CNN/ORC Poll: Bush surges to 2016 GOP frontrunner

Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions, Trey Gowdy, Mike Lee, Dr Carson, Alan West... shall I go on?

How did you ever get so full of shit?

Hence the word "viable"

See, it was a clown question bro. You are defining viable. Who gives a shit what a Marxist considers "viable?"

Viable means a chance to win

Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions, Trey Gowdy, Mike Lee, Dr Carson, Alan West have no chance

Reagan had no chance either, remember?
Ted Kennedy had a lot to do with Reagan's win.

Its really not that hard to figure out.....

Nothing is hard for you to figure out big guy, you skip past understanding what you are talking about.

Republicans will select Jeb Bush because they are conservatives. Conservatives do not go with fringe candidates or unknown rising stars. Republicans select the safe and comfortable candidates....Bush fits the bill

Democrats are notorious for selecting outside the box. That is why you get candidates like Jimmy Carter, Mike Dukakis, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Both parties tend to jump on the bandwagon for whoever seems to lead early thinking they will have the best chance to win. Neither of them really looks at the quality of the candidate, which is why both lists are filled with such pathetically bad candidates.
Do the far righties actually BELIEVE that their opinions are shared by more people than the opinions of moderates?

You're making it up Jake. I'm not saying conservatives voted for the Democrat, I'm saying they stayed home. Which they did. They didn't vote for the Democrat clone candidate. Ditto me. I voted for Perot in 92, then Libertarian in three (Browne, Browne, Badnarik, then Ralph Nader before finally breaking my streak and voting for Romney because Obama was finally bad enough to actually vote for the lesser evil. My hurdle for the Republicans is incredibly low, but they can't clear it. Not even close. Lots of conservatives were the same, it wasn't worth voting for the Republican..

The evidence shows that conservatives DID NOT stay home as you suggest.

In 2012 conservatives made up 35% of the electorate.
In 2008 conservatives made up 34% of the electorate.

(In 1980 - "the Reagan Revolution" - Conservatives made up 28% of the electorate)

So this narrative that "Conservatives stayed home in 2008 and 2012" is false - and proven false by the numbers.

2004 - 34%
2000 - 29%
1996 - 33%
1992 - 30%
1988 - 33%
1984 - 33%

Mitt Romney gave you the highest turnout among conservatives in at least 32 years!

I'm sorry if it goes against what you'd LIKE people to think but the numbers don't lie. The GOP has maxed out on what they are going to get from the far right. The only ground they can make up is among moderates where a Republican has NEVER won without getting at least 45% of the moderate vote since 1980. Romney and McCain lost the moderate vote by more than that.

THAT is why they lost.

Every narrative you guys try to trot out to try to justify a shift to the right:

"Conservatives stayed home" or "Romney won the moderates and STILL lost"

Has been proven false by the actual numbers. Who is telling you this crap?

Would you rather lose on Fantasy Island or win in the real world?

Hillary Clinton called herself a "fiscal conservative." I reject your definition of self described. Jake says he's a Republican. Self described is meaningless.

Doesn't matter what you accept and it's not MY definition (as I think you are probably aware - not sure why you tried to attribute it to me).

The numbers don't lie. You can continue to lose where you live on fantasy island - or you can make the journey to the real world where you may be more successful.

You think that anyone who thinks government shouldn't make our choices for us lives on fantasy island? I wouldn't be lecturing anyone on the "real world." In the real world, government are power hungry and unaccountable and make crappy choices.
Why aren't you addressing the numbers?

I did, I said they are irrelevant.
Ignore the facts - they are "irrelevant."
"My disproven theories are better than facts"
"Oh, and you're an asshole."

And people wonder why they get called "wingnut" ??????????????????????
Right, the Republican party used to be Marxists, but they aren't now so you had to go to the Democrats. I'm convinced. Sure you were.


