Contempt is Earned and Trump has earned it in spades

What Trump is doing is called "draining the swamp". It's something he promised to do and it won't be easy, as it has been shown. Regardless of the perpetual butt hurt cry babies making their vacuous and nebulous "could be" and "Might be" liars staple of regurgitated BS.
Firing Comey could have been done professionally, with a little forethought for a successor ready in the wings, and the reasoning for the dismissal explained to the public in a clear, non-contradictory way. Trump was being impetuous and Comey learning about it on the tv while he spoke to FBI agents in LA? C'mon, Mike, that's got nothing to do with "draining the swamp."
Getting rid of incompetent bureaucrats isn't draining to swamp? I'll just have to disagree. And besides, the president in under no mandate to explain every move he makes. If Trump were being impetuous, wouldn't he have fired him immediately?
What happens when Trump finally let's it sink in that he isn't popular, he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, nobody likes him and everyone makes fun of him? He's got the mentality of an 8 year old and an 8 year old mind does not accept rejection well at all. There are reports from the staff at the White House already that this orange snowflake throws tantrums like a child.

What happens to a very insecure weirdo who finally passes a mirror and sees them-self how everyone else sees them?
Fareed Zakaria yesterday opened with a little speech about Trump's firing of Comey, the concern over Trump's motivation, and he ended with a phrase that really rang true: watch that we do not become so accustomed to this that we enter a new Presidential term after Trump's with "tattered standards and sunken expectations" for what a President should be. That, to me, is the saddest--and truest--part of Trump's election.

That is a forgone conclusion. Presidents after this will be empowered to abuse their power and treat their opposition like garbage. Executive orders? The next president will wear out pens by the gross signing EO's.

People that do what orange-turd is doing destroys the normalcy in everything the touch. He's a weirdo and is crapping on every inch of the White House. WITH the Republicans help. I can tell you the next time the Democrats have power they are going to go scorched Earth and get rid of or tear down every single thing conservatives hold dear. This is the world Republicans and Trump have created. And that day will come sooner than later.
I hope you're wrong on just about everything you just said. Trump hasn't got the power to pull down everyone's standards. Only we can allow that to happen. The Repub/Dem scorched earth thing started a while ago and they are just continuing it now that Trump is in power. He will abuse his power only if he is allowed, and I think due to the pressure on Trump from the media, even the Republicans will have to respond and put the brakes on those efforts to be a private CEO instead of an elected President.

If one thing can come out of this Presidency, I wish it would be legislation that any Presidential candidate must have served in public office in some capacity prior to running. Politics ain't as easy as it may appear. And I hope the public learns the obvious indicators of a flaming narcissist. All that "I'm great and I'm always right" comes from deep insecurities, which are becoming obvious. It's too late now, but at least we should be able to recognize it the next time. It is hogwash that "all politicians are narcissists." They may have big egos, but that is NOT the same thing as being a narcissist. In my lifetime, I have never seen another like Trump. Nixon was thin skinned and paranoid, but even he wasn't a narcissist.

All the people I talk to during a normal week knew this was who drumpf was two years ago. We would have discussions on how so many people could be so fooled by an outright snake oil salesman that didn't hide he was a snake oil salesman! And don't kid yourself the Republicans aren't going to stop this shit-stain on anything. They have given up on the Constitution so anything goes. There are a few of them that know what the hell is happening but they are weak when they speak out about it.
Supporters of Donald Trump are calling opponents of Trump snowflakes and more. The meaning of that phrase in the context used, is hilarious. If anyone is a snowflake, it is Trump and his hardcore group of supporters who can't solve their collective cognitive dissonance, of Trump having large crowds, and losing so miserably in the popular vote.

The fact that Trump's 'win' in the electoral college system is a fluke seems lost on them.
No, we call you snowflakes because you are little snivelbutts that can't handle not getting your way. I haven't heard a single Trump supporter upset, confused, bewildered or angry over him losing the popular vote and there's no fluke about it. The EC was designed that way for a reason. It's you snowflakes that are confused.

Contempt? Who gives a shit. Obama earned my contempt but I didn't parade around in the streets or bellyache on the internet nonstop.

You bellyached daily on the internet. You're still whining about Obama, even as your orange faced baboon embarrasses himself and your country daily.

