Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

Perhaps you were not yet born when the taxes for the obscene wealthy were at over 90% and the only way for those wealthy folks to escape paying those high prices was to fund things like public hospitals, libraries and programs that helped the community and general population. Somehow during that period we managed to build the last great infrastructure achievement, the Interstate Highway System. We even called that era "Happy Days".

Well no. When top marginal rates were 90% virtually no wealthy person paid any income tax. The high rate discouraged any such income earning and wealth was grown through other means, like securities, municipal bonds and foreign investments. Wealth people are already wealthy, the do not need to earn a taxable income anymore.

When Reagan lowered this rate to something more reasonable, we suddenly had wealthy people encouraged to use their wealth to earn taxable income again. The result was a great increase in tax revenue even though the rate of taxation was lower. As we've raised the rate back up again, this has subsided and we're going back to wealthy people preferring securities and tax-free investments.

It's like, if you had a lemonade stand and you were charging $1 a cup but you decide you can make more money if you charge "well off" patrons $10 a cup... .Well okay, they don't need your lemonade that bad. So they stop buying it altogether and you'll make less money because you've overpriced your product.

More trickle down bullshit

Even Reagans Budget Director David Stockman didn't believe it

Well, "trickle down" is not bullshit, it's the way ALL free market economy works.
There is no sucj thing as "trickle down economics." It is something ignorant leftists say.
Perhaps you were not yet born when the taxes for the obscene wealthy were at over 90% and the only way for those wealthy folks to escape paying those high prices was to fund things like public hospitals, libraries and programs that helped the community and general population. Somehow during that period we managed to build the last great infrastructure achievement, the Interstate Highway System. We even called that era "Happy Days".

Well no. When top marginal rates were 90% virtually no wealthy person paid any income tax. The high rate discouraged any such income earning and wealth was grown through other means, like securities, municipal bonds and foreign investments. Wealth people are already wealthy, the do not need to earn a taxable income anymore.

When Reagan lowered this rate to something more reasonable, we suddenly had wealthy people encouraged to use their wealth to earn taxable income again. The result was a great increase in tax revenue even though the rate of taxation was lower. As we've raised the rate back up again, this has subsided and we're going back to wealthy people preferring securities and tax-free investments.

It's like, if you had a lemonade stand and you were charging $1 a cup but you decide you can make more money if you charge "well off" patrons $10 a cup... .Well okay, they don't need your lemonade that bad. So they stop buying it altogether and you'll make less money because you've overpriced your product.

More trickle down bullshit

Even Reagans Budget Director David Stockman didn't believe it

Well, "trickle down" is not bullshit, it's the way ALL free market economy works.
No it isn't

It is the way third world shitholes are created
Rabbi: Obama has spent more money than every other president combined

You can't make this shit up...Rabbi obviously does

Chart goes to 2012. This is 2015 and he still has more than a year to spend more.
Rabbi and math

It still baffles him. Add three more years at the current rate and show us how Obama spent more than ALL previous presidents
Liberals love Big, Fat, Expensive government programs that intrude on peoples lives. Why? Firstly, it's how they pay back their cronies that get them elected.Secondly, it's the only way they can force their unpopular programs onto the people. I mean, regular people are too stupid to make their own decisions, right? So the best way to help the "filthy unwashed masses" is to legislate mediocrity. Lastly, these rotten shitbird program can be constantly tweaked and toyed with to benefit whatever constituency the ruling class wants to reward or punish. It's ultimately about power and control.

The way the con works is as easy as A-B-C :

A) Promise anything and everything Use any sleazy trick to get the program passed! Promise even more FREE shit. Whatever it takes!!! to just get it done!!
B) Deliver a pile of stinking, rotten garbage to the people. Who cares if it doesn't work? The cronies are happy.
C) Declare the program a raving success!! Enlist media cronies to reinforce how "successful" the program is. Repeat endlessly, ad nauseum....Success!!
Liberals love the right sized government

Capable of providing necessary services but within budget
Liberals will tax and spend
Conservatives cut taxes and spend

Within budget? :rofl:

Sell crazy somewhere else fakewinger. Obamacare is a 100% liberal democrat clusterfuck of fail.

