Cons say the government doesn't create jobs....

Eric Cantor says the government doesn't create jobs, while he's in one, lol

Eric Cantor - The government doesn t create jobs the... Facebook

Eric Cantor says the government doesn't create jobs,

but below he's railing against the sequester, for all the jobs it might cost:

On July 18, Cantor denounced the sequestration. "These cuts will harm important domestic priorities such as education, medical research and law enforcement," he said in a written statement. "And perhaps most notably, these cuts threaten our national security and jobs...including (those of) over 100,000 Virginians who make their living in our military, or by ensuring that our men and women in uniform have the very best equipment and support available."

Eric Cantor says he never backed sequestration PolitiFact Virginia
Well... I guess we should round up all black people and put them back in shackles again because SCOTUS ruled they were property and held that decision until we passed a Constitutional amendment to override it. Then they ruled segregation and Jim Crow was Constitutional until Congress passed an Act to overturn that. So... IF the SCOTUS is the final decider... we need to enslave the blacks again, right?

That puts you at 150 years ago

You have a long way to go. No court is going to agree with the simplistic interpretation that the Constitution is a be all and end all established 200 years ago

I just don't understand why you want a bunch of beauocrats running every aspect of your life. Are you so incompetent that you cannot care for yourself. Why are you willing to turn your individual freedom over to a bunch of assholes in DC? and before you answer, those assholes may all be conservative republicans in a couple of years.
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

18th century liberals bear no resemblance to your ilk.
Again... The SCOTUS ruling was that slaves are property and blacks can be segregated. IF, as you argue, the Court decides what the Constitution means... we need to enslave black again because this was their ruling. We had no right to override that and it remains the court's decision on the matter.

Also, I notice you have not addressed the previous argument that Federal government can "do what needs doing" under the general welfare clause. I assume you read what Madison had to say on the subject, so was Madison wrong? Do you have some kind of explanation for how the Constitution grants government unlimited power under "general welfare" but then turns around and specifies enumerated powers?
Sorry libertarian......but The Federalist Papers are not law
So much so that they were anonymously published

Madison had to edit and re-edit the constitution to satisfy all signatories. What is in there is the law.....not what Madison may have wanted

The courts decide....not the Federalist Papers
The General Welfare clause is not permission for the gov't to do anything and everything. If that were the case the Constitution would not have spelled out precisely what Congress' powers are.
Evidently, the courts disagree with you.
It hasn't been interpreted your way.....ever
The Constitution is a document of enumerated powers. That is basic ConLaw doctrine and every Court has recognized that.
The courts provide wide latitude on those powers
Only asshole libertarians look at the Constitution like a fundamentalist looks at the bible

In other words, you believe the Supreme Court ignores the Constitution. That's exactly what we've been trying to tell you.
That puts you at 150 years ago

You have a long way to go. No court is going to agree with the simplistic interpretation that the Constitution is a be all and end all established 200 years ago

I just don't understand why you want a bunch of beauocrats running every aspect of your life. Are you so incompetent that you cannot care for yourself. Why are you willing to turn your individual freedom over to a bunch of assholes in DC? and before you answer, those assholes may all be conservative republicans in a couple of years.
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

18th century liberals bear no resemblance to your ilk.
Nor should they....liberals evolve to face new challenges
That puts you at 150 years ago

You have a long way to go. No court is going to agree with the simplistic interpretation that the Constitution is a be all and end all established 200 years ago

I just don't understand why you want a bunch of beauocrats running every aspect of your life. Are you so incompetent that you cannot care for yourself. Why are you willing to turn your individual freedom over to a bunch of assholes in DC? and before you answer, those assholes may all be conservative republicans in a couple of years.
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.
I thought you said liberals worship communism
Two opposite ends of the political spectrum yet you seem to claim Liberals are all of them
Communism and fascism are not opposite ends. They are the same. Hitler preached National Socialism. Stalin preached International Socialism.


Thanks for posting that amusing piece of fiction.
I just don't understand why you want a bunch of beauocrats running every aspect of your life. Are you so incompetent that you cannot care for yourself. Why are you willing to turn your individual freedom over to a bunch of assholes in DC? and before you answer, those assholes may all be conservative republicans in a couple of years.
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

18th century liberals bear no resemblance to your ilk.
Nor should they....liberals evolve to face new challenges

Hmmm, like obozo being against gay marriage before he was for it? Like Hillary and Bubba getting rich on bribes from foreign governments who treat women as property?

that kind of evolution?
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

18th century liberals bear no resemblance to your ilk.
Nor should they....liberals evolve to face new challenges

Hmmm, like obozo being against gay marriage before he was for it? Like Hillary and Bubba getting rich on bribes from foreign governments who treat women as property?

that kind of evolution?
Very true..

