CNN's Don Lemon Says White Men Are The Biggest Terror Threat

It's Stuff Like This That Wipes Out Every Ounce of Credibility CNN Has....At This Point They Are Definitely In the NEGATIVE / RED!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'

"CNN host Don Lemon is under fire after a disturbing, on-air rant in which he declared that “white men” are the biggest terror threat to the United States, noted that "there is no white-guy ban" and wondered aloud, "what do we do about that?"

Lemon doubled-down on 'STUPID' by saying this about the illegals / illegal caravan headed to the US border:

There is no travel ban on them,” Lemon said. “There is no ban on… you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no ‘white guy ban.’ So what do we do about that?”

:wtf: No, but there are existing Immigration Laws that both illegals and Democrats have ignored for decades, resulting in about 20+ MILION illegals - many unidentified, many violent, many illegal... - in this nation today.

CNN is a freaking RACIST, divisive Leftist JOKE!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'

Usual far left projection.

White males are the biggest threat... to them.
These people are not communist or anarchist, so they are not far left.

I don't care what you want to call them. They are enemies of America.
No, they get paid to make sure Social Security doesn't have to worry about paying your benefits to you since all they are hired for is to raise your blood pressure.
I don't have any damned guilt and I have to wonder if you believe your own bullshit, or understand what racism is. Lemon is reporting a fact on the news which is what news reporters do. The FACT is that victims of terrorism are more likely to suffer at the hands of a white male than anyone else

HE DID NOT SAY that white men are terrorists . He did not stereotype white men or paint them with a broad brush. He did not say the white men are likely to be or prone to be terrorists . THAT would be racist.
Now you're lying. You creatures are sick.
Oh really? What am I lying about-exactly???
You're lying about what Don Lemonhead said about white men.
Bullshit! Spell it out. He said that the biggest threat is from white men and that's true. If you think that is the same as saying that all white men are terrorists you are really fucked up.
He wants a ban on white men (except his boyfriend)

Where EXACTLY did he say that?
It's Stuff Like This That Wipes Out Every Ounce of Credibility CNN Has....At This Point They Are Definitely In the NEGATIVE / RED!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'

"CNN host Don Lemon is under fire after a disturbing, on-air rant in which he declared that “white men” are the biggest terror threat to the United States, noted that "there is no white-guy ban" and wondered aloud, "what do we do about that?"

Lemon doubled-down on 'STUPID' by saying this about the illegals / illegal caravan headed to the US border:

There is no travel ban on them,” Lemon said. “There is no ban on… you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no ‘white guy ban.’ So what do we do about that?”

:wtf: No, but there are existing Immigration Laws that both illegals and Democrats have ignored for decades, resulting in about 20+ MILION illegals - many unidentified, many violent, many illegal... - in this nation today.

CNN is a freaking RACIST, divisive Leftist JOKE!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'

Usual far left projection.

White males are the biggest threat... to them.
These people are not communist or anarchist, so they are not far left.

I don't care what you want to call them. They are enemies of America.
Careful Bros I am not sure but I think the KKK is coming for us, and this time they are not all white.
It's Stuff Like This That Wipes Out Every Ounce of Credibility CNN Has....At This Point They Are Definitely In the NEGATIVE / RED!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'

"CNN host Don Lemon is under fire after a disturbing, on-air rant in which he declared that “white men” are the biggest terror threat to the United States, noted that "there is no white-guy ban" and wondered aloud, "what do we do about that?"

Lemon doubled-down on 'STUPID' by saying this about the illegals / illegal caravan headed to the US border:

There is no travel ban on them,” Lemon said. “There is no ban on… you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no ‘white guy ban.’ So what do we do about that?”

:wtf: No, but there are existing Immigration Laws that both illegals and Democrats have ignored for decades, resulting in about 20+ MILION illegals - many unidentified, many violent, many illegal... - in this nation today.

CNN is a freaking RACIST, divisive Leftist JOKE!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'

Usual far left projection.

White males are the biggest threat... to them.
These people are not communist or anarchist, so they are not far left.

I don't care what you want to call them. They are enemies of America.
No, they get paid to make sure Social Security doesn't have to worry about paying your benefits to you since all they are hired for is to raise your blood pressure.
Hope they keep the BP up so I can keep posting.
And we get away with murder... Bha-wha-ha-hah!
It is amazing how often they feel the need to deny something they have not yet been accused of while ignoring what it is they are guilty of.
I pay no attention to attention whores in the media that includes the biggest whore of them all, Trump...

You don't pay attention to Trump? Then you obviously don't watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Public television or read the NY Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Time or Vanity Fair...Moony!
And we get away with murder... Bha-wha-ha-hah!
It is amazing how often they feel the need to deny something they have not yet been accused of while ignoring what it is they are guilty of.
I pay no attention to attention whores in the media that includes the biggest whore of them all, Trump...

