Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

You Libs are dumbshits.

The issue is NOT whether the Government "creates" jobs or not, it's where it gets the money to PAY for those jobs.....god Liberals are stupid fucks.
You Libs are dumbshits.

The issue is NOT whether the Government "creates" jobs or not, it's where it gets the money to PAY for those jobs.....god Liberals are stupid fucks.

Who ever had an issue with that?

Government is funded by taxes, nobody disputes that
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

Actually liberalism believes in the power of government to control and dictate over the people. The Founders believe in the right of the people to have power to control and dictate over their government, with the freedom of the individual the choice in pursuing life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. That's a big difference here, as liberalism can't survive without dependency of government power to have greater control over its people and doesn't promote the freedom of "individualism".

The founders were classical liberals of the time. This is nowhere remotely near liberals of today. The classical liberals of our founding fathers are more in line with the libertarian wing of the conservatives. Today's liberal was the Socialist-Marxist of back then because it is Socialist-Marxism they parade around today, they just call it "Progressive" instead. There weren't any Socialist-Marxist founders... Hamilton would probably be the closest. This is why pinheads often cite Hamilton when lamenting the powers of Big Government.

Nowhere near liberals of today

Liberals of the eighteenth century believed in slavery and forbid women from voting's liberals have changed
Actually, no.
Today's liberals still believe blacks are to be enslaved--to the Democratic Party.
And women are also chattel of the government.

That was a totally meaningless rant

Try again
LOL! You know it's true.
You Libs are dumbshits.

The issue is NOT whether the Government "creates" jobs or not, it's where it gets the money to PAY for those jobs.....god Liberals are stupid fucks.

Who ever had an issue with that?

Government is funded by taxes, nobody disputes that

LOL, thank you for admitting that the Lib myth of "Gubmint" jobs is a stupid one.....if you have to "take" money from someone to pay for a job you made up there is no "real" job.
Liberals believe that a government can actually help "We the People" while conservatives are only interested in the government helping "We the Wealthy"

Well, you're thinking is shallow-minded and wrong.

You're not "helping" anyone with liberal government handouts, you are enabling them to be dependent. To ensure they fail to reach their true potential. This enslaves them to you and your political party of whom they depend.

Since the Great Depression, we have been "helping" with one liberal initiative after another as fast as we could print, borrow or tax the money to do so... to the tune of $100 trillion in unfunded liability. Yet the poverty levels are relatively the same as 1964. Black unemployment and under-education remains high. The poor and disadvantaged are not better off. Your Utopian dream is not being realized, not by a long shot... but you just keep on wanting to tax and spend more. Create yet another generation of "dependent class" people who will follow your candidates to the polls like sheep to continue getting more and more handouts.

At some point this will all have to stop. We simply can't keep on doing it. Conservatives are certainly not opposed to helping people in distress but we can't help anyone if we're bankrupt. Conservatives, for the most part, believe in reasoned approaches as opposed to extremist ones which aren't well thought out. Use resources wisely, do things that actually work to help others through private sector initiatives. Enable people to be self-reliant and not have to depend on government... THAT is helping them! Not what you want to do!
You Libs are dumbshits.

The issue is NOT whether the Government "creates" jobs or not, it's where it gets the money to PAY for those jobs.....god Liberals are stupid fucks.

Who ever had an issue with that?

Government is funded by taxes, nobody disputes that
And taxes rob from individuals and businesses. Gov't doesnt create jobs. Gov't steals jobs that private industry would have created.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

Actually liberalism believes in the power of government to control and dictate over the people. The Founders believe in the right of the people to have power to control and dictate over their government, with the freedom of the individual the choice in pursuing life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. That's a big difference here, as liberalism can't survive without dependency of government power to have greater control over its people and doesn't promote the freedom of "individualism".

The founders were classical liberals of the time. This is nowhere remotely near liberals of today. The classical liberals of our founding fathers are more in line with the libertarian wing of the conservatives. Today's liberal was the Socialist-Marxist of back then because it is Socialist-Marxism they parade around today, they just call it "Progressive" instead. There weren't any Socialist-Marxist founders... Hamilton would probably be the closest. This is why pinheads often cite Hamilton when lamenting the powers of Big Government.

Nowhere near liberals of today

Liberals of the eighteenth century believed in slavery and forbid women from voting's liberals have changed
Actually, no.
Today's liberals still believe blacks are to be enslaved--to the Democratic Party.
And women are also chattel of the government.

