Congrats, Dems - You Just Made Me Do Something I Have Never Done

Stupid people shouldn't vote. They're the reason we have Democrats in office.

Stepping away from the Twilight Zone and returning to reality, the only reason either party gets elected is it's time to kick the other bums out.
...and I hope millions more Americans do the same.

Since I am going to be away with the military on election day I went to my county court House and voted 'Absentee Ballot' in person.

Due to the Democrats:
- Criminal acts

- 100% commitment to obstruct / oppose the efforts to make this country great again

- Their despicable 'politics of personal destruction'

- Allowing felons / election cheaters / compromises of national security / traitors to be their candidates and spokesmen,

- Calls for lawless violent intolerance and lack of civility

I just voted STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET for the Republicans

I've always considered myself American first and foremost, and I still do, and I've always look for the best candidate no matter what party they claim to be a member of; however, the continuing meltdown of the Democratic party and its members have driven me to oppose anyone who willingly claims to be a member of that despicable group.

Hillary is sticking around because she wants to keep herself 'relevant' and wants to make a difference.

Congrats, Hillary - You did and you are. Keep up the 'good work's.
Gee, a partisan hack with diarrhea of the mouth voted Republican. That's about as surprising as the sun rising in the east this morning, which we can all thank Trump for making happen!

Go pound your chest in the echo chamber, son. It just looks really stupid here.

Corky, the Democrats have embraced the far left and are now against everything American.

Anti-God, Anti-gun, Anti-family, Anti-freedom, Anti-Founding Fathers' ideals, more taxes, more laws, kooky stupid projects. Went full fucking retard.

Not a good policy in America, I'm telling you. You know what? America is chock-full of real Americans, no matter where they or their ancestors immigrated from. :eek:

Many Democrat supported candidates this time are bona-fide Socialists. That's not going to go over big with people that fled Communism to get here and become a citizen and live The American Dream.
I don't vote Democrat or Republican.

I used to be a straight ticket Republican and am an actual military retiree, unlike the stolen valor fake bitch in the OP.

But since the Republican party has been hijacked by c*nts like easyt65, and all the other bigots, racists, hypocrites, liars and retards, I would not cast a vote for the GOP if you paid me.

There is no question about voting Democrat. That will never happen. They have always had commie tendencies. So don't you worry about that front, cupcake.
I don't perceive any real difference on for policy between the Clintons and the Bushes. Neither Clinton would have been suckered into Iraq. But in retrospect I doubt W thinks it was a good move. LOL

Obama viewed the world through a post-colonial haze. He distrusted neocons, but neocons are not colonialists. Trump has no foreign policy ideology. I've thought what little he had was just about who praised him the most. The Saudis put up a light show on skyscrapers with his image. He loved it. He praised it, literally.

But more recently people have been speculating on he supports the Saudis unreservedly because they pay us for our military support. He views intl relations as monetary transactions. I think that's possibly correct.
I don't vote Democrat or Republican.

I used to be a straight ticket Republican and am an actual military retiree, unlike the stolen valor fake bitch in the OP.

But since the Republican party has been hijacked by c*nts like easyt65, and all the other bigots, racists, hypocrites, liars and retards, I would not cast a vote for the GOP if you paid me.

There is no question about voting Democrat. That will never happen. They have always had commie tendencies. So don't you worry about that front, cupcake.

LOL... for someone who doesn't vote you sure are consumed with how everyone else does.

Fugitives from natural selection, every single one of you stupid fucking leftist parasites.

...and I hope millions more Americans do the same.

Since I am going to be away with the military on election day I went to my county court House and voted 'Absentee Ballot' in person.

Due to the Democrats:
- Criminal acts

- 100% commitment to obstruct / oppose the efforts to make this country great again

- Their despicable 'politics of personal destruction'

- Allowing felons / election cheaters / compromises of national security / traitors to be their candidates and spokesmen,

- Calls for lawless violent intolerance and lack of civility

I just voted STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET for the Republicans

I've always considered myself American first and foremost, and I still do, and I've always look for the best candidate no matter what party they claim to be a member of; however, the continuing meltdown of the Democratic party and its members have driven me to oppose anyone who willingly claims to be a member of that despicable group.

Hillary is sticking around because she wants to keep herself 'relevant' and wants to make a difference.

Congrats, Hillary - You did and you are. Keep up the 'good work's.

Talk of abolishing ICE is more than enough reason for me to vote Republican down the line. I’m in MN though so my expectations are extremely low.
...and I hope millions more Americans do the same.

Since I am going to be away with the military on election day I went to my county court House and voted 'Absentee Ballot' in person.