Ten years ago, most Americans opposed gay marriage
A majority now support it

The question is...why does it take conservatives so long?
every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

18th century liberals bear no resemblance to your ilk.
Nor should they....liberals evolve to face new challenges

Hmmm, like obozo being against gay marriage before he was for it? Like Hillary and Bubba getting rich on bribes from foreign governments who treat women as property?

that kind of evolution?
Very true..

Ten years ago, most Americans opposed gay marriage
A majority now support it

The question is...why does it take conservatives so long?
The majority does not support it. If it did the faghaddis wouldnt need to go crying to the courts.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

18th century liberals bear no resemblance to your ilk.
Nor should they....liberals evolve to face new challenges

Hmmm, like obozo being against gay marriage before he was for it? Like Hillary and Bubba getting rich on bribes from foreign governments who treat women as property?

that kind of evolution?
Very true..

Ten years ago, most Americans opposed gay marriage
A majority now support it

The question is...why does it take conservatives so long?
The majority does not support it. If it did the faghaddis wouldnt need to go crying to the courts.
More Rabbi "statistics"

If he didn't have his ass to pull them out would we ever know?
every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

18th century liberals bear no resemblance to your ilk.
Nor should they....liberals evolve to face new challenges

Hmmm, like obozo being against gay marriage before he was for it? Like Hillary and Bubba getting rich on bribes from foreign governments who treat women as property?

that kind of evolution?
Very true..

Ten years ago, most Americans opposed gay marriage
A majority now support it

The question is...why does it take conservatives so long?

Rabbi is correct. the majority of americans, and the entire world, do not support it. Majority support of gay marriage is a fiction created by the left wing american media and idiots like you.

But if you really think a majority support it, why do you oppose putting it to a vote in every state or voting on a constitutional amendment and getting 38 states to ratify it?

the obozo and hildebeast "evolution" on this issue is just another example of liberal hypocrisy and attempting to play to their far left base. It won't work.
back to the OP.

the government can create an environment that is conducive to the creation of private sector jobs and the government can create government jobs that must be paid for with tax collections.

In one case govt revenue is increased in the other govt spending is increased.

Does anyone really have to ask which is better?
back to the OP.

the government can create an environment that is conducive to the creation of private sector jobs and the government can create government jobs that must be paid for with tax collections.

In one case govt revenue is increased in the other govt spending is increased.

Does anyone really have to ask which is better?
Both are necessary
back to the OP.

the government can create an environment that is conducive to the creation of private sector jobs and the government can create government jobs that must be paid for with tax collections.

In one case govt revenue is increased in the other govt spending is increased.

Does anyone really have to ask which is better?
Both are necessary

Yes, but its the % relationship between the two that has gotten out of sync. We have way too many people on the govt payroll.
I just don't understand why you want a bunch of beauocrats running every aspect of your life. Are you so incompetent that you cannot care for yourself. Why are you willing to turn your individual freedom over to a bunch of assholes in DC? and before you answer, those assholes may all be conservative republicans in a couple of years.
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

18th century liberals bear no resemblance to your ilk.
Nor should they....liberals evolve to face new challenges
Is that another way of saying they no longer believe in anything they believed in during the 18th century?
Liberals worship fascism and yearn for the day Big Daddy will tell them what to do and take care of them.

every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

18th century liberals bear no resemblance to your ilk.
Nor should they....liberals evolve to face new challenges
Is that another way of saying they no longer believe in anything they believed in during the 18th century?

what he is saying is that the liberals of 1776 are the conservatives of 2015.
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

Yes, they are idiots, government doesn't create jobs. This one's pretty lucid for you
every day I am more convinced that liberalism is a mental disease. No sane person could think they way they do.
Liberals founded this country and are responsible for every major advance.

18th century liberals bear no resemblance to your ilk.
Nor should they....liberals evolve to face new challenges
Is that another way of saying they no longer believe in anything they believed in during the 18th century?

what he is saying is that the liberals of 1776 are the conservatives of 2015.
I think he's trying to say that modern liberals bear no resemblance to 18th Century liberals, but they are actually exactly the same.

back to the OP.

the government can create an environment that is conducive to the creation of private sector jobs and the government can create government jobs that must be paid for with tax collections.

In one case govt revenue is increased in the other govt spending is increased.

Does anyone really have to ask which is better?
Both are necessary

Yes, but its the % relationship between the two that has gotten out of sync. We have way too many people on the govt payroll.

The US has a lower percentage on the government payroll than any industrialized nation
We have fewer government workers than we had under JFK even though we have almost double the population
...Cons say Obama doesn't deserve credit for cutting unemployment in have, because the government can't create jobs.

But now Jeb Bush is promising to create 19 million jobs. And Trump is promising to create the most jobs of any previous POTUS.

Hypocrisy IS the GOP.

Yes, they are idiots, government doesn't create jobs. This one's pretty lucid for you
We have already shown the government creates tens of millions of jobs

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