You may want to look up that particular fallacy since you don't know what it means. For it to be a strawman, I would have to have said RW claimed Republicans were Marxist. I didn't say that, I was expressing my view, not saying he said that. Note there are no quotes and I didn't say he actually said that. It was my interpretation of what he said. That isn't a strawman. Sorry. . Liberals crack me up, you hear a word and want to use it, and you do it like you repeat Democratic Party talking points, without research or understanding, just full parrot. LOL.
So why did Romney lose you ask? Simple, BECAUSE HE DIDN'T GET THE ***CONSERVATIVE*** VOTE.
Are you seriously saying that the Right-Wing stayed home in 2012? Because that's easily disproven with the numbers, compared with past elections.

Also, what Right-Winger missed the chance to get the Kenyan Usurper out of office?

More conservatives voted for Romney than any other Presidential candidate.

Just look at the exit polls.

In 2012, 35% of the electorate was conservative, and Romney won 82% of the conservative vote. 129 million people voted. Do the math 129mm x 35% x 82% = 37 million conservatives voted for Romney.

If you do the same math for 2008 and 2004, 35 million conservatives voted for both McCain and Bush while 25 million conservatives voted for Bush in 2000.

There are some on the far right who can't accept it, but you and I have both provided all the data. The GOP has clearly maxed out on what they can get from the far right. Trying to appease this group further makes absolutely NO sense and if they demand it, they will cost themselves the White House. In at least 32 years, no GOP candidate has won the White House without getting at least 45% of the moderate vote.


Here's how many conservatives voted for the Republican candidate (in millions), and the percent of the electorate who said they were conservative.

2012 37mm, 35%
2008 34.8mm, 34%
2004 34.9mm, 34%
2000 24.8mm, 29%
1996 23.6mm, 34%
1992 20mm, 30%
1988 24.5mm, 33%
1984 25.1mm, 33%
1980 17.7mm, 28%
1976 17.7mm, 31%

So not only did Romney win more conservative votes than any other candidate in history, conservatives made up more of the electorate in at least the last 10 elections. So the idea that Romney and McCain lost because conservatives stayed home is pure fiction.

The only election where this seems to be the case was in 1992 when Bush only won 64% of conservatives, the lowest in at least the last 10 elections.
So why did Romney lose you ask? Simple, BECAUSE HE DIDN'T GET THE ***CONSERVATIVE*** VOTE.
Are you seriously saying that the Right-Wing stayed home in 2012? Because that's easily disproven with the numbers, compared with past elections.

Also, what Right-Winger missed the chance to get the Kenyan Usurper out of office?

More conservatives voted for Romney than any other Presidential candidate.

Just look at the exit polls.

In 2012, 35% of the electorate was conservative, and Romney won 82% of the conservative vote. 129 million people voted. Do the math 129mm x 35% x 82% = 37 million conservatives voted for Romney.

If you do the same math for 2008 and 2004, 35 million conservatives voted for both McCain and Bush while 25 million conservatives voted for Bush in 2000.

There are some on the far right who can't accept it, but you and I have both provided all the data. The GOP has clearly maxed out on what they can get from the far right. Trying to appease this group further makes absolutely NO sense and if they demand it, they will cost themselves the White House. In at least 32 years, no GOP candidate has won the White House without getting at least 45% of the moderate vote.


Here's how many conservatives voted for the Republican candidate (in millions), and the percent of the electorate who said they were conservative.

2012 37mm, 35%
2008 34.8mm, 34%
2004 34.9mm, 34%
2000 24.8mm, 29%
1996 23.6mm, 34%
1992 20mm, 30%
1988 24.5mm, 33%
1984 25.1mm, 33%
1980 17.7mm, 28%
1976 17.7mm, 31%

So not only did Romney win more conservative votes than any other candidate in history, conservatives made up more of the electorate in at least the last 10 elections. So the idea that Romney and McCain lost because conservatives stayed home is pure fiction.

The only election where this seems to be the case was in 1992 when Bush only won 64% of conservatives, the lowest in at least the last 10 elections.

Hillary Clinton says she is a fiscal conservative.
So why did Romney lose you ask? Simple, BECAUSE HE DIDN'T GET THE ***CONSERVATIVE*** VOTE.
Are you seriously saying that the Right-Wing stayed home in 2012? Because that's easily disproven with the numbers, compared with past elections.

