Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)

Government increases the cost of businesses massively in the form of taxes and regulation. The Government vastly takes from business versus assisting business.

God you people on the left are so fucking stupid. :D
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.
If they create jobs by giving incentive to business owners that is not a government job.

It is not a government job, but a job created by government policies

Yes, I think you finally get it. Obozo's policies have hurt job growth. the stats you posted include part time jobs and teens flipping burgers during the summer.

Actually, there is no data supporting your assertion that most of these jobs are flipping burgers or other part time or minimum wage job

of course there is, look at the govt reports on jobs.
Ok. two questions
1. if the corporate tax rate was reduced or eliminated would that create jobs?

2. If corporations were allowed to bring foreign profits back into the USA tax free would that create jobs?

both answers are Yes.
Raygun cut corporate taxes in half, which made $300 billion annual deficits because of his war machine spending. Spend more, collect less is fucking stupid con economics.

Ok, lets talk defense spending, OK? Now who gets the money spent on planes, ships, guns, ammo, uniforms, trucks, tanks, etc? Answer: American blue collar workers, many of them union members.
You can't refute my points, so you just keep changing the subject, from government spending to 8/11 to corporate taxes to war contractors. You just keep beating a dead horse. Have you ever seen the tv commercial that says, "Some people are stupid rich"? Wake up.

just responding to your stupid left wing talking points.
Changing the subject isn't waving the white flag.

you brought up "war machine spending" not me. don't let the wind catch your white flag.
You surely must be joking. I mean, really. You must be joking.

But, in case you're not joking, Trump is not talking creating jobs through government make-work programs. He's talking about creating jobs by getting rid of job-killing government policies, by restoring fiscal sanity to the federal budget, and by fixing our suicidal trade policy. He would reduce government's footprint, not expand it.
Dude, Trump is NOT going to create jobs by saying, "you're fired!" Smaller government means a lot more unemployed.

It's like the stupid propaganda corporations have got consumers to fall for. "Buy this, or buy that and save money." You don't save money by spending it.

Ok. two questions
1. if the corporate tax rate was reduced or eliminated would that create jobs?

2. If corporations were allowed to bring foreign profits back into the USA tax free would that create jobs?

both answers are Yes.
Raygun cut corporate taxes in half, which made $300 billion annual deficits because of his war machine spending. Spend more, collect less is fucking stupid con economics.

Ok, lets talk defense spending, OK? Now who gets the money spent on planes, ships, guns, ammo, uniforms, trucks, tanks, etc? Answer: American blue collar workers, many of them union members.

Workers receive a very small portion of the annual profits....we all know where that money goes

If the workers are also shareholders (like most Walmart employees) then they do share in the profits. Minimum wage burger flippers, not so much. Whats your point? Would you ban corporations?
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.
If they create jobs by giving incentive to business owners that is not a government job.

It is not a government job, but a job created by government policies

Yes, I think you finally get it. Obozo's policies have hurt job growth. the stats you posted include part time jobs and teens flipping burgers during the summer.

Actually, there is no data supporting your assertion that most of these jobs are flipping burgers or other part time or minimum wage job

of course there is, look at the govt reports on jobs.

I have

They in no way support your claims
Dude, Trump is NOT going to create jobs by saying, "you're fired!" Smaller government means a lot more unemployed.

It's like the stupid propaganda corporations have got consumers to fall for. "Buy this, or buy that and save money." You don't save money by spending it.

Ok. two questions
1. if the corporate tax rate was reduced or eliminated would that create jobs?

2. If corporations were allowed to bring foreign profits back into the USA tax free would that create jobs?

both answers are Yes.
Raygun cut corporate taxes in half, which made $300 billion annual deficits because of his war machine spending. Spend more, collect less is fucking stupid con economics.

Ok, lets talk defense spending, OK? Now who gets the money spent on planes, ships, guns, ammo, uniforms, trucks, tanks, etc? Answer: American blue collar workers, many of them union members.

Workers receive a very small portion of the annual profits....we all know where that money goes

If the workers are also shareholders (like most Walmart employees) then they do share in the profits. Minimum wage burger flippers, not so much. Whats your point? Would you ban corporations?

You were the one claiming that the money goes to the blue collar workers
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

No business is dependent on Government. None. If a business sells a good product(s) that people want, it will be successful.

If it sells crappy, expensive, or inefficient products (like much of the green industry) it will not be successful.

This is very simple people.

Government regulates interstate commerce and foreign commerce which is necessary. It also provides police and the military to protect property and life at great expense to we the tax payers.

That is all.