You don't pay attention to Trump? Then you obviously don't watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Public television or read the NY Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Time or Vanity Fair...Moony!
I cut the cable five years ago..I don't need their problems in my perfect world..
I don't have any damned guilt and I have to wonder if you believe your own bullshit, or understand what racism is. Lemon is reporting a fact on the news which is what news reporters do. The FACT is that victims of terrorism are more likely to suffer at the hands of a white male than anyone else

HE DID NOT SAY that white men are terrorists . He did not stereotype white men or paint them with a broad brush. He did not say the white men are likely to be or prone to be terrorists . THAT would be racist.
Now you're lying. You creatures are sick.
Oh really? What am I lying about-exactly???
You're lying about what Don Lemonhead said about white men.
Bullshit! Spell it out. He said that the biggest threat is from white men and that's true. If you think that is the same as saying that all white men are terrorists you are really fucked up.
Fuck you, you racist piece of shit. You need you're racist nose busted. I'll take the ban.
Holy shit Dude!! Did you just spit up on yourself??! Better take a chill pill and call the crisis line. I didn't mean to push you over the edge. I thought that you might have had an emotional age of an adult but I guess that I was wrong
It's Stuff Like This That Wipes Out Every Ounce of Credibility CNN Has....At This Point They Are Definitely In the NEGATIVE / RED!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'

"CNN host Don Lemon is under fire after a disturbing, on-air rant in which he declared that “white men” are the biggest terror threat to the United States, noted that "there is no white-guy ban" and wondered aloud, "what do we do about that?"

Lemon doubled-down on 'STUPID' by saying this about the illegals / illegal caravan headed to the US border:

There is no travel ban on them,” Lemon said. “There is no ban on… you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no ‘white guy ban.’ So what do we do about that?”

:wtf: No, but there are existing Immigration Laws that both illegals and Democrats have ignored for decades, resulting in about 20+ MILION illegals - many unidentified, many violent, many illegal... - in this nation today.

CNN is a freaking RACIST, divisive Leftist JOKE!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'
Democrats ignored, you dipshit, since Reagan and his amnesty the majority of presidents have been republican and the illegals never were stopped during their tenure..

So lie some more cause that is all you gotz!
Obama completely ignored existing Immigration Law, attempted to give illegals 'Rights' even American citizens did not have, protected illegals / violent illegals / MS13 / human traffickers and armed Mexican Drug Cartels...not to mention aiding / abetting / protecting Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities and the Democrats running them.

Obama openly declared he had no authority to affect Immigration Law then tried to issue his own 'Dreamer' EDICT via Executive I find it funny how snowflakes who had no problem with that admitted Obama attempt to violate the Constitution have a problem with President Trump taking a page out of Obama's book to end the 'anchor baby' issue. :p
“I keep trying to point out to people not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity, but we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is something else," Lemon said. "Some people who are marching towards the border like it’s imminent. And the last time they did this, a couple of hundred people came and they, you know, most of them didn’t get into the country. Most of them got tuckered out before they even made it to the border,” Lemon told his CNN colleague. “So we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.”

Can you prove him wrong or are you gonna do the oh my! pee-pee dance again?
22 million illegals in the United States....

Done....drop mic...walk off.
It's Stuff Like This That Wipes Out Every Ounce of Credibility CNN Has....At This Point They Are Definitely In the NEGATIVE / RED!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'

"CNN host Don Lemon is under fire after a disturbing, on-air rant in which he declared that “white men” are the biggest terror threat to the United States, noted that "there is no white-guy ban" and wondered aloud, "what do we do about that?"

Lemon doubled-down on 'STUPID' by saying this about the illegals / illegal caravan headed to the US border:

There is no travel ban on them,” Lemon said. “There is no ban on… you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no ‘white guy ban.’ So what do we do about that?”

:wtf: No, but there are existing Immigration Laws that both illegals and Democrats have ignored for decades, resulting in about 20+ MILION illegals - many unidentified, many violent, many illegal... - in this nation today.

CNN is a freaking RACIST, divisive Leftist JOKE!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'
Democrats ignored, you dipshit, since Reagan and his amnesty the majority of presidents have been republican and the illegals never were stopped during their tenure..

So lie some more cause that is all you gotz!
Obama completely ignored existing Immigration Law, attempted to give illegals 'Rights' even American citizens did not have, protected illegals / violent illegals / MS13 / human traffickers and armed Mexican Drug Cartels...not to mention aiding / abetting / protecting Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities and the Democrats running them.