Sent from my iPhone using
What happens when Trump finally let's it sink in that he isn't popular, he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, nobody likes him and everyone makes fun of him? He's got the mentality of an 8 year old and an 8 year old mind does not accept rejection well at all. There are reports from the staff at the White House already that this orange snowflake throws tantrums like a child.

What happens to a very insecure weirdo who finally passes a mirror and sees them-self how everyone else sees them?
Fareed Zakaria yesterday opened with a little speech about Trump's firing of Comey, the concern over Trump's motivation, and he ended with a phrase that really rang true: watch that we do not become so accustomed to this that we enter a new Presidential term after Trump's with "tattered standards and sunken expectations" for what a President should be. That, to me, is the saddest--and truest--part of Trump's election.

That is a forgone conclusion. Presidents after this will be empowered to abuse their power and treat their opposition like garbage. Executive orders? The next president will wear out pens by the gross signing EO's.

People that do what orange-turd is doing destroys the normalcy in everything the touch. He's a weirdo and is crapping on every inch of the White House. WITH the Republicans help. I can tell you the next time the Democrats have power they are going to go scorched Earth and get rid of or tear down every single thing conservatives hold dear. This is the world Republicans and Trump have created. And that day will come sooner than later.
I hope you're wrong on just about everything you just said. Trump hasn't got the power to pull down everyone's standards. Only we can allow that to happen. The Repub/Dem scorched earth thing started a while ago and they are just continuing it now that Trump is in power. He will abuse his power only if he is allowed, and I think due to the pressure on Trump from the media, even the Republicans will have to respond and put the brakes on those efforts to be a private CEO instead of an elected President.

If one thing can come out of this Presidency, I wish it would be legislation that any Presidential candidate must have served in public office in some capacity prior to running. Politics ain't as easy as it may appear. And I hope the public learns the obvious indicators of a flaming narcissist. All that "I'm great and I'm always right" comes from deep insecurities, which are becoming obvious. It's too late now, but at least we should be able to recognize it the next time. It is hogwash that "all politicians are narcissists." They may have big egos, but that is NOT the same thing as being a narcissist. In my lifetime, I have never seen another like Trump. Nixon was thin skinned and paranoid, but even he wasn't a narcissist.

All the people I talk to during a normal week knew this was who drumpf was two years ago. We would have discussions on how so many people could be so fooled by an outright snake oil salesman that didn't hide he was a snake oil salesman! And don't kid yourself the Republicans aren't going to stop this shit-stain on anything. They have given up on the Constitution so anything goes. There are a few of them that know what the hell is happening but they are weak when they speak out about it.
You must hang out with some classic "media diet" folks huh? You and your people know nothing other than what you have been fed. Trump is doing his job and the perpetual butthurt are irrelevant.
Supporters of Donald Trump are calling opponents of Trump snowflakes and more. The meaning of that phrase in the context used, is hilarious. If anyone is a snowflake, it is Trump and his hardcore group of supporters who can't solve their collective cognitive dissonance, of Trump having large crowds, and losing so miserably in the popular vote.

The fact that Trump's 'win' in the electoral college system is a fluke seems lost on them.
No, we call you snowflakes because you are little snivelbutts that can't handle not getting your way. I haven't heard a single Trump supporter upset, confused, bewildered or angry over him losing the popular vote and there's no fluke about it. The EC was designed that way for a reason. It's you snowflakes that are confused.

Contempt? Who gives a shit. Obama earned my contempt but I didn't parade around in the streets or bellyache on the internet nonstop.

You bellyached daily on the internet. You're still whining about Obama, even as your orange faced baboon embarrasses himself and your country daily.

Sent from my iPhone using
Responding to you or other baby libtards isn't bellyaching. I don't spam message boards with propaganda, especially to those that live in a foreign country. You think like a hate filled little child and proved it once again.
What happens when Trump finally let's it sink in that he isn't popular, he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, nobody likes him and everyone makes fun of him? He's got the mentality of an 8 year old and an 8 year old mind does not accept rejection well at all. There are reports from the staff at the White House already that this orange snowflake throws tantrums like a child.

What happens to a very insecure weirdo who finally passes a mirror and sees them-self how everyone else sees them?
Fareed Zakaria yesterday opened with a little speech about Trump's firing of Comey, the concern over Trump's motivation, and he ended with a phrase that really rang true: watch that we do not become so accustomed to this that we enter a new Presidential term after Trump's with "tattered standards and sunken expectations" for what a President should be. That, to me, is the saddest--and truest--part of Trump's election.

