Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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Thats a fair point - 6 billion is a smaller % of fossil industry volume than 1.3 billion for clean energy. However clean energy industry young and developing and at this stage the other industries have recieved more subsidies.

The answer is easily available, why not post the answer instead of a dodge?

What industries have received a larger percentage of their sales than renewable energies?

Here, I'll ask again:

Please share with us the percentage of energy produced by oil, gas, and coal during those years and the percentage of "clean" energy. What were the gross sales for both?

Thank you!
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It would seem to me that they would realize a considerable payback on their investment during those 20 years and when the house is sold with solar generating capacity it would surely draw a higher price.

Solar panels require pretty low maintenance. Unlike generators which are composed of moving components which require repair or replacement, solar panels do not have moving parts that can rust or breakdown. About the only routine maintenance is spraying them down with a garden hose. The panels are warrantied for 20 or 25 years and with the new central inverter they could last for a number of decades.

I have been a Realtor in the North Florida (Tallahassee) area for over 40 years. It may change in the future when the cost of solar finally becomes competitive, but as of now, a home with solar panels sells for less than it would without the panels. The last one I sold with solar panels was a 2,500 sq. ft. heated and cooled home with land. The system was 75 kwh and cost $70,000 as was confirmed by the owner and two independent property appraisers.

The home was listed about 20% above the Leon Country Property Appraiser evaluation for the home and land. That was a very reasonable asking price for the house. The response was the same from most customers, the panels made the house look "ugly" and it looked like it was too complicated. I know it is not but that was the perception and perception is the reality. After about six months, the house sold and closed for $50,000 less than the country property assessment. The utility bills balanced out at zero, the excess was bought by that counties utility department and zeroed out what the owner bought at night and rainy days. The buyer, in effect, got the solar panel system for free and would never have a utility bill. A good thing for the buyer as the couple had eleven kids, like stairsteps and one on the way.
I just don't get the double stanSdard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

Specifically, who pays corporate taxes? Who do corporations get the money from to pay those taxes?
As you know, many Progressives erroneously consider tax deductions, available to any business, a subsidy, which it is not


PSST, let me clue you in - your conservatives pals here have spent many many posts arguing that the tax deductions I got for my solar system were SUBSIDIES and THATS why they were not self-financing like other tax-cuts.
I hope someone else other than you does your taxes. Because you are clueless.
+1, California wants to be on the top of the electrical revolution , which is Great

Yes, they'll be broke but they'll be number one in something! :D

And we know how well that has worked out for Germany!
The United Kingdom Broke 13 Renewable Energy Records In 2017
Dec 28, 2017 - The United Kingdom has been setting records in solar energy production throughout the year. It's no surprise to see that the area's power ...
Germany Breaks A Solar Record — Gets 85% Of Electricity From ...
Germany Breaks A Solar Record — Gets 85% Of Electricity From Renewables | CleanTechnica...
May 8, 2017 - On April 30, Germany established a new national record for renewable energy use. Part of that day (during the long May 1 weekend), 85% of all ...
Renewable Energy in the U.S. Broke Energy Records for the First Time
Renewable Energy in the U.S. Broke Energy Records for the First Time...
Jun 15, 2017 - Renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind, have broken records in the U.S. electricity market. According to a report by the EIA, ...
Solar so good: 13 impressive green energy records broken ... - City AM
Dec 28, 2017 - 2017 was a record year for green energy in the UK: Here's 13 broken by wind, solar, carbon and hydro. Share. Lynsey Barber. I'm City A.M.'s ..

The cost of electricity in Germany has become so high that many people are forced to do without. Electricity has become a luxury to many.

The average cost of electricity in the US is half that of Germany. Germany is unable to sustain these costs and are returning more and more to the use of coal.

Germany Renewable Energy Program Drives Up Costs
Germany comes in as a close second, with electricity prices of $0.19 per kilowatt hour. Due to this, it has been reported that the country has developed a program for increasing the contribution of electricity sourced from renewable sources to upwards of 80% by the calendar year 2050. During the first quarter of 2014, the country produced a record-setting 27% of its electricity via renewable sources, a result of both favorable weather and an increased capacity to utilize renewable energy within the country.

