Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

Eight million jobs since 2009

Doesn't look like he has hurt job growth
Want to tell us about all the jobs created by trickle down?

Okay... so this is kind of like, if I hired you to make widgets and I come back in a week to find a bunch of empty Walmart bags where you've gone out and bought a pile of widgets and and you point to those as what you've done for me this week! You didn't "make" anything, you bought a bunch of things at retail price and I paid for them... now I have to try and sell them for a profit.

Sure he boasts of 8-million "mythical" jobs, but the vast majority of them are government jobs we didn't need to add. They are costing us money, not helping the economy.
That is a complete lie

Republicans slashed government jobs while Obama was trying to recover the economy......the vast majority of the jobs were in the PRIVATE sector
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

You fools never get this right. Obama's policies have hurt jobs growth, yet jobs are being created in spite of the idiot's policies, he doesn't get to claim credit for that. These candidates are saying their policies will encourage jobs growth, learn the difference.

Eight million jobs since 2009

Doesn't look like he has hurt job growth
Want to tell us about all the jobs created by trickle down?

That is because you are an idiot. I fear it will be a lifelong handicap for you.
I imagine name calling is the best you can do

However, the employment figures are a matter of record. You can play games and claim that the numbers would be higher without Obama, but Obamas employment numbers exceed Bush's by over five million

Ah irony, lies, and spin. Honesty is not a word I would use to describe your posts.
Roads and infrastructure help the economy
Police and fire help the economy
Schools help the economy

Show me a single country with a government that provides negligible services and protection that has a booming economy

Rapes and murders help the economy.
Burglary and theft help the economy.
Wars help the economy.
Catastrophes help the economy.
Serial killers help the economy.

No one here has suggested "negligible services and protection" so where the fuck are you getting that? Why is it that when people disagree with you turning us into Socialists, you start crying about us wanting to disband government entirely and not have one? No one said that, no one implied it. I've said all along, the Constitution has a specific role for the Federal government. I believe in the Constitution and think we ought to abide by it. It doesn't call for banning all government services and protection... it specifically outlines the enumerated powers of Federal government, which I have absolutely NO problem with whatsoever.
Your perspective on the Constitution is not supported by two hundred years of rulings

But AGAIN... The Constitution does not grant the court the power to rewrite the Constitution. We have a process for amending it if there is something you want to change. The SCOTUS has a very long history of making really bad and stupid decisions, like slaves being property for example. We are not bound by the Constitution to accept what the Court decides.
Wrong once again

The court has the role to interpret and apply the Constitution. For two hundred years they have not taken your interpretation
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Within budget? :rofl:

Sell crazy somewhere else fakewinger. Obamacare is a 100% liberal democrat clusterfuck of fail.

Within budget.....:rofl:
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

You fools never get this right. Obama's policies have hurt jobs growth, yet jobs are being created in spite of the idiot's policies, he doesn't get to claim credit for that. These candidates are saying their policies will encourage jobs growth, learn the difference.

Eight million jobs since 2009

Doesn't look like he has hurt job growth
Want to tell us about all the jobs created by trickle down?

That is because you are an idiot. I fear it will be a lifelong handicap for you.
I imagine name calling is the best you can do

However, the employment figures are a matter of record. You can play games and claim that the numbers would be higher without Obama, but Obamas employment numbers exceed Bush's by over five million

Ah irony, lies, and spin. Honesty is not a word I would use to describe your posts.
Easy enough....prove me wrong

I will wait
And if you think the gov builds all roads you're an idiot.

Exactly! I get so fed up with the stupid liberal meme about the fucking roads and bridges! Anywhere a road or bridge is needed, the town, county or state vote to use state funds to build it. That's what the state and local governments do, not the federal government. Reason being, it's not fair for me (in Alabama) to pay for a bridge or road in Michigan or Alaska. I'm not going to receive any benefit from that and I shouldn't be obligated to pay for it. If the people of Michigan or Alaska want a road or bridge, let them pay for one. If we need one here, we'll do the same.

Thank you. they've been told that over and over.
Oh stfu, morons. THEY get most of the money from the federal gov't. Which is why we have the worst infrastructure in the modern world...

Also, right now there are 3-4 million tech jobs going begging because Pubs won't allow programs to train people for them. STUPID, hater dupes. Like free community college.

You're going to have to prove to me how the GOP stopped college students from taking classes that apply to todays job market.
Maybe if liberals stopped getting liberal arts and underwater basket weaving degrees it might help.
What we need is programs for the UNEMPLOYED to get training for 3-4 MILLION tech jobs going begging, dear.

