
Guns won’t get rid of a ‘tyrant,’ either.
Guns are for individual self-defense, not to ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’
Look at you, willfully ignorant of history.

Individually armed citizens were once a valid way to overthrow a tyrannical government. It's a large part of how we won our independence from England. That is no longer the case.
Guns won’t get rid of a ‘tyrant,’ either.
Guns are for individual self-defense, not to ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’
Look at you, willfully ignorant of history.

Individually armed citizens were once a valid way to overthrow a tyrannical government. It's a large part of how we won our independence from England. That is no longer the case.
And I would LOVE to hear your high school drop-out reasoning as to why it is no longer valid.

This should be moronically hilarious.

A person doesn't need all that in our nation.

From reading your posts, since you called them guns, it tells me you were never in the military. If you had been in the military you would never use the word gun. You would still hear the TI or DI screaming at you while grabbing his crotch saying that's a gun. What you're holding is a weapon.

I know this because I was in the military. The TI's words screaming over the sound of the weapons still rings in my ears when I see or hear the word gun.

I was formally trained how to use that weapon you carry and is in your home. I know what it's for and it's not for civilian use.

I come from a family of hunters too. My aunt used to sit on her back porch waiting for the right size deer to walk by then, one shot, she had a full freezer of meat. My dad, grandfather and mother used to hunt. No hunter needs a semi automatic weapon and large capacity magazines of bullets.

If you need a lot of ammunition to hit your targets, then you need to go to the shooting range to practice before you hurt yourself.

I grew up with weapons all round me. I've been formally trained by our government how use those weapons of war.

You give up absolutely no rights if you aren't allowed to own a semi automatic weapon. You still have the right to own all the other types of weapons you want.

However you don't have one form of a penis extender and one less object that gives you the false feeling that you have control of your life.

I feel very sorry for the people who have to deal with you on a daily basis.

By the way, your attitude will guarantee that certain weapons will become illegal and removed from our nation. Not compromising will guarantee you do lose the ability to own those semi automatic weapons you have.

This is a semi-auto weapon, a single trigger pull fires a single round, you going to ban them too?

View attachment 276110


That is not a semiautomatic weapon. The energy from firing does not cock the hammer and rotate the cylinder. For a gun nut, you don't knw much about guns, do you?
It is a minor technical distinction

The end result is one round per trigger pull

I suppose a Gatling gun with a hand crank is not an automatic weapon even though the result is continuous fire

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

A Gatling gun is not classed as an automatic weapon.
But the end result is the same

Like I said a technical difference that has no appreciable effect on the end result

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I'll keep that in mind as I look over all these old posts from gun nuts ranting about how a clip and a magazine aren't the same thing, and only an idiot would think they were.
This is a semi-auto weapon, a single trigger pull fires a single round, you going to ban them too?

View attachment 276110


That is not a semiautomatic weapon. The energy from firing does not cock the hammer and rotate the cylinder. For a gun nut, you don't knw much about guns, do you?
It is a minor technical distinction

The end result is one round per trigger pull

I suppose a Gatling gun with a hand crank is not an automatic weapon even though the result is continuous fire

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

A Gatling gun is not classed as an automatic weapon.
But the end result is the same

Like I said a technical difference that has no appreciable effect on the end result

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I'll keep that in mind as I look over all these old posts from gun nuts ranting about how a clip and a magazine aren't the same thing, and only an idiot would think they were.
They are not the same.


I never asked for his name. He chose to present it as proof of his silly claim. For his proof to be valid, it has to be verifiable. Don't blame me because he volunteered information, and don't blame me because the information he offered was not verifiable. I didn't make the fool take that rout..
I demand your full name and social security number.

Chop Chop


You're funny. I never asked for anybody's name.
Then, how the FUCK do you propose he prove it otherwise, you no-high-school-graduating motherfucker.

Not my problem. His claim. His responsibility to prove it.
And you are not a U.S. Citizen.

High School drop-out.


Tell me more. If I'm a non-citizen high school dropout, where am I from? Inquiring minds want to know.
I demand your full name and social security number.

Chop Chop


You're funny. I never asked for anybody's name.
Then, how the FUCK do you propose he prove it otherwise, you no-high-school-graduating motherfucker.

Not my problem. His claim. His responsibility to prove it.
And you are not a U.S. Citizen.

High School drop-out.


Tell me more. If I'm a non-citizen high school dropout, where am I from? Inquiring minds want to know.



Because you never know when the zombie apocalypse will start.
I only have 6 mags; I need another set of pouches.

What do you need all the mags for?? Are you expecting to carry out a mass shooting?
Well, why does it matter?

Does he have the right to have that equipment or not?

