Consequence Culture - Gina Carano, Colin Kaepernick, The Dixie Chicks and Jane Fonda

Well, what you wrote above seems a reasonable 'regulation' to me. There are few doubts that employers should be able to carry out their own staff policy. And employees should be able to protect their rights if they were treated unfair.

But, frankly, I dont completely get what ' for no reason without incurring legal liability' means on practice. Yes, if an employee repeatedly breaks the rules they should be fired. But you mentioned the guys which got to a fight over some political issue. And you fired them both. I think it is unfair. The fired should be the one who started the fight. The other one who fought back should have had the right to legally protect his case.

The problem with that is that the burden in an at-will employment situation is on the employee.

For instance, I have said the thing that turned me from being a pretty conservative guy to someone who is about one step from voting for Bernie is that when I busted up my knee in 2007 and required a lot of expensive surgery and rehabilitation, my boss's go to was to try to encourage me to quit, and then downsizing me in a reorganization even though I had seniority over everyone in the office.

Now, my lawyer said, I had a pretty darned good case for medical and age discrimination. It helps when a boss is such a moron he blurts out, "you're too old to retrain" (I was 46 at the time) in front of many witnesses. Of course, that would have required me to spend hundreds of hours in court fighting the case. Not to mention my name coming up in court records whenever future employers did a background check.

A system that puts workers' rights above employers rights would be the opposite of that. the burden should be on them on why they are downsizing their long-term employees beyond "I think I can get someone cheaper now."

I would favor a system of, yeah, you can lay people off, but they have to be the first one you offer jobs back to if you are hiring again.
Looks like another entitled white male bitter because he was fired for incompetence.

Seniority = racism

Quit your whining you bigot!
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You asked me a question, you stupid fuck. My initial post was absolutely on-point (the one in which I drew a comparison with Tebow and Kaepernick).

You're nothing but a sorry little douchebag. You stupidly call me "needy" when I respond to your questions.

Um, yeah, buddy, you are seriously needy. I don't think you have any friends. Anyway, moving on.

Actually, I was in complete agreement with you, so far as Disney had every right to fire her. You just got pissy when I pointed out there was no difference in what Tebow did from what Kaepernick did, and you filled your diaper and started whining.

Actually, there was a major difference. Tebow, the FAKE Christian didn't suffer any consequences for his actions, which actually disrupted game play. Kap did what he did during the fake ceremony of the National Anthem, which had no effect on the game... although it did get some white folks to blow their tops.

Racism can be the only explanation for Joe's response. He's said nary a word about black athletes kneeling in silent prayer, but the very idea that a white athlete might do it is outright reprehensible to Joe...

What's reprehensible to me is that we are still following bronze age superstitions in the 21st century... but that's another Topic, Captain Needy. Of course, the Black Athlete's weren't "kneeling in silent prayer", they were "protesting police brutality and murder."
You're projecting again, because obviously you have absolutely no idea what he was praying about, yet here you are, confidently proclaiming to the world that you do. And you won't back down from it either.

Oh, and was that the commercial where he thanked his mom for giving him the chance to live, even though it she was in difficult circumstances at the time?

yeah, the one were she went to a third world country while pregnant and endangered the life of her child to try to convert people to Christianity when most of them were already Christian, just not the crazy kind. Being raised by THAT kind of religious fanatic could fuck up a young kid's head.

Looks like another entitled white male bitter because he was fired for incompetence.

Well, except I got exemplary reviews... the problem was after management managed to lose our biggest customer, instead of firing the newbees like you really should do, he fired all his older employees.

The people who had gotten him that far, because it certainly wasn't because of his 'random acts of management'.
You're projecting again, because obviously you have absolutely no idea what he was praying about, yet here you are, confidently proclaiming to the world that you do. And you won't back down from it either.

Oh, and was that the commercial where he thanked his mom for giving him the chance to live, even though it she was in difficult circumstances at the time?

yeah, the one were she went to a third world country while pregnant and endangered the life of her child to try to convert people to Christianity when most of them were already Christian, just not the crazy kind. Being raised by THAT kind of religious fanatic could fuck up a young kid's head.

Looks like another entitled white male bitter because he was fired for incompetence.

