Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

Republicans refused to raise taxes after 9/11 for the war on terrorism and homeland security. In addition the Republican President, with permission from Congress started two wars that would last his entire Presidency, unbeknownst to those who supported his original intent for the wars he started, without being financed and Republicans continuing with the mantra of no new taxes for any reason. Having driven the economy into a ditch with this mantra, they left the mess for whoever followed. Now they want to blame the mess on the folks trying to clean up the mess they made. Pathetic avoidance of responsibility.
Republicans refused to raise taxes after 9/11 for the war on terrorism and homeland security. In addition the Republican President, with permission from Congress started two wars that would last his entire Presidency, unbeknownst to those who supported his original intent for the wars he started, without being financed and Republicans continuing with the mantra of no new taxes for any reason. Having driven the economy into a ditch with this mantra, they left the mess for whoever followed. Now they want to blame the mess on the folks trying to clean up the mess they made. Pathetic avoidance of responsibility.
Obama has spent more money than every other president combined. And that's with ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And deficits are still at record levels for non recession years.
Democratic policies=failure.
Republicans refused to raise taxes after 9/11 for the war on terrorism and homeland security. In addition the Republican President, with permission from Congress started two wars that would last his entire Presidency, unbeknownst to those who supported his original intent for the wars he started, without being financed and Republicans continuing with the mantra of no new taxes for any reason. Having driven the economy into a ditch with this mantra, they left the mess for whoever followed. Now they want to blame the mess on the folks trying to clean up the mess they made. Pathetic avoidance of responsibility.
Obama has spent more money than every other president combined. And that's with ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And deficits are still at record levels for non recession years.
Democratic policies=failure.

There goes Rabbi demonstrating his lack of math skills again
Republicans refused to raise taxes after 9/11 for the war on terrorism and homeland security. In addition the Republican President, with permission from Congress started two wars that would last his entire Presidency, unbeknownst to those who supported his original intent for the wars he started, without being financed and Republicans continuing with the mantra of no new taxes for any reason. Having driven the economy into a ditch with this mantra, they left the mess for whoever followed. Now they want to blame the mess on the folks trying to clean up the mess they made. Pathetic avoidance of responsibility.
Obama has spent more money than every other president combined. And that's with ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And deficits are still at record levels for non recession years.
Democratic policies=failure.

There goes Rabbi demonstrating his lack of math skills again
There goes Nutjobber demonstrating his lack of reality.
Republicans refused to raise taxes after 9/11 for the war on terrorism and homeland security. In addition the Republican President, with permission from Congress started two wars that would last his entire Presidency, unbeknownst to those who supported his original intent for the wars he started, without being financed and Republicans continuing with the mantra of no new taxes for any reason. Having driven the economy into a ditch with this mantra, they left the mess for whoever followed. Now they want to blame the mess on the folks trying to clean up the mess they made. Pathetic avoidance of responsibility.
Obama has spent more money than every other president combined. And that's with ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And deficits are still at record levels for non recession years.
Democratic policies=failure.
Well, it has taken a lot to dig us out of that ditch Bush and the Republicans put us in. Somehow you are going to try and justify not paying for those wars. You will try and convince us that it was perfectly alright to borrow money year after year to fight these wars without raising the revenue to pay for them. As the rich got richer and the poor got poorer and a steady flow of billions were drained away from America and lost in foreign adventure, you guys still refused to raise revenue. Your answer has been to cut school lunch programs and unemployment benefits. Pathetic that guys like you still defend the criminals.
Republicans refused to raise taxes after 9/11 for the war on terrorism and homeland security. In addition the Republican President, with permission from Congress started two wars that would last his entire Presidency, unbeknownst to those who supported his original intent for the wars he started, without being financed and Republicans continuing with the mantra of no new taxes for any reason. Having driven the economy into a ditch with this mantra, they left the mess for whoever followed. Now they want to blame the mess on the folks trying to clean up the mess they made. Pathetic avoidance of responsibility.
Obama has spent more money than every other president combined. And that's with ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And deficits are still at record levels for non recession years.
Democratic policies=failure.

