Conservatism VS Liberalism


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
I've been thinking of good way to teach people what each one means and may have come up with the parable. Wood shop. Yes that icky physical labor lefties hate so much. But it fits.

You step into wood shop on day one and have a choice to make. You can choose to be a liberal craftsman or a conservative one.

If you choose to be a liberal you will have the choice of all pine blocks cut exactly the same, same size, same weight and same grain. And you will make that into smaller blocks, perfectly square if you can but if you can't do that it's fine. You are guaranteed to get a D in the class. You can't make anything other than square blocks, you can never get a C for making better blocks than anyone else but you can't fail either if you never even get a block cut out. It's all fair. No winners, no special treatment for those that did well, everything is equal.

If you choose to be a conservative craftsman you walk into a room full of all kinds of lumber. Oak, Walnut, Redwood etc. 100's of varieties. You can make anything you want, out of anything you want. What you don't get is the guaranteed D for the class. You can get an F, but you can also get an A,B or C. All you have to do is make something people like. If you make perfectly square blocks like the libs you'll probably get an F. Nobody needs those they're pretty basic. Put in a little effort though and the sky is the limit.

If you want the guaranteed barely passing grade you need to be a liberal. If you want the A and all that comes with that success you need to be a conservative. It's really that simple.
A liberal that actually works and produces something of positive value?

Try again... A true regressive would tell you that cutting wood is oppression, and perhaps even xenophobia/racism. And that sweatshop crafting? Clearly analogous to slavery.
I just want to pay the rent.
My climb up the mountain is over. No matter how high I climb I'm still on the edge one step away from falling off. I just want a ledge and a lazy boy so I can enjoy the moment.
What isn't mentioned in the OP is that the GOP governor and President Trump have cut and done away with State/Federal educational spending. There is no wood shop.
I've been thinking of good way to teach people what each one means and may have come up with the parable. Wood shop. Yes that icky physical labor lefties hate so much. But it fits.

You step into wood shop on day one and have a choice to make. You can choose to be a liberal craftsman or a conservative one.

If you choose to be a liberal you will have the choice of all pine blocks cut exactly the same, same size, same weight and same grain. And you will make that into smaller blocks, perfectly square if you can but if you can't do that it's fine. You are guaranteed to get a D in the class. You can't make anything other than square blocks, you can never get a C for making better blocks than anyone else but you can't fail either if you never even get a block cut out. It's all fair. No winners, no special treatment for those that did well, everything is equal.

If you choose to be a conservative craftsman you walk into a room full of all kinds of lumber. Oak, Walnut, Redwood etc. 100's of varieties. You can make anything you want, out of anything you want. What you don't get is the guaranteed D for the class. You can get an F, but you can also get an A,B or C. All you have to do is make something people like. If you make perfectly square blocks like the libs you'll probably get an F. Nobody needs those they're pretty basic. Put in a little effort though and the sky is the limit.

If you want the guaranteed barely passing grade you need to be a liberal. If you want the A and all that comes with that success you need to be a conservative. It's really that simple.

And if a student becomes expert at woodworking and starts a business, the left will rush in to tell him how to run the business and will have their hands out for their 'fair share' of the profits.
A liberal that actually works and produces something of positive value?

Try again... A true regressive would tell you that cutting wood is oppression, and perhaps even xenophobia/racism. And that sweatshop crafting? Clearly analogous to slavery.

Not to mention that it trashes the environment by killing trees.
What a load the OP is. At the least it shows a 'conservative' can't concisely explain the meaning of words, neither can he find nor use a dictionary.
It does show a 'conservative' has to invent new meanings for words in order for his specious arguments to make some sort of sense even to him.
I guess that is a defining trait of conservatives, so at least one way to differentiate them has been found and the thread isn't a total waste.
The OP doesn't even understand that conservatives want things to stay the same. That's what the name means. A conservative does not want new things, he does not want new wood. I know the idea of words meaning things is anathema to US conservatives.
I just want to pay the rent.
My climb up the mountain is over. No matter how high I climb I'm still on the edge one step away from falling off. I just want a ledge and a lazy boy so I can enjoy the moment.

Yeah, no.
You want to pay the rent, you need to find something that pays, and do it... and find something to rent, that your pay can afford.

In other words, earn your keep. There is no "lazy boy for life" system anywhere on this planet.

If you are poor-ish.... save up several hundred grand, and move to latin America. You can live off a $100K for 50 years (almost).
The OP doesn't even understand that conservatives want things to stay the same. That's what the name means. A conservative does not want new things, he does not want new wood. I know the idea of words meaning things is anathema to US conservatives.
So, you got your D.....
What isn't mentioned in the OP is that the GOP governor and President Trump have cut and done away with State/Federal educational spending. There is no wood shop.

Really... That's funny, because last I checked, we spend more on education than any other country on the face of the Earth.

Maybe if you hadn't blow all the money for Unions, and giving kids tablets when they can't read yet.... you'd have a wood shop.
Okay, I'll do it for you.

Here's Merriam Webster


a : disposition in politics to preserve what is established

See? You don't want new wood, you want the same ol' same ol'.

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