Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone

the worst of the bunch are YOU pretend Authority and squealer types 'mrguncontrol' .
Of course they are. That's what lefties mean by "common sense gun regulations." It's code for abolishing the 2nd Amendment.

YOU and the 14 others who make this claim are tellers of BIG LIES.
Anyone who isn't brain damaged knows those claims are facts. Lefties always give themselves away.

So we are ignoring facts. Well here is the last part of the 2nd amendment.

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

At no time have I ever denied your right to wear sleaveless shirts.
He thinks "bear" and "bare" are synonymous.

Hey, you make shit up that isn't there. Why can't I do the same. Damn these rules, don't you just hate 'em.
Remember cop killer ammo? Why can’t you buy those anymore?

You never could. The bullet fraudulently labeled by the press as the “cop killer”, officially known as the KTW round, was only ever manufactured in small amounts, and only ever sold to law enforcement agencies. It was designed to be used against criminals hiding behind car doors and windows, which tended to deflect normal bullets. There was never, ever, even a single recorded instance of such bullets being used against law enforcement officers.

This was a lie, made up by the press, very similar to the “assault weapon” lie, to stir up support for increased restrictions on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.
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If you want the 2nd to be taken literally, then I suggest you modernize it legally instead of just causing trouble. I am not in favor of doing away with it's meaning but I am in favor of rewriting to a more modern legal wording.

You are still trying to make this an "Us against Them" game. US is everyone.
-------------------------------------- it is WE and my People against against YOU .

Now you are talking for We the People. Well, cupcake, We the People in this state adopted common sense gun regs. If you are speaking for We the People then you would be taking a different stance. To you, the fringe, small vocal group you identify with is the only ones that should be heard and you should control all others. Newsflash, cupcake, you aren't speaking for We the People.
This post alone proves you don't understand the United States.

You support the majority taking rights away from the minority.

Historically, that hasn't worked out well for anybody.

Yes, you can identify with the minority that we took their right to own guns. Nice Group. Murderers, Rapists, Criminally insane, Wife and Children Beaters. Nice group of People you have there. It's good that you are stepping up and admitting you are part of that group.
------------------------------------------ and when they serve their sentence the non violent felons should ALL have their RIGHTS restored . I mean , hey , you lefties want to allow those still in prison to vote 'mrguncontrol' .

Oh, yes. The Murderers, Rapists, Criminally insane, Wife and Children Beaters are all peachy, law abiding citizens. Nice group of guys you hang out with.
the worst of the bunch are YOU pretend Authority and squealer types 'mrguncontrol' .

I already know that you "Self Admitted" Murderers, Rapists and Child Beaters spend way too much time complaining to the Management about me. Hasn't worked out so well for you has it. I don't bother even complaining about you "People" (and I use that term very loosely). Let me guess, when you people (again, used very loosely) are in the habit of doing something unsavory, you always claim it's other people that do it. You just won a prize.

-------------------------------------- it is WE and my People against against YOU .

Now you are talking for We the People. Well, cupcake, We the People in this state adopted common sense gun regs. If you are speaking for We the People then you would be taking a different stance. To you, the fringe, small vocal group you identify with is the only ones that should be heard and you should control all others. Newsflash, cupcake, you aren't speaking for We the People.
This post alone proves you don't understand the United States.

You support the majority taking rights away from the minority.

Historically, that hasn't worked out well for anybody.

Yes, you can identify with the minority that we took their right to own guns. Nice Group. Murderers, Rapists, Criminally insane, Wife and Children Beaters. Nice group of People you have there. It's good that you are stepping up and admitting you are part of that group.
------------------------------------------ and when they serve their sentence the non violent felons should ALL have their RIGHTS restored . I mean , hey , you lefties want to allow those still in prison to vote 'mrguncontrol' .

Oh, yes. The Murderers, Rapists, Criminally insane, Wife and Children Beaters are all peachy, law abiding citizens. Nice group of guys you hang out with.
-------------------------------------- IN Reply , nonviolent felons should have all their RIGHTS Restored after they have paid their debt to society . Violent Felons should remain in jail all their lives . For YOU authority types its just too easy to remove RIGHTS and create nonviolent felons simply because you want to 'mrguncontrol'
well at least the bonehead took down his ' i am a military hero 'links' but he is still quite ' looney' eh '
What do you suggest we do to stop the shootings?
First of all shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun control laws will stop any shootings.
Most all of the violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws…
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.

You are a don't get to tell people they only have 5 chances to save their own lives or the lives of their families simply because you are too stupid to understand the issues involved.....

I understand everything you’re saying.

