Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
THERE IS A DEEP STATE. Comey committed numerous crimes and so did McCabe, Strozk and others. They will all walk without even a slap on the wrist, even though they could all be charged with treason and hung or face a firing squad.

If the Deep State defended The Criminal Actions of Clinton and Obama, these guys also will get off Scott Free.
Why did we bother fighting the British? We were much freer as a Colony
Said nobody ever.
Vince foster

Is it healthy to wrap yourself in tin foil?
go look it up on the internet. let us know what you find

A lot of wingnut crybabies who aren't happy with reality. But if someone says it on the internet it must be true.
Deutsche bank!
White supremacist!

What was that you were saying about the internet?


Those items are covered by more than just random internet conspiracy theorists. But if you think Trump the guy who cheated on all of his wives isn't proof enough....
It’s ironic that you guys went “justice“ for Hillary and James Comey when it was actually Donald Trump who turned over top-secret material to Russian spies in the oval office.

And you tell me I’m dishonest?

Yes, you’re dishonest.
Then I’m guessing that you are honest enough to admit that Donald Trump kicked Americans out of the oval office and then brought in Russian spies and gave them top-secret material. It’s not like we don’t have pictures




Thought so.
Ooo, you got pictures!

Do you even listen to yourself?

The President has the authority to share whatever intel he wants with our allies.

The pictures came from Russia. The American press was kicked out. Only the Russian press was allowed in. Otherwise we wouldn’t even have known that he turned over classified material to Vladimir Putin. We learned it from the Russian press.

You’re fine with that? Do you think that’s great? You’re OK with the president doing that? I believe you are a Russian troll. Because if somebody in Russia did that to help the American president they would be blindfolded in front of an armed squad.

More gibberish from dean. He kicked US press out but allowed Russian press in, but yet then “turned over classified material” over in front of them.
What other actions should he have taken? You cannot answer that, can you?
Solitary confinement / under protective custody, guarded by more than just your average prison guard who were proven either incompetent or complicit in his murder....IMO
with cameras. multiple cameras

I think he thinks we're stupid. projecting again.
What if the know....malfunction....and then other know.....aren't even pointed at the subject of discussion here.....?

Can 7 foot tall Comey find a way to hang himself from a 4 ft tall bunk bed?

So those decisions fall to the Attorney general of the United States?

BTW, the top bunk was 5 feet from the ground and he did a leaning hang, which meant his feet were on the floor already! At least that was the story told.
Yes, you’re dishonest.
Then I’m guessing that you are honest enough to admit that Donald Trump kicked Americans out of the oval office and then brought in Russian spies and gave them top-secret material. It’s not like we don’t have pictures




Thought so.
Ooo, you got pictures!

Do you even listen to yourself?

The President has the authority to share whatever intel he wants with our allies.

And you’re defending that? That’s insane. So what else will he share with Vladimir Putin and North Korea? Or maybe the question should be, what has he shared with Vladimir Putin and North Korea that we don’t know about?
They talked about what terrorist camps to bomb. I know that must really piss you off, future potential Dem voters and all.
Now you’ve just turned into butphuk trash.

LOL, “butphuk trash”. Looks like someone hates queers as much as the rest of us.
Comey should have been fired for what he did to Hillary - but not before he finished his investigation of Trump.

So you hate him today?
They loved him, hated him, and now love him again. Why would you want a guy like Comey running the trump investigation? Doesn't he suck?

Because Comey didn't cave to political pressure and did what he thought was the right thing to do.

Comey did screw Hillary, but thats just him being wrong, not him being a corrupt politico.
He didn't do the right thing..

He is a narcissist..

A bitch

Thinking you are doing the right thing and doing the right thing are not the same thing.

But at no point does Comey come off as an actor in bad faith.
What other actions should he have taken? You cannot answer that, can you?
Solitary confinement / under protective custody, guarded by more than just your average prison guard who were proven either incompetent or complicit in his murder....IMO
with cameras. multiple cameras

I think he thinks we're stupid. projecting again.
What if the know....malfunction....and then other know.....aren't even pointed at the subject of discussion here.....?

