Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

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Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Why is the "right sized government" always bigger than the government we have?

Because here is how it works...

We the People decide what we want our Government to do and what we want them to stay out of.
The Government creates millions of jobs

2 million federal employees, state and local employees, policemen, firemen, teachers....

The entire defense industry is created by the governement

So which side does the left want to play with respect to the government and the economy, as Obama wants to slash our military forces to pre World War II numbers? That's a lot of our brave men and women on the unemployment lines. Perhaps this president believes the raising of the minimum wage for Mc Donald's employees as compensation will help?

Pentagon Set to Slash Military to Pre-World War II Levels - NBC News

Pre WWII numbers?

Do you have any concept of what a Pre-WWII military looked like? Military strength is no longer measured by how many bodies you can throw into a firestorm. Military strength is based on your equipment, training, tactics, logistics and communications.
As it is, our Military strength is more than the next ten nations combined and eight of them are our allies
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Why is the "right sized government" always bigger than the government we have?

Because here is how it works...

We the People decide what we want our Government to do and what we want them to stay out of.

The question is "why do liberals always want government to get bigger?" Also, given that fact, which you just admitted, why do you claim that you want government to be "right sized?"
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Why is the "right sized government" always bigger than the government we have?

Because here is how it works...

We the People decide what we want our Government to do and what we want them to stay out of.

The question is "why do liberals always want government to get bigger?" Also, given that fact, which you just admitted, why do you claim that you want government to be "right sized?"
Why do conservative preach that small government line of bullshit and increase the size of government every chance they get when it means increasing the projects and programs they like? Small government is just a code for screw the little guys and give us more free money to stuff in our pockets.
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Why is the "right sized government" always bigger than the government we have?

Because here is how it works...

We the People decide what we want our Government to do and what we want them to stay out of.

The question is "why do liberals always want government to get bigger?" Also, given that fact, which you just admitted, why do you claim that you want government to be "right sized?"

Why does Government always get bigger when Conservatives run things? We saw huge Government expansion under both Reagan and Bush

Liberals expand Government to help the people
Conservatives expand the Government to help the military
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Why is the "right sized government" always bigger than the government we have?

Because here is how it works...

We the People decide what we want our Government to do and what we want them to stay out of.

The question is "why do liberals always want government to get bigger?" Also, given that fact, which you just admitted, why do you claim that you want government to be "right sized?"
Why do conservative preach that small government line of bullshit and increase the size of government every chance they get when it means increasing the projects and programs they like? Small government is just a code for screw the little guys and give us more free money to stuff in our pockets.

Conservatives don't increase the size of government. Liberal Republicans do.

Perhaps you can answer the question that rightwinger is too cowardly to answer: Why do liberals always want government to get bigger?
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Why is the "right sized government" always bigger than the government we have?

Because here is how it works...

We the People decide what we want our Government to do and what we want them to stay out of.

The question is "why do liberals always want government to get bigger?" Also, given that fact, which you just admitted, why do you claim that you want government to be "right sized?"

Why does Government always get bigger when Conservatives run things? We saw huge Government expansion under both Reagan and Bush

Liberals expand Government to help the people
Conservatives expand the Government to help the military

Bullshit. Bigger government hurts people. Government "solutions" always cause more problems than they solve. Obamacare is a classic example.

The military has been steadily contracting ever since WW II.
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.
If they create jobs by giving incentive to business owners that is not a government job.
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Why is the "right sized government" always bigger than the government we have?

Because here is how it works...

We the People decide what we want our Government to do and what we want them to stay out of.

The question is "why do liberals always want government to get bigger?" Also, given that fact, which you just admitted, why do you claim that you want government to be "right sized?"

Why does Government always get bigger when Conservatives run things? We saw huge Government expansion under both Reagan and Bush

Liberals expand Government to help the people
Conservatives expand the Government to help the military

Bullshit. Bigger government hurts people. Government "solutions" always cause more problems than they solve. Obamacare is a classic example.

The military has been steadily contracting ever since WW II.

The US spends 47 cents out of every military dollar worldwide

Government "solutions" have given us Social Security, Medicare, a clean environment, safe food, water and drugs, modern technologies
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.
If they create jobs by giving incentive to business owners that is not a government job.

It is not a government job, but a job created by government policies
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Why is the "right sized government" always bigger than the government we have?

Because here is how it works...

We the People decide what we want our Government to do and what we want them to stay out of.

The question is "why do liberals always want government to get bigger?" Also, given that fact, which you just admitted, why do you claim that you want government to be "right sized?"
Why do conservative preach that small government line of bullshit and increase the size of government every chance they get when it means increasing the projects and programs they like? Small government is just a code for screw the little guys and give us more free money to stuff in our pockets.

Conservatives don't increase the size of government. Liberal Republicans do.

