CNN Decries U.S. Troops in Iraq Who Had Their MAGA Hats Signed by Trump

Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?
Again, if you have a problem with the troops showing appreciation for and loyalty to their Commander and Chief and President, that is an OBVIOUS snowflake problem, especially since you traitors have yet to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and cease your attempted coup.

Again did cadet bone spurs sign maga 2020 hats at the rally?

Simple question little fragile flake.
Yes, Trump signed MAGA hats. You're repeating facts
Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?
Again, if you have a problem with the troops showing appreciation for and loyalty to their Commander and Chief and President, that is an OBVIOUS snowflake problem, especially since you traitors have yet to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and cease your attempted coup.

Again did cadet bone spurs sign maga 2020 hats at the rally?

Simple question little fragile flake.
If Trump was in my neighborhood, I'd ask him to sign my MAGA hat. What's your point?
He announced an end to major combat operations. He did say that right?
So the Commander and Chief visits his troops during Christmas and tells his combat troops currently fighting in harm's way that there is / has been a change in their mission that will affect them soon....and butt-hurt snowflakes wanting to spin everything as an attack declares this to be a 'political event'?


Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?

Just answer the question.
Screen Shot 2018-12-27 at 1.01.09 PM.png
Oh no! Trump did something that CNN didnt like.

Funny, CNN loved everything Hillary did, including LYING to the American public and rigging the Dem primaries.
Was there a banner saying “mission accomplished”?

Fifteen years after we go into Iraq….our Commander in Chief still has to fly in under the cover of darkness with running lights off.

What a fucking waste.

This is part of the whole fake news thing.

The mission was accomplished for the ship Bush was on.

It was not a banner for the entire fucking war, but the media lied.

To try to represent the whole event as honoring the crew is laughable. Under a "mission accomplished" banner gwb announced that "major combat operations are over"

Spin away...
They were over. The bombing was done and the troops were in.

Rioting was starting and the grind was beginning...
Yes, you're right. And your point is what?

The mission was just to get troops in Iraq to be seen has victors with flowers everywhere...was it.
This is part of the whole fake news thing.

The mission was accomplished for the ship Bush was on.

It was not a banner for the entire fucking war, but the media lied.

To try to represent the whole event as honoring the crew is laughable. Under a "mission accomplished" banner gwb announced that "major combat operations are over"

Spin away...
They were over. The bombing was done and the troops were in.

Rioting was starting and the grind was beginning...
Yes, you're right. And your point is what?

The mission was just to get troops in Iraq to be seen has victors with flowers everywhere...was it.
Yep, the Mission was to bomb strategic targets and land troops and equipment. Weren't you aware of that?
“If it were troops handing ‘Yes We Can’ items to Obama for him to sign, CNN would either be touting it or not talking about it because it would be fine and a given that the President had their support. But not for this President. This is CNN.”

CNN Decries U.S. Troops in Iraq Who Had Their MAGA Hats Signed by Trump

The scary part for CNN is that the troops had MAGA hats.
Did they bring them with them, or were they provided for the photo op?
If the latter, I expect CNN would be going all "plastic turkey" about it.

This sure puts a dent in the whole, "The troops will side with our overthrow of the president" dream.

Pretty pathetic of CNN, but what else would one expect.

The best asking for an autograph from a president I have seen took place with Bill. He came to the base I was at and we lined up to greet him getting off AF1 (one of the benefits of working Base Operations). As he was going through the line one of our ATC folks handed him a book to was Rush Limabaugh's "See I told you So". Clinton took it, signed it and gave it back. On the inside he wrote "don't believe everything you read". :21::21::21:

Our guy FAXed a copy to Rush and he talked about it on his show!

During the first BRAC in 1993 the base I worked at was on the list. We were ultimately removed, but it was touch and go. Anyway, I sent Slick Willie a letter and it was selected out of the many POTUS receive each week and delivered to his desk. I detailed the value of our base and also told him although I did not vote for you, as my CIC, you have my respect. I ended the letter with an apology for my LSU Tigers wiping the floor with his Razorbacks. He wrote me a nice letter explaining why BRAC was required.

In 2009, I shook his hand on Kwajalein when he was on his way to NK to seek release of the captive journalist

Looking back, Bill Clinton did a pretty good job and made Obama look like a left wing radical

Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?
Again, if you have a problem with the troops showing appreciation for and loyalty to their Commander and Chief and President, that is an OBVIOUS snowflake problem, especially since you traitors have yet to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and cease your attempted coup.