Can 7 foot tall Comey find a way to hang himself from a 4 ft tall bunk bed?
hey, a fking experienced coroner said it's possible. shit everyone involved said it was possible. We know it isn't, cause we actually have a brain and know probabilities based on fact. Plus we also know that it is utterly impossible to have a camera not functioning at the same time the other cameras veered off target on their own. The swamp simply thinks the people are stupid. I will always call a duck a duck, they will call a duck a chicken.
he could be facing serious jail time as this is one of many charges he will have to face.

DOJ inspector general says Comey violated policies with memos documenting private conversations with Trump

Nope. He walks, just like McCabe will walk. They will all walk. Jail is for us, not them.
Violating policies is a criminal act? Isn't that a personnel problem?

How many black dudes went to jail for lying to the FBI? Martha Stewart went to prison for lying to the FBI. Comey lies to the FBI and nothing happens.
What I saw said that he violated policies, not lied to the FBI.
Vince foster

Is it healthy to wrap yourself in tin foil?
go look it up on the internet. let us know what you find

A lot of wingnut crybabies who aren't happy with reality. But if someone says it on the internet it must be true.
Deutsche bank!
White supremacist!

What was that you were saying about the internet?


Those items are covered by more than just random internet conspiracy theorists. But if you think Trump the guy who cheated on all of his wives isn't proof enough....


This is about comey destroying Hillary and going after a witch hunt against Trump
What other actions should he have taken? You cannot answer that, can you?
Solitary confinement / under protective custody, guarded by more than just your average prison guard who were proven either incompetent or complicit in his murder....IMO
with cameras. multiple cameras

I think he thinks we're stupid. projecting again.
What if the know....malfunction....and then other know.....aren't even pointed at the subject of discussion here.....?

Can 7 foot tall Comey find a way to hang himself from a 4 ft tall bunk bed?

So those decisions fall to the Attorney general of the United States?

BTW, the top bunk was 5 feet from the ground and he did a leaning hang, which meant his feet were on the floor already! At least that was the story told.
practicality makes the findings impossible. plain and simple, for two or more broken bones in a neck. simply impossible. I know I'm not stupid.

BTW, a good coroner would ask a forensic lab to test the theory that the two or more bones broken could occur from five feet, in a test. I demand a test that would show that possible.

It's tough to even begin talking about all the bullshit swirling in your retard head.
We all know accepting reality has been especially hard on you triggered, TDS-Suffering, Trump-hating, Hillary worshippers, lil' snowflake...


No actually reality is VERY easy to accept - it is what it is.

Whats tough for me is accepting crazy fucking retards like you constantly spreading baseless, counterfactual politico horseshit as fact.

The IG identified that Comey violated the law but hid that in the policy statement.. Why would you not expose that? Dissemination of TOP SECRET INFORMATION is a Felony.. Comey did it several times according to the report.

I want to see an indictment!
Sorry, we don't put our political opponents in prison in this country. Are you from North Korea or what?
Because Comey didn't cave to political pressure and did what he thought was the right thing to do.
You are talking about the top investigative agency directors in the entire country being mentally unstable, believing that HE was the only one who could 'save the country' by violating FBI Policy and US Laws, who admittedly leaked classified information in hopes that it would lead to an investigation and eventually the removal from office - a personal 'political coup' attempt carried out beyond the boundaries of the law - aka 'TREASON'.

IF Comey believed he was right and had justification for having Trump investigated the RIGHT thing to do would have been to go to Congress personally and share with them his concerns. He did NOT do 'the right thing'. He did the 'ILLEGAL' thing. He did the 'TREASON' thing. He carried out Obama's 'Coup' thing (according to Strzok's text messages Obama demanded to be kept aware of everything going on & WH / Obama administration documents show Obama, Biden, Comey, Brennan, & Clapper had multiple meetings in the WH about what they were doing).

Your hatred for the President has driven you t ignore the treason that was attempted and to support those who attempted to carry it out.
Because Comey didn't cave to political pressure and did what he thought was the right thing to do.
You are talking about the top investigative agency directors in the entire country being mentally unstable

No I'm not asshole, thats just another round of crazy bullshit you simply made up.

There is absolutely no indication Comey is mentally unstable.

Please shut your idiot fucking mouth already.

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