Within budget.....:rofl:
Obamacare has covered eight million uninsured that were not covered by Republican "wedontcare"

I keep asking the question about the 16% of GDP.

Do we have any data that this coming down ?

I have not seen any, but that does not mean it does not exist.
Rabbi: Obama has spent more money than every other president combined

You can't make this shit up...Rabbi obviously does

Chart goes to 2012. This is 2015 and he still has more than a year to spend more.
Rabbi and math

It still baffles him. Add three more years at the current rate and show us how Obama spent more than ALL previous presidents
You post old charts and ignore the information I post. There is no reasoning with you. Because you're a stupid partisan hack.
Rabbi: Obama has spent more money than every other president combined

You can't make this shit up...Rabbi obviously does

Chart goes to 2012. This is 2015 and he still has more than a year to spend more.
Rabbi and math

It still baffles him. Add three more years at the current rate and show us how Obama spent more than ALL previous presidents
You post old charts and ignore the information I post. There is no reasoning with you. Because you're a stupid partisan hack.

Come on can do it
It's simple math

You are only off by about thirty trillion
Rabbi: Obama has spent more money than every other president combined

You can't make this shit up...Rabbi obviously does

Chart goes to 2012. This is 2015 and he still has more than a year to spend more.
Rabbi and math

It still baffles him. Add three more years at the current rate and show us how Obama spent more than ALL previous presidents
You post old charts and ignore the information I post. There is no reasoning with you. Because you're a stupid partisan hack.

Come on can do it
It's simple math

You are only off by about thirty trillion
LOL. Yes, if you believe Obama wiped out the national debt. With you, I wouldnt doubt it.
Perhaps you were not yet born when the taxes for the obscene wealthy were at over 90% and the only way for those wealthy folks to escape paying those high prices was to fund things like public hospitals, libraries and programs that helped the community and general population. Somehow during that period we managed to build the last great infrastructure achievement, the Interstate Highway System. We even called that era "Happy Days".

Well no. When top marginal rates were 90% virtually no wealthy person paid any income tax. The high rate discouraged any such income earning and wealth was grown through other means, like securities, municipal bonds and foreign investments. Wealth people are already wealthy, the do not need to earn a taxable income anymore.

When Reagan lowered this rate to something more reasonable, we suddenly had wealthy people encouraged to use their wealth to earn taxable income again. The result was a great increase in tax revenue even though the rate of taxation was lower. As we've raised the rate back up again, this has subsided and we're going back to wealthy people preferring securities and tax-free investments.

It's like, if you had a lemonade stand and you were charging $1 a cup but you decide you can make more money if you charge "well off" patrons $10 a cup... .Well okay, they don't need your lemonade that bad. So they stop buying it altogether and you'll make less money because you've overpriced your product.

More trickle down bullshit

Even Reagans Budget Director David Stockman didn't believe it

Well, "trickle down" is not bullshit, it's the way ALL free market economy works.
There is no sucj thing as "trickle down economics." It is something ignorant leftists say.

Well, yes.. but the principles of 'trickle down' is exactly how any free market economy has ever worked. In fact, it's also how socialist economies work as well, only the 'trickle down' is less because more is retained by the ruling class in such a system. So really, ALL economies trickle down, in a free market the opportunity exists for more to trickle down, due to capitalist competition.
Rabbi: Obama has spent more money than every other president combined

You can't make this shit up...Rabbi obviously does

Chart goes to 2012. This is 2015 and he still has more than a year to spend more.
Rabbi and math

It still baffles him. Add three more years at the current rate and show us how Obama spent more than ALL previous presidents
You post old charts and ignore the information I post. There is no reasoning with you. Because you're a stupid partisan hack.

Come on can do it
It's simple math

You are only off by about thirty trillion
LOL. Yes, if you believe Obama wiped out the national debt. With you, I wouldnt doubt it.
Good ole Rabbi and Math

Not a clue and proud of it
Rabbi and math

It still baffles him. Add three more years at the current rate and show us how Obama spent more than ALL previous presidents

I can show you....

