Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

Ok. two questions
1. if the corporate tax rate was reduced or eliminated would that create jobs?

2. If corporations were allowed to bring foreign profits back into the USA tax free would that create jobs?

both answers are Yes.
Raygun cut corporate taxes in half, which made $300 billion annual deficits because of his war machine spending. Spend more, collect less is fucking stupid con economics.

Ok, lets talk defense spending, OK? Now who gets the money spent on planes, ships, guns, ammo, uniforms, trucks, tanks, etc? Answer: American blue collar workers, many of them union members.

Workers receive a very small portion of the annual profits....we all know where that money goes

If the workers are also shareholders (like most Walmart employees) then they do share in the profits. Minimum wage burger flippers, not so much. Whats your point? Would you ban corporations?

You were the one claiming that the money goes to the blue collar workers

I said that money spent on defense provides employment for millions of american blue collar workers. The other left wing idiot was trying to make a case that defense spending is wasted money.

Providing good paying jobs and keeping the country safe seems like a pretty good way to spend govt money, do you not agree?
It is not a government job, but a job created by government policies

Yes, I think you finally get it. Obozo's policies have hurt job growth. the stats you posted include part time jobs and teens flipping burgers during the summer.

Actually, there is no data supporting your assertion that most of these jobs are flipping burgers or other part time or minimum wage job

of course there is, look at the govt reports on jobs.

I have

They in no way support your claims

bullshit! the jobs reports include part time jobs. Stop lying.

Show me one that says the majority of new jobs are "flipping burgers"
Why does any business need support from the Government? Explain. :)
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

No business is dependent on Government. None. If a business sells a good product(s) that people want, it will be successful.

If it sells crappy, expensive, or inefficient products (like much of the green industry) it will not be successful.

This is very simple people.

Government regulates interstate commerce and foreign commerce which is necessary. It also provides police and the military to protect property and life at great expense to we the tax payers.

That is all.

Anymore questions on basic Government and economics let me know.

Business depends on government for:

1. A stable monetary system
2. Security
3. A legal system
4. Protections from unfair business practices
5. An infrastructure for transportation, power, communications
6. Training its employees

I stated security, a legal system, and regulation of interstate and foreign commerce. All of which We the People pay for....heavily.

Infrastructure is paid for by We the People and sanctioned by We the People through our elected Representatives. I have had multiple jobs and the fucking Government never trained me or had anything to do with my training.

The Government is vastly more a hinderance to business through taxes and regulation than a help. That point cannot be argued.....unless you're an idiot.

Business could not function without the government protecting their backs. The dog eat dog nature of business requires goverment to keep the dogs behaved

Much of the regulation you complain about is needed to keep businesses from consuming each other

you have a sick view of humanity. were you dropped on your head as a little child?
Raygun cut corporate taxes in half, which made $300 billion annual deficits because of his war machine spending. Spend more, collect less is fucking stupid con economics.

Ok, lets talk defense spending, OK? Now who gets the money spent on planes, ships, guns, ammo, uniforms, trucks, tanks, etc? Answer: American blue collar workers, many of them union members.

Workers receive a very small portion of the annual profits....we all know where that money goes

If the workers are also shareholders (like most Walmart employees) then they do share in the profits. Minimum wage burger flippers, not so much. Whats your point? Would you ban corporations?

You were the one claiming that the money goes to the blue collar workers

I said that money spent on defense provides employment for millions of american blue collar workers. The other left wing idiot was trying to make a case that defense spending is wasted money.

Providing good paying jobs and keeping the country safe seems like a pretty good way to spend govt money, do you not agree?
Here you are saying that the government is creating jobs?
Raygun cut corporate taxes in half, which made $300 billion annual deficits because of his war machine spending. Spend more, collect less is fucking stupid con economics.

Ok, lets talk defense spending, OK? Now who gets the money spent on planes, ships, guns, ammo, uniforms, trucks, tanks, etc? Answer: American blue collar workers, many of them union members.

Workers receive a very small portion of the annual profits....we all know where that money goes

If the workers are also shareholders (like most Walmart employees) then they do share in the profits. Minimum wage burger flippers, not so much. Whats your point? Would you ban corporations?

You were the one claiming that the money goes to the blue collar workers

I said that money spent on defense provides employment for millions of american blue collar workers. The other left wing idiot was trying to make a case that defense spending is wasted money.

Providing good paying jobs and keeping the country safe seems like a pretty good way to spend govt money, do you not agree?

I think our country IS safe
By the nature of our geography, we are one of the safest nations on the planet
Do we need to spend 47 cents out of every military dollar on earth?

The money we spend on military jobs could be just as well spent on new energy, healthcare, communications, transportation....all providing as many jobs as those military jobs do
Yes, I think you finally get it. Obozo's policies have hurt job growth. the stats you posted include part time jobs and teens flipping burgers during the summer.

Actually, there is no data supporting your assertion that most of these jobs are flipping burgers or other part time or minimum wage job

of course there is, look at the govt reports on jobs.