Anymore questions on basic Government and economics let me know.
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

No business is dependent on Government. None. If a business sells a good product(s) that people want, it will be successful.

If it sells crappy, expensive, or inefficient products (like much of the green industry) it will not be successful.

This is very simple people.

Government regulates interstate commerce and foreign commerce which is necessary. It also provides police and the military to protect property and life at great expense to we the tax payers.

That is all.

Anymore questions on basic Government and economics let me know.

Business depends on government for:

1. A stable monetary system
2. Security
3. A legal system
4. Protections from unfair business practices
5. An infrastructure for transportation, power, communications
6. Training its employees
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

No business is dependent on Government. None. If a business sells a good product(s) that people want, it will be successful.

If it sells crappy, expensive, or inefficient products (like much of the green industry) it will not be successful.

This is very simple people.

Government regulates interstate commerce and foreign commerce which is necessary. It also provides police and the military to protect property and life at great expense to we the tax payers.

That is all.

Anymore questions on basic Government and economics let me know.
You appear to have an extremely biased and inaccurate knowledge on the topic.
Cutting the corporate tax rate does not create jobs....they just keep the money

Increased demand creates jobs

If corps have more money they spend more money, more spending creates jobs. If they merely distribute the profits to the shareholders then they spend more money which increases demand and increases jobs.

this shit is not complicated except to the liberal mind.

Oh...I get it

Another lame defense of trickle down

Demand creates jobs. If you make and sell 1000 units a year having more money is no incentive to manufacture more units

If demand increases to 1500 units, you will beg or borrow what it takes to raise your production

Of course, the obvious question to ask is what creates demand? The answer is that people with jobs create demand. So what you're saying is that jobs create jobs. Your logic is circular.

You might reply that the government can just issue checks to create demand. The problem with that is that the money for any check the government writes must be taken from someone who earned the money.
You surely must be joking. I mean, really. You must be joking.

But, in case you're not joking, Trump is not talking creating jobs through government make-work programs. He's talking about creating jobs by getting rid of job-killing government policies, by restoring fiscal sanity to the federal budget, and by fixing our suicidal trade policy. He would reduce government's footprint, not expand it.
Dude, Trump is NOT going to create jobs by saying, "you're fired!" Smaller government means a lot more unemployed.

It's like the stupid propaganda corporations have got consumers to fall for. "Buy this, or buy that and save money." You don't save money by spending it.

Ok. two questions
1. if the corporate tax rate was reduced or eliminated would that create jobs?

2. If corporations were allowed to bring foreign profits back into the USA tax free would that create jobs?

both answers are Yes.
Raygun cut corporate taxes in half, which made $300 billion annual deficits because of his war machine spending. Spend more, collect less is fucking stupid con economics.

Ok, lets talk defense spending, OK? Now who gets the money spent on planes, ships, guns, ammo, uniforms, trucks, tanks, etc? Answer: American blue collar workers, many of them union members.

Workers receive a very small portion of the annual profits....we all know where that money goes

Workers receive wages, which comprises the largest portion of corporate revenue. Profits go to the stock holders. Whether the money goes to labor or the stock holders, what difference does it make as far as creating demand is concerned? Both create demand.
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

No business is dependent on Government. None. If a business sells a good product(s) that people want, it will be successful.

If it sells crappy, expensive, or inefficient products (like much of the green industry) it will not be successful.

This is very simple people.

Government regulates interstate commerce and foreign commerce which is necessary. It also provides police and the military to protect property and life at great expense to we the tax payers.

That is all.

Anymore questions on basic Government and economics let me know.

Business depends on government for:

1. A stable monetary system
2. Security
3. A legal system
4. Protections from unfair business practices
5. An infrastructure for transportation, power, communications
6. Training its employees

I stated security, a legal system, and regulation of interstate and foreign commerce. All of which We the People pay for....heavily.

Infrastructure is paid for by We the People and sanctioned by We the People through our elected Representatives. I have had multiple jobs and the fucking Government never trained me or had anything to do with my training.

The Government is vastly more a hinderance to business through taxes and regulation than a help. That point cannot be argued.....unless you're an idiot.
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

All of them.
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

No business is dependent on Government. None. If a business sells a good product(s) that people want, it will be successful.

If it sells crappy, expensive, or inefficient products (like much of the green industry) it will not be successful.

This is very simple people.

Government regulates interstate commerce and foreign commerce which is necessary. It also provides police and the military to protect property and life at great expense to we the tax payers.

That is all.

Anymore questions on basic Government and economics let me know.
You appear to have an extremely biased and inaccurate knowledge on the topic.