There are ramifications involved in Germany’s contemporary renewable energy program, including an instable electric grid, the burden being placed upon German households by increased costs for electricity, and the need for secure back-up power that is affordable and reliable. Currently, utility companies within the country are receiving payments from the grid as a measure of stabilizing a network that has been disrupted due to surges and falls in contributions from solar and wind power sources. Coal is being utilized in a heftier manner in order to back-up the renewable technologies (and their intermittent nature) while delivering a reliable base load of power, although at the risk of increasing emissions of carbon dioxide. The result has been German residents having to pay feed-in-tariffs in addition to high utility costs as a measure of subsidizing the renewable energy technologies.

Cost Of Electricity By Country
+1, California wants to be on the top of the electrical revolution , which is Great

Yes, they'll be broke but they'll be number one in something! :D

And we know how well that has worked out for Germany!
The United Kingdom Broke 13 Renewable Energy Records In 2017
Dec 28, 2017 - The United Kingdom has been setting records in solar energy production throughout the year. It's no surprise to see that the area's power ...
Germany Breaks A Solar Record — Gets 85% Of Electricity From ...
Germany Breaks A Solar Record — Gets 85% Of Electricity From Renewables | CleanTechnica...
May 8, 2017 - On April 30, Germany established a new national record for renewable energy use. Part of that day (during the long May 1 weekend), 85% of all ...
Renewable Energy in the U.S. Broke Energy Records for the First Time
Renewable Energy in the U.S. Broke Energy Records for the First Time...
Jun 15, 2017 - Renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind, have broken records in the U.S. electricity market. According to a report by the EIA, ...
Solar so good: 13 impressive green energy records broken ... - City AM
Dec 28, 2017 - 2017 was a record year for green energy in the UK: Here's 13 broken by wind, solar, carbon and hydro. Share. Lynsey Barber. I'm City A.M.'s ..

The cost of electricity in Germany has become so high that many people are forced to do without. Electricity has become a luxury to many.

The average cost of electricity in the US is half that of Germany. Germany is unable to sustain these costs and are returning more and more to the use of coal.

Germany Renewable Energy Program Drives Up Costs
Germany comes in as a close second, with electricity prices of $0.19 per kilowatt hour. Due to this, it has been reported that the country has developed a program for increasing the contribution of electricity sourced from renewable sources to upwards of 80% by the calendar year 2050. During the first quarter of 2014, the country produced a record-setting 27% of its electricity via renewable sources, a result of both favorable weather and an increased capacity to utilize renewable energy within the country.

There are ramifications involved in Germany’s contemporary renewable energy program, including an instable electric grid, the burden being placed upon German households by increased costs for electricity, and the need for secure back-up power that is affordable and reliable. Currently, utility companies within the country are receiving payments from the grid as a measure of stabilizing a network that has been disrupted due to surges and falls in contributions from solar and wind power sources. Coal is being utilized in a heftier manner in order to back-up the renewable technologies (and their intermittent nature) while delivering a reliable base load of power, although at the risk of increasing emissions of carbon dioxide. The result has been German residents having to pay feed-in-tariffs in addition to high utility costs as a measure of subsidizing the renewable energy technologies.

Cost Of Electricity By Country
Europe is paying a heavy price for playing the save the planet game. So much so that they are re thinking it. Somehow the libs here think it will work in California when it's screwing the Europeans................
Oh contraire' Tod, once the panels are in, your energy is free for the life of the home.

That's a hoot, proving once again as if it were needed, that you are nothing more than a useless troll.

That's no different than saying that if I write a check to Shell Oil for $70,000 they will allow me to drive my car for free for the rest of my life.

Californians refuse to be fossil fuel bitches like the people back east are.

That's right! Californians are happy to pay 40% more than the national average to stick it to fossil fuels.
Oh contraire' Tod, once the panels are in, your energy is free for the life of the home.

All that "free" energy, Californians should be paying less than the national average, not 40% more.
That's a hoot, proving once again as if it were needed, that you are nothing more than a useless troll.

That's no different than saying that if I write a check to Shell Oil for $70,000 they will allow me to drive my car for free for the rest of my life.
No, it's not like that at all. First off, there are no Shell offers like that. Second, there would be no government rebate on a deal like that. And third, the more panels installed, the more the cost goes down. Fossil fuel energy, on the other hand, is the opposite. Cost goes up.
All that "free" energy, Californians should be paying less than the national average, not 40% more.
We will.

