Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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A contractor building 200 houses pays much less than a contractor building one.
You still have not answered question, why force someone to put solar panels on their own house?
It makes no sense to force that horse shit on anyone...

A contractor who builds a new house for another has no legal right after the house is sold.
Typical government overreach...

Spending $20 per month to save $80 to $300 per month sounds pretty good to me.

Where are you getting your numbers from? I'll be the first to admit I'm no calculator wiz, so I went to Lending Tree mortgage calculator to compare your numbers.

According to the mortgage calculator, at the current rate of interest, your extra bill would be about $100.00 a month based on a 30 year mortgage. With a 15 year mortgage, about $150.00 a month. I used the capital of 20K for the calculations since that seems to be the general consensus of what a solar panel system would cost. - Compare Lenders

You forgot to factor the tax credit and the energy credit.
A contractor building 200 houses pays much less than a contractor building one.
You still have not answered question, why force someone to put solar panels on their own house?
It makes no sense to force that horse shit on anyone...

A contractor who builds a new house for another has no legal right after the house is sold.
Typical government overreach...

Spending $20 per month to save $80 to $300 per month sounds pretty good to me.
The collective forcing shit on individuals... sounds great? No thanks

Define "collective."
You still have not answered question, why force someone to put solar panels on their own house?
It makes no sense to force that horse shit on anyone...

A contractor who builds a new house for another has no legal right after the house is sold.
Typical government overreach...

Spending $20 per month to save $80 to $300 per month sounds pretty good to me.

Where are you getting your numbers from? I'll be the first to admit I'm no calculator wiz, so I went to Lending Tree mortgage calculator to compare your numbers.

According to the mortgage calculator, at the current rate of interest, your extra bill would be about $100.00 a month based on a 30 year mortgage. With a 15 year mortgage, about $150.00 a month. I used the capital of 20K for the calculations since that seems to be the general consensus of what a solar panel system would cost. - Compare Lenders

You forgot to factor the tax credit and the energy credit.

Yeah, well like I said, if you took that same amount of money, invested it in a secure growth fund, there is no way anybody is making out unless they get a subsidy from the government which means indirectly, it's government paying for it. Without government, a really bad investment.
Sure they will. In that sense, government is like private business. They're just going to find another way to get their money from ya.
Are you guys going to beat Boston? Yes or no?

No, but we'll make a hell of a lot of money for the city.
Looking at the tax burden in Ohio, you don't have much to brag about with Ohio, number 11 in taxes and California number 10.
The 15 US states where taxes take the most out of your paycheck

I don't know what that has to do with what we were talking about........but okay.........
How much are the people that make you all of your money worth?

Exactly what they are paid.

Are you paid more or less than you are worth?

No, employees are paid the minimum amount their employer can get away with by using Buzz terms like, entry level job, market price, and first job.

How much do I make? $1 per year.

If the employee is satisfied and is working for the wage they are being paid, that is how much they are worth. If they were worth more, the employer would pay more to keep them or the employee would find someone else who was willing to pay them more.

I did not ask how much you are paid, I don't care.

Are you paid more or less than you are worth?

Yes, you did.

Employees are stuck with low pay because employers use the "market price" excuse.
Bullshit, the only benefit I got from government was a reduction in my tax liability (tax-cut)

Try again?
You mean TAX CREDIT................Gives you a nice return now doesn't it.

Just like Child Tax Credits do unless you are above a certain income. Either way it helped pay for the system. Tax payers paid for it.

Solar can't make it with out subsidies...............

Oh. I'm sorry were saying how great Solar power is...........

I just don't get the double standard.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized, nope thats government letting coporations and rich people keep more of their money to invest in the economy.

Well here is government, letting me keep more of money and I'm spending it into economy.

When marginal and corporate tax rates get slashed I don't hear conservatives say that THAT is tax payer subsidized,

Only because cutting rates isn't a subsidy.

Subsidy: money given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen:

subsidy Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

What part of I DID NOT GET ANY MONEY for my solar panels do you not get?

The only thing I got was reduction in taxes I own on my property and income, which lowered my effective tax-rates.
If they were worth a shit they would not be forced on anybody, fuck your solar panels

Until you get them and have an energy credit every month.
A contractor who builds a new house for another has no legal right after the house is sold.
Typical government overreach...

Spending $20 per month to save $80 to $300 per month sounds pretty good to me.

Where are you getting your numbers from? I'll be the first to admit I'm no calculator wiz, so I went to Lending Tree mortgage calculator to compare your numbers.

According to the mortgage calculator, at the current rate of interest, your extra bill would be about $100.00 a month based on a 30 year mortgage. With a 15 year mortgage, about $150.00 a month. I used the capital of 20K for the calculations since that seems to be the general consensus of what a solar panel system would cost. - Compare Lenders

You forgot to factor the tax credit and the energy credit.