Due to the Democrats:
- Criminal acts

- 100% commitment to obstruct / oppose the efforts to make this country great again

- Their despicable 'politics of personal destruction'

- Allowing felons / election cheaters / compromises of national security / traitors to be their candidates and spokesmen,

- Calls for lawless violent intolerance and lack of civility

I just voted STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET for the Republicans

I've always considered myself American first and foremost, and I still do, and I've always look for the best candidate no matter what party they claim to be a member of; however, the continuing meltdown of the Democratic party and its members have driven me to oppose anyone who willingly claims to be a member of that despicable group.

Hillary is sticking around because she wants to keep herself 'relevant' and wants to make a difference.

Congrats, Hillary - You did and you are. Keep up the 'good work's.

Talk of abolishing ICE is more than enough reason for me to vote Republican down the line. I’m in MN though so my expectations are extremely low.

Obama seeded an entire Muslim city up there (100K worth), as well as Chattanooga. He should hang for that, amongst other things.
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...and I hope millions more Americans do the same.

Since I am going to be away with the military on election day I went to my county court House and voted 'Absentee Ballot' in person.

Due to the Democrats:
- Criminal acts

- 100% commitment to obstruct / oppose the efforts to make this country great again

- Their despicable 'politics of personal destruction'

- Allowing felons / election cheaters / compromises of national security / traitors to be their candidates and spokesmen,

- Calls for lawless violent intolerance and lack of civility

I just voted STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET for the Republicans

I've always considered myself American first and foremost, and I still do, and I've always look for the best candidate no matter what party they claim to be a member of; however, the continuing meltdown of the Democratic party and its members have driven me to oppose anyone who willingly claims to be a member of that despicable group.

Hillary is sticking around because she wants to keep herself 'relevant' and wants to make a difference.

Congrats, Hillary - You did and you are. Keep up the 'good work's.
It's good that you voted...everyone should vote (those qualified), regardless of how you vote. It's a civic duty.
Stupid people shouldn't vote. They're the reason we have Democrats in office.
Well, there you go....telling us that you support voter suppression. Why am I not surprised.
I think no one under the age of 35 or over the age of 55 should be allowed to vote. The former are too gullible and naive and the later only care about getting as much out of the government as they can before they die. Also, No on who hasn't paid any net taxes to the government in the previous two years should be allowed to vote. You should also have to prove you have net assets over $50,000 to vote. Only someone who has something at stake should be entitled to choose the leaders of this county.

The last thing this country needs is more voters.
...and I hope millions more Americans do the same.

Since I am going to be away with the military on election day I went to my county court House and voted 'Absentee Ballot' in person.

Due to the Democrats:
- Criminal acts

- 100% commitment to obstruct / oppose the efforts to make this country great again

- Their despicable 'politics of personal destruction'

- Allowing felons / election cheaters / compromises of national security / traitors to be their candidates and spokesmen,

- Calls for lawless violent intolerance and lack of civility

I just voted STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET for the Republicans

I've always considered myself American first and foremost, and I still do, and I've always look for the best candidate no matter what party they claim to be a member of; however, the continuing meltdown of the Democratic party and its members have driven me to oppose anyone who willingly claims to be a member of that despicable group.

Hillary is sticking around because she wants to keep herself 'relevant' and wants to make a difference.

Congrats, Hillary - You did and you are. Keep up the 'good work's.
It's good that you voted...everyone should vote (those qualified), regardless of how you vote. It's a civic duty.
Stupid people shouldn't vote. They're the reason we have Democrats in office.
Well, there you go....telling us that you support voter suppression. Why am I not surprised.
I think no one under the age of 35 or over the age of 55 should be allowed to vote. The former are too gullible and naive and the later only care about getting as much out of the government as they can before they die. Also, No on who hasn't paid any net taxes to the government in the previous two years should be allowed to vote. You should also have to prove you have net assets over $50,000 to vote. Only someone who has something at stake should be entitled to choose the leaders of this county.

The last thing this country needs is more voters.

That might just be the stupidest post you have ever made. And that was a very high bar.
I think no one under the age of 35 or over the age of 55 should be allowed to vote. The former are too gullible and naive and the later only care about getting as much out of the government as they can before they die. Also, No on who hasn't paid any net taxes to the government in the previous two years should be allowed to vote. You should also have to prove you have net assets over $50,000 to vote. Only someone who has something at stake should be entitled to choose the leaders of this county.

The last thing this country needs is more voters.

I'd say only people who own property could vote.


I don't care how many houses you own, how big they are or what they're made of. If it's a homestead property with a tent on it, that's where you cast your vote.

