Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

The US has a lower percentage on the government payroll than any industrialized nation
We have fewer government workers than we had under JFK even though we have almost double the population
LOL! Sure. Kewl story, bro.
I do get tired of showing up the Rabbi

You understand that does not support your statement, right?
I love when people post graphs and they have no idea what they say.
Let's see?

Cons claim government is getting too big
I claim we are actually getting smaller
Rabbi laughs
I prove Rabbi doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground

Rabbi doubles down on stupidity

Par for the course
If it werent for self declared victory you'd have no victory at all.
Government is bigger than it's ever been. F act.

This thread is about jobs

We have the fewer of those federal government jobs than we did under kennedy
The US has a lower percentage on the government payroll than any industrialized nation
We have fewer government workers than we had under JFK even though we have almost double the population
LOL! Sure. Kewl story, bro.
I do get tired of showing up the Rabbi

You understand that does not support your statement, right?
I love when people post graphs and they have no idea what they say.
Let's see?

Cons claim government is getting too big
I claim we are actually getting smaller
Rabbi laughs
I prove Rabbi doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground

Rabbi doubles down on stupidity

Par for the course
If it werent for self declared victory you'd have no victory at all.
Government is bigger than it's ever been. F act.

RW doesn't like to be constrained by things like facts. He wants more and more and isn't getting it fast enough, that means it's smaller, they are getting further and further behind on the living they owe him
LOL! Sure. Kewl story, bro.
I do get tired of showing up the Rabbi

You understand that does not support your statement, right?
I love when people post graphs and they have no idea what they say.
Let's see?

Cons claim government is getting too big
I claim we are actually getting smaller
Rabbi laughs
I prove Rabbi doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground

Rabbi doubles down on stupidity

Par for the course
If it werent for self declared victory you'd have no victory at all.
Government is bigger than it's ever been. F act.

This thread is about jobs

We have the fewer of those federal government jobs than we did under kennedy

That's because of the military, there are more civilian jobs. There are also way more government contractors than there were then. And government spends way more than just on jobs
Hmmm, like obozo being against gay marriage before he was for it? Like Hillary and Bubba getting rich on bribes from foreign governments who treat women as property?

that kind of evolution?

Or like Hillary accepting millions of dollars from those greedy corporate billionaires who don't pay their fair share, or her continual bashing of hedge fund managers, one of which is married to her daughter...

Yes, Liberal hypocrisy knows no bounds!
That puts you at 150 years ago

You have a long way to go. No court is going to agree with the simplistic interpretation that the Constitution is a be all and end all established 200 years ago

I just don't understand why you want a bunch of beauocrats running every aspect of your life. Are you so incompetent that you cannot care for yourself. Why are you willing to turn your individual freedom over to a bunch of assholes in DC? and before you answer, those assholes may all be conservative republicans in a couple of years.
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.
I thought you said liberals worship communism
Two opposite ends of the political spectrum yet you seem to claim Liberals are all of them
Communism and fascism are not opposite ends. They are the same. Hitler preached National Socialism. Stalin preached International Socialism.


Your "political Specrum" is bullshit.


200 years of court interpretation says you are wrong


Well... I guess we should round up all black people and put them back in shackles again because SCOTUS ruled they were property and held that decision until we passed a Constitutional amendment to override it. Then they ruled segregation and Jim Crow was Constitutional until Congress passed an Act to overturn that. So... IF the SCOTUS is the final decider... we need to enslave the blacks again, right?

That puts you at 150 years ago

You have a long way to go. No court is going to agree with the simplistic interpretation that the Constitution is a be all and end all established 200 years ago

Again... The SCOTUS ruling was that slaves are property and blacks can be segregated. IF, as you argue, the Court decides what the Constitution means... we need to enslave black again because this was their ruling. We had no right to override that and it remains the court's decision on the matter.

Also, I notice you have not addressed the previous argument that Federal government can "do what needs doing" under the general welfare clause. I assume you read what Madison had to say on the subject, so was Madison wrong? Do you have some kind of explanation for how the Constitution grants government unlimited power under "general welfare" but then turns around and specifies enumerated powers?
Sorry libertarian......but The Federalist Papers are not law
So much so that they were anonymously published

Madison had to edit and re-edit the constitution to satisfy all signatories. What is in there is the law.....not what Madison may have wanted

The courts decide....not the Federalist Papers

I fully understand that , from your standpoint, the Communist Manifesto" its the law of the Land.

Case law, so long as they promote communism., its the law of the land.

I do get tired of showing up the Rabbi

You understand that does not support your statement, right?
I love when people post graphs and they have no idea what they say.
Let's see?

Cons claim government is getting too big
I claim we are actually getting smaller
Rabbi laughs
I prove Rabbi doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground

Rabbi doubles down on stupidity

Par for the course
If it werent for self declared victory you'd have no victory at all.
Government is bigger than it's ever been. F act.

