Conservatives’ Deny Facts and Forget History, But It Won’t Help

The conservatives’ denial of facts is well known, and their memory of history is typically faulty.
Could you quote these "facts" that they are denying?

Or are you simply full of shit again?

Methinks it is the latter.
The trouble with some Conservative Americans they cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction
Could you give some relevant examples? Or are you just talking shit again?
How can anything be Relevant to You,You have the mentality of a Medieval Curr
Your concession is respectfully accepted.
The conservatives’ denial of facts is well known, and their memory of history is typically faulty.
Could you quote these "facts" that they are denying?

Or are you simply full of shit again?

Methinks it is the latter.
The trouble with some Conservative Americans they cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction
Could you give some relevant examples? Or are you just talking shit again?

Not fiction... projection.
Bend Down comes the Projection...LOL
In addition to the parallels with the crimes of Watergate, Nixon’s scandal can also be seen as an example of what is to come for those who will throw themselves on their swords to protect Big Orange.
The biggest parallel between the Watergate nothing burger and the Russia nothing burger is, in both cases, it is the Jewish press trying to bring down a sitting American president, i.e., subvert the democratic will of the people, and assert its power. The big difference, now, is guys like me and Stratford57, jasonnfree, dcbl, Pete7469, Correll, MaryL,
miketx ,

Iceweasel ,
SassyIrishLass ,
HereWeGoAgain ,
Sunni Man,
The Irish Ram,
Tilly ,
regent ,
Yousaidwhat ,
Bob Blaylock ,
Dale Smith,
Old Yeller ,
Ricky LIbtardo,
Ray From Cleveland,
AsianTrumpSupporter ,
dani67 ,
Anathema ,
GWV5903 ,
Lumpy 1 ,
Death Angel have a voice, too.
Could you quote these "facts" that they are denying?

Or are you simply full of shit again?

Methinks it is the latter.
The trouble with some Conservative Americans they cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction
Could you give some relevant examples? Or are you just talking shit again?

Not fiction... projection.
Bend Down comes the Projection...LOL
Perv. between the lines....I said that for your benefit,I know how backward you are and like ALL things backward....just own up for once
In addition to the parallels with the crimes of Watergate, Nixon’s scandal can also be seen as an example of what is to come for those who will throw themselves on their swords to protect Big Orange.
The biggest parallel between the Watergate nothing burger and the Russia nothing burger is, in both cases, it is the Jewish press trying to bring down a sitting American president, i.e., subvert the democratic will of the people, and assert its power. The big difference, now, is guys like me and Stratford57, jasonnfree, dcbl, Pete7469, Correll, MaryL,
miketx ,

Iceweasel ,
SassyIrishLass ,
HereWeGoAgain ,
Sunni Man,
The Irish Ram,
Tilly ,
regent ,
Yousaidwhat ,
Bob Blaylock ,
Dale Smith,
Old Yeller ,
Ricky LIbtardo,
Ray From Cleveland,
AsianTrumpSupporter ,
dani67 ,
Anathema ,
GWV5903 ,
Lumpy 1 ,
Death Angel have a voice, too.
Beautifully put,apart from a couple of names above,...Yes you are a Pack,no a Possee of RWW's

RWW's=Right Wing Weirdo's......nice to see a little honesty on here,Thanks Cnelsen
The conservatives’ denial of facts is well known, and their memory of history is typically faulty.
Could you quote these "facts" that they are denying?

Or are you simply full of shit again?

Methinks it is the latter.
The trouble with some Conservative Americans they cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction
Could you give some relevant examples? Or are you just talking shit again?

Not fiction... projection.
Bend Down comes the Projection...LOL

The trouble with some Conservative Americans they cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction
Could you give some relevant examples? Or are you just talking shit again?

Not fiction... projection.
Bend Down comes the Projection...LOL
Perv. between the lines....I said that for your benefit,I know how backward you are and like ALL things backward....just own up for once

The trouble with some Conservative Americans they cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction
Could you give some relevant examples? Or are you just talking shit again?

Not fiction... projection.
Bend Down comes the Projection...LOL
Perv. between the lines....I said that for your benefit,I know how backward you are and like ALL things backward....just own up for once
In other words, you have no facts to back up your idiotic claims. Your concession that you are wrong is respectfully accepted.
Could you give some relevant examples? Or are you just talking shit again?

