Consequence Culture - Gina Carano, Colin Kaepernick, The Dixie Chicks and Jane Fonda

Not knowing what industry I'm in, that's a profoundly ignorant thing to say.

You ignored my question: Why are you completely disinterested in showing fairness to both parties?

Because the system is already slanted towards the business owner...

I treat them more than fairly, and they know it.

Again, I'm sure there was a plantation owner who said the same thing about his slaves.

Is that what this is about? You want to crow about how much more you've been paid than the people who work for me?

What an egotistical little whining liar you are.

What you've made makes no difference to me, nor does it interest me enough to divulge what I pay my people. It's enough to keep them more than happy.

So essentially, my statement that you couldn't afford me stands, as you didn't even try to tell me what you paid purchasing folks.

And, just to illustrate this further, earlier in this thread I mentioned that my facilities manager makes just over $85K a year. You mwent on to demaen that, saying that some facilities managers in Chicago make over $120K a year. But, being the dishonest little fuck that you are, you neglected to mention that the range for what's considered the "norm" for a facilities manager in Chicago actually starts around $90K, only $5K more than what I pay my guy.

Actually, costs of living in Chicago vs. Orlando aren't that different.

A salary of $35,000 in Chicago, Illinois could decrease to $33,396 in Orlando, Florida (assumptions include Homeowner, no Child Care, and Taxes are not considered.
Because I don't care. Most of what you list are common practice in real companies.

No, actually, they're not. In fact, they're quite rare...

Again, most of those protections are meaningless in a "At Will/Right To work" employment situation. Of course, they didn't tell those ladies they were being fired for being preggers or that guy that he was being fired because the boss's girlfriend was upset about their previous relationship. They had "official" reasons.

And how would a biased arbitrator be able to determine a fair outcome or determine that the reason was other than the "official" reason?

because the employer already has most of the advantages...

So, just so I'm straight on this: You want a biased arbitrator to be the person who determines whether or not I can fire someone?

you can tell who the GOP's enemies are- Unions, Lawyers and Government- anyone who might make the playing field a little more level.

Yeah, fuck a level playing field. Why should someone who hasn't put millions of dollars into my companies over the last 15 years have the same rights or a "level playing field". What the fuck does that even mean. In my entire working life, I've always understood that the guy whose name is on the building is the Head Motherfucker What's In Charge. He makes the rules and I, as an employee, get to follow the rules. If I want to be paid more, I need to show that I'm worth more. If I don't want to be fired, I need to not break the rules. A union makes a willingness to do those things unimportant...
And how would a biased arbitrator be able to determine a fair outcome or determine that the reason was other than the "official" reason?

How I would do it? Talk to the coworkers, to start with.

Review all the documentation. If all the reviews were positive up until the week that they started pushing them out, I'd be suspicious.

Yeah, fuck a level playing field. Why should someone who hasn't put millions of dollars into my companies over the last 15 years have the same rights or a "level playing field". What the fuck does that even mean. In my entire working life, I've always understood that the guy whose name is on the building is the Head Motherfucker What's In Charge. He makes the rules and I, as an employee, get to follow the rules. If I want to be paid more, I need to show that I'm worth more. If I don't want to be fired, I need to not break the rules. A union makes a willingness to do those things unimportant...

Wow, spoken like a bully who just got punched in the nose.

Sounds like on some level, you know that you've pulled some shady shit, and wouldn't want a third party to look at it.
Because the system is already slanted towards the business owner...

Why shouldn't it be?

Again, I'm sure there was a plantation owner who said the same thing about his slaves.

The ignorance you continually display is stunning...

So essentially, my statement that you couldn't afford me stands, as you didn't even try to tell me what you paid purchasing folks.

Oh, I've no doubt I could afford you. I just don't believe you'd be anywhere near worth it...

Actually, costs of living in Chicago vs. Orlando aren't that different.

A salary of $35,000 in Chicago, Illinois could decrease to $33,396 in Orlando, Florida (assumptions include Homeowner, no Child Care, and Taxes are not considered.

That might matter if I lived in Orlando.

But, you're the King of Assumptions and, once again, have made a stupid one. I'm in a small town in northeastern Florida, just south of the Georgia state line. The cost of living is far less here than in Orlando.

You need to stop pretending you know what you're talking about...
How I would do it? Talk to the coworkers, to start with.