This thread is about jobs

We have the fewer of those federal government jobs than we did under kennedy

That's because of the military, there are more civilian jobs. There are also way more government contractors than there were then. And government spends way more than just on jobs
This thread is about jobs
200 years of court interpretation says you are wrong


Well... I guess we should round up all black people and put them back in shackles again because SCOTUS ruled they were property and held that decision until we passed a Constitutional amendment to override it. Then they ruled segregation and Jim Crow was Constitutional until Congress passed an Act to overturn that. So... IF the SCOTUS is the final decider... we need to enslave the blacks again, right?

That puts you at 150 years ago

You have a long way to go. No court is going to agree with the simplistic interpretation that the Constitution is a be all and end all established 200 years ago

Again... The SCOTUS ruling was that slaves are property and blacks can be segregated. IF, as you argue, the Court decides what the Constitution means... we need to enslave black again because this was their ruling. We had no right to override that and it remains the court's decision on the matter.

Also, I notice you have not addressed the previous argument that Federal government can "do what needs doing" under the general welfare clause. I assume you read what Madison had to say on the subject, so was Madison wrong? Do you have some kind of explanation for how the Constitution grants government unlimited power under "general welfare" but then turns around and specifies enumerated powers?
Sorry libertarian......but The Federalist Papers are not law
So much so that they were anonymously published

Madison had to edit and re-edit the constitution to satisfy all signatories. What is in there is the law.....not what Madison may have wanted

The courts decide....not the Federalist Papers

I fully understand that , from your standpoint, the Communist Manifesto" its the law of the Land.

Case law, so long as they promote communism., its the law of the land.

The Communist Munifesto has no legislative bearing in this country.

Case law does
Well... I guess we should round up all black people and put them back in shackles again because SCOTUS ruled they were property and held that decision until we passed a Constitutional amendment to override it. Then they ruled segregation and Jim Crow was Constitutional until Congress passed an Act to overturn that. So... IF the SCOTUS is the final decider... we need to enslave the blacks again, right?

That puts you at 150 years ago

You have a long way to go. No court is going to agree with the simplistic interpretation that the Constitution is a be all and end all established 200 years ago

Again... The SCOTUS ruling was that slaves are property and blacks can be segregated. IF, as you argue, the Court decides what the Constitution means... we need to enslave black again because this was their ruling. We had no right to override that and it remains the court's decision on the matter.

Also, I notice you have not addressed the previous argument that Federal government can "do what needs doing" under the general welfare clause. I assume you read what Madison had to say on the subject, so was Madison wrong? Do you have some kind of explanation for how the Constitution grants government unlimited power under "general welfare" but then turns around and specifies enumerated powers?
Sorry libertarian......but The Federalist Papers are not law
So much so that they were anonymously published

Madison had to edit and re-edit the constitution to satisfy all signatories. What is in there is the law.....not what Madison may have wanted

The courts decide....not the Federalist Papers

I fully understand that , from your standpoint, the Communist Manifesto" its the law of the Land.

Case law, so long as they promote communism., its the law of the land.

The Communist Munifesto has no legislative bearing in this country.

Case law does

The Communist Manifesto is NOT supposed to have legislative bearing in this country.

But the Communit Manifesto has de facto legislative bearing in this country.

The government feeds you, insures you, clothes you , quenches your thirst, promotes and protect the welfare/warfare police state.

You understand that does not support your statement, right?
I love when people post graphs and they have no idea what they say.
Let's see?

Cons claim government is getting too big
I claim we are actually getting smaller
Rabbi laughs
I prove Rabbi doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground

Rabbi doubles down on stupidity

Par for the course
If it werent for self declared victory you'd have no victory at all.
Government is bigger than it's ever been. F act.

This thread is about jobs

We have the fewer of those federal government jobs than we did under kennedy

That's because of the military, there are more civilian jobs. There are also way more government contractors than there were then. And government spends way more than just on jobs
This thread is about jobs

Very good, well done. So was my post. I'd say you've mastered the obvious finally, but I'm going to need you to do it more than once before acknowledging that
It's a waste of time responding to this guy. Not only is he poorly read and closed minded, but his reasoning skills are downright laughable. Just look at the silly logic of the OP. A junior high student would be embarrassed to make such an erroneous, distorted argument.
Well... I guess we should round up all black people and put them back in shackles again because SCOTUS ruled they were property and held that decision until we passed a Constitutional amendment to override it. Then they ruled segregation and Jim Crow was Constitutional until Congress passed an Act to overturn that. So... IF the SCOTUS is the final decider... we need to enslave the blacks again, right?