Well, except I got exemplary reviews... the problem was after management managed to lose our biggest customer, instead of firing the newbees like you really should do, he fired all his older employees.

The people who had gotten him that far, because it certainly wasn't because of his 'random acts of management'.
As we’ve seen the seniority system is deeply racist. JoeB131 clings to said system thus exposing himself as a bigot.

Quit your crying JoeB131 and check your privilege!
As we’ve seen the seniority system is deeply racist. JoeB131 clings to said system thus exposing himself as a bigot.

Quit your crying JoeB131 and check your privilege!

Not sure how "seniority" is racist. Wasn't even an issue at this place, as it had almost no black employees. Oh, yeah, and my boss used the N-word on at least one occasion.

Point is, if you have someone you hired a month ago and someone who you has worked for you for six years, this shouldn't be a question at all as to who gets cut first.

Now, here's the thing, before I encountered this bit of age discrimination, I was probably perfectly happy with my white privilege, and maybe even bought into conservative arguments.... now I know that discrimination of any kind--- kind of sucks.
As we’ve seen the seniority system is deeply racist. JoeB131 clings to said system thus exposing himself as a bigot.

Quit your crying JoeB131 and check your privilege!

Not sure how "seniority" is racist. Wasn't even an issue at this place, as it had almost no black employees. Oh, yeah, and my boss used the N-word on at least one occasion.

Point is, if you have someone you hired a month ago and someone who you has worked for you for six years, this shouldn't be a question at all as to who gets cut first.

Now, here's the thing, before I encountered this bit of age discrimination, I was probably perfectly happy with my white privilege, and maybe even bought into conservative arguments.... now I know that discrimination of any kind--- kind of sucks.
If you feel discrimination sucks why do you engage in discrimination you ridiculous bigot?!

I see you are in denial about your racism and white privilege. You demand your job back because of “seniority”. Don’t you see seniority privileges those who have already benefited from past privilege?! Moron, why do you think there were “almost no black employees”?! That job should be given to a POC! Why do you want to deprive a POC of a job?! Quit crying you bigot!

And why haven’t you told us your pronouns you transphobic monster?!

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If you feel discrimination sucks why do you engage in discrimination you ridiculous bigot?!

Did someone tell you that "no you are" stopped being an effective method of debate after fifth grade?

I see you are in denial about your racism and white privilege. You demand your job back because of “seniority”. Don’t you see seniority privileges those who have already benefited from past privilege?! Moron, why do you think there were “almost no black employees”?! That job should be given to a POC! Why do you want to deprive a POC of a job?! Quit crying you bigot!

Except it wasn't. It was given to an idiot niece of a friend of the manager.

I admit I've benefited from white privilege in my career. Ab-so-fucking-lutely.

And why haven’t you told us your pronouns you transphobic monster?!

Um, because it's pretty clear that I'm a dude.
As we’ve seen the seniority system is deeply racist. JoeB131 clings to said system thus exposing himself as a bigot.

Quit your crying JoeB131 and check your privilege!

Not sure how "seniority" is racist. Wasn't even an issue at this place, as it had almost no black employees. Oh, yeah, and my boss used the N-word on at least one occasion.

Point is, if you have someone you hired a month ago and someone who you has worked for you for six years, this shouldn't be a question at all as to who gets cut first.

Now, here's the thing, before I encountered this bit of age discrimination, I was probably perfectly happy with my white privilege, and maybe even bought into conservative arguments.... now I know that discrimination of any kind--- kind of sucks.
If you feel discrimination sucks why do you engage in discrimination you ridiculous bigot?!

I see you are in denial about your racism and white privilege. You demand your job back because of “seniority”. That job should be given to a POC! Why do you want to deprive a POC of a job?! Quit crying you bigot!

And why haven’t you told us your pronouns you transphobic monster?!

If you feel discrimination sucks why do you engage in discrimination you ridiculous bigot?!

Did someone tell you that "no you are" stopped being an effective method of debate after fifth grade?

I see you are in denial about your racism and white privilege. You demand your job back because of “seniority”. Don’t you see seniority privileges those who have already benefited from past privilege?! Moron, why do you think there were “almost no black employees”?! That job should be given to a POC! Why do you want to deprive a POC of a job?! Quit crying you bigot!

