Confirmed: Greedy White Republican Dude Murdered Cecil The Lion...

Here's another photo of him.

It turns out he also got a conviction for sexual harassment for groping his female assistant.
He murders endangered animals and sexually assaults his female employees? Such an alpha male. :D

Tiny penis that probably doesn't function properly.

You might be onto something - whoda thunk-----whoda thunk Walter would also be contributing big bucks (so to speak) to Mitt?
Donor Lookup

EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55347 DENTIST 11/3/12 $5,000 Romney, Mitt (R)

OMG! He contributed to a politician! And it was a Republican! The world is ending!


You nutters are too much!
Never understood killing an animal unless you were starving and the grocery store was closed.
I prefer shooting targets, cans, milk jugs and illegals. None of which causes harm to society.
Never understood killing an animal unless you were starving and the grocery store was closed.
I prefer shooting targets, cans, milk jugs and illegals. None of which causes harm to society.

I understand killing an animal for survival and not just because the grocery store is closed. Some people choose to live off of the land and I am completely fine with hunting in that context or because an area is overpopulated. That's not what this is, most trophy hunting isn't.
Never understood killing an animal unless you were starving and the grocery store was closed.
I prefer shooting targets, cans, milk jugs and illegals. None of which causes harm to society.

I understand killing an animal for survival and not just because the grocery store is closed. Some people choose to live off of the land and I am completely fine with hunting in that context or because an area is overpopulated. That's not what this is, most trophy hunting isn't.
I agree. Trophy hunting is nothing less than an ignorant activity.
animal was not a danger, the hunter was not hungry. no need to kill.
bet he killed it, sent it to get stuffed, then went out for a nice steak dinner to celebrate his manhood.
I bet the women were just attacking him to be their next baby daddy considering the superior genetic male specimen that he has proven to be. Not many people can pull a trigger from 100 yards and kill something. His life must have been in terrible danger at the time.
Never understood killing an animal unless you were starving and the grocery store was closed.
I prefer shooting targets, cans, milk jugs and illegals. None of which causes harm to society.

I understand killing an animal for survival and not just because the grocery store is closed. Some people choose to live off of the land and I am completely fine with hunting in that context or because an area is overpopulated. That's not what this is, most trophy hunting isn't.
I agree. Trophy hunting is nothing less than an ignorant activity.
animal was not a danger, the hunter was not hungry. no need to kill.
bet he killed it, sent it to get stuffed, then went out for a nice steak dinner to celebrate his manhood.
I bet the women were just attacking him to be their next baby daddy considering the superior genetic male specimen that he has proven to be. Not many people can pull a trigger from 100 yards and kill something. His life must have been in terrible danger at the time.

No, actually. He shot Cecil with a compound bow, let him suffer for 40 hours, shot him with a gun, beheaded him, skinned him, and left the rest to rot. That, of course, ignores the part where they intentionally lured Cecil out of the preserve and subsequently removed the GPS collar on him for the research that was being done by Oxford University. Guess they figured no one would notice a beloved lion with a very distinctive mane was missing.
Come to think of it, there is a better way that really proves your ability to outwith the savage beast.
Killing is a cowards way out.
However, picture this
Paint Balls.
yes they hurt like hell from the close distance you have to be, but they dont kill.
so, first step, find the savage beast, take a photo with a good camera. Then switch over to video to document your "kill"
leave the safety of your vehicle and walk up to within 20 yards of said beast,
hit beast with paintball,
Beast will become irritated and look at you like a threat.
Beast chases you. You run.
Video records you screaming like a little girl while running, crapping your pants and throwing the gun.
if you live, bring picture of beast to taxidermist so he can make a reproduction for your wall. Display video under the beasts head to impress your friends and family.

If hunting something that has horns or antelers, strap a one to your head and fight themn on their terms. Now thats a real man that can take down a Rhino with nothing but a plastic horn duct tapped to his forehead.
Never understood killing an animal unless you were starving and the grocery store was closed.
I prefer shooting targets, cans, milk jugs and illegals. None of which causes harm to society.

I understand killing an animal for survival and not just because the grocery store is closed. Some people choose to live off of the land and I am completely fine with hunting in that context or because an area is overpopulated. That's not what this is, most trophy hunting isn't.
I agree. Trophy hunting is nothing less than an ignorant activity.
animal was not a danger, the hunter was not hungry. no need to kill.
bet he killed it, sent it to get stuffed, then went out for a nice steak dinner to celebrate his manhood.
I bet the women were just attacking him to be their next baby daddy considering the superior genetic male specimen that he has proven to be. Not many people can pull a trigger from 100 yards and kill something. His life must have been in terrible danger at the time.

