Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

you have a sick view of humanity. were you dropped on your head as a little child?

I have seen what unfettered business is capable of doing

Even business wants the government to protect their patents, enforce their contracts and protect their interests

By the way....THAT is the reason our military is so big. Not to protect Americans

The military is big because the govt protects business??????????? WTF?

Maintaining a military presence around the globe is not done to protect Mom and Pop on Main Street USA
Our military protects the interests of business, maintaining stable markets, protecting key resources and allowing our business unfettered access in a global market

I do agree with you to a point. If a country wants us there to protect them, then that country should pay the entire bill of the bases in its country.

But you are wrong if you think we can just line the army and navy up on our borders and adequately protect american interests and lives.

We spend 47 cents of every military dollar in the world

You want our for it

Otherwise, our money is better spent at home

Another stupid and ignorant argument with zero basis in fact.
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber?

From other companies that harvest lumber. No government needed.

How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates?

They don't. Pirate attacks happen all the time. Your government failed. BTW.....this is about the USA, not the open seas..

How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

They would, in fact, operate more profitably. Government is responsible for over 2 trillion dollars in economic suppression; its called regulations.
So which side does the left want to play with respect to the government and the economy, as Obama wants to slash our military forces to pre World War II numbers? That's a lot of our brave men and women on the unemployment lines. Perhaps this president believes the raising of the minimum wage for Mc Donald's employees as compensation will help?

Pentagon Set to Slash Military to Pre-World War II Levels - NBC News

Pre WWII numbers?

Do you have any concept of what a Pre-WWII military looked like? Military strength is no longer measured by how many bodies you can throw into a firestorm. Military strength is based on your equipment, training, tactics, logistics and communications.
As it is, our Military strength is more than the next ten nations combined and eight of them are our allies

Wait a minute Rightwinger, your argument was that government is responsible in "CREATING" jobs. Here I provided some facts that the Obama administration was cutting troop size, and in another post cutting production of F-22 Raptors as well as downsizing Naval ship building. So what happened to all those big job numbers that government is responsible for "creating" in the military? So now you are saying government job cuts and downsizing is good for our economy. I guess we have to look at the private sector and small business to be the anchor for real job growth as opposed to government. I mean reducing the military budget and cutting back on troops doesn't sound positive if your needs depend upon you being "employed" in this economy.
Keeping unneeded troops is not creating jobs

The government can use the same money they used to spend on the military and use it on infrastructure, schools, energy research, healthcare

Better jobs that actually help Americans.....not counties that hate us anyway

We recycled that speech on "infrastructure" since Obama took office and pushed that stimulus bill, which contained wasted spending we didn't need to be spending on.

If you looked at the building of our interstate highways and bridges, you would also know that to build them was allocated by the federal government, but to MAINTAIN them was the responsibility of the individual states. This is why the states created tolls and some include state gas taxes, meant to be used to pay for our "infrastructure", as it's not the responsibility of our Federal Government (and our tax dollars) to step in when our states fail to properly manage their own individual budgets. So let's stop recycling THAT excuse to waste taxpayer dollars.
Once again

I don't give a fuck if it done at the federal, state or local level

Taxes are still taxes and it is still Government doing it

As long as my federal tax dollars aren't being wasted funding another state's infrastructure budget. Once again, and it's very clear, it's NOT the responsibility of the Federal Government to maintain our states' infrastructure.

However, it very much IS the responsibility of our nation's government to provide funding for our military, which includes maintaining and replacing it's aging aircraft as well as equipment. You see this is why Democrats complain about our troops not being adequately supplied with important necessities like armoured vehicles and vests, but then forget that it's a direct result of their OWN party cutting that funding while still expecting our military to be adequately equipped during a time of combat. This is the problem with giving the role of our Federal Government things it was never meant to do, while neglecting those responsibilities for which they are.
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber?

From other companies that harvest lumber. No government needed.

How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates?

They don't. Pirate attacks happen all the time. Your government failed. BTW.....this is about the USA, not the open seas..

