CNN Decries U.S. Troops in Iraq Who Had Their MAGA Hats Signed by Trump

Was there a banner saying “mission accomplished”?

Fifteen years after we go into Iraq….our Commander in Chief still has to fly in under the cover of darkness with running lights off.

What a fucking waste.

This is part of the whole fake news thing.

The mission was accomplished for the ship Bush was on.

It was not a banner for the entire fucking war, but the media lied.
Sure and if President Barack Hussein Obama had done same....

My uncle use to repeat an old saying:

'If 'IF's and 'BUT's were candy and nuts every day would be Christmas'

I prefer the more traditional, a little more modern saying:

'Yeah, and IF a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass on the ground every time he jumped.'


Fox news and trumpflakes everywhere would be badly skidding their BVDs.
Military members are not allowed to be at political events while in uniform or representing the military in any way.

You are 100% correct.

What is sad, though,is snowflakes, attempting to spin anything and everything into an attack on the President and anyone who supports him. Case in point, snowflakes are trying to claim that the Commander And Chief of the Armed Forces visiting his troops during Christmas is somehow a 'political event'.

Perhaps if Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton visited the troops it would be for political gain, as neither one ever gave a damn about our troops. Hillary even lied about visiting our troops UNDER fire for political gain - to make herself out to be some kind of hero.

Commanders and Chiefs are allowed to visit the troops and the troops are allowed to show their appreciation and support for their Commander And Chief and President.

Bitter, butt-hurt, Trump-hating, hate-driven snowflakes live a completely miserable existence, LIVING every day, every moment, for something - anything - with which to attack the President.

The entirety of this thread's subject describes how it was a political event.
Was there a banner saying “mission accomplished”?

Fifteen years after we go into Iraq….our Commander in Chief still has to fly in under the cover of darkness with running lights off.

What a fucking waste.
/——/ The USS Abe Lincoln did accomplish her mission. What are you yammering about now?

If that were true we wouldn’t have to fly the blob in under the cover of darkness

The mission of the military is to crush the enemy force. We did that. The militant mission was 100% a success. It was the peace that Bush fucked up

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If you say so.

Success in Korea is such that we can fly the blob into Korea whenever we need to; day, night, Sunday-Monday.

Success in Germany is such that w can fly the blob into Germany whenever we need to; day, night, Sunday-Monday.

Fifteen years after we went into Iraq and declared an “end to major combat operations”, we have to put the blob through all sorts of terror…he had a darkened plane!!!! I don’t know how the blob survived. LOL

We have the largest, most lethal military in the history of the universe and 15 years later…we can’t fly the blob into the fucking city we have controlled for over a decade.

Total waste.
Was there a banner saying “mission accomplished”?

Fifteen years after we go into Iraq….our Commander in Chief still has to fly in under the cover of darkness with running lights off.

What a fucking waste.

This is part of the whole fake news thing.

The mission was accomplished for the ship Bush was on.

It was not a banner for the entire fucking war, but the media lied.

He announced an end to major combat operations. He did say that right?
Was there a banner saying “mission accomplished”?

Fifteen years after we go into Iraq….our Commander in Chief still has to fly in under the cover of darkness with running lights off.

What a fucking waste.

This is part of the whole fake news thing.

The mission was accomplished for the ship Bush was on.

It was not a banner for the entire fucking war, but the media lied.
Yep, the left twisted that and used it his entire 2 terms. They're liars. That's who and what they are.
He announced an end to major combat operations. He did say that right?
So the Commander and Chief visits his troops during Christmas and tells his combat troops currently fighting in harm's way that there is / has been a change in their mission that will affect them soon....and butt-hurt snowflakes wanting to spin everything as an attack declares this to be a 'political event'?

Was there a banner saying “mission accomplished”?

Fifteen years after we go into Iraq….our Commander in Chief still has to fly in under the cover of darkness with running lights off.

What a fucking waste.

This is part of the whole fake news thing.

The mission was accomplished for the ship Bush was on.

It was not a banner for the entire fucking war, but the media lied.

