Common sense gun regulations--need to be passed now.

/——/ The 2nd Amendment gives us security. And if you don’t like it, stay out of our country.

RATFLMAO!!! What security? And from what? And how secure are you? All other western countries have no second and they are easily a lot more secure than the US...easily...

View attachment 177751

You're a fucking idiot. Your pretty little pictures back up my POV. Another thing, just so you know. Where it says in green that there are 0-5 homicides per 100,000 (which the US and all other western civilisations fall into) the US is at 5. NZ is at less than 1. So I am five times more likely to be murdered in the US than NZ.....And yet your country is awash with guns. Why am I five times more likely to be killed in the US even with though it's awash with guns?
/——/ The 2nd Amendment gives us security. And if you don’t like it, stay out of our country.

RATFLMAO!!! What security? And from what? And how secure are you? All other western countries have no second and they are easily a lot more secure than the US...easily...

View attachment 177751

You're a fucking idiot. Your pretty little pictures back up my POV. Another thing, just so you know. Where it says in green that there are 0-5 homicides per 100,000 (which the US and all other western civilisations fall into) the US is at 5. NZ is at less than 1. So I am five times more likely to be murdered in the US than NZ.....And yet your country is awash with guns. Why am I five times more likely to be killed in the US even with though it's awash with guns?
Stay out of the liberal utopian cities in the US and you will be fine. The dangerous areas are run buy the nut job liberals. Baltimore, Chicago etc.

New Zealand is a beautiful place, but it is also a little bitty nothing country. I always enjoy my time there though.
/——/ The 2nd Amendment gives us security. And if you don’t like it, stay out of our country.

RATFLMAO!!! What security? And from what? And how secure are you? All other western countries have no second and they are easily a lot more secure than the US...easily...

View attachment 177751

You're a fucking idiot. Your pretty little pictures back up my POV. Another thing, just so you know. Where it says in green that there are 0-5 homicides per 100,000 (which the US and all other western civilisations fall into) the US is at 5. NZ is at less than 1. So I am five times more likely to be murdered in the US than NZ.....And yet your country is awash with guns. Why am I five times more likely to be killed in the US even with though it's awash with guns?
/----/ We are awash in gangs. Got many MS13 in NZ?
New Zealand is a beautiful place, but it is also a little bitty nothing country. I always enjoy my time there though.

We love being an little bitty nothing country. How I feel about the US. Being a nothing country. Still, have liked it when I have visited. People are very friendly.
I get it. You are supporting those that do the Mass Murders of School Children and Terrorist by not denying them of the one thing that makes their Mass Murdering of School Children have the high body count. It worked in 1934 when the Feds outlawed the common purchase of the Thompson for exactly the same reason. To do otherwise means that you are nothing but a cheap, run of the mill Baby Killer.

Nope, you just think you get it. Clean miss, again.

Feds did not completely outlaw Thompson, they put restrictions of automatic version. Did that prevent gangsters to get them? What do you think?

Since you claim that you "get it", answer this: When a police officer shoots an unarmed man, who do you blame, a gun or an officer?

YOu keep steering away from the fact that the one thing that ALL Mass Killings in the US for the last 25 years is the selection of the tools to do it. Until you do, then you are listed as a contributor to those children murders, Baby Killer.

ALL mass killings? Really?

April 15, 2013 - The Tsarnaev brothers detonate two bombs made of pressure cookers at the Boston Marathon, killing 3 and severely wounding 264.

April 1995 - Timothy McVeigh explodes a fertilizer bomb in front of the federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people.

October 31, 2017 - Man drives a rented truck into a crowd in NYC, killing 8.

Not seeing the "tool" common thread here.
You're funny. People who think that rights come from government telling us they have more rights than we do.

The right to bear arms doesn't give me freedom, it is the right that ensure that freedom is not taken away from me. Like freedom of speech, that we cherish here in US, and you Aussies don't have. You do have something called "implied right for political speech" that is giving you some kind of impression of free speech, but it's not, and by your own constitution can be taken away.

You missed the point of my post completely, you saw I mentioned Switzerland and Russia, and completely disregarded the contest of their mention in your rant that, by the way, ignored mentioning of Germany or Sweden. So go back and read it again, with some comprehension, if possible and come back with another reply that's not obnoxious and actually address my post. Can you do that... mate?

But that's the laughable part. You think you having arms gives you freedom. Yeah, as the F16 blows up your house as you point your shotgun at him - that'll work. Not.

You talk semantics, not reality. When Helen Clark was Prime Minister in NZ somebody appeared at her political rally with the T-Shirt saying "Helen you suck" or something along those lines. What happened? Nothing. The person was ignored and laughed at. In the US? You get frog marched out or punched in the head. There is a lot more freedom of speech in NZ or Australia than there is in the US. Hell, you've got a president who CONSTANTLY lies all the time and you are okay with that. And he calls the truth, even when there is irrefutable evidence of otherwise, Fake News. And you are okay with that. Please, don't preach to me how much more 'free' you are when that is patently not true in any way, shape or form.