That is a forgone conclusion. Presidents after this will be empowered to abuse their power and treat their opposition like garbage. Executive orders? The next president will wear out pens by the gross signing EO's.

People that do what orange-turd is doing destroys the normalcy in everything the touch. He's a weirdo and is crapping on every inch of the White House. WITH the Republicans help. I can tell you the next time the Democrats have power they are going to go scorched Earth and get rid of or tear down every single thing conservatives hold dear. This is the world Republicans and Trump have created. And that day will come sooner than later.
I hope you're wrong on just about everything you just said. Trump hasn't got the power to pull down everyone's standards. Only we can allow that to happen. The Repub/Dem scorched earth thing started a while ago and they are just continuing it now that Trump is in power. He will abuse his power only if he is allowed, and I think due to the pressure on Trump from the media, even the Republicans will have to respond and put the brakes on those efforts to be a private CEO instead of an elected President.

If one thing can come out of this Presidency, I wish it would be legislation that any Presidential candidate must have served in public office in some capacity prior to running. Politics ain't as easy as it may appear. And I hope the public learns the obvious indicators of a flaming narcissist. All that "I'm great and I'm always right" comes from deep insecurities, which are becoming obvious. It's too late now, but at least we should be able to recognize it the next time. It is hogwash that "all politicians are narcissists." They may have big egos, but that is NOT the same thing as being a narcissist. In my lifetime, I have never seen another like Trump. Nixon was thin skinned and paranoid, but even he wasn't a narcissist.

All the people I talk to during a normal week knew this was who drumpf was two years ago. We would have discussions on how so many people could be so fooled by an outright snake oil salesman that didn't hide he was a snake oil salesman! And don't kid yourself the Republicans aren't going to stop this shit-stain on anything. They have given up on the Constitution so anything goes. There are a few of them that know what the hell is happening but they are weak when they speak out about it.
You must hang out with some classic "media diet" folks huh? You and your people know nothing other than what you have been fed. Trump is doing his job and the perpetual butthurt are irrelevant.

When you have a day that you think for yourself try again. You have nothing but Faux News memes.
Supporters of Donald Trump are calling opponents of Trump snowflakes and more. The meaning of that phrase in the context used, is hilarious. If anyone is a snowflake, it is Trump and his hardcore group of supporters who can't solve their collective cognitive dissonance, of Trump having large crowds, and losing so miserably in the popular vote.

The fact that Trump's 'win' in the electoral college system is a fluke seems lost on them. It's as if winning would give Trump and by extension them, credibility and admiration. Well, life is unfair.

Great quote "At the root of Mr. Trump’s unpredictable presidency, according to people close to him, is a deep frustration about attacks on his legitimacy, and a worry that Washington does not see him as he sees himself."

and "As he careens from one controversy to another, many of them of his own making..."

It is not hatred most folks have towards Trump, although that exists out there in great amounts, it is contempt. The contempt Trump has earned stems from his actions and words during the campaign. Add to that the disgusting tapes of his bragging about molesting women, and you get a man who is as contemptible as it gets
In spades? Oh, how un-PC!
When you have a day that you think for yourself try again. You have nothing but Faux News memes.

are the ones from places like occupydemocrats any better?

Ask your nanny.
heh - that it?

ask your nanny?

you suck at insulting people also.

Run along Skippy, go find your sippy cup.

let me know when puberty hits. your voice will change as well as your views.
What happens when Trump finally let's it sink in that he isn't popular, he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, nobody likes him and everyone makes fun of him? He's got the mentality of an 8 year old and an 8 year old mind does not accept rejection well at all. There are reports from the staff at the White House already that this orange snowflake throws tantrums like a child.

What happens to a very insecure weirdo who finally passes a mirror and sees them-self how everyone else sees them?
Fareed Zakaria yesterday opened with a little speech about Trump's firing of Comey, the concern over Trump's motivation, and he ended with a phrase that really rang true: watch that we do not become so accustomed to this that we enter a new Presidential term after Trump's with "tattered standards and sunken expectations" for what a President should be. That, to me, is the saddest--and truest--part of Trump's election.

That is a forgone conclusion. Presidents after this will be empowered to abuse their power and treat their opposition like garbage. Executive orders? The next president will wear out pens by the gross signing EO's.