Yeah, well like I said, if you took that same amount of money, invested it in a secure growth fund, there is no way anybody is making out unless they get a subsidy from the government which means indirectly, it's government paying for it. Without government, a really bad investment.

Your "secure growth fund" doesn't receive government subsidies?
Typical government overreach...

Spending $20 per month to save $80 to $300 per month sounds pretty good to me.

Where are you getting your numbers from? I'll be the first to admit I'm no calculator wiz, so I went to Lending Tree mortgage calculator to compare your numbers.

According to the mortgage calculator, at the current rate of interest, your extra bill would be about $100.00 a month based on a 30 year mortgage. With a 15 year mortgage, about $150.00 a month. I used the capital of 20K for the calculations since that seems to be the general consensus of what a solar panel system would cost. - Compare Lenders

You forgot to factor the tax credit and the energy credit.

Yeah, well like I said, if you took that same amount of money, invested it in a secure growth fund, there is no way anybody is making out unless they get a subsidy from the government which means indirectly, it's government paying for it. Without government, a really bad investment.

Your "secure growth fund" doesn't receive government subsidies?

Nope, they don't. And don't take off with saying companies getting a lower tax rate is a subsidy.
I think their plan is now to actively try drive Californians out of the state so that they will repeat the mistake of voting democrat on some other state.
what makes you think its liberals leaving the state and not the more conservative people?...why would a liberal leave a liberal paradise?...
I think their plan is now to actively try drive Californians out of the state so that they will repeat the mistake of voting democrat on some other state.
what makes you think its liberals leaving the state and not the more conservative people?...why would a liberal leave a liberal paradise?...

Wait... there are conservatives still in the paradise? Got me there...

But to answer your question. Leftists always leave the paradise, they hop from one paradise someone else created to the next, destroying it in the process. The solution is of course a wall and a border.
I think their plan is now to actively try drive Californians out of the state so that they will repeat the mistake of voting democrat on some other state.
what makes you think its liberals leaving the state and not the more conservative people?...why would a liberal leave a liberal paradise?...

Wait... there are conservatives still in the paradise? Got me there...

But to answer your question. Leftists always leave the paradise, they hop from one paradise someone else created to the next, destroying it in the process. The solution is of course a wall and a border.
do they?....non far left democrats helped create the California from yesteryear,its the far lefties who have moved in over the years from the other states to get their piece of the pie who have brought it to wear it is now....if THOSE lefties are moving out to other states,payback is a bitch....
Spending $20 per month to save $80 to $300 per month sounds pretty good to me.

Where are you getting your numbers from? I'll be the first to admit I'm no calculator wiz, so I went to Lending Tree mortgage calculator to compare your numbers.

According to the mortgage calculator, at the current rate of interest, your extra bill would be about $100.00 a month based on a 30 year mortgage. With a 15 year mortgage, about $150.00 a month. I used the capital of 20K for the calculations since that seems to be the general consensus of what a solar panel system would cost. - Compare Lenders

You forgot to factor the tax credit and the energy credit.

Yeah, well like I said, if you took that same amount of money, invested it in a secure growth fund, there is no way anybody is making out unless they get a subsidy from the government which means indirectly, it's government paying for it. Without government, a really bad investment.

Your "secure growth fund" doesn't receive government subsidies?

Nope, they don't. And don't take off with saying companies getting a lower tax rate is a subsidy.
Rates are not subsidies but credits and deductions can be depending on the purpose.
Until you get them and have an energy credit every month.

Then realize that they will pay for themselves a year after you had the system removed for a roof replacement.

If your roof is covered with solar panels why would it need to be replaced? UV is the number one cause of roof deterioration. If you're reducing the amount of UV hitting the roof it isn't going to deteriorate, so theoretically you can get 80 years out of a 40 year roof.
Spending $20 per month to save $80 to $300 per month sounds pretty good to me.

Where are you getting your numbers from? I'll be the first to admit I'm no calculator wiz, so I went to Lending Tree mortgage calculator to compare your numbers.

According to the mortgage calculator, at the current rate of interest, your extra bill would be about $100.00 a month based on a 30 year mortgage. With a 15 year mortgage, about $150.00 a month. I used the capital of 20K for the calculations since that seems to be the general consensus of what a solar panel system would cost. - Compare Lenders

You forgot to factor the tax credit and the energy credit.

Yeah, well like I said, if you took that same amount of money, invested it in a secure growth fund, there is no way anybody is making out unless they get a subsidy from the government which means indirectly, it's government paying for it. Without government, a really bad investment.

Your "secure growth fund" doesn't receive government subsidies?

Nope, they don't. And don't take off with saying companies getting a lower tax rate is a subsidy.

