Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

so...its ok to spend tax money to protect a $multibillion$ corporation who don't pay any taxes or tariffs, have deserted our country and left many unemployed but NOT ok to help the poor and needy here? THAT is confusion.
The Government creates millions of jobs

2 million federal employees, state and local employees, policemen, firemen, teachers....

The entire defense industry is created by the governement

So which side does the left want to play with respect to the government and the economy, as Obama wants to slash our military forces to pre World War II numbers? That's a lot of our brave men and women on the unemployment lines. Perhaps this president believes the raising of the minimum wage for Mc Donald's employees as compensation will help?

Pentagon Set to Slash Military to Pre-World War II Levels - NBC News

Pre WWII numbers?

Do you have any concept of what a Pre-WWII military looked like? Military strength is no longer measured by how many bodies you can throw into a firestorm. Military strength is based on your equipment, training, tactics, logistics and communications.
As it is, our Military strength is more than the next ten nations combined and eight of them are our allies

Wait a minute Rightwinger, your argument was that government is responsible in "CREATING" jobs. Here I provided some facts that the Obama administration was cutting troop size, and in another post cutting production of F-22 Raptors as well as downsizing Naval ship building. So what happened to all those big job numbers that government is responsible for "creating" in the military? So now you are saying government job cuts and downsizing is good for our economy. I guess we have to look at the private sector and small business to be the anchor for real job growth as opposed to government. I mean reducing the military budget and cutting back on troops doesn't sound positive if your needs depend upon you being "employed" in this economy.
Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

No business is dependent on Government. None. If a business sells a good product(s) that people want, it will be successful.

If it sells crappy, expensive, or inefficient products (like much of the green industry) it will not be successful.

This is very simple people.

Government regulates interstate commerce and foreign commerce which is necessary. It also provides police and the military to protect property and life at great expense to we the tax payers.

That is all.

Anymore questions on basic Government and economics let me know.

Business depends on government for:

1. A stable monetary system
2. Security
3. A legal system
4. Protections from unfair business practices
5. An infrastructure for transportation, power, communications
6. Training its employees

I stated security, a legal system, and regulation of interstate and foreign commerce. All of which We the People pay for....heavily.

Infrastructure is paid for by We the People and sanctioned by We the People through our elected Representatives. I have had multiple jobs and the fucking Government never trained me or had anything to do with my training.

The Government is vastly more a hinderance to business through taxes and regulation than a help. That point cannot be argued.....unless you're an idiot.

Business could not function without the government protecting their backs. The dog eat dog nature of business requires goverment to keep the dogs behaved

Much of the regulation you complain about is needed to keep businesses from consuming each other

Business existed long before there was Government intervention and will exist long after. Competition is the fundamental nature of capitalism. Jesus

Government is mostly a massive hindrance to business as I have demonstrated via taxes and excessive is rarely a help.
Corporations are showing more profit than ever before and why? Because gov set the stage for them to leave or stay.
Seems the ones that stay use illegal labor and the ones that leave?....Gov has kept the min wage at 1970 status or less in most cases.
How is this hurting business? A
Seems gov has been a FRIEND to business...and then there' the illegalsa and H1B1 visa's!
Business doesn't support our tax coffers! The working ppl do! Jesus man! Don't you understand what builds a strong economy? Or don't you care?
fundamental? lol...really??! Competition??? Well what happens to competition when they get together and set prices amongst themselves? Good thing the oil companies don't do that!
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

No business is dependent on Government. None. If a business sells a good product(s) that people want, it will be successful.

If it sells crappy, expensive, or inefficient products (like much of the green industry) it will not be successful.

This is very simple people.

Government regulates interstate commerce and foreign commerce which is necessary. It also provides police and the military to protect property and life at great expense to we the tax payers.

That is all.

Anymore questions on basic Government and economics let me know.

Business depends on government for:

1. A stable monetary system
2. Security
3. A legal system
4. Protections from unfair business practices
5. An infrastructure for transportation, power, communications
6. Training its employees

I stated security, a legal system, and regulation of interstate and foreign commerce. All of which We the People pay for....heavily.