I have

They in no way support your claims

bullshit! the jobs reports include part time jobs. Stop lying.

Show me one that says the majority of new jobs are "flipping burgers"

That might be a stretch but the jobs reports do include part time jobs. With the obozocare restrictions very few small businesses can afford to give anyone more than 29 hours/week. How is that a good thing?
Ok, lets talk defense spending, OK? Now who gets the money spent on planes, ships, guns, ammo, uniforms, trucks, tanks, etc? Answer: American blue collar workers, many of them union members.

Workers receive a very small portion of the annual profits....we all know where that money goes

If the workers are also shareholders (like most Walmart employees) then they do share in the profits. Minimum wage burger flippers, not so much. Whats your point? Would you ban corporations?

You were the one claiming that the money goes to the blue collar workers

I said that money spent on defense provides employment for millions of american blue collar workers. The other left wing idiot was trying to make a case that defense spending is wasted money.

Providing good paying jobs and keeping the country safe seems like a pretty good way to spend govt money, do you not agree?
Here you are saying that the government is creating jobs?

Yes, defense spending does create american jobs. Why do libs hate defense spending?
Every business and industry is different. One way or another they all have some dependence on the government. How do lumber companies that do not own property get trees to cut down and produce lumber? How do oil companies get oil from the mid east without being attacked by terrorist of pirates? How would the local pub operate profitably if the number of pubs in an area were not regulated?

No business is dependent on Government. None. If a business sells a good product(s) that people want, it will be successful.

If it sells crappy, expensive, or inefficient products (like much of the green industry) it will not be successful.

This is very simple people.

Government regulates interstate commerce and foreign commerce which is necessary. It also provides police and the military to protect property and life at great expense to we the tax payers.

That is all.

Anymore questions on basic Government and economics let me know.

Business depends on government for:

1. A stable monetary system
2. Security
3. A legal system
4. Protections from unfair business practices
5. An infrastructure for transportation, power, communications
6. Training its employees

I stated security, a legal system, and regulation of interstate and foreign commerce. All of which We the People pay for....heavily.

Infrastructure is paid for by We the People and sanctioned by We the People through our elected Representatives. I have had multiple jobs and the fucking Government never trained me or had anything to do with my training.

The Government is vastly more a hinderance to business through taxes and regulation than a help. That point cannot be argued.....unless you're an idiot.

Business could not function without the government protecting their backs. The dog eat dog nature of business requires goverment to keep the dogs behaved

Much of the regulation you complain about is needed to keep businesses from consuming each other

you have a sick view of humanity. were you dropped on your head as a little child?

I have seen what unfettered business is capable of doing

Even business wants the governement to protect their patents, enforce their contracts and protect their interests

By the way....THAT is the reason our military is so big. Not to protect Americans
Ok, lets talk defense spending, OK? Now who gets the money spent on planes, ships, guns, ammo, uniforms, trucks, tanks, etc? Answer: American blue collar workers, many of them union members.

Workers receive a very small portion of the annual profits....we all know where that money goes

If the workers are also shareholders (like most Walmart employees) then they do share in the profits. Minimum wage burger flippers, not so much. Whats your point? Would you ban corporations?

You were the one claiming that the money goes to the blue collar workers

I said that money spent on defense provides employment for millions of american blue collar workers. The other left wing idiot was trying to make a case that defense spending is wasted money.

Providing good paying jobs and keeping the country safe seems like a pretty good way to spend govt money, do you not agree?

I think our country IS safe
By the nature of our geography, we are one of the safest nations on the planet
Do we need to spend 47 cents out of every military dollar on earth?

The money we spend on military jobs could be just as well spent on new energy, healthcare, communications, transportation....all providing as many jobs as those military jobs do

thats your opinion, I suggest you tell your congressmen and senators, they make those decisions, and dems have controlled congress for most of the last 80 years, so if you have a problem with spending, blame the dems.
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

All of them.
I said none of them and gave examples. You did not challenge my response, about the businesses I named. You just evaded answering and offered an opinion. Name a specific business that does not in some way need of depend on government assistance or support.
No business is dependent on Government. None. If a business sells a good product(s) that people want, it will be successful.

If it sells crappy, expensive, or inefficient products (like much of the green industry) it will not be successful.

This is very simple people.

Government regulates interstate commerce and foreign commerce which is necessary. It also provides police and the military to protect property and life at great expense to we the tax payers.

That is all.

Anymore questions on basic Government and economics let me know.

Business depends on government for:

1. A stable monetary system
2. Security
3. A legal system
4. Protections from unfair business practices
5. An infrastructure for transportation, power, communications
6. Training its employees

I stated security, a legal system, and regulation of interstate and foreign commerce. All of which We the People pay for....heavily.

Infrastructure is paid for by We the People and sanctioned by We the People through our elected Representatives. I have had multiple jobs and the fucking Government never trained me or had anything to do with my training.

