Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

So if Government doesn't create jobs, who created all these jobs at Boeing?

Boeing Defense Space Security - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.

It's astonishing how they will lay claim to jobs created which they vehemently opposed funding for. If it hadn't been for Republicans, there would have been no military contract with Boeing and no jobs.
So if Government doesn't create jobs, who created all these jobs at Boeing?

Boeing Defense Space Security - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.
How profound

...and yet it was too much for your fellow Lefty to grasp.....color me unsurprised.
So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.
How profound

...and yet it was too much for your fellow Lefty to grasp.....color me unsurprised.

Both profound AND insightful

A company HAS to exist before they can whore government contracts
So if Government doesn't create jobs, who created all these jobs at Boeing?

Boeing Defense Space Security - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.

Your ability to post something irrelevant is hardly unique around here.
So if Government doesn't create jobs, who created all these jobs at Boeing?

Boeing Defense Space Security - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.

It's astonishing how they will lay claim to jobs created which they vehemently opposed funding for. If it hadn't been for Republicans, there would have been no military contract with Boeing and no jobs.

At least you admit that almost all jobs associated with the military are created by government.

As are almost all the jobs associated with law enforcement. As almost all the jobs associated with public education. Infrastructure building, maintenance, and repair. Not to mention the jobs created by the actual administration of the government.
So if Government doesn't create jobs, who created all these jobs at Boeing?

Boeing Defense Space Security - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.

Your ability to post something irrelevant is hardly unique around here.

I feel so badly for you...I really do.

Somebody founded the Company with their own money and hard work, they built it up and submitted bids for the contracts and won those a Liberal I know all of that is something you can't comprehend....but I really do feel sorry for you.

Ignorance abounds on the Left
So if Government doesn't create jobs, who created all these jobs at Boeing?

Boeing Defense Space Security - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.

Boeing's first planes were seaplanes built for the US Navy.
So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.

Your ability to post something irrelevant is hardly unique around here.

I feel so badly for you...I really do.

Somebody founded the Company with their own money and hard work, they built it up and submitted bids for the contracts and won those a Liberal I know all of that is something you can't comprehend....but I really do feel sorry for you.

Ignorance abounds on the Left

The Government created the jobs. There is no need for a job building planes for the Government if the Government isn't buying planes. Demand for goods and services is what creates jobs.
This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.

Your ability to post something irrelevant is hardly unique around here.

I feel so badly for you...I really do.

Somebody founded the Company with their own money and hard work, they built it up and submitted bids for the contracts and won those a Liberal I know all of that is something you can't comprehend....but I really do feel sorry for you.

Ignorance abounds on the Left

The Government created the jobs. There is no need for a job building planes for the Government if the Government isn't buying planes. Demand for goods and services is what creates jobs.

No, Boeing created the jobs.

The Gov recognized a superior product and granted Boeing their contracts so Boeing created MORE jobs because of the work they'd done to get where they were/are.

Now here is the REALLY fun and is how everything works !

Isn't that cool?

Capitalism is a symbiotic relationship between buyer and seller.....and neither does anything without the cool is that?

You see people like you...those on the Left are too used to the Gov doing things for them, you've lost the ability to even think beyond those Gov you the Gov is everything and that's why you are completely unable to think outside of those Gov chains.
So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.

It's astonishing how they will lay claim to jobs created which they vehemently opposed funding for. If it hadn't been for Republicans, there would have been no military contract with Boeing and no jobs.

At least you admit that almost all jobs associated with the military are created by government.

As are almost all the jobs associated with law enforcement. As almost all the jobs associated with public education. Infrastructure building, maintenance, and repair. Not to mention the jobs created by the actual administration of the government.

My apologies....


A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence.

I apologize that my response had not considered your inability to understand the bigger words NY.
Even the famous 747 was paid for by the Government

The government needed a huge transport plane. Biggest in history. Two companies bid to build it. The Airforce demanded a fly off of the two prototypes
Lockheed bid what became the C5 and won the contract. Boeing lost and it's prototype became the 747......with development paid by the government
Rabbi and math

It still baffles him. Add three more years at the current rate and show us how Obama spent more than ALL previous presidents

I can show you....

When Reagan was president, the national debt topped a trillion dollars. So from Washington to Reagan, all combined presidents netted -$1 trillion in national debt. From Bush Sr. to Bush Jr. the debt went to over $4 trillion. So now we have all combined presidents totaling a net -$4 trillion in national debt. Bush Jr. doubled this to $8 trillion. Since Obama it has ballooned to $17 trillion.

So we have:
Washington to Reagan- $1 trillion
Bush Sr. and Clinton- $3 trillion.
George W Bush- $4 trillion...

All presidents combined- $8 trillion.

Obama alone- $9 trillion and counting.
Rabbi was not talking debt

"Obama has spent more than all other presidents combined"

He is off by more than $30 trillion......but we are talking Rabbi here

PS ...Bush's debt was 10.6 trillion when he left office
And Obama's will be almost 20T. That makes Obama a bigger spender than all other presidents combined.
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

Any jobs Obama created were government jobs. Government salaries are paid by taxes paid by people and for profit businesses.
Assume ALL jobs were paid for by the government. Where would the revenue come from?

That myth again?