If the state of California starts losing tax revenue they will find a way to tax it and the cost won’t change. They are going to charge electric cars more for car tags in 2020 because of lost revenue at the gas pump. The greedy government will make sure your cost won’t go down.
If the state of California starts losing tax revenue they will find a way to tax it and the cost won’t change. They are going to charge electric cars more for car tags in 2020 because of lost revenue at the gas pump. The greedy government will make sure your cost won’t go down.
I don't see us losing tax revenue.
If the state of California starts losing tax revenue they will find a way to tax it and the cost won’t change. They are going to charge electric cars more for car tags in 2020 because of lost revenue at the gas pump. The greedy government will make sure your cost won’t go down.
I don't see us losing tax revenue.

Electricity is taxed, if the less people use the electric and start using solar the government will lose revenue and will find a way to make up the lost revenue. That is why they are raising the cost of tabs on electric cars, they lost fuel tax money, so they need to make up the short fall. The government is greedy that way.
If the state of California starts losing tax revenue they will find a way to tax it and the cost won’t change. They are going to charge electric cars more for car tags in 2020 because of lost revenue at the gas pump. The greedy government will make sure your cost won’t go down.
I don't see us losing tax revenue.

I'm not sure if they went through with it or not, but didn't CA want to mandate GPS's on cars so they could track your milage? With more and more people using electric cars over there, they needed a way to recoup money for the roads that was lost on less gasoline purchases.

Californians refuse to be fossil fuel bitches like the people back east are.

That's right! Californians are happy to pay 40% more than the national average to stick it to fossil fuels.
Oh contraire' Tod, once the panels are in, your energy is free for the life of the home.

All that "free" energy, Californians should be paying less than the national average, not 40% more.

Over here they started to increase our water and sewer rates, so the media pressured the water department for an explanation.

Their explanation was that Cleveland was losing population all the time, so in order to make up the lost revenue from people that no longer live here, they had to increase the rates.

The less you use of a utility, the higher the rates go.
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As you know, many Progressives erroneously consider tax deductions, available to any business, a subsidy, which it is not


PSST, let me clue you in - your conservatives pals here have spent many many posts arguing that the tax deductions I got for my solar system were SUBSIDIES and THATS why they were not self-financing like other tax-cuts.
I hope someone else other than you does your taxes. Because you are clueless.

Non-response as expected.
+1, California wants to be on the top of the electrical revolution , which is Great

Yes, they'll be broke but they'll be number one in something! :D

And we know how well that has worked out for Germany!
The United Kingdom Broke 13 Renewable Energy Records In 2017
Dec 28, 2017 - The United Kingdom has been setting records in solar energy production throughout the year. It's no surprise to see that the area's power ...
Germany Breaks A Solar Record — Gets 85% Of Electricity From ...
Germany Breaks A Solar Record — Gets 85% Of Electricity From Renewables | CleanTechnica...
May 8, 2017 - On April 30, Germany established a new national record for renewable energy use. Part of that day (during the long May 1 weekend), 85% of all ...
Renewable Energy in the U.S. Broke Energy Records for the First Time
Renewable Energy in the U.S. Broke Energy Records for the First Time...
Jun 15, 2017 - Renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind, have broken records in the U.S. electricity market. According to a report by the EIA, ...
Solar so good: 13 impressive green energy records broken ... - City AM
Dec 28, 2017 - 2017 was a record year for green energy in the UK: Here's 13 broken by wind, solar, carbon and hydro. Share. Lynsey Barber. I'm City A.M.'s ..

The cost of electricity in Germany has become so high that many people are forced to do without. Electricity has become a luxury to many.

The average cost of electricity in the US is half that of Germany. Germany is unable to sustain these costs and are returning more and more to the use of coal.

Germany Renewable Energy Program Drives Up Costs
Germany comes in as a close second, with electricity prices of $0.19 per kilowatt hour. Due to this, it has been reported that the country has developed a program for increasing the contribution of electricity sourced from renewable sources to upwards of 80% by the calendar year 2050. During the first quarter of 2014, the country produced a record-setting 27% of its electricity via renewable sources, a result of both favorable weather and an increased capacity to utilize renewable energy within the country.

There are ramifications involved in Germany’s contemporary renewable energy program, including an instable electric grid, the burden being placed upon German households by increased costs for electricity, and the need for secure back-up power that is affordable and reliable. Currently, utility companies within the country are receiving payments from the grid as a measure of stabilizing a network that has been disrupted due to surges and falls in contributions from solar and wind power sources. Coal is being utilized in a heftier manner in order to back-up the renewable technologies (and their intermittent nature) while delivering a reliable base load of power, although at the risk of increasing emissions of carbon dioxide. The result has been German residents having to pay feed-in-tariffs in addition to high utility costs as a measure of subsidizing the renewable energy technologies.

