CNN drops the bomb: admits Biden knew the debate questions ahead of time

We all knew they were going to do this for Joe, just as they did it for Hillary.

But for them to admit on air is a shocker.

"He goes through six days of preparation at camp David... They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time."

There is a reason he doesn’t do unscripted press conferences.
We all knew they were going to do this for Joe, just as they did it for Hillary.

But for them to admit on air is a shocker.

"He goes through six days of preparation at camp David... They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time."

If he knew the questions in advanced and fucked up that badly, Joe Biden truly is an idiot. :laughing0301:
We all knew they were going to do this for Joe, just as they did it for Hillary.

But for them to admit on air is a shocker.

"He goes through six days of preparation at camp David... They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time."

You weren't supposed to notice that.
We all knew they were going to do this for Joe, just as they did it for Hillary.

But for them to admit on air is a shocker.

"He goes through six days of preparation at camp David... They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time."

They both knew what topics would be covered, in what order. That's SOP for those debates.
We all knew they were going to do this for Joe, just as they did it for Hillary.

But for them to admit on air is a shocker.

"He goes through six days of preparation at camp David... They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time."

Well, to be fair, I don't think she said that they gave him the questions. It is safe to assume certain questions will be asked and the people around himk know that.

I don't doubt they gave him a list of the questions, but I don't see this as an admission of that.
We all knew they were going to do this for Joe, just as they did it for Hillary.

But for them to admit on air is a shocker.

"He goes through six days of preparation at camp David... They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time."

That's not an admission.

We all knew what questions they would ask.

The trick is answering them properly.

I don't know if the media discussed trying to putting a hearing device the help him, but it's clear he's unable to repeat anything that's said to him.

16 advisers probably tried to see what they could get away with, and they decided to go to plan-B. Exposing Biden and giving themselves a rational sounding excuse to have him removed.
We all knew they were going to do this for Joe, just as they did it for Hillary.

But for them to admit on air is a shocker.

"He goes through six days of preparation at camp David... They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time."

When Dana asked the abortion question and said "this is the same question" it was clear to me that she was sending a cue to him to repeat the prepared statement on abortion that he and his team had gone over.

I said this when they raised the question about black voters and his eyes lit up, it was as if he had that prepared and was confidence in his ability to regurgitate his prepared remarks to the question he knew was coming.

Biden said he intends to debate again in September. The question is, who is running this debate and how will he be more energized next time?
When Dana asked the abortion question and said "this is the same question" it was clear to me that she was sending a cue to him to repeat the prepared statement on abortion that he and his team had gone over.

I said this when they raised the question about black voters and his eyes lit up, it was as if he had that prepared and was confidence in his ability to regurgitate his prepared remarks to the question he knew was coming.

Biden said he intends to debate again in September. The question is, who is running this debate and how will he be more energized next time?

After last night I have my doubts he'll be capable of another debate in September. He's fading fast
We all knew they were going to do this for Joe, just as they did it for Hillary.

But for them to admit on air is a shocker.

"He goes through six days of preparation at camp David... They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time."

It did seem like he was attempting to read a prepared answer off a teleprompter and trying to make it sound natural, and failing miserably.

I wonder if Pedo Joe was reading answers from a teleprompter on one of those Mojo Vision contact lens displays.

I certainly wouldn't put it past the cheating Democrats. If that's the latest scam they tried to pull off against the American people, it quite obviously backfired horribly.
In President Tater's defense, I think that the bar was simply placed too high for him to meet, going into the debate...

And they want you idiots to believe 81 million voters voted for that!!!!

What's that say about obammy?
And they want you idiots to believe 81 million voters voted for that!!!!

What's that say about obammy?
Back to vigorously trying to invalidate Trump
Watch for some big new persecution prosecution this week
It’s the only avenue for them

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