That was a totally meaningless rant

Try again
OK, try this. Liberals still believe in slavery as defined by one person's labor being used through the force of government, for the benefit of another. They call it social justice but it is slavery nonetheless. It used to be blacks, now it is the middle class.
Nowhere near liberals of today

Liberals of the eighteenth century believed in slavery and forbid women from voting's liberals have changed

We have to be careful in how we view past times. Do people today "believe in" abortion or is abortion simply a reality because it is upheld by SCOTUS as law of the land? I know people who are devoutly liberal but also pro-life and I know people who are devoutly conservative but pro-choice. So what does this mean? Well, it means we are all individuals who "believe in" different things. Okay, so let's jump ahead to the future... 150 years from now... Congress has long-ago passed a Civil Rights Act for the Unborn and abortions are relatively obsolete. Society views abortion as an abhorrent throwback the same as society today views slavery and suffrage. Do we condemn the entire liberal left for what they once "believed in" back in the day? Is that a fair analysis of the past?

You have a tendency to judge people of the past based on standards of today and that is not fair or objective. In the times of our founding fathers, slavery was legal. It was repeatedly upheld by SCOTUS, regardless of what anyone "believed in." It was quite simply the law of the land and how things were. John Adams wasn't a slave owner and didn't agree with slavery but he realized it was law of the land and there wasn't anything he could do about it. He called it "a necessary evil" was he "believing in" slavery? Lincoln said if he could end the war by keeping slavery, he would keep slavery... did he "believe in" slavery?

It was actually the "religious right" who initiated the abolitionist movement.. or the equivalent to that of the time. Quaker and Unitarian ministers from the north were the founders of abolition. Now that is the "social cons" you love to hate so much. The Democrats were largely opposed to abolition and it was the new Republicans who took up the banner of social change. This was also the case in the following century with regard to Civil Rights and segregation. The most racist president we ever had was Woodrow Wilson... I believe the second most racist is Obama. The two most "progressive" presidents are also the most racist. Curious, that.
You Libs are dumbshits.

The issue is NOT whether the Government "creates" jobs or not, it's where it gets the money to PAY for those jobs.....god Liberals are stupid fucks.

Who ever had an issue with that?

Government is funded by taxes, nobody disputes that

LOL, thank you for admitting that the Lib myth of "Gubmint" jobs is a stupid one.....if you have to "take" money from someone to pay for a job you made up there is no "real" job.
There is no myth

There are jobs in the private sector and jobs in the government sector....yes, government jobs are real jobs. They perform a function for the society and the society pays for it

A society needs both
Actually liberalism believes in the power of government to control and dictate over the people. The Founders believe in the right of the people to have power to control and dictate over their government, with the freedom of the individual the choice in pursuing life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness. That's a big difference here, as liberalism can't survive without dependency of government power to have greater control over its people and doesn't promote the freedom of "individualism".

The founders were classical liberals of the time. This is nowhere remotely near liberals of today. The classical liberals of our founding fathers are more in line with the libertarian wing of the conservatives. Today's liberal was the Socialist-Marxist of back then because it is Socialist-Marxism they parade around today, they just call it "Progressive" instead. There weren't any Socialist-Marxist founders... Hamilton would probably be the closest. This is why pinheads often cite Hamilton when lamenting the powers of Big Government.

Nowhere near liberals of today

Liberals of the eighteenth century believed in slavery and forbid women from voting's liberals have changed
Actually, no.
Today's liberals still believe blacks are to be enslaved--to the Democratic Party.
And women are also chattel of the government.

That was a totally meaningless rant

Try again
OK, try this. Liberals still believe in slavery as defined by one person's labor being used through the force of government, for the benefit of another. They call it social justice but it is slavery nonetheless. It used to be blacks, now it is the middle class.

That in no way approximates slavery
You Libs are dumbshits.

The issue is NOT whether the Government "creates" jobs or not, it's where it gets the money to PAY for those jobs.....god Liberals are stupid fucks.

Who ever had an issue with that?

Government is funded by taxes, nobody disputes that
And taxes rob from individuals and businesses. Gov't doesnt create jobs. Gov't steals jobs that private industry would have created.

More trickle down nonsense

All of those tax dollars would have gone for private sector jobs. Where have we heard that bullshit before?
You Libs are dumbshits.