Not fiction... projection.
Bend Down comes the Projection...LOL
Perv. between the lines....I said that for your benefit,I know how backward you are and like ALL things backward....just own up for once
In other words, you have no facts to back up your idiotic claims. Your concession that you are wrong is respectfully accepted.
!!!!!What Concession ?????????Don't be Silly Muh,you are being painted into a corner,slowly but surely... Duh Muh
In addition to the parallels with the crimes of Watergate, Nixon’s scandal can also be seen as an example of what is to come for those who will throw themselves on their swords to protect Big Orange.
The biggest parallel between the Watergate nothing burger and the Russia nothing burger is, in both cases, it is the Jewish press trying to bring down a sitting American president, i.e., subvert the democratic will of the people, and assert its power. The big difference, now, is guys like me and Stratford57, jasonnfree, dcbl, Pete7469, Correll, MaryL,
miketx ,

Iceweasel ,
SassyIrishLass ,
HereWeGoAgain ,
Sunni Man,
The Irish Ram,
Tilly ,
regent ,
Yousaidwhat ,
Bob Blaylock ,
Dale Smith,
Old Yeller ,
Ricky LIbtardo,
Ray From Cleveland,
AsianTrumpSupporter ,
dani67 ,
Anathema ,
GWV5903 ,
Lumpy 1 ,
Death Angel have a voice, too.
Beautifully put,apart from a couple of names above,...Yes you are a Pack,no a Possee of RWW's

RWW's=Right Wing Weirdo's......nice to see a little honesty on here,Thanks Cnelsen
Oooo, owee, you are so insulting. Lightweight.
Could you quote these "facts" that they are denying?

Or are you simply full of shit again?

Methinks it is the latter.
The trouble with some Conservative Americans they cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction
Could you give some relevant examples? Or are you just talking shit again?

Not fiction... projection.
Bend Down comes the Projection...LOL

Could you give some relevant examples? Or are you just talking shit again?

Not fiction... projection.
Bend Down comes the Projection...LOL
Perv. between the lines....I said that for your benefit,I know how backward you are and like ALL things backward....just own up for once

Don't get too involved Marion,I'm just stirring up Muh.,for a few minutes....I think he's OK...actually, but he bleeds easy...steve
In addition to the parallels with the crimes of Watergate, Nixon’s scandal can also be seen as an example of what is to come for those who will throw themselves on their swords to protect Big Orange.
The biggest parallel between the Watergate nothing burger and the Russia nothing burger is, in both cases, it is the Jewish press trying to bring down a sitting American president, i.e., subvert the democratic will of the people, and assert its power. The big difference, now, is guys like me and Stratford57, jasonnfree, dcbl, Pete7469, Correll, MaryL,
miketx ,

Iceweasel ,
SassyIrishLass ,
HereWeGoAgain ,
Sunni Man,
The Irish Ram,
Tilly ,
regent ,
Yousaidwhat ,
Bob Blaylock ,
Dale Smith,
Old Yeller ,
Ricky LIbtardo,
Ray From Cleveland,
AsianTrumpSupporter ,
dani67 ,
Anathema ,
GWV5903 ,
Lumpy 1 ,
Death Angel have a voice, too.
Beautifully put,apart from a couple of names above,...Yes you are a Pack,no a Possee of RWW's

RWW's=Right Wing Weirdo's......nice to see a little honesty on here,Thanks Cnelsen
Oooo, owee, you are so insulting. Lightweight.
Insulting,What's that!!!!!!!!!I haven't started yet....No this wasn't Insulting,I'm Insulted that you would assume such a thing.......Really Cnelsen...You need to Get Out More,and stop all this bird calls,you sound like an Owl,on a rampant kill
The conservatives’ denial of facts is well known, and their memory of history is typically faulty.

Those old enough to remember Nixon’s Watergate scandal also remember conservatives back then believed the investigation was a “witch hunt”, just as conservatives today are calling the collusion between Big Orange’s campaign/administration and the Russians “fake news”.

But, as the months have worn on, investigators are learning more and more facts. And, with the incriminating confessions by a certain individual actually involved in the scandal, even devoted Republicans will soon be forced to admit there is an extremely foul odor coming from the current GOP administration.