Review all the documentation. If all the reviews were positive up until the week that they started pushing them out, I'd be suspicious.


First, a biased arbitrator cannot, by virtue of the fact that he's biased, reach a fair and equitable solution.

Second, unless you've been a union arbitrator, you're just blowing smoke...

Wow, spoken like a bully who just got punched in the nose.

No, I've just pretty much grown weary of conversing with some egotistical, lying scumbag about how well I treat my people when he can offer nothing of value in return...

Sounds like on some level, you know that you've pulled some shady shit, and wouldn't want a third party to look at it.

I welcome it.

See, I really do hold myself to a ridiculously high standard. It's the only way I'm able to justify holding my employees to high standards.

You, on the other hand, would never survive in an environment where you actually had to prove your worth. You would never survive in an environment where you had to rely only on yourself, as opposed to some biased arbitrator, to ensure you kept your job.

If it wasn't for this weird desire of mine to see what sort of dipshit ignorance you post next, you'd have been on ignore pages ago. But, I have to give you credit, you certainly excel at displaying an ever increasing level of stupidity and ignorance, and it makes me laugh...
Okay. I'm all for a government program that does this. On the same point, this is why I favor universal health care. Your employer shouldn't have the literal power of life and death over you
But someone needs to pay for these government programs and universal health care.

Okay. How about, "Have sex with me or look for another job?" Or 'Do these things that aren't in your job description and you aren't trained for, or look for another job." Or "Do this thing without proper safety equipment or look for another job
And that is why I said above that there should be clear regulations which protect employees from being fired unfairly. This regulations should be universal, not depending on the unions and be in a form of a law.

Really, When and where? I mean, you guys aren't going to keep trying to drag out the USSR, are you? The USSR did fine... it survived the other European Empires by decades
Yes, I meant the USSR, why not. It lasted for only 70 years and its economic 'miracle' was possible thanks to millions of rightless and virtually 'for free' workers in 30-40s. And it did well only from 60s to mid-80s.
Why shouldn't it be?

Because there are more workers than business owners...

Seriously, you'll be on a boat somewhere fleeing somewhere and you'll still be wondering what you did wrong. Kind of like the Cuban Americans.... those shit never figured it out, either.


First, a biased arbitrator cannot, by virtue of the fact that he's biased, reach a fair and equitable solution.

Sure they can. Fair is biased towards the working people.

You see, you could round up all the capitalists tomorrow, shoot every last fucking one of them, and the country would go on. there'd be some disruption, but we'd be fine.

The one thing we SHOULD have learned from Trump Plague is that the working man is indispensable. That's why we had to declare so many of us "Essential" to get them to risk dying of a disease to keep the country going while the "Capitalists" hid behind their Zoom screens.

You, on the other hand, would never survive in an environment where you actually had to prove your worth. You would never survive in an environment where you had to rely only on yourself, as opposed to some biased arbitrator, to ensure you kept your job.

Actually I did just fine... I'm pretty happy with my career... And again, since you won't tell me what you pay your buyers, that tells me you couldn't afford me.
Because there are more workers than business owners...

Um, that doesn't really answer the question...

Seriously, you'll be on a boat somewhere fleeing somewhere and you'll still be wondering what you did wrong. Kind of like the Cuban Americans.... those shit never figured it out, either.

Sure they can. Fair is biased towards the working people.

Biased, by definition, cannot be fair.

Please tell me you're really not stupid enough to believe otherwise.

It's fine if you want to argue why everything should be swayed towards the worker. I can debate that all day long. But saying that someone who has a predisposed bias is "fair" is a level of stupidity I don't think I've encountered in my 58 years...

You see, you could round up all the capitalists tomorrow, shoot every last fucking one of them, and the country would go on. there'd be some disruption, but we'd be fine.

If we beheaded every resume writer life would go on, as well, and with no discernible disruption...

The one thing we SHOULD have learned from Trump Plague is that the working man is indispensable.

I know my people are indispensable. That's why they're paid as well as they are and why I take care of them...

Actually I did just fine... I'm pretty happy with my career... And again, since you won't tell me what you pay your buyers, that tells me you couldn't afford me.

I don't really give a shit what you say it tells you.

Since you used an example of a Chicago-based facilities manager last time, I'll use an example for a Chicago-based purchasing agent this time.