Also, what Right-Winger missed the chance to get the Kenyan Usurper out of office?

More conservatives voted for Romney than any other Presidential candidate.

Just look at the exit polls.

In 2012, 35% of the electorate was conservative, and Romney won 82% of the conservative vote. 129 million people voted. Do the math 129mm x 35% x 82% = 37 million conservatives voted for Romney.

If you do the same math for 2008 and 2004, 35 million conservatives voted for both McCain and Bush while 25 million conservatives voted for Bush in 2000.

There are some on the far right who can't accept it, but you and I have both provided all the data. The GOP has clearly maxed out on what they can get from the far right. Trying to appease this group further makes absolutely NO sense and if they demand it, they will cost themselves the White House. In at least 32 years, no GOP candidate has won the White House without getting at least 45% of the moderate vote.


Here's how many conservatives voted for the Republican candidate (in millions), and the percent of the electorate who said they were conservative.

2012 37mm, 35%
2008 34.8mm, 34%
2004 34.9mm, 34%
2000 24.8mm, 29%
1996 23.6mm, 34%
1992 20mm, 30%
1988 24.5mm, 33%
1984 25.1mm, 33%
1980 17.7mm, 28%
1976 17.7mm, 31%

So not only did Romney win more conservative votes than any other candidate in history, conservatives made up more of the electorate in at least the last 10 elections. So the idea that Romney and McCain lost because conservatives stayed home is pure fiction.

The only election where this seems to be the case was in 1992 when Bush only won 64% of conservatives, the lowest in at least the last 10 elections.

Hillary Clinton says she is a fiscal conservative.

What says she isn't?
Its really not that hard to figure out.....

Nothing is hard for you to figure out big guy, you skip past understanding what you are talking about.

Republicans will select Jeb Bush because they are conservatives. Conservatives do not go with fringe candidates or unknown rising stars. Republicans select the safe and comfortable candidates....Bush fits the bill

Democrats are notorious for selecting outside the box. That is why you get candidates like Jimmy Carter, Mike Dukakis, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Both parties tend to jump on the bandwagon for whoever seems to lead early thinking they will have the best chance to win. Neither of them really looks at the quality of the candidate, which is why both lists are filled with such pathetically bad candidates.

Candidates are not "selected" they have to win a series of primaries in order to gain a nomination. Many well known candidates have crashed and burned in the primaries.

A "Quality Candidate" still has to go through a series of debates and primaries to convince the public that they are up to the job. Some succeed ...many fail
So why did Romney lose you ask? Simple, BECAUSE HE DIDN'T GET THE ***CONSERVATIVE*** VOTE.
Are you seriously saying that the Right-Wing stayed home in 2012? Because that's easily disproven with the numbers, compared with past elections.

Also, what Right-Winger missed the chance to get the Kenyan Usurper out of office?

More conservatives voted for Romney than any other Presidential candidate.

Just look at the exit polls.

In 2012, 35% of the electorate was conservative, and Romney won 82% of the conservative vote. 129 million people voted. Do the math 129mm x 35% x 82% = 37 million conservatives voted for Romney.

If you do the same math for 2008 and 2004, 35 million conservatives voted for both McCain and Bush while 25 million conservatives voted for Bush in 2000.

There are some on the far right who can't accept it, but you and I have both provided all the data. The GOP has clearly maxed out on what they can get from the far right. Trying to appease this group further makes absolutely NO sense and if they demand it, they will cost themselves the White House. In at least 32 years, no GOP candidate has won the White House without getting at least 45% of the moderate vote.


Here's how many conservatives voted for the Republican candidate (in millions), and the percent of the electorate who said they were conservative.

2012 37mm, 35%
2008 34.8mm, 34%
2004 34.9mm, 34%
2000 24.8mm, 29%
1996 23.6mm, 34%
1992 20mm, 30%
1988 24.5mm, 33%
1984 25.1mm, 33%
1980 17.7mm, 28%
1976 17.7mm, 31%

So not only did Romney win more conservative votes than any other candidate in history, conservatives made up more of the electorate in at least the last 10 elections. So the idea that Romney and McCain lost because conservatives stayed home is pure fiction.