If wwe had more students getting some liberal arts, we wouldn't have such stupid, gullible voters like you lol. History, poli-sci are important for good citizenship, not Fox Noise and Rush Limbaugh.

Just keep telling your buddies that.
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Within budget? :rofl:

Sell crazy somewhere else fakewinger. Obamacare is a 100% liberal democrat clusterfuck of fail.

Within budget.....:rofl:
Obamacare has covered eight million uninsured that were not covered by Republican "wedontcare"
Personally, I don't get all butt hurt over the level of Government that performs a function. Just determine where the function is most efficient and do it at that level.

Just because you do not benefit personally from a particular infrastructure does not mean you should not have to pay for it
A road, or bridge or dam on the other side of the country may not be doing you any good...but we, as a country benefit from having it

Again, if we are to be The State of America, we need to dissolve state governments. No need in having both to do the same things. It's just a stupid waste... like having a Senate and House. We should get rid of one of them... I'll be liberal and go with getting rid of the Senate since we won't have states anymore.

A road, or bridge or dam on the other side of the country may not be doing you any good...but we, as a country benefit from having it.

You've been out in the sun too long, you're not making sense. How does the country benefit from a road in California? That's my whole point... we don't benefit from it, as a country or individuals. The people of California do... in fact, it's a pretty sweet deal for them, they get the road and all the benefits but someone else is paying for it!

A first class road system benefits all states. Business in your state may want to ship to businesses in California. Those roads may help you even if you do not realize it
Some states are not as wealthy as others. They may not be able to finance a major dam, bridge or tunnel without federal aid. We are a United States not just a bunch of states that are united.
Collectively, our country does better than a bunch of individual states existing on their own
Actually, the later is the case - at least that was the original intention. However, the tyrant Lincoln turn this collection of sovereign states into an empire of subjects.
"However, the tyrant Lincoln" You can't honestly believe the shit you're spewing.

Even Lincoln's admirers admit that he was a tyrant.
Personally, I don't get all butt hurt over the level of Government that performs a function. Just determine where the function is most efficient and do it at that level.

Just because you do not benefit personally from a particular infrastructure does not mean you should not have to pay for it
A road, or bridge or dam on the other side of the country may not be doing you any good...but we, as a country benefit from having it

Again, if we are to be The State of America, we need to dissolve state governments. No need in having both to do the same things. It's just a stupid waste... like having a Senate and House. We should get rid of one of them... I'll be liberal and go with getting rid of the Senate since we won't have states anymore.

A road, or bridge or dam on the other side of the country may not be doing you any good...but we, as a country benefit from having it.

You've been out in the sun too long, you're not making sense. How does the country benefit from a road in California? That's my whole point... we don't benefit from it, as a country or individuals. The people of California do... in fact, it's a pretty sweet deal for them, they get the road and all the benefits but someone else is paying for it!

A first class road system benefits all states. Business in your state may want to ship to businesses in California. Those roads may help you even if you do not realize it
Some states are not as wealthy as others. They may not be able to finance a major dam, bridge or tunnel without federal aid. We are a United States not just a bunch of states that are united.
Collectively, our country does better than a bunch of individual states existing on their own
Actually, the later is the case - at least that was the original intention. However, the tyrant Lincoln turn this collection of sovereign states into an empire of subjects.
Lincoln took a bunch of states that were united and turned them into the UNITED STATES
I'm pretty sure bribat is defending the "freedom" of slave owning capitalists who relied on the hard labor and enslavement of blacks.

I'm sure you're defending the slaughter of 850,000 Americans and the utter trashing of the Constitution.
Personally, I don't get all butt hurt over the level of Government that performs a function. Just determine where the function is most efficient and do it at that level.

Just because you do not benefit personally from a particular infrastructure does not mean you should not have to pay for it
A road, or bridge or dam on the other side of the country may not be doing you any good...but we, as a country benefit from having it

Again, if we are to be The State of America, we need to dissolve state governments. No need in having both to do the same things. It's just a stupid waste... like having a Senate and House. We should get rid of one of them... I'll be liberal and go with getting rid of the Senate since we won't have states anymore.

A road, or bridge or dam on the other side of the country may not be doing you any good...but we, as a country benefit from having it.

You've been out in the sun too long, you're not making sense. How does the country benefit from a road in California? That's my whole point... we don't benefit from it, as a country or individuals. The people of California do... in fact, it's a pretty sweet deal for them, they get the road and all the benefits but someone else is paying for it!