No, actually. He shot Cecil with a compound bow, let him suffer for 40 hours, shot him with a gun, beheaded him, skinned him, and left the rest to rot. That, of course, ignores the part where they intentionally lured Cecil out of the preserve and subsequently removed the GPS collar on him for the research that was being done by Oxford University. Guess they figured no one would notice a beloved lion with a very distinctive mane was missing.

All of which was legal.

LionAid - News
Greedy white Republican dudes sure are some messed up folks. You sure you want them running the country?
I mean man, who's defending this piece of shit? Fellow angry greedy white Republican dudes. That's who. Pay closer attention to who's defending him. You'll quickly realize it's similar heartless bastards.
I mean man, who's defending this piece of shit? Fellow angry greedy white Republican dudes. That's who. Pay closer attention to who's defending him. You'll quickly realize it's similar heartless bastards.
just like the liberals defend welfare mooches and criminals.
we all have our cross to bear
Sadly, this moron really does represent greedy white Republican dude perfectly. The fluck's wrong with em? R.I.P Cecil.




The irony in all this, this would be the same white motherfuker, crying about having to pay his employee's healthcare, crying about taxes, crying about anything that makes his lust for killing impaired by finances...typcial conservative shit for brain bastard.

I only hope in his next life, he comes back as a hunted animal!! Or worse.... a black man with no license plate in the state of Ohio....either way...a dead man

I gotta say, you pretty much nailed it. Angry greedy white Republican dudes don't have souls. Buncha camo-wearing sick fucks.
I would be very pleased to see this guy extradited to Zimbabwe and imprisoned there. And then killed.
It really doesn't matter in the grander scheme of things... it's a pimple... a flea... a flyspeck... it's nothing.
So let me get this straight. You don't give a fuck about an egomaniac traveling to a foreign country just to murder a lion - that had cubs which will now be murdered by rival males and a pride which will now be raped by those males immediately after watching their babies die - in an appallingly slow and merciless fashion just to get his cock hard, but you're horrified at the thought of the same egomaniac going to prison in the country in which he committed the crime and probably getting shanked for killing a living national symbol? Seriously?


Yeah, racist white camo-wearing sister-fucking Walmart-shopping, redneck loons do make up a huge part of the Republican voter-base. Gots to get em their Camo & Ammo at the Walmart so they can kill them some more innocent animals. Buncha ignorant bastards.
Sadly, this moron really does represent greedy white Republican dude perfectly. The fluck's wrong with em? R.I.P Cecil.




The irony in all this, this would be the same white motherfuker, crying about having to pay his employee's healthcare, crying about taxes, crying about anything that makes his lust for killing impaired by finances...typcial conservative shit for brain bastard.

I only hope in his next life, he comes back as a hunted animal!! Or worse.... a black man with no license plate in the state of Ohio....either way...a dead man

I gotta say, you pretty much nailed it. Angry greedy white Republican dudes don't have souls. Buncha camo-wearing sick fucks.
you should exert this much distast toward your own party when the liberals go out in their hood and start shooting people in drive bys.
White greedy angry tiny-dicked Republican dudes are the Republican Party at this point. They do evil deranged shit like this all the time. Hard to fathom why so many want them running the country. So bizarre.
White greedy angry tiny-dicked Republican dudes are the Republican Party at this point. They do evil deranged shit like this all the time. Hard to fathom why so many want them running the country. So bizarre.
worthless murdering welfare queens are the democrat party right now, all of democrats fall under this heading, I can see why the country would rather have the lessor of two evils running the country. Really bizarre is that the boy child is still in the white house.
Pretty sure he was a man eater.
Yeah I'm not seeing any evidence of this claim of yours or anyone else making it but yourself. I am seeing a lot of sources report that he was highly friendly and socialized to people. I'm not saying he was a housecat. He was still a wild animal. But trying to defend a previously convicted poacher's right to fly to his home and kill him in a notably drawn out and cruel manner just to cut off his head for a trophy is just fucked up on multiple levels. Please don't tell me you're one of those "I'm pro-life but I don't care about torturing animals" fucks.

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