The Government is vastly more a hinderance to business through taxes and regulation than a help. That point cannot be argued.....unless you're an idiot.

Business could not function without the government protecting their backs. The dog eat dog nature of business requires goverment to keep the dogs behaved

Much of the regulation you complain about is needed to keep businesses from consuming each other

you have a sick view of humanity. were you dropped on your head as a little child?

I have seen what unfettered business is capable of doing

Even business wants the governement to protect their patents, enforce their contracts and protect their interests

By the way....THAT is the reason our military is so big. Not to protect Americans

The military is big because the govt protects business??????????? WTF?
Workers receive a very small portion of the annual profits....we all know where that money goes

If the workers are also shareholders (like most Walmart employees) then they do share in the profits. Minimum wage burger flippers, not so much. Whats your point? Would you ban corporations?

You were the one claiming that the money goes to the blue collar workers

I said that money spent on defense provides employment for millions of american blue collar workers. The other left wing idiot was trying to make a case that defense spending is wasted money.

Providing good paying jobs and keeping the country safe seems like a pretty good way to spend govt money, do you not agree?
Here you are saying that the government is creating jobs?

Yes, defense spending does create american jobs. Why do libs hate defense spending?
They don't. They like defense spending and vote for it lots. You are just stuck on using talking points, even when they are total bullshit.
In summary:

The govt can create govt jobs by spending tax revenues, it can also create private sector jobs by spending tax revenues.

the govt can create an environment that is favorable to the creation of private sector jobs. Private sector jobs do not require the expenditure of tax revenues.

Got it ?
In summary:

The govt can create govt jobs by spending tax revenues, it can also create private sector jobs by spending tax revenues.

the govt can create an environment that is favorable to the creation of private sector jobs. Private sector jobs do not require the expenditure of tax revenues.

Got it ?
The government doesn't have to spend tax revenue to create jobs. It can create private sector jobs with legislation. It can also create jobs by releasing or allowing the use of public properties and resources. It does it all the time and has been doing it for a very long time.
I think everybody is blind.
This country is being systematically disassembled for the sake of corporate profits (trade deals. hi tech visas, illegals)and this bullshit "world economy" which is designed so that the corporations can move to 3rd world, cheap labor countries and while our jobs continue to evaporate and our tax base dwindles, instead of standing together, we (you) bicker about hot button issues while at the same time allowing YOUR boy to get away with anything, because, after all, its not about what is good for the country, its about your own personal agenda.
I have worked for the gov and I know for a fact that government does it cheaper and better. Look at our military pay and then look at what black water "employees" get paid! All of the privatization that Ive seen is cheaper for the first year contract but goes sky high after that first cheap year. In my home town, on the second year of their fiscal budget, they had to lay off just to pay the new trash company.I would rather see the gov doing some things rather than a shit pile of money going into the pocket of one person as their profit.
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Define assistance and support...
Business depends on government for:

1. A stable monetary system
2. Security
3. A legal system
4. Protections from unfair business practices
5. An infrastructure for transportation, power, communications
6. Training its employees

I stated security, a legal system, and regulation of interstate and foreign commerce. All of which We the People pay for....heavily.

Infrastructure is paid for by We the People and sanctioned by We the People through our elected Representatives. I have had multiple jobs and the fucking Government never trained me or had anything to do with my training.

The Government is vastly more a hinderance to business through taxes and regulation than a help. That point cannot be argued.....unless you're an idiot.

Business could not function without the government protecting their backs. The dog eat dog nature of business requires goverment to keep the dogs behaved

Much of the regulation you complain about is needed to keep businesses from consuming each other

you have a sick view of humanity. were you dropped on your head as a little child?

I have seen what unfettered business is capable of doing

Even business wants the government to protect their patents, enforce their contracts and protect their interests

By the way....THAT is the reason our military is so big. Not to protect Americans

The military is big because the govt protects business??????????? WTF?

Maintaining a military presence around the globe is not done to protect Mom and Pop on Main Street USA
Our military protects the interests of business, maintaining stable markets, protecting key resources and allowing our business unfettered access in a global market
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oh! and the new trash company pays crap and little bennies and as we know and just don't give a damn about, good wages, good working conditions, good benefits and reasonable hours builds a healthy economy.
The massive stupidity of the left never ceases to amaze. Let me explain this very simply.

The Government is a parasite. It creates nothing because it lives off the wealth created by the American People.

No funding from We the Government.

Any more questions.....let me know. :D
Name a major corporation that can operate without assistance and support from the government

Define assistance and support...
Anything under government management or control that helps the business to operate and make a profit and if ignored or taken away will harm the business.
Click to expand...
"Maintaining a military presence around the globe is not done to protect mom and pop American on Main Street USA
Our military protects the interests of business, maintaining stable markets, protecting key resources and allowing our business unfettered access in a global market"

Gov doesn't give a damn about mom and pop.
We go to war for profit and these multi billion$ corporations don't even pay any taxes. Now how 'bout THAT!?

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