There goes Rabbi demonstrating his lack of math skills again
There goes Nutjobber demonstrating his lack of reality.

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It may help you with your unsupportable claims
Taking care of the poor, the disabled and the elderly is a service

Debt is a deferred payment on that service and Conservatives have done more to contribute to that debt than bleeding heart liberals

No... Interest on the debt is interest on the debt, it is paying for the privilege of borrowing on credit. It's money we can't spend on any kind of service. Interest on our debt accounts for the majority of our budget. Each year we increase the debt which also increases our interest payments, which means even less money we have to provide services.

Fiscal Conservatives have long argued that we need to pay down the debt. They are the only ones who advocate paying off the debt and living within our means. Both Republicans and Democrats have contributed to the debt.
Republicans refused to raise taxes after 9/11 for the war on terrorism and homeland security. In addition the Republican President, with permission from Congress started two wars that would last his entire Presidency, unbeknownst to those who supported his original intent for the wars he started, without being financed and Republicans continuing with the mantra of no new taxes for any reason. Having driven the economy into a ditch with this mantra, they left the mess for whoever followed. Now they want to blame the mess on the folks trying to clean up the mess they made. Pathetic avoidance of responsibility.
Obama has spent more money than every other president combined. And that's with ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And deficits are still at record levels for non recession years.
Democratic policies=failure.

There goes Rabbi demonstrating his lack of math skills again
There goes Nutjobber demonstrating his lack of reality.

Try this

Online Calculator

It may help you with your unsupportable claims
It was about 10T when he took office. It will be over 19T when he leaves. That is doubled.
Federal debt of the U.S. - forecast 2014-2025 Timeline
Rabbi: Obama has spent more money than every other president combined

You can't make this shit up...Rabbi obviously does

Republicans refused to raise taxes after 9/11 for the war on terrorism and homeland security. In addition the Republican President, with permission from Congress started two wars that would last his entire Presidency, unbeknownst to those who supported his original intent for the wars he started, without being financed and Republicans continuing with the mantra of no new taxes for any reason. Having driven the economy into a ditch with this mantra, they left the mess for whoever followed. Now they want to blame the mess on the folks trying to clean up the mess they made. Pathetic avoidance of responsibility.
Obama has spent more money than every other president combined. And that's with ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And deficits are still at record levels for non recession years.
Democratic policies=failure.
Well, it has taken a lot to dig us out of that ditch Bush and the Republicans put us in. Somehow you are going to try and justify not paying for those wars. You will try and convince us that it was perfectly alright to borrow money year after year to fight these wars without raising the revenue to pay for them. As the rich got richer and the poor got poorer and a steady flow of billions were drained away from America and lost in foreign adventure, you guys still refused to raise revenue. Your answer has been to cut school lunch programs and unemployment benefits. Pathetic that guys like you still defend the criminals.

You are as full of liberal excuses as bullshit, I do believe.

You don't raise revenue by increasing income taxes on the wealthy. It has never happened in the modern history of taxation. When you increase a wealthy person's income tax, guess what they suddenly start earning less of? This is because wealthy people don't need to earn taxable incomes. They defer their wealth into securities and tax-free municipal bonds or foreign investment.

Every time we have lowered the top marginal tax rates, it has resulted in increased revenue (relative to GDP). This is because a lower top marginal rate encourages wealthy people to use their wealth to earn taxable income.

School lunch programs have been expanded. Unemployment has been extended. Where is the universe where these are being cut? Because it's certainly not the one we live in.
Republicans refused to raise taxes after 9/11 for the war on terrorism and homeland security. In addition the Republican President, with permission from Congress started two wars that would last his entire Presidency, unbeknownst to those who supported his original intent for the wars he started, without being financed and Republicans continuing with the mantra of no new taxes for any reason. Having driven the economy into a ditch with this mantra, they left the mess for whoever followed. Now they want to blame the mess on the folks trying to clean up the mess they made. Pathetic avoidance of responsibility.
Obama has spent more money than every other president combined. And that's with ending wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And deficits are still at record levels for non recession years.
Democratic policies=failure.
Well, it has taken a lot to dig us out of that ditch Bush and the Republicans put us in. Somehow you are going to try and justify not paying for those wars. You will try and convince us that it was perfectly alright to borrow money year after year to fight these wars without raising the revenue to pay for them. As the rich got richer and the poor got poorer and a steady flow of billions were drained away from America and lost in foreign adventure, you guys still refused to raise revenue. Your answer has been to cut school lunch programs and unemployment benefits. Pathetic that guys like you still defend the criminals.

