rather than reducing the size and power of the Federal government and keeping all government fiscally responsible. When the Tea Party started calling people "RINOs", I was out. Just because someone disagrees on an issue or does't toe the "party line" doesn't make them a traitor, a Republican-in-name-only, a Liberal or anything else. To do so is divisive.

The GOP has a party platform and when a Republican has a 90% record of voting against that platform, he is a Republican In Name Only for all effective purposes. Sorry that puts your panties in a knot.

The Tea Party has become useless because they've driven so many conservatives away, they've hamstrung themselves. Now, because of their extremism and actions, the odds are Hillary, one of the most loathsome Democrats to ever run for President, will likely win the election in November. Ergo, the Tea Party is useless because they castrated themselves giving the Democrats power by default.

The GOP controls both the House and Senate because of the added help from the Tea Party.

You sound like a resentful and jealous whiner.

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