People that do what orange-turd is doing destroys the normalcy in everything the touch. He's a weirdo and is crapping on every inch of the White House. WITH the Republicans help. I can tell you the next time the Democrats have power they are going to go scorched Earth and get rid of or tear down every single thing conservatives hold dear. This is the world Republicans and Trump have created. And that day will come sooner than later.
I hope you're wrong on just about everything you just said. Trump hasn't got the power to pull down everyone's standards. Only we can allow that to happen. The Repub/Dem scorched earth thing started a while ago and they are just continuing it now that Trump is in power. He will abuse his power only if he is allowed, and I think due to the pressure on Trump from the media, even the Republicans will have to respond and put the brakes on those efforts to be a private CEO instead of an elected President.

If one thing can come out of this Presidency, I wish it would be legislation that any Presidential candidate must have served in public office in some capacity prior to running. Politics ain't as easy as it may appear. And I hope the public learns the obvious indicators of a flaming narcissist. All that "I'm great and I'm always right" comes from deep insecurities, which are becoming obvious. It's too late now, but at least we should be able to recognize it the next time. It is hogwash that "all politicians are narcissists." They may have big egos, but that is NOT the same thing as being a narcissist. In my lifetime, I have never seen another like Trump. Nixon was thin skinned and paranoid, but even he wasn't a narcissist.

The two worst were O and W. Those two lied this country into perpetual wars, 20 trillion in debt, lied to get policy passed, etc.
Everyone is conveniently forgetting that O entered office as the economy crashed. It was bullshit calling it a "Recession." It was a crash that actually happened on GW's watch and was left in O's lap. It cost us a lot of $$ to keep it from getting even worse. That's where a lot of that debt came from, if I recall.
What Trump is doing is called "draining the swamp". It's something he promised to do and it won't be easy, as it has been shown. Regardless of the perpetual butt hurt cry babies making their vacuous and nebulous "could be" and "Might be" liars staple of regurgitated BS.
Firing Comey could have been done professionally, with a little forethought for a successor ready in the wings, and the reasoning for the dismissal explained to the public in a clear, non-contradictory way. Trump was being impetuous and Comey learning about it on the tv while he spoke to FBI agents in LA? C'mon, Mike, that's got nothing to do with "draining the swamp."
Getting rid of incompetent bureaucrats isn't draining to swamp? I'll just have to disagree. And besides, the president in under no mandate to explain every move he makes. If Trump were being impetuous, wouldn't he have fired him immediately?
No, actually asking for Comey's resignation as he did so many others when he first came into office would have been reasonable and to be expected. Now it's supposedly to cover up his collusion with the Russians, which I don't actually believe, but I'm waiting for the investigations to conclude.
Yes, you're right, if he is draining the swamp he's going to hear some screaming. I'm not sure who the "swamp" is, I guess. Not just dems, right? What worries me is it is beginning to look as if the swamp people are anyone who disagrees with him.
Not just dems, right? What worries me is it is beginning to look as if the swamp people are anyone who disagrees with him.

and that isn't a trait to trump, either. the libs go ape-shit batty when you disagree with their narrative. last week MS USA was crowned and she called health care a privileged, not a right. now the left wants her gone, crown, and lord knows what else.

when someone disagrees the left demands jobs. someone must be fired for their views.

the extreme mentality is alive and well on both sides of the spectrum. we just see it more when the other side does it.
When you have a day that you think for yourself try again. You have nothing but Faux News memes.

are the ones from places like occupydemocrats any better?

Ask your nanny.
heh - that it?

ask your nanny?

you suck at insulting people also.
Oh, Isaac can insult people quite well. Don't get him started.

heh - i'm refraining at this point and hope to leave it there. not what i want to do here - insult away. but if someone keeps pushing, i will eventually push back.

and i'm damn good at it. :)
Supporters of Donald Trump are calling opponents of Trump snowflakes and more. The meaning of that phrase in the context used, is hilarious. If anyone is a snowflake, it is Trump and his hardcore group of supporters who can't solve their collective cognitive dissonance, of Trump having large crowds, and losing so miserably in the popular vote.

The fact that Trump's 'win' in the electoral college system is a fluke seems lost on them. It's as if winning would give Trump and by extension them, credibility and admiration. Well, life is unfair.

Great quote "At the root of Mr. Trump’s unpredictable presidency, according to people close to him, is a deep frustration about attacks on his legitimacy, and a worry that Washington does not see him as he sees himself."

and "As he careens from one controversy to another, many of them of his own making..."