Except it wasn't. It was given to an idiot niece of a friend of the manager.

I admit I've benefited from white privilege in my career. Ab-so-fucking-lutely.

And why haven’t you told us your pronouns you transphobic monster?!

Um, because it's pretty clear that I'm a dude.
So your job went to a woman, that’s why you are so bitter and angry! Stop your tantrum you misogynistic prick and celebrate as this woman takes your job! So sorry your male privilege didn’t save you. Lol

No we can’t assume you are a guy! Check your cis-gender privilege!

You admit you have benefited from white privilege. As recompense you should immediately offer up your home to an African American family. Otherwise you are a racist.
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So your job went to a woman, that’s why you are so bitter and angry! Stop your tantrum you misogynistic prick and celebrate as this woman takes your job! So sorry your male privilege didn’t save you. Lol

Well, here's the thing with that. I've been in my field for 20 years. This woman was in purchasing for about a year and decided she really hated it. This is why you consider seniority... experience, desire to do a job, knowledge of the industry... you know, qualifications.

This woman wouldn't have gotten the job at all if she wasn't the daughter of a manager's friend. So it was kind of "affirmative action for white people", but just in the wrong way.

If anything, seniority should be an actual factor, because then you have a proven track record of accomplishments.
So your job went to a woman, that’s why you are so bitter and angry! Stop your tantrum you misogynistic prick and celebrate as this woman takes your job! So sorry your male privilege didn’t save you. Lol

Well, here's the thing with that. I've been in my field for 20 years. This woman was in purchasing for about a year and decided she really hated it. This is why you consider seniority... experience, desire to do a job, knowledge of the industry... you know, qualifications.

This woman wouldn't have gotten the job at all if she wasn't the daughter of a manager's friend. So it was kind of "affirmative action for white people", but just in the wrong way.

If anything, seniority should be an actual factor, because then you have a proven track record of accomplishments.
Of course to someone of your ilk women are inferior. F••• you and your bigoted male supremacy narrative.

And when are you moving out of your home to let in the new deserving black transgender undocumented occupants?
Of course to someone of your ilk women are inferior. F••• you and your bigoted male supremacy narrative.

Actually, she was inferior for the following reason.

She had no experience in the field. At that point, I had over 20 years experience in logistics, procurement and inventory management, including a stint in the US Army.

Point is, you go home with the person who brought you to the dance. His staff kept him afloat for years, the growth he enjoyed was because we put in so many hours. But his go-to was to get rid of the experienced people and keep the people he just hired on the cheap. And as he said, "This is why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union".

And when are you moving out of your home to let in the new deserving black transgender undocumented occupants?

Actually, probably later this year, because they are disbanding my condo association and turning it into rentals. It will probably get all turned into Section 8 housing, so I'm clearing the hell out.
Um, yeah, buddy, you are seriously needy. I don't think you have any friends. Anyway, moving on.

You only choose to move on once you've realized how big a failure you've been at debating.

You do it all the time, and I'm pretty sure the only person here who doesn't realize that is you...

Actually, there was a major difference. Tebow, the FAKE Christian didn't suffer any consequences for his actions, which actually disrupted game play.

I'm talking about differences in what they did, dipshit, not the outcome.

Why do you call Tebow a "fake" Christian? And how did his not suffering for his actions disrupt game play? How were the games disrupted? What is your opinion of black athletes who do the exact same thing as Tebow?

Kap did what he did during the fake ceremony of the National Anthem, which had no effect on the game...

"Fake" ceremony? What's that supposed to even mean?

although it did get some white folks to blow their tops.

And, for Kaepernick, he stupidly chose to piss off the wrong white folks; those who owned football teams. He brought too much baggage with him, which is why no one wanted to give him a job. I thought it was funny that he thought he could sue his way back into the NFL. He, like you, is nothing but an idiot loser and has-been at this point...

What's reprehensible to me is that we are still following bronze age superstitions in the 21st century... but that's another Topic, Captain Needy. Of course, the Black Athlete's weren't "kneeling in silent prayer", they were "protesting police brutality and murder."