Infrastructure is paid for by We the People and sanctioned by We the People through our elected Representatives. I have had multiple jobs and the fucking Government never trained me or had anything to do with my training.

The Government is vastly more a hinderance to business through taxes and regulation than a help. That point cannot be argued.....unless you're an idiot.

Business could not function without the government protecting their backs. The dog eat dog nature of business requires goverment to keep the dogs behaved

Much of the regulation you complain about is needed to keep businesses from consuming each other

Business existed long before there was Government intervention and will exist long after. Competition is the fundamental nature of capitalism. Jesus

Government is mostly a massive hindrance to business as I have demonstrated via taxes and excessive is rarely a help.
Nonsense. There has always been "government " that controlled business practices. Even small tribes had Chiefs and tribal elders that set rules and standards. What period in human history on planet earth can you refer to that an authoritarian figure of group did not control how business operated?
The Government creates millions of jobs

2 million federal employees, state and local employees, policemen, firemen, teachers....

The entire defense industry is created by the governement

So which side does the left want to play with respect to the government and the economy, as Obama wants to slash our military forces to pre World War II numbers? That's a lot of our brave men and women on the unemployment lines. Perhaps this president believes the raising of the minimum wage for Mc Donald's employees as compensation will help?

Pentagon Set to Slash Military to Pre-World War II Levels - NBC News

Pre WWII numbers?

Do you have any concept of what a Pre-WWII military looked like? Military strength is no longer measured by how many bodies you can throw into a firestorm. Military strength is based on your equipment, training, tactics, logistics and communications.
As it is, our Military strength is more than the next ten nations combined and eight of them are our allies

Wait a minute Rightwinger, your argument was that government is responsible in "CREATING" jobs. Here I provided some facts that the Obama administration was cutting troop size, and in another post cutting production of F-22 Raptors as well as downsizing Naval ship building. So what happened to all those big job numbers that government is responsible for "creating" in the military? So now you are saying government job cuts and downsizing is good for our economy. I guess we have to look at the private sector and small business to be the anchor for real job growth as opposed to government. I mean reducing the military budget and cutting back on troops doesn't sound positive if your needs depend upon you being "employed" in this economy.
Keeping unneeded troops is not creating jobs

The government can use the same money they used to spend on the military and use it on infrastructure, schools, energy research, healthcare

Better jobs that actually help Americans.....not counties that hate us anyway
When gov doesn't "intervene," correctly we get stagnant or declining wages and benefits, long hours and bad working conditions and insufficient or none retirement moneys. Are you familiar with the industrial revolution? It built our economy we had till 1970. It was only 'till we earned good wages and bennies that built the economy we had.
Yes, the children have been left to play unsupervised! Good idea.
In summary:

The govt can create govt jobs by spending tax revenues, it can also create private sector jobs by spending tax revenues.

the govt can create an environment that is favorable to the creation of private sector jobs. Private sector jobs do not require the expenditure of tax revenues.

Got it ?
The government doesn't have to spend tax revenue to create jobs. It can create private sector jobs with legislation. It can also create jobs by releasing or allowing the use of public properties and resources. It does it all the time and has been doing it for a very long time.

yes, but our resident libs are arguing against those things
I stated security, a legal system, and regulation of interstate and foreign commerce. All of which We the People pay for....heavily.

Infrastructure is paid for by We the People and sanctioned by We the People through our elected Representatives. I have had multiple jobs and the fucking Government never trained me or had anything to do with my training.

The Government is vastly more a hinderance to business through taxes and regulation than a help. That point cannot be argued.....unless you're an idiot.

Business could not function without the government protecting their backs. The dog eat dog nature of business requires goverment to keep the dogs behaved

Much of the regulation you complain about is needed to keep businesses from consuming each other

you have a sick view of humanity. were you dropped on your head as a little child?