But you guys also know guns are regulated now. You want less and I want more. If we win elections those regulations are coming.

Remember cop killer ammo? Why can’t you buy those anymore?

You mean fake cop killer ammo......the lie you asshats told to get one type of bullet banned.....and then you piss on our legs and tell us it's raining when you say you only want common sense gun regulation........we know what you want, we know you will do anything to get what you want.....we are done playing your games.
First of all shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun control laws will stop any shootings.
Most all of the violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws…
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.

You are a don't get to tell people they only have 5 chances to save their own lives or the lives of their families simply because you are too stupid to understand the issues involved.....

I understand everything you’re saying.

But you guys also know guns are regulated now. You want less and I want more. If we win elections those regulations are coming.

Remember cop killer ammo? Why can’t you buy those anymore?
--------------------------------------- cop killer ammo is simply High Velocity ammo and usually rifle ammo fired from a rifle . With '2aguy' here he can correct me if i am wrong . All rifle ammo or hunting ammo is high velocity and is still for sale and the name ' cop killer' is simply emotional BS Sealy .

Any rifle round will go through a police vest....... they just found an opportunity to lie about a type of bullet they realized they could lie about and get banned....because uninformed Americans don't know the issue.....
But you want anyone to own them. No training, no classes, no background checks. No permits to carry. Carry them in schools and in bars.

You want idiots like me to have no regulations.

Freedom isn’t free! Lol

Just like a chainsaw? Or a forge?

Hey everyone. I’m a hypocrite like al gore when he preached about going green. Sure he has 3 homes all burning electricity and he flies on private jets but that doesn’t mean he can’t be for us as a society going green.

Same for me. I said my new gun comes with an 8 round clip and they shouldn’t make clips that hold more rounds, but then the guy shows up and he had two normal clips and one that holds ten instead of 8.

That doesn’t mean I approve of them making ten round clips.

But, guess which clip this hypocrite put in the gun? Lol

Here we go

I you had a gun you would know that the correct term is magazine not clip.

I assume you're speaking of a handgun and it doesn't matter what size the magazine is So what if my 9 mm carry gun has a 15 round magazine who the fuck are you to tell me I should only have 8 rounds?
I’m the society you live in ****.

These are two of the 3 “clips” I just purchased.

No you're not "the society"

And those are handgun magazines not clips
There is no ultimate solve all solution. The goal is to lower the number of people a nut can kill because guns aren’t going away.

You’re talking about a completely different problem. Why people kill. I’m just trying to lower the number of people they can kill. I wish none of us could get a ten round clip because they don’t make them.

And my Ruger bushmaster only holds 4. And you have to do the thing each time to unload the spent cartridge and put another in the chamber. I couldn’t do the kind of damage the Vegas shooter did. Or the guys on the movie heat with their assault weapons. That was based on a real case. Those weapons shouldn’t be available.

Solve the crazy male problem first then I’ll consider letting anyone own and carry a gun.

So, you are content to suffer shootings, as long as the body count is low? How liberal of you.
What do you suggest we do to stop the shootings?
First of all shit happens, No amount of frivolous gun control laws will stop any shootings.
Most all of the violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws…
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.

Only morons like you sexualize inanimate objects.
And that violence is committed by people who are legally ineligible to own firearms

But these morons want to target law abiding people with laws that do nothing to stop the illegal trafficking and illegal acquisition of firearms
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.

You are a don't get to tell people they only have 5 chances to save their own lives or the lives of their families simply because you are too stupid to understand the issues involved.....

I understand everything you’re saying.

But you guys also know guns are regulated now. You want less and I want more. If we win elections those regulations are coming.

Remember cop killer ammo? Why can’t you buy those anymore?
--------------------------------------- cop killer ammo is simply High Velocity ammo and usually rifle ammo fired from a rifle . With '2aguy' here he can correct me if i am wrong . All rifle ammo or hunting ammo is high velocity and is still for sale and the name ' cop killer' is simply emotional BS Sealy .
That's correct. However, the so-called "cop killer" ammo was made for pistols I'm not sure what the difference between it and regular ammo is, but I'm sure it's pure horseshit to call it "cop killer ammo."
Well they aren’t allowed to make them and you aren’t allowed to buy them right? So you are already being regulated
Bullshit. We should be regulating the manufacturing and sales of firearms better.

Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.

You are a don't get to tell people they only have 5 chances to save their own lives or the lives of their families simply because you are too stupid to understand the issues involved.....

I understand everything you’re saying.

But you guys also know guns are regulated now. You want less and I want more. If we win elections those regulations are coming.