In any case I do agree that allowing idiots, children, parasites and druggies to vote is clearly detrimental to how we are governed because far too many stupid people put assholes like this in DC, rather than allowing them to starve to death in the street like they ought too.

...and I hope millions more Americans do the same.

Since I am going to be away with the military on election day I went to my county court House and voted 'Absentee Ballot' in person.

Due to the Democrats:
- Criminal acts

- 100% commitment to obstruct / oppose the efforts to make this country great again

- Their despicable 'politics of personal destruction'

- Allowing felons / election cheaters / compromises of national security / traitors to be their candidates and spokesmen,

- Calls for lawless violent intolerance and lack of civility

I just voted STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET for the Republicans

I've always considered myself American first and foremost, and I still do, and I've always look for the best candidate no matter what party they claim to be a member of; however, the continuing meltdown of the Democratic party and its members have driven me to oppose anyone who willingly claims to be a member of that despicable group.

Hillary is sticking around because she wants to keep herself 'relevant' and wants to make a difference.

Congrats, Hillary - You did and you are. Keep up the 'good work's.

we made you do something you've never done before.....?

behave like a decent person?
brush your teeth?
...and I hope millions more Americans do the same.

Since I am going to be away with the military on election day I went to my county court House and voted 'Absentee Ballot' in person.

Due to the Democrats:
- Criminal acts

- 100% commitment to obstruct / oppose the efforts to make this country great again

- Their despicable 'politics of personal destruction'

- Allowing felons / election cheaters / compromises of national security / traitors to be their candidates and spokesmen,

- Calls for lawless violent intolerance and lack of civility

I just voted STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET for the Republicans

I've always considered myself American first and foremost, and I still do, and I've always look for the best candidate no matter what party they claim to be a member of; however, the continuing meltdown of the Democratic party and its members have driven me to oppose anyone who willingly claims to be a member of that despicable group.

Hillary is sticking around because she wants to keep herself 'relevant' and wants to make a difference.

Congrats, Hillary - You did and you are. Keep up the 'good work's.

At the core of conservatism is the spoiled child miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Conservatism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.
I think no one under the age of 35 or over the age of 55 should be allowed to vote.
Speaking on behalf of every veteran, many who are older than 55yo and in large part the reason everyone still has their Constitutionally-protected right to vote, I disagree with the 55+yo idea.

I would not completely oppose an 'intelligence' test, though.

If you have absolutely no clue about the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the 3 branches if govt - if you don't know who the Pres or VP is - you probably shouldn't be voting...
we made you do something you've never done before.....? think? behave like a decent person? bathe? brush your teeth?
Awww, the lil' snowflake tried to make a funny.... :p.

If you could read / comprehend what you read you would not have had to have asked 'what'...
At the core of conservatism is the spoiled child miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Conservatism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.

Ahhh, another demonstration of Democrats accusing others of doing what they do and of being who they are...

At the core of Democrats, has Hillary demonstrated, Orrville, despicable, corrupt, treasonous, power hungry, violently intolerant elitist who seek to impose their socialist ideology and beliefs on others, to break them and bend them to their will.
...and I hope millions more Americans do the same.

Since I am going to be away with the military on election day I went to my county court House and voted 'Absentee Ballot' in person.

Due to the Democrats:
- Criminal acts

- 100% commitment to obstruct / oppose the efforts to make this country great again

- Their despicable 'politics of personal destruction'

- Allowing felons / election cheaters / compromises of national security / traitors to be their candidates and spokesmen,

- Calls for lawless violent intolerance and lack of civility

I just voted STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET for the Republicans

I've always considered myself American first and foremost, and I still do, and I've always look for the best candidate no matter what party they claim to be a member of; however, the continuing meltdown of the Democratic party and its members have driven me to oppose anyone who willingly claims to be a member of that despicable group.

Hillary is sticking around because she wants to keep herself 'relevant' and wants to make a difference.

Congrats, Hillary - You did and you are. Keep up the 'good work's.
It's good that you voted...everyone should vote (those qualified), regardless of how you vote. It's a civic duty.
Stupid people shouldn't vote. They're the reason we have Democrats in office.
Well, there you go....telling us that you support voter suppression. Why am I not surprised.
I think no one under the age of 35 or over the age of 55 should be allowed to vote. The former are too gullible and naive and the later only care about getting as much out of the government as they can before they die. Also, No on who hasn't paid any net taxes to the government in the previous two years should be allowed to vote. You should also have to prove you have net assets over $50,000 to vote. Only someone who has something at stake should be entitled to choose the leaders of this county.

The last thing this country needs is more voters.