I have seen what unfettered business is capable of doing

Even business wants the government to protect their patents, enforce their contracts and protect their interests

By the way....THAT is the reason our military is so big. Not to protect Americans

The military is big because the govt protects business??????????? WTF?

Maintaining a military presence around the globe is not done to protect Mom and Pop on Main Street USA
Our military protects the interests of business, maintaining stable markets, protecting key resources and allowing our business unfettered access in a global market

I do agree with you to a point. If a country wants us there to protect them, then that country should pay the entire bill of the bases in its country.

But you are wrong if you think we can just line the army and navy up on our borders and adequately protect american interests and lives.
fundamental? lol...really??! Competition??? Well what happens to competition when they get together and set prices amongst themselves? Good thing the oil companies don't do that!

I see that you are new so I will cut you some slack. its best if you know something about the topic before posting on it. its also best if you use the "quote" function so its clear who you are responding to.
The Government creates millions of jobs

2 million federal employees, state and local employees, policemen, firemen, teachers....

The entire defense industry is created by the governement

So which side does the left want to play with respect to the government and the economy, as Obama wants to slash our military forces to pre World War II numbers? That's a lot of our brave men and women on the unemployment lines. Perhaps this president believes the raising of the minimum wage for Mc Donald's employees as compensation will help?

Pentagon Set to Slash Military to Pre-World War II Levels - NBC News

Pre WWII numbers?

Do you have any concept of what a Pre-WWII military looked like? Military strength is no longer measured by how many bodies you can throw into a firestorm. Military strength is based on your equipment, training, tactics, logistics and communications.
As it is, our Military strength is more than the next ten nations combined and eight of them are our allies

Wait a minute Rightwinger, your argument was that government is responsible in "CREATING" jobs. Here I provided some facts that the Obama administration was cutting troop size, and in another post cutting production of F-22 Raptors as well as downsizing Naval ship building. So what happened to all those big job numbers that government is responsible for "creating" in the military? So now you are saying government job cuts and downsizing is good for our economy. I guess we have to look at the private sector and small business to be the anchor for real job growth as opposed to government. I mean reducing the military budget and cutting back on troops doesn't sound positive if your needs depend upon you being "employed" in this economy.
Keeping unneeded troops is not creating jobs

The government can use the same money they used to spend on the military and use it on infrastructure, schools, energy research, healthcare

Better jobs that actually help Americans.....not counties that hate us anyway

We recycled that speech on "infrastructure" since Obama took office and pushed that stimulus bill, which contained wasted spending we didn't need to be spending on.

If you looked at the building of our interstate highways and bridges, you would also know that to build them was allocated by the federal government, but to MAINTAIN them was the responsibility of the individual states. This is why the states created tolls and some include state gas taxes, meant to be used to pay for our "infrastructure", as it's not the responsibility of our Federal Government (and our tax dollars) to step in when our states fail to properly manage their own individual budgets. So let's stop recycling THAT excuse to waste taxpayer dollars.
fundamental? lol...really??! Competition??? Well what happens to competition when they get together and set prices amongst themselves? Good thing the oil companies don't do that!

That is illegal under Federal Law. Your argument is invalid unless you are saying the Government is not doing its job. So which is it? :D
Corporations are showing more profit than ever before and why? Because gov set the stage for them to leave or stay.
Seems the ones that stay use illegal labor and the ones that leave?....Gov has kept the min wage at 1970 status or less in most cases.
How is this hurting business? A
Seems gov has been a FRIEND to business...and then there' the illegalsa and H1B1 visa's!
Business doesn't support our tax coffers! The working ppl do! Jesus man! Don't you understand what builds a strong economy? Or don't you care?

Jesus....are Libtards always so fucking stupid. Wake the fuck up. :lol: You are all so brainwashed by the Dimocrat Party you've all become complete fucking idiots.