On Tuesday, Senator John McCain finally broke from the pack of Big Orange’s defenders, this happened after Trump Jr.'s confession of collusion came out in the NYT. " ‘Another shoe just dropped,’ McCain told a CNN reporter outside a Senate office in Washington. ‘There'll be many more shoes that drop.’ "

Also during his statements, McCain said this of the growing collusion scandal, " ‘We've seen this movie before. It's reaching Watergate size and scale. This is not good for the country.’ "

Former assistant Watergate special prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks, a proven expert in recognizing corruption, had this to say, " ‘This is an astounding thing. It is collusion with a foreign adversary if they were working together to get the information from the Russian government.’ "

Then, in her statement concerning the additional information provided by Big Orange’s oldest son, and that contained in the email sent by music publicist Rob Goldstone, Wine-Banks continued, " ‘And that's what this looks like, it looks like clear proof of collusion.’ "

But all is not lost for the Big Orange Idiot. He has plenty of patsies who can take the fall, leaving him able to resign the presidency and receive a pardon from a “friendly” new president. But, this can only happen if Pence can beat-the-rap for his part in the scandal. But he must provide useful information to Mueller, and as his reward, his crimes will be ignored.

In addition to the parallels with the crimes of Watergate, Nixon’s scandal can also be seen as an example of what is to come for those who will throw themselves on their swords to protect Big Orange.

For conservatives who have forgotten the history of Watergate, of the twenty-five Watergate defendants tried, there were only a handful who actually went to prison. John N. Mitchell served nineteen months for conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and lying under oath. H. R. Haldeman served eighteen months for perjury, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice. John D. Ehrlichman served eighteen months for conspiracy to obstruct justice and perjury in the Watergate case, and of conspiracy in the Daniel Ellsberg case. Charles W. Colson served seven months for obstruction of justice and other offenses. E. Howard Hunt served thirty-three months for burglary, conspiracy and wiretapping. Egil Krogh Jr. served four months for a conspiracy conviction in the Daniel Ellsberg case. Herbert W. Kalmbach served six months and was fined $10,000 for various offenses. Jeb Magruder served seven months for conspiracy to obstruct justice. James W. McCord Jr. served only four months for the Atergate break-in after a plea agreement where he implicated the White House.

The above list should offer hope of equally light sentences for the few who will eventually be convicted for collusion, obstruction, etc. Trump Jr. is definitely a goner, his big mouth is very much to blame for the sudden rush of evidence coming out. While Kushner, “the weasel”, on the other hand, will likely escape prison time if he pays an enormous fine, which he can afford. But poor old Pence, as VP, this makes him the next big fish in line after Big Orange, and potentially, the main fall guy. Especially if Big Orange and his team kept Pence too far out of the loop, making it impossible for him to offer adequate evidence to Mueller's investigation to save his own a$$. The rest of those involved in the collusion and associated crimes are small fries. They will be the bread and butter convictions for the prosecutors, and are doomed regardless of their help to the prosecutions’ case.

'Another shoe just dropped': John McCain says more bombshells on Trump and Russia are coming

'It is collusion': Watergate special prosecutor draws line on Trump Jr.'s email revelation


View attachment 138532 View attachment 138533 View attachment 138534

This is all way beyond the conservatives' ability to understand.

McCain has always hated Trump, you fucking moron. He's a #neverTrumper.

You're article contained zero new facts, and there still isn't a shred of evidence against Trump. it's fake news.
Conservatives here will be triggered on this thread as they always are when their dear leader is exposed as a criminal and liar.

McCain remembers the fall of Nixon very well. He and many other Republicans old enough are now having the worst case of deja vu ever. Soon the pressure on Republicans will reach critical mass and they'll be forced to get rid of Trump. And as noted Pence will also face his own problems. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
We'll let you know when you have "exposed" something.

The conservatives’ denial of facts is well known, and their memory of history is typically faulty.

Those old enough to remember Nixon’s Watergate scandal also remember conservatives back then believed the investigation was a “witch hunt”, just as conservatives today are calling the collusion between Big Orange’s campaign/administration and the Russians “fake news”.

But, as the months have worn on, investigators are learning more and more facts. And, with the incriminating confessions by a certain individual actually involved in the scandal, even devoted Republicans will soon be forced to admit there is an extremely foul odor coming from the current GOP administration.

On Tuesday, Senator John McCain finally broke from the pack of Big Orange’s defenders, this happened after Trump Jr.'s confession of collusion came out in the NYT. " ‘Another shoe just dropped,’ McCain told a CNN reporter outside a Senate office in Washington. ‘There'll be many more shoes that drop.’ "

Also during his statements, McCain said this of the growing collusion scandal, " ‘We've seen this movie before. It's reaching Watergate size and scale. This is not good for the country.’ "

Former assistant Watergate special prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks, a proven expert in recognizing corruption, had this to say, " ‘This is an astounding thing. It is collusion with a foreign adversary if they were working together to get the information from the Russian government.’ "

Then, in her statement concerning the additional information provided by Big Orange’s oldest son, and that contained in the email sent by music publicist Rob Goldstone, Wine-Banks continued, " ‘And that's what this looks like, it looks like clear proof of collusion.’ "

But all is not lost for the Big Orange Idiot. He has plenty of patsies who can take the fall, leaving him able to resign the presidency and receive a pardon from a “friendly” new president. But, this can only happen if Pence can beat-the-rap for his part in the scandal. But he must provide useful information to Mueller, and as his reward, his crimes will be ignored.