How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

They would, in fact, operate more profitably. Government is responsible for over 2 trillion dollars in economic suppression; its called regulations.
I get it, you don't like food inspectors and making employers provide safe conditions and are opposed to telling chemical companies how and where they can dispose of toxic chemicals and waste.
Guess you haven't got a clue about National Forest. The vast amount of lumber in America is on public property.
Oil companies are dependent on military protection and much of the oil they pump out of the ground and ocean are on public lands. We have fought a few wars over it. Even WWII with Japan was related to protecting US oil interest. So was Desert Storm.
When government doesn't regulate how many competitive businesses, even small ones like pubs, operate in the same area it can lead to over competition that drives down prices to the point where they all end up going broke. This is a basic business principle taught in any business school. This is just one of the reasons new businesses are required to apply for permits and local governments often hold hearings. Other reasons may be about normal alcohol consumption issues, operating hours, parking, noise, etc. Without government support, no pub.
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Within budget? :rofl:

Sell crazy somewhere else fakewinger. Obamacare is a 100% liberal democrat clusterfuck of fail.

Within budget.....:rofl:
Obamacare has covered eight million uninsured that were not covered by Republican "wedontcare"

Of the eight million (out of the twenty three million that Obama said didn't have coverage) how many are paying and how many are getting subsidies which means the
taxpayers are paying for it....
So now not only did I lose my policy and had to get another one I am also paying to subsidize those that didn't have coverage Obama felt was good enough....
Pre WWII numbers?

Do you have any concept of what a Pre-WWII military looked like? Military strength is no longer measured by how many bodies you can throw into a firestorm. Military strength is based on your equipment, training, tactics, logistics and communications.
As it is, our Military strength is more than the next ten nations combined and eight of them are our allies

Wait a minute Rightwinger, your argument was that government is responsible in "CREATING" jobs. Here I provided some facts that the Obama administration was cutting troop size, and in another post cutting production of F-22 Raptors as well as downsizing Naval ship building. So what happened to all those big job numbers that government is responsible for "creating" in the military? So now you are saying government job cuts and downsizing is good for our economy. I guess we have to look at the private sector and small business to be the anchor for real job growth as opposed to government. I mean reducing the military budget and cutting back on troops doesn't sound positive if your needs depend upon you being "employed" in this economy.
Keeping unneeded troops is not creating jobs

The government can use the same money they used to spend on the military and use it on infrastructure, schools, energy research, healthcare

Better jobs that actually help Americans.....not counties that hate us anyway

We recycled that speech on "infrastructure" since Obama took office and pushed that stimulus bill, which contained wasted spending we didn't need to be spending on.

If you looked at the building of our interstate highways and bridges, you would also know that to build them was allocated by the federal government, but to MAINTAIN them was the responsibility of the individual states. This is why the states created tolls and some include state gas taxes, meant to be used to pay for our "infrastructure", as it's not the responsibility of our Federal Government (and our tax dollars) to step in when our states fail to properly manage their own individual budgets. So let's stop recycling THAT excuse to waste taxpayer dollars.
Once again

I don't give a fuck if it done at the federal, state or local level

Taxes are still taxes and it is still Government doing it

As long as my federal tax dollars aren't being wasted funding another state's infrastructure budget. Once again, and it's very clear, it's NOT the responsibility of the Federal Government to maintain our states' infrastructure.

However, it very much IS the responsibility of our nation's government to provide funding for our military, which includes maintaining and replacing it's aging aircraft as well as equipment. You see this is why Democrats complain about our troops not being adequately supplied with important necessities like armoured vehicles and vests, but then forget that it's a direct result of their OWN party cutting that funding while still expecting our military to be adequately equipped during a time of combat. This is the problem with giving the role of our Federal Government things it was never meant to do, while neglecting those responsibilities for which they are.

The job should be done at the level that is most efficient and makes the most sense

Some infrastructure projects are too important and require too much funding to be handled at the state level. Providing some federal funding makes sense
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Within budget? :rofl:

Sell crazy somewhere else fakewinger. Obamacare is a 100% liberal democrat clusterfuck of fail.