A first class road system benefits all states. Business in your state may want to ship to businesses in California. Those roads may help you even if you do not realize it
Some states are not as wealthy as others. They may not be able to finance a major dam, bridge or tunnel without federal aid. We are a United States not just a bunch of states that are united.
Collectively, our country does better than a bunch of individual states existing on their own
Actually, the later is the case - at least that was the original intention. However, the tyrant Lincoln turn this collection of sovereign states into an empire of subjects.
Lincoln took a bunch of states that were united and turned them into the UNITED STATES

Yes, just as Lenin "united" a bunch of countries into the Soviet Union.
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Why is the "right sized government" always bigger than the government we have?
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Within budget? :rofl:

Sell crazy somewhere else fakewinger. Obamacare is a 100% liberal democrat clusterfuck of fail.

Within budget.....:rofl:
Obamacare has covered eight million uninsured that were not covered by Republican "wedontcare"

And to do it Obamacare made the insurance the rest of us have absolutely worthless. What good is insurance with a $13,500 deductible?
Again, if we are to be The State of America, we need to dissolve state governments. No need in having both to do the same things. It's just a stupid waste... like having a Senate and House. We should get rid of one of them... I'll be liberal and go with getting rid of the Senate since we won't have states anymore.

A road, or bridge or dam on the other side of the country may not be doing you any good...but we, as a country benefit from having it.

You've been out in the sun too long, you're not making sense. How does the country benefit from a road in California? That's my whole point... we don't benefit from it, as a country or individuals. The people of California do... in fact, it's a pretty sweet deal for them, they get the road and all the benefits but someone else is paying for it!

A first class road system benefits all states. Business in your state may want to ship to businesses in California. Those roads may help you even if you do not realize it
Some states are not as wealthy as others. They may not be able to finance a major dam, bridge or tunnel without federal aid. We are a United States not just a bunch of states that are united.
Collectively, our country does better than a bunch of individual states existing on their own
Actually, the later is the case - at least that was the original intention. However, the tyrant Lincoln turn this collection of sovereign states into an empire of subjects.
Lincoln took a bunch of states that were united and turned them into the UNITED STATES
I'm pretty sure bribat is defending the "freedom" of slave owning capitalists who relied on the hard labor and enslavement of blacks.

I'm sure you're defending the slaughter of 850,000 Americans and the utter trashing of the Constitution.
Nope. More than half that number were traitors who quit being Americans and joined a new country of their own making. They attacked a US facility and hence, America. That done, America had to put down the treasonous rebels and in doing so sacrificed hundreds of thousands to preserve America the way the founders created it. History records than Lincoln saved the Union, saved America. The winners write the history. Whining losers who refuse to accept them will just have to whine and be sore losers. Their side got their ass's kicked and surrendered. Period.
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Within budget? :rofl:

Sell crazy somewhere else fakewinger. Obamacare is a 100% liberal democrat clusterfuck of fail.

Within budget.....:rofl:
Obamacare has covered eight million uninsured that were not covered by Republican "wedontcare"

But what about staying "within budget"?

You've got no credibility fakewinger. You are a waste of time who just makes shit up as you go along.....when you get called on your bullshit, you run away or resort to mindless emotional appeals and non sequiturs.....

Shoo now son, you've made a fool of yourself again.
You fools never get this right. Obama's policies have hurt jobs growth, yet jobs are being created in spite of the idiot's policies, he doesn't get to claim credit for that. These candidates are saying their policies will encourage jobs growth, learn the difference.

Eight million jobs since 2009

Doesn't look like he has hurt job growth
Want to tell us about all the jobs created by trickle down?

That is because you are an idiot. I fear it will be a lifelong handicap for you.
I imagine name calling is the best you can do

However, the employment figures are a matter of record. You can play games and claim that the numbers would be higher without Obama, but Obamas employment numbers exceed Bush's by over five million

Ah irony, lies, and spin. Honesty is not a word I would use to describe your posts.
Easy enough....prove me wrong

I will wait

LOL the earth is in orbit around the sun and you are wrong, both are known facts.
Exactly! I get so fed up with the stupid liberal meme about the fucking roads and bridges! Anywhere a road or bridge is needed, the town, county or state vote to use state funds to build it. That's what the state and local governments do, not the federal government. Reason being, it's not fair for me (in Alabama) to pay for a bridge or road in Michigan or Alaska. I'm not going to receive any benefit from that and I shouldn't be obligated to pay for it. If the people of Michigan or Alaska want a road or bridge, let them pay for one. If we need one here, we'll do the same.