The only election where this seems to be the case was in 1992 when Bush only won 64% of conservatives, the lowest in at least the last 10 elections.

Hillary Clinton says she is a fiscal conservative.

That's nice.
Do the far righties actually BELIEVE that their opinions are shared by more people than the opinions of moderates?


You aren't a moderate, you are a leftist.

Coming from someone who is so far to the right, David Duke is a little too liberal - ANYONE appears to be a leftist.

And the reason you are so out of touch is because you reject facts and data (and reality) as "irrelevant." That's fine - in America you are free to set up shop on fantasy island if you choose. Just don't be surprised (or blame the media) when people realize you are not in touch with reality.
So why did Romney lose you ask? Simple, BECAUSE HE DIDN'T GET THE ***CONSERVATIVE*** VOTE.
Are you seriously saying that the Right-Wing stayed home in 2012? Because that's easily disproven with the numbers, compared with past elections.

Also, what Right-Winger missed the chance to get the Kenyan Usurper out of office?

More conservatives voted for Romney than any other Presidential candidate.

Just look at the exit polls.

In 2012, 35% of the electorate was conservative, and Romney won 82% of the conservative vote. 129 million people voted. Do the math 129mm x 35% x 82% = 37 million conservatives voted for Romney.

If you do the same math for 2008 and 2004, 35 million conservatives voted for both McCain and Bush while 25 million conservatives voted for Bush in 2000.

There are some on the far right who can't accept it, but you and I have both provided all the data. The GOP has clearly maxed out on what they can get from the far right. Trying to appease this group further makes absolutely NO sense and if they demand it, they will cost themselves the White House. In at least 32 years, no GOP candidate has won the White House without getting at least 45% of the moderate vote.


Here's how many conservatives voted for the Republican candidate (in millions), and the percent of the electorate who said they were conservative.

2012 37mm, 35%
2008 34.8mm, 34%
2004 34.9mm, 34%
2000 24.8mm, 29%
1996 23.6mm, 34%
1992 20mm, 30%
1988 24.5mm, 33%
1984 25.1mm, 33%
1980 17.7mm, 28%
1976 17.7mm, 31%

So not only did Romney win more conservative votes than any other candidate in history, conservatives made up more of the electorate in at least the last 10 elections. So the idea that Romney and McCain lost because conservatives stayed home is pure fiction.

The only election where this seems to be the case was in 1992 when Bush only won 64% of conservatives, the lowest in at least the last 10 elections.

Great points. But in '92 conservatives were still 30% of the electorate - just about 3 points behind normal. So I don't think they stayed home in droves or anything. But Perot siphoned off about 18% of them and Clinton got 18% of the conservative vote too.
Are you seriously saying that the Right-Wing stayed home in 2012? Because that's easily disproven with the numbers, compared with past elections.

Also, what Right-Winger missed the chance to get the Kenyan Usurper out of office?

More conservatives voted for Romney than any other Presidential candidate.

Just look at the exit polls.

In 2012, 35% of the electorate was conservative, and Romney won 82% of the conservative vote. 129 million people voted. Do the math 129mm x 35% x 82% = 37 million conservatives voted for Romney.

If you do the same math for 2008 and 2004, 35 million conservatives voted for both McCain and Bush while 25 million conservatives voted for Bush in 2000.

There are some on the far right who can't accept it, but you and I have both provided all the data. The GOP has clearly maxed out on what they can get from the far right. Trying to appease this group further makes absolutely NO sense and if they demand it, they will cost themselves the White House. In at least 32 years, no GOP candidate has won the White House without getting at least 45% of the moderate vote.


Here's how many conservatives voted for the Republican candidate (in millions), and the percent of the electorate who said they were conservative.

2012 37mm, 35%
2008 34.8mm, 34%
2004 34.9mm, 34%
2000 24.8mm, 29%
1996 23.6mm, 34%
1992 20mm, 30%
1988 24.5mm, 33%
1984 25.1mm, 33%
1980 17.7mm, 28%
1976 17.7mm, 31%

So not only did Romney win more conservative votes than any other candidate in history, conservatives made up more of the electorate in at least the last 10 elections. So the idea that Romney and McCain lost because conservatives stayed home is pure fiction.