In addition to the parallels with the crimes of Watergate, Nixon’s scandal can also be seen as an example of what is to come for those who will throw themselves on their swords to protect Big Orange.

For conservatives who have forgotten the history of Watergate, of the twenty-five Watergate defendants tried, there were only a handful who actually went to prison. John N. Mitchell served nineteen months for conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and lying under oath. H. R. Haldeman served eighteen months for perjury, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice. John D. Ehrlichman served eighteen months for conspiracy to obstruct justice and perjury in the Watergate case, and of conspiracy in the Daniel Ellsberg case. Charles W. Colson served seven months for obstruction of justice and other offenses. E. Howard Hunt served thirty-three months for burglary, conspiracy and wiretapping. Egil Krogh Jr. served four months for a conspiracy conviction in the Daniel Ellsberg case. Herbert W. Kalmbach served six months and was fined $10,000 for various offenses. Jeb Magruder served seven months for conspiracy to obstruct justice. James W. McCord Jr. served only four months for the Atergate break-in after a plea agreement where he implicated the White House.

The above list should offer hope of equally light sentences for the few who will eventually be convicted for collusion, obstruction, etc. Trump Jr. is definitely a goner, his big mouth is very much to blame for the sudden rush of evidence coming out. While Kushner, “the weasel”, on the other hand, will likely escape prison time if he pays an enormous fine, which he can afford. But poor old Pence, as VP, this makes him the next big fish in line after Big Orange, and potentially, the main fall guy. Especially if Big Orange and his team kept Pence too far out of the loop, making it impossible for him to offer adequate evidence to Mueller's investigation to save his own a$$. The rest of those involved in the collusion and associated crimes are small fries. They will be the bread and butter convictions for the prosecutors, and are doomed regardless of their help to the prosecutions’ case.

'Another shoe just dropped': John McCain says more bombshells on Trump and Russia are coming

'It is collusion': Watergate special prosecutor draws line on Trump Jr.'s email revelation


View attachment 138532 View attachment 138533 View attachment 138534

This is all way beyond the conservatives' ability to understand.

Show me a Conservative and I'll show you an unmitigated Liar........But there are a few exceptions like John McCain of course..steve

McCain is the biggest liar and piece of shit who ever ran for office. It's no accident that a leftwinger would admire McCain and call him honest.
The conservatives’ denial of facts is well known, and their memory of history is typically faulty.
Could you quote these "facts" that they are denying?

Or are you simply full of shit again?

Methinks it is the latter.
The trouble with some Conservative Americans they cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction...Like Nixon and now HIM(His Imperial Majesty) Trump,the truth will be gleaned by a thousand cuts until the truth is fully exposed...I ask myself,WHY can't these CREEPS just admit the truth.

They cannot because their whole existence is a LIE
How ironic!
The conservatives’ denial of facts is well known, and their memory of history is typically faulty.

Those old enough to remember Nixon’s Watergate scandal also remember conservatives back then believed the investigation was a “witch hunt”, just as conservatives today are calling the collusion between Big Orange’s campaign/administration and the Russians “fake news”.

But, as the months have worn on, investigators are learning more and more facts. And, with the incriminating confessions by a certain individual actually involved in the scandal, even devoted Republicans will soon be forced to admit there is an extremely foul odor coming from the current GOP administration.

On Tuesday, Senator John McCain finally broke from the pack of Big Orange’s defenders, this happened after Trump Jr.'s confession of collusion came out in the NYT. " ‘Another shoe just dropped,’ McCain told a CNN reporter outside a Senate office in Washington. ‘There'll be many more shoes that drop.’ "

Also during his statements, McCain said this of the growing collusion scandal, " ‘We've seen this movie before. It's reaching Watergate size and scale. This is not good for the country.’ "

Former assistant Watergate special prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks, a proven expert in recognizing corruption, had this to say, " ‘This is an astounding thing. It is collusion with a foreign adversary if they were working together to get the information from the Russian government.’ "

Then, in her statement concerning the additional information provided by Big Orange’s oldest son, and that contained in the email sent by music publicist Rob Goldstone, Wine-Banks continued, " ‘And that's what this looks like, it looks like clear proof of collusion.’ "

But all is not lost for the Big Orange Idiot. He has plenty of patsies who can take the fall, leaving him able to resign the presidency and receive a pardon from a “friendly” new president. But, this can only happen if Pence can beat-the-rap for his part in the scandal. But he must provide useful information to Mueller, and as his reward, his crimes will be ignored.