Within budget.....:rofl:
Obamacare has covered eight million uninsured that were not covered by Republican "wedontcare"

Of the eight million (out of the twenty three million that Obama said didn't have coverage) how many are paying and how many are getting subsidies which means the
taxpayers are paying for it....
So now not only did I lose my policy and had to get another one I am also paying to subsidize those that didn't have coverage Obama felt was good enough....
People need healthcare whether they are wealthy or not
I get it, you don't like food inspectors and making employers provide safe conditions and are opposed to telling chemical companies how and where they can dispose of toxic chemicals and waste.
Guess you haven't got a clue about National Forest. The vast amount of lumber in America is on public property.
Oil companies are dependent on military protection and much of the oil they pump out of the ground and ocean are on public lands. We have fought a few wars over it. Even WWII with Japan was related to protecting US oil interest. So was Desert Storm.
When government doesn't regulate how many competitive businesses, even small ones like pubs, operate in the same area it can lead to over competition that drives down prices to the point where they all end up going broke. This is a basic business principle taught in any business school. This is just one of the reasons new businesses are required to apply for permits and local governments often hold hearings. Other reasons may be about normal alcohol consumption issues, operating hours, parking, noise, etc. Without government support, no pub.

This is all such a total load of bullshit. Governments DO NOT regulate businesses to ensure fair competition! It's not a "basic business principle" it is Fascism. In a FREE CAPITALIST system, as many of a business can exist that the market demand will support. If there is "too much competition" then someone goes out of business and capitalism goes on.. that's how it works. Local governments regulate zoning because people don't much care for strip clubs next to their elementary schools and stuff like that.

I happen to be fairly well-connected with the timber industry and I can say you are totally full of shit if you think most lumber comes from public lands. They are sometimes leased so that old timber can be removed to reduce the risk of wildfires but that is a drop in the bucket compared to the billions of tons of timber cut from private lands. With government land leases, there are a TON of provisions and regulations which must be followed to the letter, it's a real pain in the ass and one you generally don't have with private land leases.

You've simply not presented a coherent "need for government" here but then, no one has argued that we don't fucking need ANY government! You see that's the problem here, you've got peanut butter in your ears and aren't listening. You want MORE government, we want LESS... but you're complaining that we want to do away with ALL government, which is absurd. No one has suggested we close down food inspections or allow chemical companies to dump their shit wherever they please! We can all reasonably agree on some things we want the government to keep an eye on. But you've taken advantage of that to argue that government should be allowed to control every facet of our lives and that is Communism, Socialism and Fascism.
I get it, you don't like food inspectors and making employers provide safe conditions and are opposed to telling chemical companies how and where they can dispose of toxic chemicals and waste.
Guess you haven't got a clue about National Forest. The vast amount of lumber in America is on public property.
Oil companies are dependent on military protection and much of the oil they pump out of the ground and ocean are on public lands. We have fought a few wars over it. Even WWII with Japan was related to protecting US oil interest. So was Desert Storm.
When government doesn't regulate how many competitive businesses, even small ones like pubs, operate in the same area it can lead to over competition that drives down prices to the point where they all end up going broke. This is a basic business principle taught in any business school. This is just one of the reasons new businesses are required to apply for permits and local governments often hold hearings. Other reasons may be about normal alcohol consumption issues, operating hours, parking, noise, etc. Without government support, no pub.

This is all such a total load of bullshit. Governments DO NOT regulate businesses to ensure fair competition! It's not a "basic business principle" it is Fascism. In a FREE CAPITALIST system, as many of a business can exist that the market demand will support. If there is "too much competition" then someone goes out of business and capitalism goes on.. that's how it works. Local governments regulate zoning because people don't much care for strip clubs next to their elementary schools and stuff like that.

I happen to be fairly well-connected with the timber industry and I can say you are totally full of shit if you think most lumber comes from public lands. They are sometimes leased so that old timber can be removed to reduce the risk of wildfires but that is a drop in the bucket compared to the billions of tons of timber cut from private lands. With government land leases, there are a TON of provisions and regulations which must be followed to the letter, it's a real pain in the ass and one you generally don't have with private land leases.