So, your position is that there are no black athletes who kneel and say a quick prayer after they score a touchdown?

Man, how fucking ignorant and stupid are you, Joey?
You only choose to move on once you've realized how big a failure you've been at debating.

You do it all the time, and I'm pretty sure the only person here who doesn't realize that is you...

Again, I realize you are needy, but I'm a busy guy.

I'm talking about differences in what they did, dipshit, not the outcome.

Why do you call Tebow a "fake" Christian? And how did his not suffering for his actions disrupt game play? How were the games disrupted? What is your opinion of black athletes who do the exact same thing as Tebow?

But the outcome is the important thing. He was out there on the field making A RELIGIOUS STATEMENT. You know, the kind of thing you fire your employees for doing because you are such a wonderful boss.

Yeah, he's a fake Christian. Another of these holier than thou types that put their religion in your face.

And, for Kaepernick, he stupidly chose to piss off the wrong white folks; those who owned football teams. He brought too much baggage with him, which is why no one wanted to give him a job. I thought it was funny that he thought he could sue his way back into the NFL. He, like you, is nothing but an idiot loser and has-been at this point...

Meh, not sure why, since the NFL completely knuckled under and supported BLM at the end of the day. So kind of strikes me he was in the right.
Again, I realize you are needy, but I'm a busy guy.

Yeah, you keep saying that.

Can't be true, though...

But the outcome is the important thing. He was out there on the field making A RELIGIOUS STATEMENT. You know, the kind of thing you fire your employees for doing because you are such a wonderful boss.

You continue to ignore the black athletes who do THE EXACT SAME THING when they score a touchdown. You just don't like it when Tebow does it because he's a white man, and you detest successful white men. You're a scumbag racist...

Yeah, he's a fake Christian. Another of these holier than thou types that put their religion in your face.

He wasn't putting it in anyone's face. He knelt on the sideline. Were the black athletes "fake Christians" for kneeling and praying after they scored a touchdown?

Meh, not sure why, since the NFL completely knuckled under and supported BLM at the end of the day. So kind of strikes me he was in the right.

What the NFL did, en masse, was a masterful stroke of strategic genius.

They were able to put themselves in a position where they were able to make it appear as though they were sympathetic to the cause, while maintaining their position that Colin Kaepernick, quite simply, no longer had a place in their league.

Colin Kaepernick protested his way out of the NFL...
So we've seen a few threads on these boards about how Gina Carano was fired by Disney after she repeatedly posted racist, conspiratorial and transphobic memes on Twitter, and someone decided that she wasn't the best person to have on your Fun Space Adventure for the Whole Family. Yes, after spending 4 BILLION to buy the rights to Star Wars, they didn't want some third tier actor dragging them into controversy they didn't need.

View attachment 464341
Fun Space Adventure... Calling them "Younglings" so you don't have to say, "Killed Children"

Anyway, the Right Wing has gone apoplectic over this. How dare we punish this poor woman for merely expressing her opinion.

Of course, these were the same people who insisted that the NFL Fire Colin Kaepernick because he took a knee protesting police misconduct and killing of black people.

View attachment 464342

Eventually, he was proven right when the country exploded into riots after George Floyd was murdered. Even big corporations got in on the act.

Then there were the Dixie Chicks. Remember them? They were a country band that expressed the opinion that our war with Iraq over weapons that didn't exist was probably a bad idea. (Actually, only one of them did, but they all paid for it.

View attachment 464343

Eventually, they were proven right. Heck, you'd be hard pressed to find a Right Winger today who would argue the Iraq War was a good idea.

Then there was the grandmother of all "Cancel Culture", Jane Fonda. You remember Jane? She was the one who said our undeclared war in Vietnam was a terrible idea. Even humanized the people we were mercilessly bombing by visiting them.

View attachment 464344

Well, she was proven right. The war was a bad idea. Not that it did her any good, people still denounced her as "Hanoi Jane" and her career was pretty much over by 1980.

Point is, the Right Wing was for Cancel Culture (really, "Consequence Culture") before they were against it.