You cannot refute any of my statements.....therefore you lose. Sorry. :(
Why do conservative preach that small government line of bullshit and increase the size of government every chance they get when it means increasing the projects and programs they like? Small government is just a code for screw the little guys and give us more free money to stuff in our pockets.

You raise an interesting point and it's why I identify as conservative as opposed to republican. I don't trust ANY politician because of the letter beside their name.

Government in general, by it's very nature, continues to grow bigger and more powerful as it takes more and more individual liberty. This is simply the natural progression of any government.

I don't care who you are, left, right or in-between... You vote for the candidate who promises to use his/her power to do something for you. Sometimes it's called "bringing home the bacon." If they don't promise to do something for you, they generally don't get your vote. Now "doing something" means they use the power of government to take something away from one group in order to give something to another. Creating more legislation, more government, less liberty. Nature of the beast.

And this has become our perpetual problem. Government has grown too big and each election cycle, more promises are made to increase it more, to take more liberty from individuals in some way, to benefit other individuals in some way. Doesn't matter if you're left, right or center... you're always voting for more government.
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Why is the "right sized government" always bigger than the government we have?

Because here is how it works...

We the People decide what we want our Government to do and what we want them to stay out of.

The question is "why do liberals always want government to get bigger?" Also, given that fact, which you just admitted, why do you claim that you want government to be "right sized?"
Why do conservative preach that small government line of bullshit and increase the size of government every chance they get when it means increasing the projects and programs they like? Small government is just a code for screw the little guys and give us more free money to stuff in our pockets.

There are no programs or projects that I like. Your theory is a liberal myth

Big government is what screws the little guy. Big corporations and government team up to keep the little guy down. Burdensome regulations are one of the main ways they do it. The progressive income tax is another.

Any money government gives came from us in the first place. Only a fool or a tick on the ass of society demands that government provide him with free stuff.
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

No business is dependent on Government. None. If a business sells a good product(s) that people want, it will be successful.

If it sells crappy, expensive, or inefficient products (like much of the green industry) it will not be successful.

This is very simple people.

Government regulates interstate commerce and foreign commerce which is necessary. It also provides police and the military to protect property and life at great expense to we the tax payers.

That is all.

Anymore questions on basic Government and economics let me know.

Business depends on government for:

1. A stable monetary system
2. Security
3. A legal system
4. Protections from unfair business practices
5. An infrastructure for transportation, power, communications
6. Training its employees

I stated security, a legal system, and regulation of interstate and foreign commerce. All of which We the People pay for....heavily.

Infrastructure is paid for by We the People and sanctioned by We the People through our elected Representatives. I have had multiple jobs and the fucking Government never trained me or had anything to do with my training.

The Government is vastly more a hinderance to business through taxes and regulation than a help. That point cannot be argued.....unless you're an idiot.

Business could not function without the government protecting their backs. The dog eat dog nature of business requires goverment to keep the dogs behaved

Much of the regulation you complain about is needed to keep businesses from consuming each other
Last edited:
If they create jobs by giving incentive to business owners that is not a government job.

It is not a government job, but a job created by government policies

Yes, I think you finally get it. Obozo's policies have hurt job growth. the stats you posted include part time jobs and teens flipping burgers during the summer.

Actually, there is no data supporting your assertion that most of these jobs are flipping burgers or other part time or minimum wage job

of course there is, look at the govt reports on jobs.

I have

They in no way support your claims

bullshit! the jobs reports include part time jobs. Stop lying.
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

No business is dependent on Government. None. If a business sells a good product(s) that people want, it will be successful.

If it sells crappy, expensive, or inefficient products (like much of the green industry) it will not be successful.

This is very simple people.

Government regulates interstate commerce and foreign commerce which is necessary. It also provides police and the military to protect property and life at great expense to we the tax payers.

That is all.

Anymore questions on basic Government and economics let me know.

Business depends on government for:

1. A stable monetary system
2. Security
3. A legal system
4. Protections from unfair business practices
5. An infrastructure for transportation, power, communications
6. Training its employees

I stated security, a legal system, and regulation of interstate and foreign commerce. All of which We the People pay for....heavily.

Infrastructure is paid for by We the People and sanctioned by We the People through our elected Representatives. I have had multiple jobs and the fucking Government never trained me or had anything to do with my training.

The Government is vastly more a hinderance to business through taxes and regulation than a help. That point cannot be argued.....unless you're an idiot.
You are simply doing a bait a switch. You said business didn't depend on government. Even you pointed out things the government provided that business depended on. Now you are simply switching by saying the people pay for the services the government provides and the business depends on. Doesn't matter if you stick to the original question. Business depends on government.

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