You are as full of liberal excuses as bullshit, I do believe.

You don't raise revenue by increasing income taxes on the wealthy. It has never happened in the modern history of taxation. When you increase a wealthy person's income tax, guess what they suddenly start earning less of? This is because wealthy people don't need to earn taxable incomes. They defer their wealth into securities and tax-free municipal bonds or foreign investment.

Every time we have lowered the top marginal tax rates, it has resulted in increased revenue (relative to GDP). This is because a lower top marginal rate encourages wealthy people to use their wealth to earn taxable income.

School lunch programs have been expanded. Unemployment has been extended. Where is the universe where these are being cut? Because it's certainly not the one we live in.
Perhaps you were not yet born when the taxes for the obscene wealthy were at over 90% and the only way for those wealthy folks to escape paying those high prices was to fund things like public hospitals, libraries and programs that helped the community and general population. Somehow during that period we managed to build the last great infrastructure achievement, the Interstate Highway System. We even called that era "Happy Days".
Perhaps you were not yet born when the taxes for the obscene wealthy were at over 90% and the only way for those wealthy folks to escape paying those high prices was to fund things like public hospitals, libraries and programs that helped the community and general population. Somehow during that period we managed to build the last great infrastructure achievement, the Interstate Highway System. We even called that era "Happy Days".

Well no. When top marginal rates were 90% virtually no wealthy person paid any income tax. The high rate discouraged any such income earning and wealth was grown through other means, like securities, municipal bonds and foreign investments. Wealth people are already wealthy, the do not need to earn a taxable income anymore.

When Reagan lowered this rate to something more reasonable, we suddenly had wealthy people encouraged to use their wealth to earn taxable income again. The result was a great increase in tax revenue even though the rate of taxation was lower. As we've raised the rate back up again, this has subsided and we're going back to wealthy people preferring securities and tax-free investments.

It's like, if you had a lemonade stand and you were charging $1 a cup but you decide you can make more money if you charge "well off" patrons $10 a cup... .Well okay, they don't need your lemonade that bad. So they stop buying it altogether and you'll make less money because you've overpriced your product.
Perhaps you were not yet born when the taxes for the obscene wealthy were at over 90% and the only way for those wealthy folks to escape paying those high prices was to fund things like public hospitals, libraries and programs that helped the community and general population. Somehow during that period we managed to build the last great infrastructure achievement, the Interstate Highway System. We even called that era "Happy Days".

Well no. When top marginal rates were 90% virtually no wealthy person paid any income tax. The high rate discouraged any such income earning and wealth was grown through other means, like securities, municipal bonds and foreign investments. Wealth people are already wealthy, the do not need to earn a taxable income anymore.

When Reagan lowered this rate to something more reasonable, we suddenly had wealthy people encouraged to use their wealth to earn taxable income again. The result was a great increase in tax revenue even though the rate of taxation was lower. As we've raised the rate back up again, this has subsided and we're going back to wealthy people preferring securities and tax-free investments.

It's like, if you had a lemonade stand and you were charging $1 a cup but you decide you can make more money if you charge "well off" patrons $10 a cup... .Well okay, they don't need your lemonade that bad. So they stop buying it altogether and you'll make less money because you've overpriced your product.

More trickle down bullshit

Even Reagans Budget Director David Stockman didn't believe it
Perhaps you were not yet born when the taxes for the obscene wealthy were at over 90% and the only way for those wealthy folks to escape paying those high prices was to fund things like public hospitals, libraries and programs that helped the community and general population. Somehow during that period we managed to build the last great infrastructure achievement, the Interstate Highway System. We even called that era "Happy Days".