In NZ you have name suppression in court contentious cases in case the charges are found to be frivolous and untrue. It protects the innocent. If found guilty, the name is published for all to see. In the US? You are perp marched (especially if you are famous) the day you are arrested whether you are guilty or not. People's lives and careers are ruined just so an elected official (the DA) can be seen to be doing his/her job instead of caring if a person is guilty or not. Yeah, great judicial system! not...

Don't play semantics. Spit it out with regard to Russia and Switzerland. What did you mean?

Your second can be taken away too. It's called an amendment.
"But that's the laughable part. You think you having arms gives you freedom. Yeah, as the F16 blows up your house as you point your shotgun at him - that'll work. Not. "
Its called asymmetric warfare. You can look up several historical wars where it doesn't go that well for the "superior"side. You are also under the false assumption that your hypothetical F16 pilot would follow an unlawful order to bomb US citizens
"But that's the laughable part. You think you having arms gives you freedom. Yeah, as the F16 blows up your house as you point your shotgun at him - that'll work. Not. "
Its called asymmetric warfare. You can look up several historical wars where it doesn't go that well for the "superior"side. You are also under the false assumption that your hypothetical F16 pilot would follow an unlawful order to bomb US citizens

And that is what makes me laugh even more. I have said something similar on this board several times over the past 10 years. All the gun nuts talk about is the govt confiscating their peashooters. To which I say, "yeah, well, the govt would have to get the army, navy, air force and marines on their side. Considering some of the biggest pro guns advocates are current and ex military, what are the chances of that actually happening?"

That's usually followed by birds tweeting from the pro gun lobby on this board and thus blows their "we need our guns to protect ourselves from our govt" crappy argument. Because you know, and i know, that a large part of your armed forces - in fact the majority - would not be on board with that.
"But that's the laughable part. You think you having arms gives you freedom. Yeah, as the F16 blows up your house as you point your shotgun at him - that'll work. Not. "
Its called asymmetric warfare. You can look up several historical wars where it doesn't go that well for the "superior"side. You are also under the false assumption that your hypothetical F16 pilot would follow an unlawful order to bomb US citizens

And that is what makes me laugh even more. I have said something similar on this board several times over the past 10 years. All the gun nuts talk about is the govt confiscating their peashooters. To which I say, "yeah, well, the govt would have to get the army, navy, air force and marines on their side. Considering some of the biggest pro guns advocates are current and ex military, what are the chances of that actually happening?"

That's usually followed by birds tweeting from the pro gun lobby on this board and thus blows their "we need our guns to protect ourselves from our govt" crappy argument. Because you know, and i know, that a large part of your armed forces - in fact the majority - would not be on board with that.
Just leave the 2nd the way it is and there won't be an issue. By the way the only thing that is a peashooter in trained hands is an actual peashooter.
Just leave the 2nd the way it is and there won't be an issue. By the way the only thing that is a peashooter in trained hands is an actual peashooter.

From the outside looking in, very few people want the 2nd changed. Even liberals. However, where liberals differ from the gun lobby is that they do want restrictions. IMO, they are reasonable restrictions. People can still have their guns, just not certain types.
Just leave the 2nd the way it is and there won't be an issue. By the way the only thing that is a peashooter in trained hands is an actual peashooter.

From the outside looking in, very few people want the 2nd changed. Even liberals. However, where liberals differ from the gun lobby is that they do want restrictions. IMO, they are reasonable restrictions. People can still have their guns, just not certain types.

So what part of the 2nd Amendment says except for ? Those certain types are nothing more than extra plastics and some composite materials that in no way alter the function of the firearm.
So what part of the 2nd Amendment says except for ? Those certain types are nothing more than extra plastics and some composite materials that in no way alter the function of the firearm.

Except for? Cool, can I have a nuke?

Those extra plastics, in some cases, can be the difference between a fully automatic weapon and not.
You can't have a conversation with people who see a conspiracy and a slippery slope behind every molecule of their paranoia.

We're talking about a group of people, conservatives, who absolutely lost their ever loving shit when incandescent light bulbs were replaced with LED's. This isn't a mind you can reason with. They need to be marginalized and pushed past at this point. Like Flat Earthers and bigfoot chasers.
So what part of the 2nd Amendment says except for ? Those certain types are nothing more than extra plastics and some composite materials that in no way alter the function of the firearm.

Except for? Cool, can I have a nuke?

Those extra plastics, in some cases, can be the difference between a fully automatic weapon and not.
Plastic will make a semi-automatic a full auto ? That statement drops your credibility to less than zero.
So what part of the 2nd Amendment says except for ? Those certain types are nothing more than extra plastics and some composite materials that in no way alter the function of the firearm.