It is not hatred most folks have towards Trump, although that exists out there in great amounts, it is contempt. The contempt Trump has earned stems from his actions and words during the campaign. Add to that the disgusting tapes of his bragging about molesting women, and you get a man who is as contemptible as it gets

These adolescent threads featuring our resident Looney-Tunes Left are becoming more numerous of late.

They may be ready to psychologically pop.

The fact is that Trump Davidians are as Looney Tunes as the left. They act as juvenile as the left. Trump supporters have been struck down by Trump Derangement Syndrome which softens the brain and causes normally intelligent people to be stuck with the inability to make rational arguments.

The fact is that Trump is losing support. His support among his base supporters and Independents have dropped. That is fact no matter how Trump Davidians try to spin it.
Trump Davidians? You then go on to criticize others' maturity? Insane people can't see their own illness.

Much of Trump's support is cult like. No matter how absurd Trump looks or sounds Trump Davidians will try to excuse it. I actually agree with Trump that he could shoot someone in broad daylight and his followers would excuse it.

I voted for neither Trump or Clinton so I have no horse in this. Republicans and Democrats are acting like children. Trump can do the same thing Obama does or even double down yet the most popular argument among Trump supporters is "the Democrats did it". That's a child's argument. Instead of taking a thoughtful look at what Obama did and determining whether it is needed, we see a rush to get rid of it because Obama did it. I agree with some of the regulations the Republicans have gotten rid of however some I disagree with.
When you have a day that you think for yourself try again. You have nothing but Faux News memes.

are the ones from places like occupydemocrats any better?

Ask your nanny.
heh - that it?

ask your nanny?

you suck at insulting people also.
Oh, Isaac can insult people quite well. Don't get him started.

heh - i'm refraining at this point and hope to leave it there. not what i want to do here - insult away. but if someone keeps pushing, i will eventually push back.

and i'm damn good at it. :)
Isaac mostly needs to diss Trump, the rest of us don't count for much.
Have you found the Flame Zone yet? It's pretty juvenile all around, but people who enjoy causing dissension can go to town there.
Supporters of Donald Trump are calling opponents of Trump snowflakes and more. The meaning of that phrase in the context used, is hilarious. If anyone is a snowflake, it is Trump and his hardcore group of supporters who can't solve their collective cognitive dissonance, of Trump having large crowds, and losing so miserably in the popular vote.

The fact that Trump's 'win' in the electoral college system is a fluke seems lost on them. It's as if winning would give Trump and by extension them, credibility and admiration. Well, life is unfair.

Great quote "At the root of Mr. Trump’s unpredictable presidency, according to people close to him, is a deep frustration about attacks on his legitimacy, and a worry that Washington does not see him as he sees himself."

and "As he careens from one controversy to another, many of them of his own making..."

It is not hatred most folks have towards Trump, although that exists out there in great amounts, it is contempt. The contempt Trump has earned stems from his actions and words during the campaign. Add to that the disgusting tapes of his bragging about molesting women, and you get a man who is as contemptible as it gets

These adolescent threads featuring our resident Looney-Tunes Left are becoming more numerous of late.

They may be ready to psychologically pop.

The fact is that Trump Davidians are as Looney Tunes as the left. They act as juvenile as the left. Trump supporters have been struck down by Trump Derangement Syndrome which softens the brain and causes normally intelligent people to be stuck with the inability to make rational arguments.

The fact is that Trump is losing support. His support among his base supporters and Independents have dropped. That is fact no matter how Trump Davidians try to spin it.
Trump Davidians? You then go on to criticize others' maturity? Insane people can't see their own illness.

Much of Trump's support is cult like. No matter how absurd Trump looks or sounds Trump Davidians will try to excuse it. I actually agree with Trump that he could shoot someone in broad daylight and his followers would excuse it.

I voted for neither Trump or Clinton so I have no horse in this. Republicans and Democrats are acting like children. Trump can do the same thing Obama does or even double down yet the most popular argument among Trump supporters is "the Democrats did it". That's a child's argument. Instead of taking a thoughtful look at what Obama did and determining whether it is needed, we see a rush to get rid of it because Obama did it. I agree with some of the regulations the Republicans have gotten rid of however some I disagree with.
Your tripe isn't going to look smarter with repetition. I enjoy the fact that you assholes are still worked up and will be for 4 or hopefully 8 more years. The only cult I belong to is being part of "the liberals are intolerant stupid jackasses" movement.

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