Confirmed: Greedy White Republican Dude Murdered Cecil The Lion...

Here's another photo of him.

It turns out he also got a conviction for sexual harassment for groping his female assistant.
He murders endangered animals and sexually assaults his female employees? Such an alpha male. :D

Tiny penis that probably doesn't function properly.

You might be onto something - whoda thunk-----whoda thunk Walter would also be contributing big bucks (so to speak) to Mitt?

Donor Lookup

EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55347 DENTIST 11/3/12 $5,000 Romney, Mitt (R)
It really doesn't matter in the grander scheme of things... it's a pimple... a flea... a flyspeck... it's nothing.
It really doesn't matter in the grander scheme of things... it's a pimple... a flea... a flyspeck... it's nothing.

They are appearances only, illusions, shadows, nothing but ghosts of reality, spectres. They are lies, falsehoods without body.
Here's another photo of him.

It turns out he also got a conviction for sexual harassment for groping his female assistant.
I would be very pleased to see this guy extradited to Zimbabwe and imprisoned there. And then killed.
It really doesn't matter in the grander scheme of things... it's a pimple... a flea... a flyspeck... it's nothing.

They are appearances only, illusions, shadows, nothing but ghosts of reality, spectres. They are lies, falsehoods without body.
Oh, the dentist killed the lion alright, it's just that it's really no big deal... the guy killed a big cat... not exactly the end of the world.
I would be very pleased to see this guy extradited to Zimbabwe and imprisoned there. And then killed.
It really doesn't matter in the grander scheme of things... it's a pimple... a flea... a flyspeck... it's nothing.
So let me get this straight. You don't give a fuck about an egomaniac traveling to a foreign country just to murder a lion - that had cubs which will now be murdered by rival males and a pride which will now be raped by those males immediately after watching their babies die - in an appallingly slow and merciless fashion just to get his cock hard, but you're horrified at the thought of the same egomaniac going to prison in the country in which he committed the crime and probably getting shanked for killing a living national symbol? Seriously?
I would be very pleased to see this guy extradited to Zimbabwe and imprisoned there. And then killed.
It really doesn't matter in the grander scheme of things... it's a pimple... a flea... a flyspeck... it's nothing.
So let me get this straight. You don't give a fuck about an egomaniac traveling to a foreign country just to murder a lion - that had cubs which will now be murdered by rival males and a pride which will now be raped by those males immediately after watching their babies die - in an appallingly slow and merciless fashion just to get his cock hard, but you're horrified at the thought of the same egomaniac going to prison in the country in which he committed the crime and probably getting shanked for killing a living national symbol? Seriously?

...So let me get this straight. You don't give a fuck about an egomaniac traveling to a foreign country just to murder a lion...
By Jove, I think you've got it.

Fine him $1000 and take away his passport for a year.

...that had cubs which will now be murdered by rival males and a pride which will now be raped by those males immediately after watching their babies die - in an appallingly slow and merciless fashion...
Oh, cry-me-a-river, Princess... here... need a hankie?

...just to get his cock hard...
Does your mother know that that kind of language comes out of your cake-hole, sweet-cheeks?

...but you're horrified at the thought of the same egomaniac going to prison in the country in which he committed the crime...
Nope. But I also really don't give a rat's ass.

...and probably getting shanked for killing a living national symbol? Seriously?
The death of an animal does not merit the death of a human being.

Handing one of our own over to an inferior system in which that might happen, is unacceptable.

Unlike pansy-ass tree-huggers, I hold the mainstream position that the life of a human being is VASTLY more important than that of an animal.

Get a grip, Princess.

I would be very pleased to see this guy extradited to Zimbabwe and imprisoned there. And then killed.
It really doesn't matter in the grander scheme of things... it's a pimple... a flea... a flyspeck... it's nothing.
So let me get this straight. You don't give a fuck about an egomaniac traveling to a foreign country just to murder a lion - that had cubs which will now be murdered by rival males and a pride which will now be raped by those males immediately after watching their babies die - in an appallingly slow and merciless fashion just to get his cock hard, but you're horrified at the thought of the same egomaniac going to prison in the country in which he committed the crime and probably getting shanked for killing a living national symbol? Seriously?

What does that mean, and how does that fit into the discussion here?
By Jove, I think you've got it.

Fine him $1000 and take away his passport for a year.
You don't give a fuck, but you want to fine him and take away his passport?

Oh, cry-me-a-river, Princess... here... need a hankie?
That's a pretty defensive reaction to a statement of fact about what's going to happen. The most fit adult male will kill Cecil's children, then rape his mates pregnant with his own. That's how nature works. Thank fuck some of us have advanced beyond the state of nature.

Does your mother know that that kind of language comes out of your cake-hole, sweet-cheeks?
I would assume. She's called me damn near everything in the book herself over the years.

Nope. But I also really don't give a rat's ass.
Bullshit. You cared enough to stumble over into this thread and defend how great it is that he poached a lion, cut its head off, and left its dead body to rot just so he could get off on the sense of power over a half-dead and suffering predator. I guess you share a sense of kinship with the mighty hunter?

The death of an animal does not merit the death of a human being.
What do you think a human being is, exactly? We're no different than any other ape outside of physical development and level of intelligence.

Handing one of our own over to an inferior system in which that might happen, is unacceptable.
Maybe he should have stuck to killing endangered predators here in the US?

Unlike pansy-ass tree-huggers, I hold the mainstream position that the life of a human being is VASTLY more important than that of an animal.
The life of a human is infinitely more important than that of a non-human animal because you say so. Anyone who disagrees with you is a limp dick faggot woman. You strong hunter. Brave hunter. Alpha male. Brave hunter dick swing down from cloth when see cowering prey.
What's worst about this guy is that he has done irreparable damage to the legitimate sport of hunting.
It's legitimate to take a life you don't need to take? Don't get me wrong. I can understand that people have to keep food on the table. Almost nobody has to do it that way now though.

Much rather have beef that was raised in its own filth, been fed steroids, hormones and antibiotics. So much better for you or you could eat chicken that are fed the same and genetically altered. Yum, yum!

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