That might just be the stupidest post you have ever made. And that was a very high bar.

Notice that you can't explain why it's stupid.

Hardly. Anyone who believes mob rule is a good way to run a society is a moron. The best thing we can do, short of abolishing it, is limit the damage by keeping idiots, the uniformed and those with sinister motives out of the voting booth.
...and I hope millions more Americans do the same.

Since I am going to be away with the military on election day I went to my county court House and voted 'Absentee Ballot' in person.

Due to the Democrats:
- Criminal acts

- 100% commitment to obstruct / oppose the efforts to make this country great again

- Their despicable 'politics of personal destruction'

- Allowing felons / election cheaters / compromises of national security / traitors to be their candidates and spokesmen,

- Calls for lawless violent intolerance and lack of civility

I just voted STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET for the Republicans

I've always considered myself American first and foremost, and I still do, and I've always look for the best candidate no matter what party they claim to be a member of; however, the continuing meltdown of the Democratic party and its members have driven me to oppose anyone who willingly claims to be a member of that despicable group.

Hillary is sticking around because she wants to keep herself 'relevant' and wants to make a difference.

Congrats, Hillary - You did and you are. Keep up the 'good work's.
It's good that you voted...everyone should vote (those qualified), regardless of how you vote. It's a civic duty.
Stupid people shouldn't vote. They're the reason we have Democrats in office.
Well, there you go....telling us that you support voter suppression. Why am I not surprised.
I think no one under the age of 35 or over the age of 55 should be allowed to vote. The former are too gullible and naive and the later only care about getting as much out of the government as they can before they die. Also, No on who hasn't paid any net taxes to the government in the previous two years should be allowed to vote. You should also have to prove you have net assets over $50,000 to vote. Only someone who has something at stake should be entitled to choose the leaders of this county.

The last thing this country needs is more voters.

That might just be the stupidest post you have ever made. And that was a very high bar.

Your bar for stupidest post here is calibrated entirely too low.
It's good that you voted...everyone should vote (those qualified), regardless of how you vote. It's a civic duty.
Stupid people shouldn't vote. They're the reason we have Democrats in office.
Well, there you go....telling us that you support voter suppression. Why am I not surprised.
I think no one under the age of 35 or over the age of 55 should be allowed to vote. The former are too gullible and naive and the later only care about getting as much out of the government as they can before they die. Also, No on who hasn't paid any net taxes to the government in the previous two years should be allowed to vote. You should also have to prove you have net assets over $50,000 to vote. Only someone who has something at stake should be entitled to choose the leaders of this county.

The last thing this country needs is more voters.

That might just be the stupidest post you have ever made. And that was a very high bar.
Hardly. Anyone who believes mob rule is a good way to run a society is a moron. The best thing we can do, short of abolishing it, is limit the damage by keeping idiots, the uniformed and those with sinister motives out of the voting booth.

So, you think that the majority of the people in the military do not have anything at stake?

You are a fucking moron and are the one that should not be allowed to vote.
At the core of conservatism is the spoiled child miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Conservatism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.

Ahhh, another demonstration of Democrats accusing others of doing what they do and of being who they are...

At the core of Democrats, has Hillary demonstrated, Orrville, despicable, corrupt, treasonous, power hungry, violently intolerant elitist who seek to impose their socialist ideology and beliefs on others, to break them and bend them to their will.

That was a QUOTE I lifted from CONSERVATIVE P.J O'rourke. So he said it BEFORE I did....
You Trumpians are just emotional wrecks aren't you. Ginned up on fear and hate, lashing out at everything you're told to lash out at.

Hilarious. Red.
Stupid people shouldn't vote. They're the reason we have Democrats in office.
Well, there you go....telling us that you support voter suppression. Why am I not surprised.
I think no one under the age of 35 or over the age of 55 should be allowed to vote. The former are too gullible and naive and the later only care about getting as much out of the government as they can before they die. Also, No on who hasn't paid any net taxes to the government in the previous two years should be allowed to vote. You should also have to prove you have net assets over $50,000 to vote. Only someone who has something at stake should be entitled to choose the leaders of this county.

The last thing this country needs is more voters.

That might just be the stupidest post you have ever made. And that was a very high bar.
Hardly. Anyone who believes mob rule is a good way to run a society is a moron. The best thing we can do, short of abolishing it, is limit the damage by keeping idiots, the uniformed and those with sinister motives out of the voting booth.

So, you think that the majority of the people in the military do not have anything at stake?

You are a fucking moron and are the one that should not be allowed to vote.

Military service is voluntary. Furthermore, they are also mostly young and naive.
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