What if he is able to stop a mass shooting at some point? Are you going to complain about it then?


When has a citizen armed with a AR ever stopped a mass shooting?

No civilian is obligated to stop any crime

Hell the cops aren't legally obligated to come to the aid of anyone

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

It's not irrelevant when the previous poster claimed that was a valid reason to allow assault weapons to be sold to the public.
Your dodge is irrelevant
the 2nd is for idiot gun owners to ignore all the rights they're loosing , because they think a gun makes them 'free' Clay

I suppose you believe you can vote a tyrant out of control of the government. do you support the police and only want them armed?
Guns won’t get rid of a ‘tyrant,’ either.

Guns are for individual self-defense, not to ‘overthrow’ a government incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’

Insurrectionist dogma is as ridiculous as it is wrongheaded, in no manner supported by Second Amendment case law.

The notion is a naïve and childish fantasy.

Couldn't have said it better Clay

only to possibly add the gun queers are all pacified in their 'childhood fantasy' , ignoring all else because of it ~S~
You're just as ignorant has that dumbass is.
How did America get rid of Tyranny?
How did the Lybians kick Gaddafi out of Power?
What do you need all the mags for?? Are you expecting to carry out a mass shooting?
Well, why does it matter?

Does he have the right to have that equipment or not?

What if he is able to stop a mass shooting at some point? Are you going to complain about it then?


When has a citizen armed with a AR ever stopped a mass shooting?

No civilian is obligated to stop any crime

Hell the cops aren't legally obligated to come to the aid of anyone

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

It's not irrelevant when the previous poster claimed that was a valid reason to allow assault weapons to be sold to the public.
Your dodge is irrelevant

OK Sweet Pea.
Good luck with your delusion
View attachment 276204

When you put a fake document forward as proof of your silly claims, you should at least check that the image isn't partially reversed.
View attachment 276210
I would venture a guess that he did that on purpose to avoid outing his IRL identity on an anonymous forum.

But, that's just a guess.


Then it can't be considered proof of anything.
So, you are so cocksucking unreasonable that you want the dude to dox himself before you believe anything. He even gave you his first name for fuck's sake.

You're a fucking douche.


I never asked for his name. He chose to present it as proof of his silly claim. For his proof to be valid, it has to be verifiable. Don't blame me because he volunteered information, and don't blame me because the information he offered was not verifiable. I didn't make the fool take that rout..
And your whining and denying don't change the fact I am what I said I was.
When you put a fake document forward as proof of your silly claims, you should at least check that the image isn't partially reversed.
View attachment 276210
I would venture a guess that he did that on purpose to avoid outing his IRL identity on an anonymous forum.

But, that's just a guess.


Then it can't be considered proof of anything.
So, you are so cocksucking unreasonable that you want the dude to dox himself before you believe anything. He even gave you his first name for fuck's sake.

You're a fucking douche.

Everything I produced shows that I am what I said I was. Certificate of Training, radar certification, Police Firearms certification, and Law Enforcement certificate all would indicate that I have been a police officer. all with the same first name.

It does prove you have access to some forms, but I do too, and I promise I have never been a cop. You haven't presented proof of your claim. That's not my problem.
I have access to them because I earned them.
Why in the fuck would I have all that stuff on hand? What's the relevance on a discussion board? Well, what it did is show you to be wrong and I guess that's what you hate about it.
I would venture a guess that he did that on purpose to avoid outing his IRL identity on an anonymous forum.

But, that's just a guess.


Then it can't be considered proof of anything.
So, you are so cocksucking unreasonable that you want the dude to dox himself before you believe anything. He even gave you his first name for fuck's sake.

You're a fucking douche.


I never asked for his name. He chose to present it as proof of his silly claim. For his proof to be valid, it has to be verifiable. Don't blame me because he volunteered information, and don't blame me because the information he offered was not verifiable. I didn't make the fool take that rout..
I demand your full name and social security number.

Chop Chop


You're funny. I never asked for anybody's name.
one more for the road lol
Then it can't be considered proof of anything.
So, you are so cocksucking unreasonable that you want the dude to dox himself before you believe anything. He even gave you his first name for fuck's sake.

You're a fucking douche.

Everything I produced shows that I am what I said I was. Certificate of Training, radar certification, Police Firearms certification, and Law Enforcement certificate all would indicate that I have been a police officer. all with the same first name.

It does prove you have access to some forms, but I do too, and I promise I have never been a cop. You haven't presented proof of your claim. That's not my problem.
Shut the fuck up and go graduate high school.


Are you upset?
You being in denial is irrelevant.
So, you are so cocksucking unreasonable that you want the dude to dox himself before you believe anything. He even gave you his first name for fuck's sake.