The only election where this seems to be the case was in 1992 when Bush only won 64% of conservatives, the lowest in at least the last 10 elections.

Hillary Clinton says she is a fiscal conservative.

What says she isn't?

LOL, she's a tea partier, big guy. You people are funny.
Its really not that hard to figure out.....

Nothing is hard for you to figure out big guy, you skip past understanding what you are talking about.

Republicans will select Jeb Bush because they are conservatives. Conservatives do not go with fringe candidates or unknown rising stars. Republicans select the safe and comfortable candidates....Bush fits the bill

Democrats are notorious for selecting outside the box. That is why you get candidates like Jimmy Carter, Mike Dukakis, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

Both parties tend to jump on the bandwagon for whoever seems to lead early thinking they will have the best chance to win. Neither of them really looks at the quality of the candidate, which is why both lists are filled with such pathetically bad candidates.

Candidates are not "selected" they have to win a series of primaries in order to gain a nomination. Many well known candidates have crashed and burned in the primaries.

A "Quality Candidate" still has to go through a series of debates and primaries to convince the public that they are up to the job. Some succeed ...many fail

Interesting, so you finally decided to take a civics class?
Are you seriously saying that the Right-Wing stayed home in 2012? Because that's easily disproven with the numbers, compared with past elections.

Also, what Right-Winger missed the chance to get the Kenyan Usurper out of office?

More conservatives voted for Romney than any other Presidential candidate.

Just look at the exit polls.

In 2012, 35% of the electorate was conservative, and Romney won 82% of the conservative vote. 129 million people voted. Do the math 129mm x 35% x 82% = 37 million conservatives voted for Romney.

If you do the same math for 2008 and 2004, 35 million conservatives voted for both McCain and Bush while 25 million conservatives voted for Bush in 2000.

There are some on the far right who can't accept it, but you and I have both provided all the data. The GOP has clearly maxed out on what they can get from the far right. Trying to appease this group further makes absolutely NO sense and if they demand it, they will cost themselves the White House. In at least 32 years, no GOP candidate has won the White House without getting at least 45% of the moderate vote.


Here's how many conservatives voted for the Republican candidate (in millions), and the percent of the electorate who said they were conservative.

2012 37mm, 35%
2008 34.8mm, 34%
2004 34.9mm, 34%
2000 24.8mm, 29%
1996 23.6mm, 34%
1992 20mm, 30%
1988 24.5mm, 33%
1984 25.1mm, 33%
1980 17.7mm, 28%
1976 17.7mm, 31%

So not only did Romney win more conservative votes than any other candidate in history, conservatives made up more of the electorate in at least the last 10 elections. So the idea that Romney and McCain lost because conservatives stayed home is pure fiction.

The only election where this seems to be the case was in 1992 when Bush only won 64% of conservatives, the lowest in at least the last 10 elections.

Hillary Clinton says she is a fiscal conservative.

That's nice.

Didn't get it, huh? Self reported conservatives as the standard for conservatives is deeply flawed and proves nothing. Liberals often call themselves conservatives when they support confiscatory tax rates to pay for their spending. That isn't conservative, and they aren't the ones who stayed home.

Jake calls himself a Republican, RW calls himself an Eisenhower Republican. You can call yourself anything you want.
Do the far righties actually BELIEVE that their opinions are shared by more people than the opinions of moderates?


You aren't a moderate, you are a leftist.

Coming from someone who is so far to the right, David Duke is a little too liberal - ANYONE appears to be a leftist.

And the reason you are so out of touch is because you reject facts and data (and reality) as "irrelevant." That's fine - in America you are free to set up shop on fantasy island if you choose. Just don't be surprised (or blame the media) when people realize you are not in touch with reality.

You realize we can't hear the voices in your head, no?

As for your KKK reference, once again you show that you're just a dick. Fuck you, maggot.

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