Comey Testimony


Comey admitted that he had a friend leak his notes. On the one hand, he claims to have kept the notes and not escalated as he didn't want to taint the investigation. If this is true, the notes are confidential government records. But then he takes them and claims they are personal property - and has them leaked for political purposes. The latter shows his true agenda.


My question is, did he just admit to a felony?

One could certainly make a case that he did.

They are government property only if Trump was the subject of an investigation. And Comey and Trump both said he told Trump three times he was not.

Notes that aren't about investigations are personal.

Comey testified that he kept them in order to escalate in the future. They are government records that he stole and leaked.
Pay attention Faun, Mr Lankford just asked Comey if anyone from the presidant down impeaded or attempted to shut down this investigation and again Comey said no to all.
He said that in regards to the investigations into Russia and collision with Russia. In regards to the investigation into Flynn, Comey said...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."

And? He also said he shared this with his colleagues, where are they? Why no investigation? Why did he not execute the protocol involved with checking a president? All this is weird. It comes off as an ignorant person stepping in a pile of shit. Political theater and not much more. Comey got his feelings hurt. It was fucked up how he got fired, but he deserved it.
"it was fucked up how he got fired"

Which is why he's testifying today.
Trump has not said one single word criticizing the Russians for their attacks. Not one tweet, not one press conference, not one press release, not even through his mouthpieces Spicer and Huckabee.

Not. One. Word.

We have a fake President who is a fucking traitor.
Rather than aggressively seek to inform himself on Russia's attacks on our country, Trump did the opposite. He denied, denied, and denied all during the campaign that it was happening.

Kind of the way your god did on Benghazi, eh hack?

After winning, he kept dodging the question, allowing the lie he had fostered to grow and fester in the minds of his Chumps.

Even at this late date, Trump is not being aggressive to inform himself and to prosecute heavy penalties on the Russians for their attacks on us.

In fact, he is doing the exact opposite.

Did your god dig into the matter of jailing a person for making a video as scapegoat to cover for Benghazi, you fucking fraud?

Guno, you are a two bit hack.
Comey didn't want to be alone with Trump, for good reason. Comey didn't trust Trump, for good reason.

Trump alredy told Billy Bush that he would grab people by the genitals, and get away with it because he was a celebrity.

Comey was covering his ass, and other parts he didn't want Trump grabbing.
No stupid, they are not, No matter how much you Nazis want them to be. The notes aid Comey in keeping consistent testimony, nothing more.

Comey is claiming that the notes were his personal property, not government records. That makes the fiction.

The notes neither confirm or refute the events that Comey claims. But I suspect that the events are somewhat close, though colored by his bias. The thing is, so far the only thing illegal that has come up is that Comey leaked to the NY Times.

Comey admitted that he had a friend leak his notes. On the one hand, he claims to have kept the notes and not escalated as he didn't want to taint the investigation. If this is true, the notes are confidential government records. But then he takes them and claims they are personal property - and has them leaked for political purposes. The latter shows his true agenda.

His notes were not classified material. Next whine...?

They were government records. And he stole them.
That phucker covered for Obama and Clinton his entire tenure.
I am glad he tripped his own ass up.
I hope after this is over he gets indicted.
Still waiting for LEFTY to hack in to THE NSA SERVERS and provide the first piece of evidence for RUSSIAN COLLUSION.
You poor kids, there's no "there" there. I know it hurts...but you'll be ok.
Fuck you, punk. Every intelligence agency had detailed Russia's attacks on us.

You are a fucking willfully blind and stupid useful idiot. Putin's cock holster.
It is alarming that a sitting FBI director would feel compelled to create documents to protect both himself & the FBI from a sitting president.

LOL..........So hilarious. I know you've never had a position in law enforcement, less office work, but I have. CYA is what you do...........ESPECIALLY in law enforcement, and especially as an investigative administrator. Comey took notes under all POUS he worked for, I promise you.
Yet Comey never felt it necessary to take such notes after meeting with Bush or Obama.

He only met with Obabble once. He was a Deputy AG under Bush - so no reason for him to meet with him.

Trump is not a hands off butt slider like Obabble.
You can't even get the simple stuff right...

"I spoke alone with President Obama twice in person." - Comey

Already addressed. Saying Good-Bye is not an important meeting.

He met with him twice. Importance wasn't the criteria. Feeling compelled to keep notes in case he needed them for something like today, is.
Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today.

The fact that a meeting took place is in the permanent record (unless Obabble is the President), but the contents are not necessarily recorded.

Look at the Trump associates who denied they had conversations with the russians. Had those meeting happened in the capital, or at the whitehouse, there would be a record. Since they were on the phone, they felt they could lie and deny such conversations ever took place.

And it came back to bite them on the ass, because when you talk to the russians, or terrorists, or foreigners, the NSA is listening in.
Haven't heard anything explosive, although I have no doubt we'll be seeing headlines like BLOCKBUSTER COMEY REVELATIONS all over the media.

Comey didn't want to be alone with Trump, for good reason. Comey didn't trust Trump, for good reason. Comey and his staff were stunned that Trump would try this, for good reason. Comey kept notes in case Trump distorted conversations, for good reason.

That seems to be as far as it goes. Trump is the ultimate loose cannon, as we all know, but this won't go very far if this is it.

What was THE REASON?

Maybe it can be found on THE NSA SERVERS.
Don't you lefties have any good hackers left or are they all in jail?
You poor kids, there's no "there" there. I know it hurts...but you'll be ok.
Fuck you, punk. Every intelligence agency had detailed Russia's attacks on us.

You are a fucking willfully blind and stupid useful idiot. Putin's cock holster.

Fuck you Nazi, you're a fucking hack and a demagogue, You are a Soros Brown Shirt with zero integrity attacking the opposition party.
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Look at the word "understood". That is opinion only. Yet he did not report it to doj, as required, if indeed he did 'understand' that to be what he was doing.
Pay attention Faun, Mr Lankford just asked Comey if anyone from the presidant down impeaded or attempted to shut down this investigation and again Comey said no to all.
He said that in regards to the investigations into Russia and collision with Russia. In regards to the investigation into Flynn, Comey said...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."
Pay attention Faun, Mr Lankford just asked Comey if anyone from the presidant down impeaded or attempted to shut down this investigation and again Comey said no to all.
He said that in regards to the investigations into Russia and collision with Russia. In regards to the investigation into Flynn, Comey said...

"I had understood the President to be requesting that we drop any investigation of Flynn in connection with false statements about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in December."

And? He also said he shared this with his colleagues, where are they? Why no investigation? Why did he not execute the protocol involved with checking a president? All this is weird. It comes off as an ignorant person stepping in a pile of shit. Political theater and not much more. Comey got his feelings hurt. It was fucked up how he got fired, but he deserved it.
"it was fucked up how he got fired"

Which is why he's testifying today.

Yup. Fucked up, immature Pizza Hut manager type shit but not illegal in anyway shape or form. As for Comey, he just said again that no one messed with his investigation.

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