According to, the average pay for a purchasing agent in Chicago is $66,393; roughly $47K on the low end and $89K on the high. Salary Wizard- Do you know what you're worth? | Salary-Calculator |

My two most senior purchasing agent both make six figures.

Seriously, stop pretending you know anything about how I do business and treat employees. It's only making you look sad and pathetic...
It's fine if you want to argue why everything should be swayed towards the worker. I can debate that all day long. But saying that someone who has a predisposed bias is "fair" is a level of stupidity I don't think I've encountered in my 58 years...

The level of stupidity is thinking continuing to screw the working man is going to have a happy ending.

Let's play an association game.

France, 1787
Russia 1917
China 1949
Cuba 1959
Iran 1979

Those were all those places where "Fair" meant the Rich could beat the poor into submission with money and power... until the poor figured out, "Hey, there are a lot more of us!"

My two most senior purchasing agent both make six figures.

I didn't ask your most senior guys... but given it took you this long to finally throw something out there, I can take it with a grain of salt....

Is this the part where you start showing me pictures of someone else's car and claim it's yours?
The level of stupidity is thinking continuing to screw the working man is going to have a happy ending.

That's the point, you stupid dumbfuck: I'm NOT screwing my people.

Jesus Fucking Christ. How much more stupid do you plan on getting?

I didn't ask your most senior guys... but given it took you this long to finally throw something out there, I can take it with a grain of salt

So? You didn't ask me for the most junior ones, either. You're just upset that you're wrong. You never got paid near six figures and, for whatever reason, you decided that no one else could've been, either.

If I decide to put you on ignore, it'll be for this kind of bullshit: You ask me for information. I give you that information. That information makes you looks stupid so you dismiss it.

You're a pretty sorry piece of shit, Joey...

Is this the part where you start showing me pictures of someone else's car and claim it's yours?

Ah, yes, there's that jealousy again. First off, Joey, you're the liar, not me. You even admit it. But, I guess when you don't work hard enough to have nice things, all you can do is whine about what others have. Maybe one day you can work hard and have nice things. I say "maybe" because, quite frankly, I don't believe you've ever worked hard. You're a loser.

And regarding pictures of cars, only an idiot fuck like you would try to impress people with a photo of a seven year old Mercedes...
So? You didn't ask me for the most junior ones, either. You're just upset that you're wrong. You never got paid near six figures and, for whatever reason, you decided that no one else could've been, either.

Actually, I did, and the fact you didn't list your purchasing people until you checked what Chicago salaries were (which aren't any higher than Florida salaries) tells me you are making shit up.

Ah, yes, there's that jealousy again. First off, Joey, you're the liar, not me. You even admit it. But, I guess when you don't work hard enough to have nice things, all you can do is whine about what others have. Maybe one day you can work hard and have nice things. I say "maybe" because, quite frankly, I don't believe you've ever worked hard. You're a loser.

Naw, man, I don't worry about material things. Most of my excess money goes into the bank. It was a big help last year when Trump wrecked the economy. I don't need a fancy car when a practical car gets me where I need to go. The fact you obsess about material things tells me you are the one who values his life based on them.

I measure my life by how many people I've helped over the years.
Actually, I did, and the fact you didn't list your purchasing people until you checked what Chicago salaries were (which aren't any higher than Florida salaries) tells me you are making shit up.

Of course I checked. Why wouldn't I? I wanted to know if you were going to accuse me of being a tight-ass when it came to salaries in case you made $5K more than my guys in a city where the cost of living is so much more.

You're accusing me of making shit up for no other reason than you never expected that I pay my people as well as I do...

Naw, man, I don't worry about material things. `

Me neither...

Most of my excess money goes into the bank. It was a big help last year when Trump wrecked the economy.

I've got plenty of money in the bank, and my businesses actually did pretty good last year, considering the pandemic affect. And it wasn't Trump, it was the virus. Smart people understand this...

I don't need a fancy car when a practical car gets me where I need to go. The fact you obsess about material things tells me you are the one who values his life based on them.

I think it's absolutely hysterical that you accuse me of being obsessed with material things when you're the one who keeps bringing them up.

Your problem, and this is pretty evident that you only obsess about the material things other people have. That's called jealousy. Seriously, you need to read what you've typed out before you hit "Post reply". I posted one picture of a seven year old car and, apparently, that equates to an obsession of material things?

