Columbus statue to be removed in California

Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.
Look at all yours first. Its like a who's who of parasites. Where are the cutting edge genius's that create tens of millions of jobs and new technologies? Inventors and Industrialists? This is what the civil rights laws passed in the mid 1960's was supposed to develop. Instead there is hate and animosity with massive changes in hiring to make the Great Society even appear to be successful. People are waiting. People have been deprived to give to you. Now show us what you got. Be Americans and not Africans.
Obviously you arent aware of all the Black inventors and innovators despite racists trying to hold them back. Frankly I dont wish to waste my time helping you become familiar with them because you'll just find another excuse to remain willfully ignorant.
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.

Columbus was a tremendous paisan. The Consensus of his day from the Scientific community was that the Earth was as flat as a pancake and if you went too far West, you'd fall off the edge.

Chris said "bullshit" to that and filled up a convoy of 3 boats with his goombas and enough provisions to get to India on Oct 12, 1492, he discovered America.
Good shit. columbus was a fucking bum.

Columbus was a tremendous paisan. The Consensus of his day from the Scientific community was that the Earth was as flat as a pancake and if you went too far West, you'd fall off the edge.

Chris said "bullshit" to that and filled up a convoy of 3 boats with his goombas and enough provisions to get to India on Oct 12, 1492, he discovered America.

Fuck columbus. Someone should dig up his grave burn whats left and shit on it.

" Columbus ignored the King and Queen’s order that he “abstain from doing … (the inhabitants) any injury.” For example, he created in 1495 the “tribute system” requiring every person over 14 to provide him with a “hawk’s bell” of gold every three months. Those who complied were given a “token” to wear around their neck. Those who didn’t comply, as Columbus’ son Fernando reported, were “punished by having their hands cut off” and “left to bleed to death.” About 10,000 in Haiti and the Dominican Republic were victimized. Many of the indigenous people were — while alive — “roasted on spits (i.e., slender pointed rods) … and burn(ed) … at the stake” ... and the invaders “hack(ed) the … children into pieces.” Also, Columbus’ men “tore the babes from their mother’s breast by their feet and dashed their heads against the rocks … They ‘splitted’ the bodies of other babes, together with their mothers … on their swords.” As noted by Spanish historian and Catholic priest Bartolome de las Casas, who witnessed much of the carnage, Columbus, in order “to test the sharpness of their blades,” directed his men “to cut off the legs of children who ran from them.” His crew would “pour … people full of boiling soap” and cause others to be “eaten (alive by) … hunting dogs.” And if Columbus’ brigade ran out of meat for their vicious dogs, “Arawak babies were killed for dog food.

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