Congress has already disqualified Trump from the ballot

They proved his guilt.
If this were a court of law they'd have gone back till they got a unanimous verdict.

What they failed to do in proving his guilt was get enough votes to convict.
Not because he was not guilty, but because 43 GOP Senators closed their eyes and refused to see the shithole they were creating by refusing to do what was right.
In other words, YOU FAILED to convince the opposition.

Because of you're full of bullshit.

Non-existent insurrections and stuff like that.

Even as you turn a blind eye to the REAL insurrection in Seattle.
That's another lie, LIAR.
But tell me, by Trump being "hard" on Putin do you mean...
Donnie made Vlad wear a condom?
Donnie refused to swallow?
Were you just referring to Donnie's mushroomic boner?

In any case "Acquittal" <> "exoneration" in any court outside MAGADUMIA, MAGADUMIAN.

I'm so sorry faggot.
My attorneys TRUMP your weak ass links

But, please, go to court with your dictionary and call the judge a dumbass.
We'll see you in six months.
On the bright side, you'll make many new butt buddies
In other words, YOU FAILED to convince the opposition.

Because of you're full of bullshit.

Non-existent insurrections and stuff like that.

Even as you turn a blind eye to the REAL insurrection in Seattle.
And so much for a reasoned argument.
Explain to MAGA the logic of a position
They immediately pull out their goto bullshit.

43 GOP Senators lacked the nutsack to do what was right despite
Having Trump call for their murder a few days earlier
Having to run for their lives a few days earlier
Because Trump can't stomach the idea of losing

the courage of a GOP Senator
No stupid, the Senate vote is to convict or acquit.

Acquit means exonerated.

I provided links proving all this earlier in the thread. Go get educated.
The impeachment process is a political process to remove an official from office, not a criminal justice process. Surviving an impeachment effort does not make a politician immune from criminal prosecution by the justice system for crime they may have committed.
Still can't find that elusive mind?
Here, I can help...

It's right in here
The role of the Supreme Court in the US government is to interpret the Constitution and ensure that all laws and actions comply with its provisions. While the Congress has the power to impeach and remove a president, the Supreme Court's role is to review legal challenges and ensure that the Constitution is upheld.
This is also where the supreme court needs to follow it's own rules and but out of impeachments and senate trials. The constitution gives the house the power of impeachment, and the senate the power to try impeachments. How they do so is left only to congress. As Nixon V US decided, how each branch carries out it's duty is in accordance with their own rules.

Nixon v. United States, 506 U.S. 224 (1993)

pursuant to Senate Rule XI-which allows a committee of Senators to hear evidence against an impeached individual and to report that evidence to the full Senate the Senate voted to convict Nixon, and the presiding officer entered judgment removing him from his judgeship
You said he was acquitted. Same thing, Simp.
Acquitted is not exonerated.

(especially of an official body) absolve (someone) from blame for a fault or wrongdoing, especially after due consideration of the case.

free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.

One is to determine the person did not do what he was charged with, while the other is they have a reasonable doubt to his guilt.

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