So let the right wing outrage begin!!!
False comparison's of course, as the issue's like they always do "shift from one thing to another over time". Catch up.
You're projecting again, because obviously you have absolutely no idea what he was praying about, yet here you are, confidently proclaiming to the world that you do. And you won't back down from it either.

Oh, and was that the commercial where he thanked his mom for giving him the chance to live, even though it she was in difficult circumstances at the time?

yeah, the one were she went to a third world country while pregnant and endangered the life of her child to try to convert people to Christianity when most of them were already Christian, just not the crazy kind. Being raised by THAT kind of religious fanatic could fuck up a young kid's head.
Except, of course, that it didn't.
Well, except I got exemplary reviews...

Yeah, right. Exemplary reviews for failing to keep a "core team" together for even two years...

the problem was after management managed to lose our biggest customer, instead of firing the newbees like you really should do, he fired all his older employees.

Were the newbies responsible for that customer? If not, firing them is stupid and makes no sense, because you've done nothing to address the problem. You fire the people who were responsible for losing that customer, regardless of their seniority.

But hey, if nothing else, at least that point of view offers some insight into your failed management style...
The biggest example of right wing cancel culture were the red scares and Joe McCarthy.
Not anymore.

Today's cancel culture, led by the likes of the OP, serves to prove that you people are 100% anti-American.

It is 100% against our values that we destroy people for speaking things we disagree with. It cannot get more unAmerican.
Hmmm, if people are speaking against our way of life to the tune of getting a brainwashed voter base that goes along with their ideology's, and then it starts to destroy the foundations that created the environment that allowed our ways of life to strive, then yes they need to be cancelled out (stripped of their platforms), otherwise if using those platform's to destroy an American way of life against the majorities will.
So you had to give this "Consequence Culture" thing its own discussion? Jesus please us.

I told you in the other discussion (what discussion? Ha Ha) that this ploy can and will work against you as much as it does for you. Be prepared to have this ploy thrown back in your face.

As pointed out, you guys have been doing this for years.... you are just unhappy it is now being thrown back in your face.
Oh is that right ?? So you are in favor of reverse discrimination in order to hopefully see "white" folks suffer for what their ancestor's or relative's did eh ??? Matters not that people today had nothing to do with any of it, but only that you get to see a white person suffer eh ???? You're dismissed.
Yeah, you keep saying that.

Can't be true, though...

I work close to 80 hours a week.. sure it can.

You continue to ignore the black athletes who do THE EXACT SAME THING when they score a touchdown. You just don't like it when Tebow does it because he's a white man, and you detest successful white men. You're a scumbag racist...

I wouldn't know what black athletes are doing, they weren't screaming Jesus in everyone's face like Tebow's mediocre ass was doing.

What the NFL did, en masse, was a masterful stroke of strategic genius.

They were able to put themselves in a position where they were able to make it appear as though they were sympathetic to the cause, while maintaining their position that Colin Kaepernick, quite simply, no longer had a place in their league.

Colin Kaepernick protested his way out of the NFL...

Actually, they ended up paying him a lot of money, incurred the anger of all the MAGAts, and revenues are kind of down... this is what is brilliant management by you?

Yeah, right. Exemplary reviews for failing to keep a "core team" together for even two years...

Again, hard to keep them together when the whole national company goes under because Nose Candy kept making bad decisions.

not that good management would have saved this company, they were probably doomed regardless.

Kind of hard to have a business when all your customers disappear.

Were the newbies responsible for that customer? If not, firing them is stupid and makes no sense, because you've done nothing to address the problem. You fire the people who were responsible for losing that customer, regardless of their seniority.

Okay, that would have been the managers, who knew damned well that the contract was coming up and they needed to get it renewed. None of those people got fired. Even after we got fired, the managers all kept acting like nothing was wrong and they were going to come back on their knees begging us to take their business. They didn't.

But hey, if nothing else, at least that point of view offers some insight into your failed management style...

I don't know, I wasn't a manager at THAT company. I think they should have taken film of our managers and put them in business schools under "Don't do THAT!" They fell ass-backwards into a lucrative account and still managed to fuck it up through neglect. Sales people who never bothered to visit the customer, continuing to soak the customer on pricing when the cost of the commodity was brought down. At some point, the customer figured out they could buy direct from a manufacturer.

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