1. Corporations pay half of all payroll tax in America. k.

2. Corporations pay 13% of all Federal Income tax. k.

Educate yourself for christssakes. :D

Federal Revenue Where Does the Money Come From
so...its ok to spend tax money to protect a $multibillion$ corporation who don't pay any taxes or tariffs, have deserted our country and left many unemployed but NOT ok to help the poor and needy here? THAT is confusion.
Care to list that money that is being spent on mulitbillion dollar companies? The government is taking tax collections and spending them on company's? Other than Obama's failed energy picks, what company's is the government spending money on?
I will say again.....the massive stupidity of the American Left never ceases to amaze. The ignorance is truly staggering. :bang3:
Business could not function without the government protecting their backs. The dog eat dog nature of business requires goverment to keep the dogs behaved

Much of the regulation you complain about is needed to keep businesses from consuming each other

you have a sick view of humanity. were you dropped on your head as a little child?

I have seen what unfettered business is capable of doing

Even business wants the government to protect their patents, enforce their contracts and protect their interests

By the way....THAT is the reason our military is so big. Not to protect Americans

The military is big because the govt protects business??????????? WTF?

Maintaining a military presence around the globe is not done to protect Mom and Pop on Main Street USA
Our military protects the interests of business, maintaining stable markets, protecting key resources and allowing our business unfettered access in a global market

I do agree with you to a point. If a country wants us there to protect them, then that country should pay the entire bill of the bases in its country.

But you are wrong if you think we can just line the army and navy up on our borders and adequately protect american interests and lives.

We spend 47 cents of every military dollar in the world

You want our for it

Otherwise, our money is better spent at home
The Government creates millions of jobs

2 million federal employees, state and local employees, policemen, firemen, teachers....

The entire defense industry is created by the governement

So which side does the left want to play with respect to the government and the economy, as Obama wants to slash our military forces to pre World War II numbers? That's a lot of our brave men and women on the unemployment lines. Perhaps this president believes the raising of the minimum wage for Mc Donald's employees as compensation will help?

Pentagon Set to Slash Military to Pre-World War II Levels - NBC News

Pre WWII numbers?

Do you have any concept of what a Pre-WWII military looked like? Military strength is no longer measured by how many bodies you can throw into a firestorm. Military strength is based on your equipment, training, tactics, logistics and communications.
As it is, our Military strength is more than the next ten nations combined and eight of them are our allies

Wait a minute Rightwinger, your argument was that government is responsible in "CREATING" jobs. Here I provided some facts that the Obama administration was cutting troop size, and in another post cutting production of F-22 Raptors as well as downsizing Naval ship building. So what happened to all those big job numbers that government is responsible for "creating" in the military? So now you are saying government job cuts and downsizing is good for our economy. I guess we have to look at the private sector and small business to be the anchor for real job growth as opposed to government. I mean reducing the military budget and cutting back on troops doesn't sound positive if your needs depend upon you being "employed" in this economy.
Keeping unneeded troops is not creating jobs

The government can use the same money they used to spend on the military and use it on infrastructure, schools, energy research, healthcare

Better jobs that actually help Americans.....not counties that hate us anyway

We recycled that speech on "infrastructure" since Obama took office and pushed that stimulus bill, which contained wasted spending we didn't need to be spending on.

If you looked at the building of our interstate highways and bridges, you would also know that to build them was allocated by the federal government, but to MAINTAIN them was the responsibility of the individual states. This is why the states created tolls and some include state gas taxes, meant to be used to pay for our "infrastructure", as it's not the responsibility of our Federal Government (and our tax dollars) to step in when our states fail to properly manage their own individual budgets. So let's stop recycling THAT excuse to waste taxpayer dollars.
Once again

I don't give a fuck if it done at the federal, state or local level

Taxes are still taxes and it is still Government doing it
so...its ok to spend tax money to protect a $multibillion$ corporation who don't pay any taxes or tariffs, have deserted our country and left many unemployed but NOT ok to help the poor and needy here? THAT is confusion.

More stupid bullshit. Other than green energy crap that Obama paid to shit companies like Sonyndra to pay off key campaign pays vastly more to the Federal Government than it ever gets back.

Where do you come up with all this stupid shit?

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