Cost Of Electricity By Country

Lol 19 cents is what electricity costs in NY, USA currently (with a nuclear plant shutting down due to age soon this price is should be going up up up.)

Do you know how much a KWh your solar panels output costs you? ZERO.
Electricity is taxed, if the less people use the electric and start using solar the government will lose revenue and will find a way to make up the lost revenue. That is why they are raising the cost of tabs on electric cars, they lost fuel tax money, so they need to make up the short fall. The government is greedy that way.
You're forgetting the utility companies may just raise the price of their service, thus increasing the tax revenue. In addition, sustainable energy is one of the fastest growing industries. So there will be added revenue from an increased labor market.

I don't see how they can lose fuel tax when gas prices are on the rise.
As you know, many Progressives erroneously consider tax deductions, available to any business, a subsidy, which it is not


PSST, let me clue you in - your conservatives pals here have spent many many posts arguing that the tax deductions I got for my solar system were SUBSIDIES and THATS why they were not self-financing like other tax-cuts.
I hope someone else other than you does your taxes. Because you are clueless.

Non-response as expected.
You really don't get it now do you................I think you finally admitted it's Subsidy. aka it's TAX CREDIT on TAXES..............

Big difference than a deduction..............LOL
+1, California wants to be on the top of the electrical revolution , which is Great

Yes, they'll be broke but they'll be number one in something! :D

And we know how well that has worked out for Germany!
The United Kingdom Broke 13 Renewable Energy Records In 2017
Dec 28, 2017 - The United Kingdom has been setting records in solar energy production throughout the year. It's no surprise to see that the area's power ...
Germany Breaks A Solar Record — Gets 85% Of Electricity From ...
Germany Breaks A Solar Record — Gets 85% Of Electricity From Renewables | CleanTechnica...
May 8, 2017 - On April 30, Germany established a new national record for renewable energy use. Part of that day (during the long May 1 weekend), 85% of all ...
Renewable Energy in the U.S. Broke Energy Records for the First Time
Renewable Energy in the U.S. Broke Energy Records for the First Time...
Jun 15, 2017 - Renewable energy sources, particularly solar and wind, have broken records in the U.S. electricity market. According to a report by the EIA, ...
Solar so good: 13 impressive green energy records broken ... - City AM
Dec 28, 2017 - 2017 was a record year for green energy in the UK: Here's 13 broken by wind, solar, carbon and hydro. Share. Lynsey Barber. I'm City A.M.'s ..

The cost of electricity in Germany has become so high that many people are forced to do without. Electricity has become a luxury to many.

The average cost of electricity in the US is half that of Germany. Germany is unable to sustain these costs and are returning more and more to the use of coal.

Germany Renewable Energy Program Drives Up Costs
Germany comes in as a close second, with electricity prices of $0.19 per kilowatt hour. Due to this, it has been reported that the country has developed a program for increasing the contribution of electricity sourced from renewable sources to upwards of 80% by the calendar year 2050. During the first quarter of 2014, the country produced a record-setting 27% of its electricity via renewable sources, a result of both favorable weather and an increased capacity to utilize renewable energy within the country.

There are ramifications involved in Germany’s contemporary renewable energy program, including an instable electric grid, the burden being placed upon German households by increased costs for electricity, and the need for secure back-up power that is affordable and reliable. Currently, utility companies within the country are receiving payments from the grid as a measure of stabilizing a network that has been disrupted due to surges and falls in contributions from solar and wind power sources. Coal is being utilized in a heftier manner in order to back-up the renewable technologies (and their intermittent nature) while delivering a reliable base load of power, although at the risk of increasing emissions of carbon dioxide. The result has been German residents having to pay feed-in-tariffs in addition to high utility costs as a measure of subsidizing the renewable energy technologies.

Cost Of Electricity By Country

Lol 19 cents is what electricity costs in NY, USA currently (with a nuclear plant shutting down due to age soon this price is should be going up up up.)

Do you know how much a KWh your solar panels output costs you? ZERO.

The grid or offgrid system don't cost anything..........Oh........I'm sorry you got tax payers to buy it for you.

Cost of system......power produced over lifespan.........determines the actual cost per kwh.........which is NOT FREE.
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