You're a fucking douche.


I never asked for his name. He chose to present it as proof of his silly claim. For his proof to be valid, it has to be verifiable. Don't blame me because he volunteered information, and don't blame me because the information he offered was not verifiable. I didn't make the fool take that rout..
I demand your full name and social security number.

Chop Chop


You're funny. I never asked for anybody's name.
Then, how the FUCK do you propose he prove it otherwise, you no-high-school-graduating motherfucker.

Not my problem. His claim. His responsibility to prove it.
I've gone further than most would have. Whether you believe me or not is irrelevant your approval doesn't change my history. I understand why you deny things when someone who claims you're wrong and show proof of their experience being more of an expert on the subject than you are.
Well, why does it matter?

Does he have the right to have that equipment or not?

What if he is able to stop a mass shooting at some point? Are you going to complain about it then?


When has a citizen armed with a AR ever stopped a mass shooting?

No civilian is obligated to stop any crime

Hell the cops aren't legally obligated to come to the aid of anyone

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

It's not irrelevant when the previous poster claimed that was a valid reason to allow assault weapons to be sold to the public.
Your dodge is irrelevant

OK Sweet Pea.
You don't know what you're talking about.
When has a citizen armed with a AR ever stopped a mass shooting?

No civilian is obligated to stop any crime

Hell the cops aren't legally obligated to come to the aid of anyone

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

It's not irrelevant when the previous poster claimed that was a valid reason to allow assault weapons to be sold to the public.
Your dodge is irrelevant

OK Sweet Pea.
You don't know what you're talking about.

I know you found a few documents. Given the time it took you, I could round up the same thing. You might be telling the truth, but what you presented didn't prove it.

No civilian is obligated to stop any crime

Hell the cops aren't legally obligated to come to the aid of anyone

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

It's not irrelevant when the previous poster claimed that was a valid reason to allow assault weapons to be sold to the public.
Your dodge is irrelevant

OK Sweet Pea.
You don't know what you're talking about.

I know you found a few documents. Given the time it took you, I could round up the same thing. You might be telling the truth, but what you presented didn't prove it.
You know I found a few documents? What do you mean given the time it took me? I've had those documents since the 80's. :dig: I've gone as far as I am going further than most others would have. Now it's time for you to prove your claim those are not my documents.
It's not irrelevant when the previous poster claimed that was a valid reason to allow assault weapons to be sold to the public.
Your dodge is irrelevant

OK Sweet Pea.
You don't know what you're talking about.

I know you found a few documents. Given the time it took you, I could round up the same thing. You might be telling the truth, but what you presented didn't prove it.
You know I found a few documents? What do you mean given the time it took me? I've had those documents since the 80's. :dig: I've gone as far as I am going further than most others would have. Now it's time for you to prove your claim those are not my documents.

When did I say those were not your documents, dumb ass? Point to the specific post #. I only said I could produce documents just like them, so they were useless to prove your claim. You're not very smart, are you?
Your dodge is irrelevant

OK Sweet Pea.
You don't know what you're talking about.

I know you found a few documents. Given the time it took you, I could round up the same thing. You might be telling the truth, but what you presented didn't prove it.
You know I found a few documents? What do you mean given the time it took me? I've had those documents since the 80's. :dig: I've gone as far as I am going further than most others would have. Now it's time for you to prove your claim those are not my documents.

When did I say those were not your documents, dumb ass? Point to the specific post #. I only said I could produce documents just like them, so they were useless to prove your claim. You're not very smart, are you?
So now you claim you never said they weren't my documents?
First, you said they were fake and in your last post you said I found them. So what were you trying to say when you made those comments?
This is a semi-auto weapon, a single trigger pull fires a single round, you going to ban them too?

View attachment 276110


That is not a semiautomatic weapon. The energy from firing does not cock the hammer and rotate the cylinder. For a gun nut, you don't knw much about guns, do you?
It is a minor technical distinction

The end result is one round per trigger pull

I suppose a Gatling gun with a hand crank is not an automatic weapon even though the result is continuous fire

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

A Gatling gun is not classed as an automatic weapon.
But the end result is the same

Like I said a technical difference that has no appreciable effect on the end result

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I'll keep that in mind as I look over all these old posts from gun nuts ranting about how a clip and a magazine aren't the same thing, and only an idiot would think they were.

A clip and a magazine are far more different than a semiauto pistol and a revolver

A clip feeds rounds into a magazine
A magazine feeds rounds into the firing chamber

So they have 2 different purposes.

A revolver and a semiauto pistol when used have same end result which is the firing of one shot per trigger pull

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