Dude, your brain is fucked.

Oh, and it's a "practical" car, a 2014 Chevy Malibu that I bought from my late aunt's estate for $6,900, that gets me where I need to go 90% of the time:

You're accusing me of making shit up for no other reason than you never expected that I pay my people as well as I do...

Naw, I accuse you of making stuff up because you are kind of a scumbag who fires people for personal conversations.

Oh, and it's a "practical" car, a 2014 Chevy Malibu that I bought from my late aunt's estate for $6,900, that gets me where I need to go 90% of the time:

Holy shit, he's posting a picture of a DIFFERENT car, this time.
Naw, I accuse you of making stuff up because you are kind of a scumbag who fires people for personal conversations.

Hey, when you're on the company dime, you follow the company rules. I fail to see a problem there. Every company owner and supervisor I know understands that. It's the shitty supervisors; guys like you, who allow your employees to step all over you for no other reason than you don't have the sack to be a man and do what's right...

Holy shit, he's posting a picture of a DIFFERENT car, this time.

Well, yeah. You were so overcome with jealousy over me posting a photo of my seven year old Mercedes that I thought I'd scale it back a bit and post something a bit more pedestrian, just for you...
Hey, when you're on the company dime, you follow the company rules. I fail to see a problem there. Every company owner and supervisor I know understands that. It's the shitty supervisors; guys like you, who allow your employees to step all over you for no other reason than you don't have the sack to be a man and do what's right...

Guy, nobody wants to work in East Germany where the Stasi are making sure you aren't having unauthorized conversations. That you've found a few people willing to put up with this sort of behavior is your own business. Most people I know never would.
Guy, nobody wants to work in East Germany where the Stasi are making sure you aren't having unauthorized conversations. That you've found a few people willing to put up with this sort of behavior is your own business. Most people I know never would.

If you can't get through the workday without talking about politics or religion, you're a sorry sack of shit.

And "a few" people? You mean the 150-some-odd people who work for me, many of which have been with me for years and years? I know that seems unthinkable to someone whose major accomplishment in his entire pathetic business life was keeping a core team together for ALMOST two years but, hey, believe it. It happens.

And you're right, douchebag, it IS my business. And my business is successful. You know why? Because even if I were to allow this to be a union shop, my people would reject it. I know people who would seek employment elsewhere.

I'm a pretty well known name in my industry, and I enjoy respect from colleagues and competitors. Their opinions matter to me. The opinion of some wannabe' on the internet means nothing, because the wannabe means nothing.

You mean nothing.

You're a worthless, lying bag of air...
Canon has benefited from the greatest most productive hard working generation this nation has ever seen....the world has ever seen. The labor market is awash in these workers. Kudos to you.
Two men praying for what they wanted. No way did this effect my paycheck my home children your or my life. Hate or dislike for either one just a way to avoid real problems that we cant easily solve.
If you can't get through the workday without talking about politics or religion, you're a sorry sack of shit.

Except that isn't what you said.... oh, never mind, you change your story more often than Trump.

Why is talking about politics and religion firable, but talking about sports isn't? They would both be a waste of productive time, I guess.

You know, if you want a place with no social interaction and just a bunch of robots that sit in their cubicles.

Was this guy based on you?

And you're right, douchebag, it IS my business. And my business is successful. You know why? Because even if I were to allow this to be a union shop, my people would reject it. I know people who would seek employment elsewhere.

Yeah, somehow, I doubt you ever had that discussion with them, and frankly, if anyone talked union, you'd fire them.
Why is talking about politics and religion firable, but talking about sports isn't? They would both be a waste of productive time, I guess.

I've explained why. If you're so stupid that you've already forgotten it, that's too fucking bad.

You know, the funniest part abouot this is that you're all upset about it while my people aren't. They don't really give a fuck...

You know, if you want a place with no social interaction and just a bunch of robots that sit in their cubicles.

Yeah, somehow, I doubt you ever had that discussion with them, and frankly, if anyone talked union, you'd fire them.

Such an ignorant, know-nothing little douchebag you are. That conversation's been had, and it didn't last very long. Nobody wanted to be a union shop and no one got fired for talking about it.

See, a good boss doesn't worry about unions, because a good boss makes sure he takes care of his people, makes them happy and gives them more than a union would ever get for them...

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