Obama openly declared he had no authority to affect Immigration Law then tried to issue his own 'Dreamer' EDICT via Executive I find it funny how snowflakes who had no problem with that admitted Obama attempt to violate the Constitution have a problem with President Trump taking a page out of Obama's book to end the 'anchor baby' issue. :p
I wanted to kick him in the nutz for doing that..
And we get away with murder... Bha-wha-ha-hah!
It is amazing how often they feel the need to deny something they have not yet been accused of while ignoring what it is they are guilty of.
I pay no attention to attention whores in the media that includes the biggest whore of them all, Trump...

You don't pay attention to Trump? Then you obviously don't watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Public television or read the NY Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Time or Vanity Fair...Moony!
I cut the cable five years ago..I don't need their problems in my perfect world..

Your world is perfect? You might want to venture out from whatever rock you're hiding under, Moony! The world kind of sucks right now and it's been getting that way LONG before Trump took over!
“I keep trying to point out to people not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity, but we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is something else," Lemon said. "Some people who are marching towards the border like it’s imminent. And the last time they did this, a couple of hundred people came and they, you know, most of them didn’t get into the country. Most of them got tuckered out before they even made it to the border,” Lemon told his CNN colleague. “So we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.”

Can you prove him wrong or are you gonna do the oh my! pee-pee dance again?
22 million illegals in the United States....

Done....drop mic...walk off.
Thank the rich and their politician puppets...
And we get away with murder... Bha-wha-ha-hah!
It is amazing how often they feel the need to deny something they have not yet been accused of while ignoring what it is they are guilty of.
I pay no attention to attention whores in the media that includes the biggest whore of them all, Trump...

You don't pay attention to Trump? Then you obviously don't watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Public television or read the NY Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Time or Vanity Fair...Moony!
I cut the cable five years ago..I don't need their problems in my perfect world..

Your world is perfect? You might want to venture out from whatever rock you're hiding under, Moony! The world kind of sucks right now and it's been getting that way LONG before Trump took over!
That is why I isolated myself from (in)humanity..
I wanted to kick him in the nutz for doing that..
That's a fine emotional response...he should have been Impeached...Censured at the very least.

The 'domestic threat' knowingly violated the Constitution to impose his socialist agenda on Americans...and not the 1st time he had violated the Constitution.
I wanted to kick him in the nutz for doing that..
That's a fine emotional response...he should have been Impeached...Censured at the very least.

The 'domestic threat' knowingly violated the Constitution to impose his socialist agenda on Americans...and not the 1st time he had violated the Constitution.
Reagan to Oblama pizzed me off on their immigration policy of turning a blind eye...Now I run an ad for work I only do individuals, if a contractor or builder contacts me I give him a high estimate for screwing me over before the crash...
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It's Stuff Like This That Wipes Out Every Ounce of Credibility CNN Has....At This Point They Are Definitely In the NEGATIVE / RED!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'

"CNN host Don Lemon is under fire after a disturbing, on-air rant in which he declared that “white men” are the biggest terror threat to the United States, noted that "there is no white-guy ban" and wondered aloud, "what do we do about that?"

Lemon doubled-down on 'STUPID' by saying this about the illegals / illegal caravan headed to the US border:

There is no travel ban on them,” Lemon said. “There is no ban on… you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no ‘white guy ban.’ So what do we do about that?”

:wtf: No, but there are existing Immigration Laws that both illegals and Democrats have ignored for decades, resulting in about 20+ MILION illegals - many unidentified, many violent, many illegal... - in this nation today.

CNN is a freaking RACIST, divisive Leftist JOKE!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'
Ok if I agree, will they fire the white guys on CNN, CBS, NBC and hire black guys. OK
It's Stuff Like This That Wipes Out Every Ounce of Credibility CNN Has....At This Point They Are Definitely In the NEGATIVE / RED!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'

"CNN host Don Lemon is under fire after a disturbing, on-air rant in which he declared that “white men” are the biggest terror threat to the United States, noted that "there is no white-guy ban" and wondered aloud, "what do we do about that?"

Lemon doubled-down on 'STUPID' by saying this about the illegals / illegal caravan headed to the US border:

There is no travel ban on them,” Lemon said. “There is no ban on… you know, they had the Muslim ban. There is no ‘white guy ban.’ So what do we do about that?”

:wtf: No, but there are existing Immigration Laws that both illegals and Democrats have ignored for decades, resulting in about 20+ MILION illegals - many unidentified, many violent, many illegal... - in this nation today.

CNN is a freaking RACIST, divisive Leftist JOKE!

CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'
Democrats ignored, you dipshit, since Reagan and his amnesty the majority of presidents have been republican and the illegals never were stopped during their tenure..

So lie some more cause that is all you gotz!
Then its about time someone put his foot down, and it took a outsider to do it. That is one reason I voted for the Jerk.

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