When Reagan was president, the national debt topped a trillion dollars. So from Washington to Reagan, all combined presidents netted -$1 trillion in national debt. From Bush Sr. to Bush Jr. the debt went to over $4 trillion. So now we have all combined presidents totaling a net -$4 trillion in national debt. Bush Jr. doubled this to $8 trillion. Since Obama it has ballooned to $17 trillion.

So we have:
Washington to Reagan- $1 trillion
Bush Sr. and Clinton- $3 trillion.
George W Bush- $4 trillion...

All presidents combined- $8 trillion.

Obama alone- $9 trillion and counting.
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

Any jobs Obama created were government jobs. Government salaries are paid by taxes paid by people and for profit businesses.
Assume ALL jobs were paid for by the government. Where would the revenue come from?
Rabbi and math

It still baffles him. Add three more years at the current rate and show us how Obama spent more than ALL previous presidents

I can show you....

When Reagan was president, the national debt topped a trillion dollars. So from Washington to Reagan, all combined presidents netted -$1 trillion in national debt. From Bush Sr. to Bush Jr. the debt went to over $4 trillion. So now we have all combined presidents totaling a net -$4 trillion in national debt. Bush Jr. doubled this to $8 trillion. Since Obama it has ballooned to $17 trillion.

So we have:
Washington to Reagan- $1 trillion
Bush Sr. and Clinton- $3 trillion.
George W Bush- $4 trillion...

All presidents combined- $8 trillion.

Obama alone- $9 trillion and counting.
Nutjobber follows Common Core math. The answer depends on whether it looks good for Obama or not.
Rabbi and math

It still baffles him. Add three more years at the current rate and show us how Obama spent more than ALL previous presidents

I can show you....

When Reagan was president, the national debt topped a trillion dollars. So from Washington to Reagan, all combined presidents netted -$1 trillion in national debt. From Bush Sr. to Bush Jr. the debt went to over $4 trillion. So now we have all combined presidents totaling a net -$4 trillion in national debt. Bush Jr. doubled this to $8 trillion. Since Obama it has ballooned to $17 trillion.

So we have:
Washington to Reagan- $1 trillion
Bush Sr. and Clinton- $3 trillion.
George W Bush- $4 trillion...

All presidents combined- $8 trillion.

Obama alone- $9 trillion and counting.
Rabbi was not talking debt

"Obama has spent more than all other presidents combined"

He is off by more than $30 trillion......but we are talking Rabbi here

PS ...Bush's debt was 10.6 trillion when he left office
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

Any jobs Obama created were government jobs. Government salaries are paid by taxes paid by people and for profit businesses.
Assume ALL jobs were paid for by the government. Where would the revenue come from?

That myth again?

Government jobs were cut under Obama
Rabbi and math

It still baffles him. Add three more years at the current rate and show us how Obama spent more than ALL previous presidents

I can show you....

When Reagan was president, the national debt topped a trillion dollars. So from Washington to Reagan, all combined presidents netted -$1 trillion in national debt. From Bush Sr. to Bush Jr. the debt went to over $4 trillion. So now we have all combined presidents totaling a net -$4 trillion in national debt. Bush Jr. doubled this to $8 trillion. Since Obama it has ballooned to $17 trillion.

So we have:
Washington to Reagan- $1 trillion
Bush Sr. and Clinton- $3 trillion.
George W Bush- $4 trillion...

All presidents combined- $8 trillion.

Obama alone- $9 trillion and counting.
Rabbi was not talking debt

"Obama has spent more than all other presidents combined"

He is off by more than $30 trillion......but we are talking Rabbi here

PS ...Bush's debt was 10.6 trillion when he left office

Bush's debt or the total debt?
So if Government doesn't create jobs, who created all these jobs at Boeing?

Boeing Defense Space Security - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.
So if Government doesn't create jobs, who created all these jobs at Boeing?

Boeing Defense Space Security - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.
So if Government doesn't create jobs, who created all these jobs at Boeing?

Boeing Defense Space Security - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.
How profound

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