Again did cadet bone spurs sign maga 2020 hats at the rally?

Simple question little fragile flake.
/——/ Why? Do you want one?

I want the Uniform Military Code of Conduct to be followed.

Don't you?
Oh no! Trump did something that CNN didnt like.

Funny, CNN loved everything Hillary did, including LYING to the American public and rigging the Dem primaries.

Its not just CNN, its all people who don't want our military used as props.
To try to represent the whole event as honoring the crew is laughable. Under a "mission accomplished" banner gwb announced that "major combat operations are over"

Spin away...
They were over. The bombing was done and the troops were in.

Rioting was starting and the grind was beginning...
Yes, you're right. And your point is what?

The mission was just to get troops in Iraq to be seen has victors with flowers everywhere...was it.
Yep, the Mission was to bomb strategic targets and land troops and equipment. Weren't you aware of that?

I thought that we were sold on regime change (and all that requires), not a simple troop landing.

What did you want to sell as the reason?
“If it were troops handing ‘Yes We Can’ items to Obama for him to sign, CNN would either be touting it or not talking about it because it would be fine and a given that the President had their support. But not for this President. This is CNN.”

CNN Decries U.S. Troops in Iraq Who Had Their MAGA Hats Signed by Trump

The scary part for CNN is that the troops had MAGA hats.
Did they bring them with them, or were they provided for the photo op?
If the latter, I expect CNN would be going all "plastic turkey" about it.

This sure puts a dent in the whole, "The troops will side with our overthrow of the president" dream.
If you're in uniform, you cannot espouse any political views....if you'd ever served, you would know that.
They were over. The bombing was done and the troops were in.

Rioting was starting and the grind was beginning...
Yes, you're right. And your point is what?

The mission was just to get troops in Iraq to be seen has victors with flowers everywhere...was it.
Yep, the Mission was to bomb strategic targets and land troops and equipment. Weren't you aware of that?

I thought that we were sold on regime change (and all that requires), not a simple troop landing.

What did you want to sell as the reason?
The ship with the banner completed its Mission. Perhaps you got confused by the Democrats and their sycophants in the media. I hear it happens quite often.
“If it were troops handing ‘Yes We Can’ items to Obama for him to sign, CNN would either be touting it or not talking about it because it would be fine and a given that the President had their support. But not for this President. This is CNN.”

CNN Decries U.S. Troops in Iraq Who Had Their MAGA Hats Signed by Trump

The scary part for CNN is that the troops had MAGA hats.
Did they bring them with them, or were they provided for the photo op?
If the latter, I expect CNN would be going all "plastic turkey" about it.

This sure puts a dent in the whole, "The troops will side with our overthrow of the president" dream.
If you're in uniform, you cannot espouse any political views....if you'd ever served, you would know that.
But you're allowed to ask the President to sign your MAGA cap. Nothing against that.
One of those threads that should have died after 5 responses….


Trump; great photo op. Great for the troops to see him. Say what you want about the blob but he finally fulfilled one of his duties as President without a gun to his head. At this rate, he will visit the troops twice for 6 hours. It’s less than one round of golf. But whatever…good for the troops to see him; meeting the President is probably very cool. If he gave hats, if they got hats signed…who the fuck really cares?

As for Iraq. That we still are over there fifteen years after and we can’t land the President in daylight is a sign that we did not do jack shit that was worth the blood and treasure we spent over there. It should be a very potent reminder for the next time we decide we want to send troops somewhere and predict we’ll be out in 90 days or whatever. There is no counter argument to the fact that we have not succeeded.

With that, I leave the thread. Best wishes.
“If it were troops handing ‘Yes We Can’ items to Obama for him to sign, CNN would either be touting it or not talking about it because it would be fine and a given that the President had their support. But not for this President. This is CNN.”

CNN Decries U.S. Troops in Iraq Who Had Their MAGA Hats Signed by Trump

The scary part for CNN is that the troops had MAGA hats.
Did they bring them with them, or were they provided for the photo op?
If the latter, I expect CNN would be going all "plastic turkey" about it.

This sure puts a dent in the whole, "The troops will side with our overthrow of the president" dream.

Read your own article and stop flashing on headlines, moron.
Starr is correct:
"Because this is very much against military policy and regulation. Troops are not supposed to be involved in political activities. The U.S. military is not a political force. And there's no question, the saying "Trump 2020" and "Make America Great Again," those are political slogans of a Trump campaign they are not governmental sayings, to say the least."""