Why don't you list the name of your growth fund and we'll do some dissecting.
I don't care where it comes from as long as it doesn't cost me or I'm forced where to get it from. It's one thing when Democrats control things and spend our tax money the way they want, but it's quite another to burden individuals with mandated excessive costs for Democrat obsessions.

I think government is too big as it is, and that goes for federal, state, county and even city. The less government in my life, the better. I don't want government telling me what kind of power I must have for my utilities, how good of windows I must buy, how good of insulation I must have in my home, or how much power I'm allowed to use. It's none of their damn business.

Progress costs.
Cars cost more than buggys.
Smartphones cost more than the kitchen rotary dial.
MRIs cost more than leeches, etc.

The truth is, the more companies that manufacture and install solar, the lower the pricepoint.
It becomes cheaper every year.

In the future, the roofing material itself will be the photo voltaics.

And that's fine with me if people buy it on their own without taxpayers footing much of the bill. Also so they aren't forced to buy them.

Government didn't force people to buy cars, citiznes bought them because of it's advantages.
Government didn't force people to buy smart phones, people bought them freely because of their advantages.
Government didn't force anybody to get an MRI. People freely chose to get those for themselves.

The govt built the interstate highway system that made the market for cars boom.
The govt built or subsidized every bit of large infrastructure in this country, including the internet, which allowed for massive business expansion around them. The govt has always been the driver of progress.

Why is this funny eagle?

Vegas is becoming one of the largest metropolitan areas in America. It exists because of what govt financed infrastructure project?
Hoffa created the city in the

One of Gov't primary areas is transportation..........which would include roads..........

Has nothing to do with ordering people to buy things.............Making housing even less affordable than it already is now. Perhaps you will next require those who can't afford housing to put Solar Panels on their tents.
Sorry. Water and electricity made that happen. The Teamsters and the mob simply exploited the potential for windfall created by the govt.

The govt financed every major ingrastructure project in America. Railroads, telephone networks, power grids, water sytems , etc. No private enterprise could have made any of those happen on a national scale.
:rolleyes: These are not some theoretical calculations, these are actual numbers for the system already on my roof. How the hell can you say "it's not"?

And I didn't say 2 years, I said 2-3 years. System produces annualy about 10000 KWh at ~21-22 cents per kWh in NYC over that period, so that is $2200 savings a year, so it will take ~2.7 years to make $6000 worth of electricity.

Please provide an unbiased, reliable source stating that a 2,500 square foot home, in California can be provided with all their electrical needs with a system costing $10,000. or less.

Here is what I found quickly. Basically, it says you are lying.

  1. HowStuffWorks
  2. Home & Garden
  3. Green Living
How many solar cells would I need in order to provide all of the electricity that my house needs?


The first question is actually pretty interesting, so let's work on it.

A "typical home" in America can use either electricity or gas to provide heat -- heat for the house, the hot water, the clothes dryer and the stove/oven. If you were to power a house with solar electricity, you would certainly use gas appliances because solar electricity is so expensive. This means that what you would be powering with solar electricity are things like the refrigerator, the lights, the computer, the TV, stereo equipment, motors in things like furnace fans and the washer, etc. Let's say that all of those things average out to 600 watts on average. Over the course of 24 hours, you need 600 watts * 24 hours = 14,400 watt-hours per day.

From our calculations and assumptions above, we know that a solar panel can generate 70 milliwatts per square inch * 5 hours = 350 milliwatt hours per day. Therefore you need about 41,000 square inches of solar panel for the house. That's a solar panel that measures about 285 square feet (about 26 square meters). That would cost around $16,000 right now. Then, because the sun only shines part of the time, you would need to purchase a battery bank, an inverter, etc., and that often doubles the cost of the installation.

If you want to have a small room air conditioner in your bedroom, double everything.

Because solar electricity is so expensive, you would normally go to great lengths to reduce your electricity consumption. Instead of a desktop computer and a monitor you would use a laptop computer. You would use fluorescent lights instead of incandescent. You would use a small B&W TV instead of a large color set. You would get a small, extremely efficient refrigerator. By doing these things you might be able to reduce your average power consumption to 100 watts. This would cut the size of your solar panel and its cost by a factor of 6, and this might bring it into the realm of possibility.

The thing to remember, however, is that 100 watts per hour purchased from the power grid would only cost about 24 cents a day right now, or $91 a year. That's why you don't see many solar houses unless they are in very remote locations. When it only costs about $100 a year to purchase power from the grid, it is hard to justify spending thousands of dollars on a solar system.


How many solar cells would I need in order to provide all of the electricity that my house needs?

Solar pretty well sucks.

If you want a home with modern conveniences then you need real electricity, not that silly weak shit.

120v is 120v regardless of the source.
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