Thank you. they've been told that over and over.
Oh stfu, morons. THEY get most of the money from the federal gov't. Which is why we have the worst infrastructure in the modern world...

Also, right now there are 3-4 million tech jobs going begging because Pubs won't allow programs to train people for them. STUPID, hater dupes. Like free community college.

You're going to have to prove to me how the GOP stopped college students from taking classes that apply to todays job market.
Maybe if liberals stopped getting liberal arts and underwater basket weaving degrees it might help.
What we need is programs for the UNEMPLOYED to get training for 3-4 MILLION tech jobs going begging, dear.

If wwe had more students getting some liberal arts, we wouldn't have such stupid, gullible voters like you lol. History, poli-sci are important for good citizenship, not Fox Noise and Rush Limbaugh.

Just keep telling your buddies that.
They ARE mainly hater dupes like you, but I don't live in a political forum. see sig last line
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Within budget? :rofl:
Sell crazy somewhere else fakewinger. Obamacare is a 100% liberal democrat clusterfuck of fail.

Within budget.....:rofl:
Obamacare has covered eight million uninsured that were not covered by Republican "wedontcare"

But what about staying "within budget"?

You've got no credibility fakewinger. You are a waste of time who just makes shit up as you go along.....when you get called on your bullshit, you run away or resort to mindless emotional appeals and non sequiturs.....

Shoo now son, you've made a fool of yourself again.
Damn straight, brainwashed functional moron. ACA is the best thing to happen to health costs and the economy in the long run, FOREVER. Already beating optimistic predictions where Pubs don't screw it up...
Eight million jobs since 2009

Doesn't look like he has hurt job growth
Want to tell us about all the jobs created by trickle down?

That is because you are an idiot. I fear it will be a lifelong handicap for you.
I imagine name calling is the best you can do

However, the employment figures are a matter of record. You can play games and claim that the numbers would be higher without Obama, but Obamas employment numbers exceed Bush's by over five million

Ah irony, lies, and spin. Honesty is not a word I would use to describe your posts.
Easy enough....prove me wrong

I will wait

LOL the earth is in orbit around the sun and you are wrong, both are known facts.
^^Functional moron. You're right. Boooshies were great for the economy. Bvvvvvv....
Roads and infrastructure help the economy
Police and fire help the economy
Schools help the economy

Show me a single country with a government that provides negligible services and protection that has a booming economy

Rapes and murders help the economy.
Burglary and theft help the economy.
Wars help the economy.
Catastrophes help the economy.
Serial killers help the economy.

No one here has suggested "negligible services and protection" so where the fuck are you getting that? Why is it that when people disagree with you turning us into Socialists, you start crying about us wanting to disband government entirely and not have one? No one said that, no one implied it. I've said all along, the Constitution has a specific role for the Federal government. I believe in the Constitution and think we ought to abide by it. It doesn't call for banning all government services and protection... it specifically outlines the enumerated powers of Federal government, which I have absolutely NO problem with whatsoever.
Your perspective on the Constitution is not supported by two hundred years of rulings

But AGAIN... The Constitution does not grant the court the power to rewrite the Constitution. We have a process for amending it if there is something you want to change. The SCOTUS has a very long history of making really bad and stupid decisions, like slaves being property for example. We are not bound by the Constitution to accept what the Court decides.
Wrong once again

The court has the role to interpret and apply the Constitution. For two hundred years they have not taken your interpretation

No sir, the Court certainly does NOT have the authority under the Constitution to "interpret" the Constitution. They have a limited power to rule on Constitutionality. The Constitution needs no interpreting, it is carefully written, every word deliberated and put there for a reason. If there needs to be any clarification on what something specific means, there are the Federalist Papers which make the supporting arguments. The Court is supposed to rule on how the Constitution is intended and not what they "interpret" it to mean.

And I don't give a shit if the Court is WRONG for 10,000 fucking years!
The Government creates millions of jobs

2 million federal employees, state and local employees, policemen, firemen, teachers....

The entire defense industry is created by the governement

So which side does the left want to play with respect to the government and the economy, as Obama wants to slash our military forces to pre World War II numbers? That's a lot of our brave men and women on the unemployment lines. Perhaps this president believes the raising of the minimum wage for Mc Donald's employees as compensation will help?

Pentagon Set to Slash Military to Pre-World War II Levels - NBC News

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