“If it were troops handing ‘Yes We Can’ items to Obama for him to sign, CNN would either be touting it or not talking about it because it would be fine and a given that the President had their support. But not for this President. This is CNN.”

CNN Decries U.S. Troops in Iraq Who Had Their MAGA Hats Signed by Trump

The scary part for CNN is that the troops had MAGA hats.
Did they bring them with them, or were they provided for the photo op?
If the latter, I expect CNN would be going all "plastic turkey" about it.

This sure puts a dent in the whole, "The troops will side with our overthrow of the president" dream.

Pretty pathetic of CNN, but what else would one expect.

The best asking for an autograph from a president I have seen took place with Bill. He came to the base I was at and we lined up to greet him getting off AF1 (one of the benefits of working Base Operations). As he was going through the line one of our ATC folks handed him a book to was Rush Limabaugh's "See I told you So". Clinton took it, signed it and gave it back. On the inside he wrote "don't believe everything you read". :21::21::21:

Our guy FAXed a copy to Rush and he talked about it on his show!

During the first BRAC in 1993 the base I worked at was on the list. We were ultimately removed, but it was touch and go. Anyway, I sent Slick Willie a letter and it was selected out of the many POTUS receive each week and delivered to his desk. I detailed the value of our base and also told him although I did not vote for you, as my CIC, you have my respect. I ended the letter with an apology for my LSU Tigers wiping the floor with his Razorbacks. He wrote me a nice letter explaining why BRAC was required.

In 2009, I shook his hand on Kwajalein when he was on his way to NK to seek release of the captive journalist

Looking back, Bill Clinton did a pretty good job and made Obama look like a left wing radical


I worked on the BRAC proposal to keep my air station open..small world. We too got spared, having a mile long runway and being an alternative Shuttle landing spot put us over the top I think!

I agree with your view of Cliont, I would not have left him alone with my daughter or wife, but we have not had a bettter POTUS since him...the jury is still out on the current on.
He announced an end to major combat operations. He did say that right?
So the Commander and Chief visits his troops during Christmas and tells his combat troops currently fighting in harm's way that there is / has been a change in their mission that will affect them soon....and butt-hurt snowflakes wanting to spin everything as an attack declares this to be a 'political event'?


Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?

Just answer the question.
View attachment 237076
/——/ You can’t prove that.
Did Obama in his eight years of office ever hand out "Yes, We Can" signs for troops to sign? If not, this thread is an absolute fail.

Obama wishes the troops would want anything from him. They fucking hated his guts.
No we did not....that is a lie put out by Deplorables.
Oh no! Trump did something that CNN didnt like.

Funny, CNN loved everything Hillary did, including LYING to the American public and rigging the Dem primaries.

Its not just CNN, its all people who don't want our military used as props.
If a Democrat President visited the troops, you wouldn't complain about them being used as props.
Did Obama in his eight years of office ever hand out "Yes, We Can" signs for troops to sign? If not, this thread is an absolute fail.

Obama wishes the troops would want anything from him. They fucking hated his guts.
No we did not....that is a lie put out by Deplorables.
Oh no! Trump did something that CNN didnt like.

Funny, CNN loved everything Hillary did, including LYING to the American public and rigging the Dem primaries.

Its not just CNN, its all people who don't want our military used as props.
If a Democrat President visited the troops, you wouldn't complain about them being used as props.

Democratic Presidents don't hand out stupid campaign hats and lie about wages to them.

But your guy does.
Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?
Again, if you have a problem with the troops showing appreciation for and loyalty to their Commander and Chief and President, that is an OBVIOUS snowflake problem, especially since you traitors have yet to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and cease your attempted coup.

Again did cadet bone spurs sign maga 2020 hats at the rally?

Simple question little fragile flake.
Yes, Trump signed MAGA hats. You're repeating facts
Did cadet bone spurs sign trump campaign 2020 hats at the event or not?
Again, if you have a problem with the troops showing appreciation for and loyalty to their Commander and Chief and President, that is an OBVIOUS snowflake problem, especially since you traitors have yet to accept the outcome of the 2016 election and cease your attempted coup.

Again did cadet bone spurs sign maga 2020 hats at the rally?

Simple question little fragile flake.
If Trump was in my neighborhood, I'd ask him to sign my MAGA hat. What's your point?
But you never served and you most certainly are not serving uniform...on duty....

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