In addition to the parallels with the crimes of Watergate, Nixon’s scandal can also be seen as an example of what is to come for those who will throw themselves on their swords to protect Big Orange.

For conservatives who have forgotten the history of Watergate, of the twenty-five Watergate defendants tried, there were only a handful who actually went to prison. John N. Mitchell served nineteen months for conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and lying under oath. H. R. Haldeman served eighteen months for perjury, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice. John D. Ehrlichman served eighteen months for conspiracy to obstruct justice and perjury in the Watergate case, and of conspiracy in the Daniel Ellsberg case. Charles W. Colson served seven months for obstruction of justice and other offenses. E. Howard Hunt served thirty-three months for burglary, conspiracy and wiretapping. Egil Krogh Jr. served four months for a conspiracy conviction in the Daniel Ellsberg case. Herbert W. Kalmbach served six months and was fined $10,000 for various offenses. Jeb Magruder served seven months for conspiracy to obstruct justice. James W. McCord Jr. served only four months for the Atergate break-in after a plea agreement where he implicated the White House.

The above list should offer hope of equally light sentences for the few who will eventually be convicted for collusion, obstruction, etc. Trump Jr. is definitely a goner, his big mouth is very much to blame for the sudden rush of evidence coming out. While Kushner, “the weasel”, on the other hand, will likely escape prison time if he pays an enormous fine, which he can afford. But poor old Pence, as VP, this makes him the next big fish in line after Big Orange, and potentially, the main fall guy. Especially if Big Orange and his team kept Pence too far out of the loop, making it impossible for him to offer adequate evidence to Mueller's investigation to save his own a$$. The rest of those involved in the collusion and associated crimes are small fries. They will be the bread and butter convictions for the prosecutors, and are doomed regardless of their help to the prosecutions’ case.

'Another shoe just dropped': John McCain says more bombshells on Trump and Russia are coming

'It is collusion': Watergate special prosecutor draws line on Trump Jr.'s email revelation


View attachment 138532 View attachment 138533 View attachment 138534

This is all way beyond the conservatives' ability to understand.

. actual crime was committed in Watergate.....and that crime was discovered in a matter of a few weeks.....10 months in you morons are still looking for an actual crime...this is a witch hunt.....
Conservatives here will be triggered on this thread as they always are when their dear leader is exposed as a criminal and liar.

McCain remembers the fall of Nixon very well. He and many other Republicans old enough are now having the worst case of deja vu ever. Soon the pressure on Republicans will reach critical mass and they'll be forced to get rid of Trump. And as noted Pence will also face his own problems. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

What crimes did he commit.....and how is he a bigger liar than obama and hilary?
Wow..... So now that all roads have totally led to a dead end.... No collusion... No conspiracy.... one big fat nothing burger after another.... You guys are going to conjure up Nixon and fantasize this is Watergate some more?

And to boot... you're going to put all your stock and faith in John McCain?
Man.... talk about a desperation move! :rofl:

I'm really worried about your mental health.
What a fucking idiot and treasonous bastard you are proving yourself to be. Trump Jr.'s statements are absolute proof that the Trump campaign was seeking to work with the
Russian to influence the election.
Conservatives here will be triggered on this thread as they always are when their dear leader is exposed as a criminal and liar.

McCain remembers the fall of Nixon very well. He and many other Republicans old enough are now having the worst case of deja vu ever. Soon the pressure on Republicans will reach critical mass and they'll be forced to get rid of Trump. And as noted Pence will also face his own problems. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

McCain is traitorous globalist scum.

It was better for the US that Obama beat McCain, IMO.

Hillary remembers the fall of Nixon, too.

McCain is a great American
Even though he was captured
Conservatives here will be triggered on this thread as they always are when their dear leader is exposed as a criminal and liar.

McCain remembers the fall of Nixon very well. He and many other Republicans old enough are now having the worst case of deja vu ever. Soon the pressure on Republicans will reach critical mass and they'll be forced to get rid of Trump. And as noted Pence will also face his own problems. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

McCain is traitorous globalist scum.

It was better for the US that Obama beat McCain, IMO.

Hillary remembers the fall of Nixon, too.

McCain is a great American
Even though he was captured

McCain is corrupt.
If he did leak the documents.

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