The issue is NOT whether the Government "creates" jobs or not, it's where it gets the money to PAY for those jobs.....god Liberals are stupid fucks.

Who ever had an issue with that?

Government is funded by taxes, nobody disputes that
And taxes rob from individuals and businesses. Gov't doesnt create jobs. Gov't steals jobs that private industry would have created.

More trickle down nonsense

All of those tax dollars would have gone for private sector jobs. Where have we heard that bullshit before?
You dont know what trickle down means.
Are you saying you actually think that if businesses and people didnt have to cough up money for the gov't they would just...burn the money? What do you think here? Do you, in fact, think at all?
You Libs are dumbshits.

The issue is NOT whether the Government "creates" jobs or not, it's where it gets the money to PAY for those jobs.....god Liberals are stupid fucks.

Who ever had an issue with that?

Government is funded by taxes, nobody disputes that
And taxes rob from individuals and businesses. Gov't doesnt create jobs. Gov't steals jobs that private industry would have created.

More trickle down nonsense

All of those tax dollars would have gone for private sector jobs. Where have we heard that bullshit before?
You dont know what trickle down means.
Are you saying you actually think that if businesses and people didnt have to cough up money for the gov't they would just...burn the money? What do you think here? Do you, in fact, think at all?

The "job creator" myth that additional tax revenue equates to more jobs is just that

Taxes pay for government services. Society benefits from those services
You Libs are dumbshits.

The issue is NOT whether the Government "creates" jobs or not, it's where it gets the money to PAY for those jobs.....god Liberals are stupid fucks.

Who ever had an issue with that?

Government is funded by taxes, nobody disputes that
And taxes rob from individuals and businesses. Gov't doesnt create jobs. Gov't steals jobs that private industry would have created.

More trickle down nonsense

All of those tax dollars would have gone for private sector jobs. Where have we heard that bullshit before?
You dont know what trickle down means.
Are you saying you actually think that if businesses and people didnt have to cough up money for the gov't they would just...burn the money? What do you think here? Do you, in fact, think at all?

The "job creator" myth that additional tax revenue equates to more jobs is just that

Taxes pay for government services. Society benefits from those services
Please show the benefit of bridges to nowhere, airports for no one, and studies of drinking habits of Chinese prostitutes.
Again, if businesses werent forced to fork over the money to the gov't what do you think they would do with it?
Who ever had an issue with that?

Government is funded by taxes, nobody disputes that
And taxes rob from individuals and businesses. Gov't doesnt create jobs. Gov't steals jobs that private industry would have created.

More trickle down nonsense

All of those tax dollars would have gone for private sector jobs. Where have we heard that bullshit before?
You dont know what trickle down means.
Are you saying you actually think that if businesses and people didnt have to cough up money for the gov't they would just...burn the money? What do you think here? Do you, in fact, think at all?

The "job creator" myth that additional tax revenue equates to more jobs is just that

Taxes pay for government services. Society benefits from those services
Please show the benefit of bridges to nowhere, airports for no one, and studies of drinking habits of Chinese prostitutes.
Again, if businesses werent forced to fork over the money to the gov't what do you think they would do with it?

The Government provides essential services such as infrastructure, police and fire protection, schools, legal system, defense

The people benefit from those services as well as pay for them. The resulting jobs are a benefit to society
And taxes rob from individuals and businesses. Gov't doesnt create jobs. Gov't steals jobs that private industry would have created.

More trickle down nonsense

All of those tax dollars would have gone for private sector jobs. Where have we heard that bullshit before?
You dont know what trickle down means.
Are you saying you actually think that if businesses and people didnt have to cough up money for the gov't they would just...burn the money? What do you think here? Do you, in fact, think at all?

The "job creator" myth that additional tax revenue equates to more jobs is just that

Taxes pay for government services. Society benefits from those services
Please show the benefit of bridges to nowhere, airports for no one, and studies of drinking habits of Chinese prostitutes.
Again, if businesses werent forced to fork over the money to the gov't what do you think they would do with it?

The Government provides essential services such as infrastructure, police and fire protection, schools, legal system, defense

The people benefit from those services as well as pay for them. The resulting jobs are a benefit to society
That's probably 25% of gov't spending.
The other 75% is totally wasted on crap.
Thanks for failing to answer my questions. Your defeat here is acknowledged.
The "job creator" myth that additional tax revenue equates to more jobs is just that

Taxes pay for government services. Society benefits from those services

Not sure if you know this, but currently our taxes don't pay for government services. The majority of our taxes go to service our debt. This is because liberals like you keep dreaming up new ways to spend money we don't have.