That puts you at 150 years ago

You have a long way to go. No court is going to agree with the simplistic interpretation that the Constitution is a be all and end all established 200 years ago

I just don't understand why you want a bunch of beauocrats running every aspect of your life. Are you so incompetent that you cannot care for yourself. Why are you willing to turn your individual freedom over to a bunch of assholes in DC? and before you answer, those assholes may all be conservative republicans in a couple of years.
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

Actually liberalism believes in the power of government to control and dictate over the people. The Founders believe in the right of the people to have power to control and dictate over their government, with the freedom of the individual the choice in pursuing life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. That's a big difference here, as liberalism can't survive without dependency of government power to have greater control over its people and doesn't promote the freedom of "individualism".
That puts you at 150 years ago

You have a long way to go. No court is going to agree with the simplistic interpretation that the Constitution is a be all and end all established 200 years ago

I just don't understand why you want a bunch of beauocrats running every aspect of your life. Are you so incompetent that you cannot care for yourself. Why are you willing to turn your individual freedom over to a bunch of assholes in DC? and before you answer, those assholes may all be conservative republicans in a couple of years.
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

Actually liberalism believes in the power of government to control and dictate over the people. The Founders believe in the right of the people to have power to control and dictate over their government, with the freedom of the individual the choice in pursuing life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. That's a big difference here, as liberalism can't survive without dependency of government power to have greater control over its people and doesn't promote the freedom of "individualism".
That is not what liberals believe

Liberals believe that a government can actually help "We the People" while conservatives are only interested in the government helping "We the Wealthy"
That puts you at 150 years ago

You have a long way to go. No court is going to agree with the simplistic interpretation that the Constitution is a be all and end all established 200 years ago

I just don't understand why you want a bunch of beauocrats running every aspect of your life. Are you so incompetent that you cannot care for yourself. Why are you willing to turn your individual freedom over to a bunch of assholes in DC? and before you answer, those assholes may all be conservative republicans in a couple of years.
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

Actually liberalism believes in the power of government to control and dictate over the people. The Founders believe in the right of the people to have power to control and dictate over their government, with the freedom of the individual the choice in pursuing life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. That's a big difference here, as liberalism can't survive without dependency of government power to have greater control over its people and doesn't promote the freedom of "individualism".

The founders were classical liberals of the time. This is nowhere remotely near liberals of today. The classical liberals of our founding fathers are more in line with the libertarian wing of the conservatives. Today's liberal was the Socialist-Marxist of back then because it is Socialist-Marxism they parade around today, they just call it "Progressive" instead. There weren't any Socialist-Marxist founders... Hamilton would probably be the closest. This is why pinheads often cite Hamilton when lamenting the powers of Big Government.
I just don't understand why you want a bunch of beauocrats running every aspect of your life. Are you so incompetent that you cannot care for yourself. Why are you willing to turn your individual freedom over to a bunch of assholes in DC? and before you answer, those assholes may all be conservative republicans in a couple of years.
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

Actually liberalism believes in the power of government to control and dictate over the people. The Founders believe in the right of the people to have power to control and dictate over their government, with the freedom of the individual the choice in pursuing life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. That's a big difference here, as liberalism can't survive without dependency of government power to have greater control over its people and doesn't promote the freedom of "individualism".

The founders were classical liberals of the time. This is nowhere remotely near liberals of today. The classical liberals of our founding fathers are more in line with the libertarian wing of the conservatives. Today's liberal was the Socialist-Marxist of back then because it is Socialist-Marxism they parade around today, they just call it "Progressive" instead. There weren't any Socialist-Marxist founders... Hamilton would probably be the closest. This is why pinheads often cite Hamilton when lamenting the powers of Big Government.

That is correct

Liberals today = secular fascists

conservatives today = theocratic fascists
I just don't understand why you want a bunch of beauocrats running every aspect of your life. Are you so incompetent that you cannot care for yourself. Why are you willing to turn your individual freedom over to a bunch of assholes in DC? and before you answer, those assholes may all be conservative republicans in a couple of years.
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

Actually liberalism believes in the power of government to control and dictate over the people. The Founders believe in the right of the people to have power to control and dictate over their government, with the freedom of the individual the choice in pursuing life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. That's a big difference here, as liberalism can't survive without dependency of government power to have greater control over its people and doesn't promote the freedom of "individualism".
That is not what liberals believe