You've simply not presented a coherent "need for government" here but then, no one has argued that we don't fucking need ANY government! You see that's the problem here, you've got peanut butter in your ears and aren't listening. You want MORE government, we want LESS... but you're complaining that we want to do away with ALL government, which is absurd. No one has suggested we close down food inspections or allow chemical companies to dump their shit wherever they please! We can all reasonably agree on some things we want the government to keep an eye on. But you've taken advantage of that to argue that government should be allowed to control every facet of our lives and that is Communism, Socialism and Fascism.
Government acts as a referee for business

They make sure everyone follows the rules, nobody has an unfair advantage and they provide a court system to resolve issues
I get it, you don't like food inspectors and making employers provide safe conditions and are opposed to telling chemical companies how and where they can dispose of toxic chemicals and waste.
Guess you haven't got a clue about National Forest. The vast amount of lumber in America is on public property.
Oil companies are dependent on military protection and much of the oil they pump out of the ground and ocean are on public lands. We have fought a few wars over it. Even WWII with Japan was related to protecting US oil interest. So was Desert Storm.
When government doesn't regulate how many competitive businesses, even small ones like pubs, operate in the same area it can lead to over competition that drives down prices to the point where they all end up going broke. This is a basic business principle taught in any business school. This is just one of the reasons new businesses are required to apply for permits and local governments often hold hearings. Other reasons may be about normal alcohol consumption issues, operating hours, parking, noise, etc. Without government support, no pub.

This is all such a total load of bullshit. Governments DO NOT regulate businesses to ensure fair competition! It's not a "basic business principle" it is Fascism. In a FREE CAPITALIST system, as many of a business can exist that the market demand will support. If there is "too much competition" then someone goes out of business and capitalism goes on.. that's how it works. Local governments regulate zoning because people don't much care for strip clubs next to their elementary schools and stuff like that.

I happen to be fairly well-connected with the timber industry and I can say you are totally full of shit if you think most lumber comes from public lands. They are sometimes leased so that old timber can be removed to reduce the risk of wildfires but that is a drop in the bucket compared to the billions of tons of timber cut from private lands. With government land leases, there are a TON of provisions and regulations which must be followed to the letter, it's a real pain in the ass and one you generally don't have with private land leases.

You've simply not presented a coherent "need for government" here but then, no one has argued that we don't fucking need ANY government! You see that's the problem here, you've got peanut butter in your ears and aren't listening. You want MORE government, we want LESS... but you're complaining that we want to do away with ALL government, which is absurd. No one has suggested we close down food inspections or allow chemical companies to dump their shit wherever they please! We can all reasonably agree on some things we want the government to keep an eye on. But you've taken advantage of that to argue that government should be allowed to control every facet of our lives and that is Communism, Socialism and Fascism.
Some of our biggest industries are regulated by government to control competition. Cable TV is one of them. Broadcast radio and TV are two more. Production and distribution of electricity and other utilities like water also face competition control. The list goes on.
Your state is dwarfed by the timber production numbers in the top three producing states of California, Oregon and Washington. Those states rely on National Forest. Other big timber states like Idaho, Montana and most all of the western states rely on National Forest. The federal government owns over 190 million acres of timber producing National Forest.

Don't say I am saying things I haven't said. I have not been promoting the government be allowed to control every facet of our lives. You just made that up to embellish your bullshit.
Last edited:
People need healthcare whether they are wealthy or not

Which is why, 50 fucking years ago, we created Medicaid with bipartisan support in Congress.
Great program that left the working poor out to dry

Thankfully Obamacare took care of those who had been left out


Right, and in the process it fucked up insurance of the other 95% of the population.

Great liberal solution.
Obamacare works
It is bringing down healthcare costs for the first time in decades
People need healthcare whether they are wealthy or not

Which is why, 50 fucking years ago, we created Medicaid with bipartisan support in Congress.
Great program that left the working poor out to dry

Thankfully Obamacare took care of those who had been left out


Right, and in the process it fucked up insurance of the other 95% of the population.