A "service" implies something is being provided in exchange for our tax money. A large chunk of our tax money is simply redistributed to others. That's not a service... in the real world it would be called "robbery." If a mugger shows up on a dark street to steal your wallet... has he provided you a service?

Now, there are some "services" the government is constitutionally empowered to provide, like the military. No one here has suggested we shouldn't have any government services or taxation. However, the Constitution enumerates specific things the government is empowered to do and we believe that's what it should stick to.

Job creation is the result of supply and demand in a free market. Generally speaking, you tend to spend more money if it's in your pocket than if not. I've personally always found it difficult to spend money I've sent off to Washington. Now.. if you are following so far, consumers spending more money is an increase in demand. When demand increases, supply has to also increase or prices go up. If supply is increased it means someone was probably hired to generate more production. Thus, a job is created. Likewise, if there is less money due to taxation there has to be less demand and if supply was already sufficient then people are laid off.

You claiming something is a "myth" is absolutely meaningless. It's simple droning from a liberal mush-brain who doesn't comprehend economics.
The "job creator" myth that additional tax revenue equates to more jobs is just that

Taxes pay for government services. Society benefits from those services

Not sure if you know this, but currently our taxes don't pay for government services. The majority of our taxes go to service our debt. This is because liberals like you keep dreaming up new ways to spend money we don't have.

A "service" implies something is being provided in exchange for our tax money. A large chunk of our tax money is simply redistributed to others. That's not a service... in the real world it would be called "robbery." If a mugger shows up on a dark street to steal your wallet... has he provided you a service?

Now, there are some "services" the government is constitutionally empowered to provide, like the military. No one here has suggested we shouldn't have any government services or taxation. However, the Constitution enumerates specific things the government is empowered to do and we believe that's what it should stick to.

Job creation is the result of supply and demand in a free market. Generally speaking, you tend to spend more money if it's in your pocket than if not. I've personally always found it difficult to spend money I've sent off to Washington. Now.. if you are following so far, consumers spending more money is an increase in demand. When demand increases, supply has to also increase or prices go up. If supply is increased it means someone was probably hired to generate more production. Thus, a job is created. Likewise, if there is less money due to taxation there has to be less demand and if supply was already sufficient then people are laid off.

You claiming something is a "myth" is absolutely meaningless. It's simple droning from a liberal mush-brain who doesn't comprehend economics.
Taking care of the poor, the disabled and the elderly is a service

Debt is a deferred payment on that service and Conservatives have done more to contribute to that debt than bleeding heart liberals
The "job creator" myth that additional tax revenue equates to more jobs is just that

Taxes pay for government services. Society benefits from those services

Not sure if you know this, but currently our taxes don't pay for government services. The majority of our taxes go to service our debt. This is because liberals like you keep dreaming up new ways to spend money we don't have.

A "service" implies something is being provided in exchange for our tax money. A large chunk of our tax money is simply redistributed to others. That's not a service... in the real world it would be called "robbery." If a mugger shows up on a dark street to steal your wallet... has he provided you a service?

Now, there are some "services" the government is constitutionally empowered to provide, like the military. No one here has suggested we shouldn't have any government services or taxation. However, the Constitution enumerates specific things the government is empowered to do and we believe that's what it should stick to.

Job creation is the result of supply and demand in a free market. Generally speaking, you tend to spend more money if it's in your pocket than if not. I've personally always found it difficult to spend money I've sent off to Washington. Now.. if you are following so far, consumers spending more money is an increase in demand. When demand increases, supply has to also increase or prices go up. If supply is increased it means someone was probably hired to generate more production. Thus, a job is created. Likewise, if there is less money due to taxation there has to be less demand and if supply was already sufficient then people are laid off.

You claiming something is a "myth" is absolutely meaningless. It's simple droning from a liberal mush-brain who doesn't comprehend economics.
Taking care of the poor, the disabled and the elderly is a service

Debt is a deferred payment on that service and Conservatives have done more to contribute to that debt than bleeding heart liberals
Obama will have added more debt than every other president combined.
Taking care of the poor, disabled and elderly accounts for about 30% of federal spending. The rest is wasted on useless shit.

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