Well no. When top marginal rates were 90% virtually no wealthy person paid any income tax. The high rate discouraged any such income earning and wealth was grown through other means, like securities, municipal bonds and foreign investments. Wealth people are already wealthy, the do not need to earn a taxable income anymore.

When Reagan lowered this rate to something more reasonable, we suddenly had wealthy people encouraged to use their wealth to earn taxable income again. The result was a great increase in tax revenue even though the rate of taxation was lower. As we've raised the rate back up again, this has subsided and we're going back to wealthy people preferring securities and tax-free investments.

It's like, if you had a lemonade stand and you were charging $1 a cup but you decide you can make more money if you charge "well off" patrons $10 a cup... .Well okay, they don't need your lemonade that bad. So they stop buying it altogether and you'll make less money because you've overpriced your product.
The wealthy continued to create wealth for themselves. It was a time when obscene wealth was viewed as sinful and disgusting greed at it's worst and the wealthy had pride in their good names. Every city and county had free public hospitals and the wealthy competed as philanthropist. Estates were donated to become beautiful parks. Libraries and museums flourished and the rich were proud to see their names on the fronts of them. Small churches operated homeless shelters and food distribution centers that did not rely on government assistance, but rather donations from the rich and even the middle class.
The 80's brought about an ugly America and the era of greed and an acceptance of obscene wealth.
The wealthy continued to create wealth for themselves.

As they always tend to do and always will. This is part of your profound ignorance in the ways of the world. Rich people are generally rich because they know how to generate wealth. It's kinda their thing, man. It's what they do. So it shouldn't be a surprise that they are doing it better than "middle class or poor" people and will continue to do it better, regardless of what policies you put into place.... (short of the kind of policies Mao implemented, which was to execute the wealthy and confiscate their fortunes.)

You're never going to stop rich people from becoming more rich or from becoming richer faster than the average person... they have a talent and skill to generate wealth and they will use it to do that. The more you try to punish them for wealth earning, the more they will out-maneuver you and find other ways to earn wealth. Someone once asked Ted Turner (rich liberal), didn't he get tired of the Atlanta Braves being in the red every year? His reply was, "a pro sports team doesn't have to show a profit to make money." You see... Turner was using his losses as a tax write-off, but the merchandising, television, advertising revenues generated from the Braves worldwide was flowing into his deep pockets. Sure he paid some taxes on that, AFTER he wrote-off all his losses.

Now... having said all this, what is our best option when it comes to how we generate the most revenue as a nation. I believe that we do this by lowering the tax rates and making it more attractive for the so-called "wealthy" to earn high incomes... the higher the better! It simply means more tax revenues. I don't even mind eliminating the IRS and tax code and having a flat tax... better yet, a fair tax on consumption instead. We're a consumer-driven nation, wealthy people spend loads of money on opulence, so what is wrong with the idea of getting completely away from taxing our income earning efforts and moving to a taxation based on what we consume? To me-- that's the fairest of ALL tax plans.
Perhaps you were not yet born when the taxes for the obscene wealthy were at over 90% and the only way for those wealthy folks to escape paying those high prices was to fund things like public hospitals, libraries and programs that helped the community and general population. Somehow during that period we managed to build the last great infrastructure achievement, the Interstate Highway System. We even called that era "Happy Days".

Well no. When top marginal rates were 90% virtually no wealthy person paid any income tax. The high rate discouraged any such income earning and wealth was grown through other means, like securities, municipal bonds and foreign investments. Wealth people are already wealthy, the do not need to earn a taxable income anymore.

When Reagan lowered this rate to something more reasonable, we suddenly had wealthy people encouraged to use their wealth to earn taxable income again. The result was a great increase in tax revenue even though the rate of taxation was lower. As we've raised the rate back up again, this has subsided and we're going back to wealthy people preferring securities and tax-free investments.

It's like, if you had a lemonade stand and you were charging $1 a cup but you decide you can make more money if you charge "well off" patrons $10 a cup... .Well okay, they don't need your lemonade that bad. So they stop buying it altogether and you'll make less money because you've overpriced your product.

More trickle down bullshit

Even Reagans Budget Director David Stockman didn't believe it

Well, "trickle down" is not bullshit, it's the way ALL free market economy works.

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