Liberals believe that a government can actually help "We the People" while conservatives are only interested in the government helping "We the Wealthy"
Well, no, that is not true, on either count. I'll tell you this, we conservatives do not need you to tell us what we believe because most of what liberals believe about conservatives is either wrong or an outright lie. Liberals believe that government can help but believe you need government to direct people's lives because they are too stupid to mange their own lives. Conservatives believe that government can't make the right decision for all and will only destroy what people create. Example: Obamacare. Sold on lies and is destroying the best health care in the world because government knew what was best for us. That is liberalism in a nutshell. And this whole lie about conservatives believe in "we the wealthy" is more propaganda. The truly wealthy are Democrats, i.e. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, John Kerry, George Soros, Hillary, etc. That is because they can get government to stack the deck for them. Conservatives abhor government for that very reason. Do some research on the taxi cab medallions in New York for another example of government being used to keep competition away from the political donor class and stop being ignorant.
I just don't understand why you want a bunch of beauocrats running every aspect of your life. Are you so incompetent that you cannot care for yourself. Why are you willing to turn your individual freedom over to a bunch of assholes in DC? and before you answer, those assholes may all be conservative republicans in a couple of years.
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

Actually liberalism believes in the power of government to control and dictate over the people. The Founders believe in the right of the people to have power to control and dictate over their government, with the freedom of the individual the choice in pursuing life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. That's a big difference here, as liberalism can't survive without dependency of government power to have greater control over its people and doesn't promote the freedom of "individualism".

The founders were classical liberals of the time. This is nowhere remotely near liberals of today. The classical liberals of our founding fathers are more in line with the libertarian wing of the conservatives. Today's liberal was the Socialist-Marxist of back then because it is Socialist-Marxism they parade around today, they just call it "Progressive" instead. There weren't any Socialist-Marxist founders... Hamilton would probably be the closest. This is why pinheads often cite Hamilton when lamenting the powers of Big Government.

Nowhere near liberals of today

Liberals of the eighteenth century believed in slavery and forbid women from voting's liberals have changed
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

Actually liberalism believes in the power of government to control and dictate over the people. The Founders believe in the right of the people to have power to control and dictate over their government, with the freedom of the individual the choice in pursuing life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. That's a big difference here, as liberalism can't survive without dependency of government power to have greater control over its people and doesn't promote the freedom of "individualism".
That is not what liberals believe

Liberals believe that a government can actually help "We the People" while conservatives are only interested in the government helping "We the Wealthy"
Well, no, that is not true, on either count. I'll tell you this, we conservatives do not need you to tell us what we believe because most of what liberals believe about conservatives is either wrong or an outright lie. Liberals believe that government can help but believe you need government to direct people's lives because they are too stupid to mange their own lives. Conservatives believe that government can't make the right decision for all and will only destroy what people create. Example: Obamacare. Sold on lies and is destroying the best health care in the world because government knew what was best for us. That is liberalism in a nutshell. And this whole lie about conservatives believe in "we the wealthy" is more propaganda. The truly wealthy are Democrats, i.e. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, John Kerry, George Soros, Hillary, etc. That is because they can get government to stack the deck for them. Conservatives abhor government for that very reason. Do some research on the taxi cab medallions in New York for another example of government being used to keep competition away from the political donor class and stop being ignorant.
Conservatives today believe if you take care of the wealthy.....they will take care of you

Liberals believe in helping those who need help
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

Actually liberalism believes in the power of government to control and dictate over the people. The Founders believe in the right of the people to have power to control and dictate over their government, with the freedom of the individual the choice in pursuing life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. That's a big difference here, as liberalism can't survive without dependency of government power to have greater control over its people and doesn't promote the freedom of "individualism".

The founders were classical liberals of the time. This is nowhere remotely near liberals of today. The classical liberals of our founding fathers are more in line with the libertarian wing of the conservatives. Today's liberal was the Socialist-Marxist of back then because it is Socialist-Marxism they parade around today, they just call it "Progressive" instead. There weren't any Socialist-Marxist founders... Hamilton would probably be the closest. This is why pinheads often cite Hamilton when lamenting the powers of Big Government.

Nowhere near liberals of today

Liberals of the eighteenth century believed in slavery and forbid women from voting's liberals have changed
Actually, no.
Today's liberals still believe blacks are to be enslaved--to the Democratic Party.
And women are also chattel of the government.
every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

Actually liberalism believes in the power of government to control and dictate over the people. The Founders believe in the right of the people to have power to control and dictate over their government, with the freedom of the individual the choice in pursuing life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. That's a big difference here, as liberalism can't survive without dependency of government power to have greater control over its people and doesn't promote the freedom of "individualism".

The founders were classical liberals of the time. This is nowhere remotely near liberals of today. The classical liberals of our founding fathers are more in line with the libertarian wing of the conservatives. Today's liberal was the Socialist-Marxist of back then because it is Socialist-Marxism they parade around today, they just call it "Progressive" instead. There weren't any Socialist-Marxist founders... Hamilton would probably be the closest. This is why pinheads often cite Hamilton when lamenting the powers of Big Government.

Nowhere near liberals of today

Liberals of the eighteenth century believed in slavery and forbid women from voting's liberals have changed
Actually, no.
Today's liberals still believe blacks are to be enslaved--to the Democratic Party.
And women are also chattel of the government.

That was a totally meaningless rant

Try again

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