To try to represent the whole event as honoring the crew is laughable. Under a "mission accomplished" banner gwb announced that "major combat operations are over"

Spin away...
He announced an end to major combat operations. He did say that right?
So the Commander and Chief visits his troops during Christmas and tells his combat troops currently fighting in harm's way that there is / has been a change in their mission that will affect them soon....and butt-hurt snowflakes wanting to spin everything as an attack declares this to be a 'political event'?


Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?

Just answer the question.
Was there a banner saying “mission accomplished”?

Fifteen years after we go into Iraq….our Commander in Chief still has to fly in under the cover of darkness with running lights off.

What a fucking waste.

This is part of the whole fake news thing.

The mission was accomplished for the ship Bush was on.

It was not a banner for the entire fucking war, but the media lied.

To try to represent the whole event as honoring the crew is laughable. Under a "mission accomplished" banner gwb announced that "major combat operations are over"

Spin away...
They were over. The bombing was done and the troops were in.
[QUOTE="otto105, post: 21471465, member: 66286
To try to represent the whole event as honoring the crew is laughable. Under a "mission accomplished" banner gwb announced that "major combat operations are over" .[/QUOTE]
And Obama declared the War on Terror Was Over....right before he and Hillary abandoned 4 Americans to die in an Al Qaeda attack they knew was coming, perpetrated by the terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 and who they helped take over Libya.

What's your point....?
He announced an end to major combat operations. He did say that right?
So the Commander and Chief visits his troops during Christmas and tells his combat troops currently fighting in harm's way that there is / has been a change in their mission that will affect them soon....and butt-hurt snowflakes wanting to spin everything as an attack declares this to be a 'political event'?


Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?

Just answer the question.
Yep, he sure did. What about it?
Was there a banner saying “mission accomplished”?

Fifteen years after we go into Iraq….our Commander in Chief still has to fly in under the cover of darkness with running lights off.

What a fucking waste.

This is part of the whole fake news thing.

The mission was accomplished for the ship Bush was on.

It was not a banner for the entire fucking war, but the media lied.

To try to represent the whole event as honoring the crew is laughable. Under a "mission accomplished" banner gwb announced that "major combat operations are over"

Spin away...
They were over. The bombing was done and the troops were in.

Rioting was starting and the grind was beginning...
Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?
Again, if you have a problem with the troops showing appreciation for and loyalty to their Commander and Chief and President, that is an OBVIOUS snowflake problem, especially since you traitors have yet to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and cease your attempted coup.
Was there a banner saying “mission accomplished”?

Fifteen years after we go into Iraq….our Commander in Chief still has to fly in under the cover of darkness with running lights off.

What a fucking waste.

This is part of the whole fake news thing.

The mission was accomplished for the ship Bush was on.

It was not a banner for the entire fucking war, but the media lied.

To try to represent the whole event as honoring the crew is laughable. Under a "mission accomplished" banner gwb announced that "major combat operations are over"

Spin away...
They were over. The bombing was done and the troops were in.

Rioting was starting and the grind was beginning...
Yes, you're right. And your point is what?
Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?
Again, if you have a problem with the troops showing appreciation for and loyalty to their Commander and Chief and President, that is an OBVIOUS snowflake problem, especially since you traitors have yet to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and cease your attempted coup.

trumpflake we opened a new front in 2018 that clearly showed that we have moved on, have you?
Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?
Again, if you have a problem with the troops showing appreciation for and loyalty to their Commander and Chief and President, that is an OBVIOUS snowflake problem, especially since you traitors have yet to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and cease your attempted coup.

Again did cadet bone spurs sign maga 2020 hats at the rally?

Simple question little fragile flake.
Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?
Again, if you have a problem with the troops showing appreciation for and loyalty to their Commander and Chief and President, that is an OBVIOUS snowflake problem, especially since you traitors have yet to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and cease your attempted coup.

Again did cadet bone spurs sign maga 2020 hats at the rally?

Simple question little fragile flake.
/——/ Why? Do you want one?

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