Except for? Cool, can I have a nuke?

Those extra plastics, in some cases, can be the difference between a fully automatic weapon and not.
Plastic will make a semi-automatic a full auto ? That statement drops your credibility to less than zero.

Hey, you're the one who thinks only 'certain types of extra plastics and some composite materials' are all that matters. Not me.
You're funny. People who think that rights come from government telling us they have more rights than we do.

The right to bear arms doesn't give me freedom, it is the right that ensure that freedom is not taken away from me. Like freedom of speech, that we cherish here in US, and you Aussies don't have. You do have something called "implied right for political speech" that is giving you some kind of impression of free speech, but it's not, and by your own constitution can be taken away.

You missed the point of my post completely, you saw I mentioned Switzerland and Russia, and completely disregarded the contest of their mention in your rant that, by the way, ignored mentioning of Germany or Sweden. So go back and read it again, with some comprehension, if possible and come back with another reply that's not obnoxious and actually address my post. Can you do that... mate?

But that's the laughable part. You think you having arms gives you freedom. Yeah, as the F16 blows up your house as you point your shotgun at him - that'll work. Not.

You talk semantics, not reality. When Helen Clark was Prime Minister in NZ somebody appeared at her political rally with the T-Shirt saying "Helen you suck" or something along those lines. What happened? Nothing. The person was ignored and laughed at. In the US? You get frog marched out or punched in the head. There is a lot more freedom of speech in NZ or Australia than there is in the US. Hell, you've got a president who CONSTANTLY lies all the time and you are okay with that. And he calls the truth, even when there is irrefutable evidence of otherwise, Fake News. And you are okay with that. Please, don't preach to me how much more 'free' you are when that is patently not true in any way, shape or form.

In NZ you have name suppression in court contentious cases in case the charges are found to be frivolous and untrue. It protects the innocent. If found guilty, the name is published for all to see. In the US? You are perp marched (especially if you are famous) the day you are arrested whether you are guilty or not. People's lives and careers are ruined just so an elected official (the DA) can be seen to be doing his/her job instead of caring if a person is guilty or not. Yeah, great judicial system! not...

Don't play semantics. Spit it out with regard to Russia and Switzerland. What did you mean?

Your second can be taken away too. It's called an amendment.

No dunce, that is not what I think, that's what your opinion is. I already told you twice, and you still beating the same drum. Here is one more time, maybe this time will get thru...

The right to bear arms doesn't give me freedom, it is the right that ensure that freedom is not taken away from me. Unlike leftist collectivists, we Americans like our individual rights, and the right to bear arms, just like freedom of speech, are few of the most important. The purpose of the government is to secure our individual rights, and not to take them away. But how would you know that, when you don't have it.

In NZ and Australia we have this, and you in US have this... riiiiiight. You don't have constitutionally protected free speech, and what you call "free political speech" is given to you by the government, meaning that they can take it away. Like they did to people who were protesting duck hunting. :D

America was created from a culture of self-defense. Australia mindset is more like "the government will protect me." To become independent, we had brutal war, unlike "down under" who were not invaded, attacked or occupied, and in a way, still bowing to British crown. Our histories are different, therefore our Constitution, that unlike any other limits government, not people, and attachment to our guns.

Did your gun laws lowered crime rate? Violent murder rate dropped a little, and that's it. All the other, like manslaughter, sexual assault, kidnapping, armed robbery, remain near or above pre gun control rates. During the same period, the violent crime rate in US also dropped, but without gun control, meaning that gun control in Australia wasn't the only reason for drop in murder rate. Congrats, you made it. You cut gun related suicides by half, while suicide rate remained at all time high.

From 2015: Australia Sees Spike in Gun Crime Despite Outright Ban

Charges for crimes involving firearms have increased dramatically across the island nation's localities in the past decade according to an analysis of government statistics conducted by The New Daily. It found that gun crimes have spiked dramatically in the Australian states of Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, and Tasmania. In Victoria, pistol-related offenses doubled over the last decade. In New South Wales, they tripled. The other states saw smaller but still significant increases.

You gotta love your gun control. Keep it.
You can't have a conversation with people who see a conspiracy and a slippery slope behind every molecule of their paranoia.

We're talking about a group of people, conservatives, who absolutely lost their ever loving shit when incandescent light bulbs were replaced with LED's. This isn't a mind you can reason with. They need to be marginalized and pushed past at this point. Like Flat Earthers and bigfoot chasers.
LED’s suck ass, They don’t work for me. You can buy and use them all you want I don’t give two shits, quit trying to tell other people what to use.
That’s the problem with you spineless cocksuckers you want to control everybody that you disagree with. That makes you a spineless kunt...

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