Great liberal solution.
Obamacare works
It is bringing down healthcare costs for the first time in decades

ROFL! What total bullshit. I'm paying far more for a policy that is virtually worthless. It has a $13,500 deductible and it doesn't pay a cent towards doctor visits.
People need healthcare whether they are wealthy or not

Which is why, 50 fucking years ago, we created Medicaid with bipartisan support in Congress.
Great program that left the working poor out to dry

Thankfully Obamacare took care of those who had been left out


Right, and in the process it fucked up insurance of the other 95% of the population.

Great liberal solution.
Obamacare works
It is bringing down healthcare costs for the first time in decades

ROFL! What total bullshit. I'm paying far more for a policy that is virtually worthless. It has a $13,500 deductible and it doesn't pay a cent towards doctor visits.
In your case...I am glad to hear it
Payback is a bitch

I liked my policy and I kept it
Which is why, 50 fucking years ago, we created Medicaid with bipartisan support in Congress.
Great program that left the working poor out to dry

Thankfully Obamacare took care of those who had been left out


Right, and in the process it fucked up insurance of the other 95% of the population.

Great liberal solution.
Obamacare works
It is bringing down healthcare costs for the first time in decades

ROFL! What total bullshit. I'm paying far more for a policy that is virtually worthless. It has a $13,500 deductible and it doesn't pay a cent towards doctor visits.
In your case...I am glad to hear it
Payback is a bitch

I liked my policy and I kept it
"payback" for what, paying taxes so a bunch of ticks on the ass of society don't have to work?

You just made it obvious that you despise the hard working taxpayers of American who pay their bills.

You think Americans are all suckers, don't you?
Great program that left the working poor out to dry

Thankfully Obamacare took care of those who had been left out


Right, and in the process it fucked up insurance of the other 95% of the population.

Great liberal solution.
Obamacare works
It is bringing down healthcare costs for the first time in decades

ROFL! What total bullshit. I'm paying far more for a policy that is virtually worthless. It has a $13,500 deductible and it doesn't pay a cent towards doctor visits.
In your case...I am glad to hear it
Payback is a bitch

I liked my policy and I kept it
"payback" for what, paying taxes so a bunch of ticks on the ass of society don't have to work?

You just made it obvious that you despise the hard working taxpayers of American who pay their bills.

You think Americans are all suckers, don't you?

I just celebrate those who fought so hard to keep others from getting health coverage having to pay more
People need healthcare whether they are wealthy or not

Which is why, 50 fucking years ago, we created Medicaid with bipartisan support in Congress.
Great program that left the working poor out to dry

Thankfully Obamacare took care of those who had been left out


Right, and in the process it fucked up insurance of the other 95% of the population.

Great liberal solution.
Obamacare works
It is bringing down healthcare costs for the first time in decades

Christ dude.....where do you get all of this stupid shit! Insurance premiums continue to rise in a big way. Please engage your brain and realize virtually everything Obama says is a lie.

You cannot be this stupid.

I you even care that you keep getting made out to be a complete idiot.....or do you just tell lies like Obama and if you get caught just shrug your shoulders?

I really would like to know. :(

Some facts for the deliberately stupid.

Health care premiums Health experts see big price hikes for Obamacare - POLITICO

Obamacare sends health premiums skyrocketing by as much as 78 percent - Washington Times
Last edited:
Some of our biggest industries are regulated by government to control competition. Cable TV is one of them. Broadcast radio and TV are two more. Production and distribution of electricity and other utilities like water also face competition control. The list goes on.
Your state is dwarfed by the timber production numbers in the top three producing states of California, Oregon and Washington. Those states rely on National Forest. Other big timber states like Idaho, Montana and most all of the western states rely on National Forest. The federal government owns over 190 million acres of timber producing National Forest.

Don't say I am saying things I haven't said. I have not been promoting the government be allowed to control every facet of our lives. You just made that up to embellish your bullshit.

Nope... a government that "controls competition" is called a Fascist government. That is a Fascist system.

In a free market capitalist system, the market, supply and demand control competition.

My state has nothing to do with my connection to the timber industry. I currently lease over 10k acres of land in 5 different states, none of which are my home state. I understand the Fed has a lot of national forest land and they do lease the land for timber removal because this decreases risk of wildfires. It does not, by any means, account for the majority of timber harvested in this country and if you think so you're an idiot.

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