Remember cop killer ammo? Why can’t you buy those anymore?
--------------------------------------- cop killer ammo is simply High Velocity ammo and usually rifle ammo fired from a rifle . With '2aguy' here he can correct me if i am wrong . All rifle ammo or hunting ammo is high velocity and is still for sale and the name ' cop killer' is simply emotional BS Sealy .
That's correct. However, the so-called "cop killer" ammo was made for pistols I'm not sure what the difference between it and regular ammo is, but I'm sure it's pure horseshit to call it "cop killer ammo."
Well they aren’t allowed to make them and you aren’t allowed to buy them right? So you are already being regulated
------------------------------------- REGULATED , well yeah but as i have said , my big problem with the USA is the Rules , regulations and laws as the USA Slides to its just rewards of LESS Freedom and Liberty since the 60s or thereabouts . But on Ammo , all ammo can be made at home legally and all high velocity rifle ammo is easily available at any store that sells ammo. [at this time] And variety . its ALL available Sealy .
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Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.

Not going to happen.

You can get plans on the Internet for building a fully-automatic submachine gun using easily-available materials from any hardware store.

It law-abiding citizens are limited to revolvers and rifles holding no more than five rounds, criminals will manufacture their own, far superior weapons, and easily outgun law-abiding citizens.

If the stupid Liberals manage to do what they want to do and ban firearms can you imagine the black market in firearms?

Mexico will become the world' largest firearms exporters to take care of the US black market.
and keeping VIOLENT Felons locked up FOREVER is the best way to go . I mean , look at what the various 'government' agencies' do as they release these violence prone felons into residential neighborhoods all through the USA into 'halfway houses' . And they take away the RIGHTS of nonviolent pretend and quite often YOUNG nonviolent Felons 'mrguncontrol' .
Like I said if in 100 years they only made 5 shot revolvers and rifles your grandkids won’t have hard ons for guns they’ve never seen because they were outlawed a century ago.

It would be great if clips were limited to 5 shots.

Not going to happen.

You can get plans on the Internet for building a fully-automatic submachine gun using easily-available materials from any hardware store.

It law-abiding citizens are limited to revolvers and rifles holding no more than five rounds, criminals will manufacture their own, far superior weapons, and easily outgun law-abiding citizens.

If the stupid Liberals manage to do what they want to do and ban firearms can you imagine the black market in firearms?

Mexico will become the world' largest firearms exporters to take care of the US black market.
--------------------------------------- i certainly think so . Guns are easy to make and machinery is in home workshops all over the world .
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
NRA and supporters say common sense gun regulations are the government attempting to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Bull Shit - it is an eveil attempt to confuse logical arguments for gun control. Those who confuse the discussion with lies all have blood on their hands.
Of course they are. That's what lefties mean by "common sense gun regulations." It's code for abolishing the 2nd Amendment.

Well you are the in favour of mentally ill and irresponsible people having high powered guns...

You are part of let the MENTALS HAVE GUNS...
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
NRA and supporters say common sense gun regulations are the government attempting to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Bull Shit - it is an evil attempt to confuse logical arguments for gun control. Those who confuse the discussion with lies all have blood on their hands.

dimocraps, for decades, said abortions should be safe, legal and rare.

They lied.

dimocrap scum, for decades, said butt rangers, carpet munchers, trannies, etc, etc aberrations and deviants should be tolerated. "All we ask for is 'tolerance'.

They lied.

dimocrap scum ask for tolerance and acceptance when what they really want is preferential treatment.

You believe ANYTHING coming from the mouth of a lying, deceitful, piece of fucking shit dimocrap scumbag -- You're an idiot.

dimocrap scum have the ultimate goal of DISARMING AMERICA. Otherwise, socialism can not exist.

One thing ALL socialist Countries have in common -- They have all disarmed their people.

From National Socialist Germany, to communist China, to Venezuela.....

They have all disarmed their own people in order to enslave them

dimocraps are scum
and always remember INNOVATION . Ban the 'black talon' for one and then get ready for the New and Improved 'Blakk Tal0n' thats better than the old 'black talon' ammunition Sealy .
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
NRA and supporters say common sense gun regulations are the government attempting to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Bull Shit - it is an eveil attempt to confuse logical arguments for gun control. Those who confuse the discussion with lies all have blood on their hands.
Of course they are. That's what lefties mean by "common sense gun regulations." It's code for abolishing the 2nd Amendment.

Well you are the in favour of mentally ill and irresponsible people having high powered guns...

You are part of let the MENTALS HAVE GUNS...
---------------------------------- ITS much too easy to accuse a person of being irresponsible and mentally ill . Accusations were what put hundreds of thousands and maybe more in prison and Gulags in the USSR 'english Ted' .

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