Perhaps you can answer the question that rightwinger is too cowardly to answer: Why do liberals always want government to get bigger?
They don't want it to get bigger for the sake of just getting bigger and more powerful as you have been brainwashed into believing. As populations grow, technology advances and the world becomes more and more complicated, so to does the need for all facets of government and it's responsibilities. When governments, just like businesses, do not adjust to growth the bottom line suffers. Don't want to enlarge your police force as the population grows, suffer the consequences. Don't want to increase the number of food inspectors as the population and food industry grows, suffer the consequences.
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

You surely must be joking. I mean, really. You must be joking.

But, in case you're not joking, Trump is not talking creating jobs through government make-work programs. He's talking about creating jobs by getting rid of job-killing government policies, by restoring fiscal sanity to the federal budget, and by fixing our suicidal trade policy. He would reduce government's footprint, not expand it.
Dude, Trump is NOT going to create jobs by saying, "you're fired!" Smaller government means a lot more unemployed.

It's like the stupid propaganda corporations have got consumers to fall for. "Buy this, or buy that and save money." You don't save money by spending it.
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

You surely must be joking. I mean, really. You must be joking.

But, in case you're not joking, Trump is not talking creating jobs through government make-work programs. He's talking about creating jobs by getting rid of job-killing government policies, by restoring fiscal sanity to the federal budget, and by fixing our suicidal trade policy. He would reduce government's footprint, not expand it.
Dude, Trump is NOT going to create jobs by saying, "you're fired!" Smaller government means a lot more unemployed.

It's like the stupid propaganda corporations have got consumers to fall for. "Buy this, or buy that and save money." You don't save money by spending it.

But you support exactly that falacy when you support more govt spending. You lose again.
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

You surely must be joking. I mean, really. You must be joking.

But, in case you're not joking, Trump is not talking creating jobs through government make-work programs. He's talking about creating jobs by getting rid of job-killing government policies, by restoring fiscal sanity to the federal budget, and by fixing our suicidal trade policy. He would reduce government's footprint, not expand it.
Dude, Trump is NOT going to create jobs by saying, "you're fired!" Smaller government means a lot more unemployed.

It's like the stupid propaganda corporations have got consumers to fall for. "Buy this, or buy that and save money." You don't save money by spending it.

Ok. two questions
1. if the corporate tax rate was reduced or eliminated would that create jobs?

2. If corporations were allowed to bring foreign profits back into the USA tax free would that create jobs?

both answers are Yes.
That is simply not true. A GS SES level employee is equivalent to a corporate director. The SES makes more in almost every case. I know because I worked with govt SES's most of my career.

Are you serious?

Have you seen the SES payscale and compared them to top corporate executives?
The top SES makes maybe $250,000
Top corporate executives make tens of millions

I said corporate directors as in the directors at a branch of Lockheed Martin or General Dynamics, not the members of the board of directors. For example, LM has a branch at Baltimore. It has a CEO, VPs, and Directors. The directors run a segment of the branch.

I should have been clearer since I am discussing this with a low IQ person, my mistake.

Apples to oranges
Even with Corporate Directors when you include salary, bonuses and stock options they make well in excess of what an SES is capped at

You do realize that govt employees get bonuses don't you? I can tell you from experience that the total compensation of an SES is equal to or more than most corporate directors

Govt employee bonuses are typically in the $500 to $2000 range
SES can get around $10000

Corporate directors, VPs and CEOs ......the sky is the limit

corporate bonus programs are based on results, primarily if the stock price goes up. If it goes down they get nothing or get fired. Govt employees get their bonuses based on showing up for work.
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

You surely must be joking. I mean, really. You must be joking.

But, in case you're not joking, Trump is not talking creating jobs through government make-work programs. He's talking about creating jobs by getting rid of job-killing government policies, by restoring fiscal sanity to the federal budget, and by fixing our suicidal trade policy. He would reduce government's footprint, not expand it.
Dude, Trump is NOT going to create jobs by saying, "you're fired!" Smaller government means a lot more unemployed.

It's like the stupid propaganda corporations have got consumers to fall for. "Buy this, or buy that and save money." You don't save money by spending it.

But you support exactly that falacy when you support more govt spending. You lose again.
Just stop with the con B.S. I was ranting about Raygun's spending trillions on the war machine long before the cons started blaming Obama. Raygun tripled the national debt. Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years. And Shrub destroyed Clinton's balanced budget with welfare to the rich in his first six months, and doubled the debt again with more war spending. Your shit don't flush.
Cutting the corporate tax rate does not create jobs....they just keep the money

Increased demand creates jobs
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.
If they create jobs by giving incentive to business owners that is not a government job.

It is not a government job, but a job created by government policies

Yes, I think you finally get it. Obozo's policies have hurt job growth. the stats you posted include part time jobs and teens flipping burgers during the summer.

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