Government jobs were cut under Obama
Probably due to outsourcing. The "cut" is numerically almost insignificant.
Rabbi and math

It still baffles him. Add three more years at the current rate and show us how Obama spent more than ALL previous presidents

I can show you....

When Reagan was president, the national debt topped a trillion dollars. So from Washington to Reagan, all combined presidents netted -$1 trillion in national debt. From Bush Sr. to Bush Jr. the debt went to over $4 trillion. So now we have all combined presidents totaling a net -$4 trillion in national debt. Bush Jr. doubled this to $8 trillion. Since Obama it has ballooned to $17 trillion.

So we have:
Washington to Reagan- $1 trillion
Bush Sr. and Clinton- $3 trillion.
George W Bush- $4 trillion...

All presidents combined- $8 trillion.

Obama alone- $9 trillion and counting.
Rabbi was not talking debt

"Obama has spent more than all other presidents combined"

He is off by more than $30 trillion......but we are talking Rabbi here

PS ...Bush's debt was 10.6 trillion when he left office
And Obama's will be almost 20T. That makes Obama a bigger spender than all other presidents combined.

Actually, Obamas spending will be around $28 trillion
But Bush spent $22 Trillion and Clinton $18 trillion

Blows your " Obama is a bigger spender than all the other presidents combined" after only two presidents

Rabbi math.......if he didn't make shit up, he would have nothing to say
Rabbi and math

It still baffles him. Add three more years at the current rate and show us how Obama spent more than ALL previous presidents

I can show you....

When Reagan was president, the national debt topped a trillion dollars. So from Washington to Reagan, all combined presidents netted -$1 trillion in national debt. From Bush Sr. to Bush Jr. the debt went to over $4 trillion. So now we have all combined presidents totaling a net -$4 trillion in national debt. Bush Jr. doubled this to $8 trillion. Since Obama it has ballooned to $17 trillion.

So we have:
Washington to Reagan- $1 trillion
Bush Sr. and Clinton- $3 trillion.
George W Bush- $4 trillion...

All presidents combined- $8 trillion.

Obama alone- $9 trillion and counting.
Rabbi was not talking debt

"Obama has spent more than all other presidents combined"

He is off by more than $30 trillion......but we are talking Rabbi here

PS ...Bush's debt was 10.6 trillion when he left office
And Obama's will be almost 20T. That makes Obama a bigger spender than all other presidents combined.

Actually, Obamas spending will be around $28 trillion
But Bush spent $22 Trillion and Clinton $18 trillion

Blows your " Obama is a bigger spender than all the other presidents combined" after only two presidents

Rabbi math.......if he didn't make shit up, he would have nothing to say
Try to keep on target here. We're discussing debt not spending.
So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

LOL, I fully understand what you are saying...thanks for proving my observation correct is beyond you that the Boeing Corp had to first exist before it could build said planes ;)

You're welcome.

It's astonishing how they will lay claim to jobs created which they vehemently opposed funding for. If it hadn't been for Republicans, there would have been no military contract with Boeing and no jobs.

At least you admit that almost all jobs associated with the military are created by government.

As are almost all the jobs associated with law enforcement. As almost all the jobs associated with public education. Infrastructure building, maintenance, and repair. Not to mention the jobs created by the actual administration of the government.

Well you can go back to my very first post in this thread where I stated that government CAN create jobs, I've never denied that. My problem is not that government can create jobs... it's that it costs us money to do that.
So if Government doesn't create jobs, who created all these jobs at Boeing?

Boeing Defense Space Security - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So nobody knows who created all those jobs at Boeing? Was it

a. the private sector?

b. governments?

any guesses?


This may be a bit hard for to understand...but there had to BE a Boeing first.....

Speaking of hard to understand,

I'm talking about Boeing building military aircraft.

Source of Boeing revenue...Boeing Co. BA Revenues
Almost double their income from commercial over government.

Boeing revenue.png
Yes, but its the % relationship between the two that has gotten out of sync. We have way too many people on the govt payroll.

The US has a lower percentage on the government payroll than any industrialized nation
We have fewer government workers than we had under JFK even though we have almost double the population
LOL! Sure. Kewl story, bro.
I do get tired of showing up the Rabbi

You understand that does not support your statement, right?
I love when people post graphs and they have no idea what they say.
Let's see?

Cons claim government is getting too big
I claim we are actually getting smaller
Rabbi laughs
I prove Rabbi doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground

Rabbi doubles down on stupidity

Par for the course

your chart is in 2009 dollars, most of the drop is due to inflation. It does not prove what you claim, but you are a libtard so that is normal.
The US has a lower percentage on the government payroll than any industrialized nation
We have fewer government workers than we had under JFK even though we have almost double the population
LOL! Sure. Kewl story, bro.
I do get tired of showing up the Rabbi

You understand that does not support your statement, right?
I love when people post graphs and they have no idea what they say.
Let's see?

Cons claim government is getting too big
I claim we are actually getting smaller
Rabbi laughs
I prove Rabbi doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground

Rabbi doubles down on stupidity

Par for the course

your chart is in 2009 dollars, most of the drop is due to inflation. It does not prove what you claim, but you are a libtard so that is normal.

Do you know why they did it in 2009 dollars?
To negate the effect of inflation over the years

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