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Convince me. Is Trump racist or not racist?

Trump is not a racist. But someone convince me Hillary isn't a lying POS that covered for her husband's sexual assaults on women.
Donald Trump is similar to Archie Bunker.

The case of racism is as followers:

1 preferring Jews over blacks to count his money

2. Believing most, if not all, illegal immigrant are smuggling drugs, carrying disease or are rapist.

3. Suggested that since he plans a wall, any one of Mexican heritage will not be impartial in a case where he is the plaintiff.

4. Made a racial joke of ownership. Referred to the sole African American at his rally as "my African American"

5. Settled/lost discrimination cases

6. His involvement with birthism. Has charged that both Obama and Cruz are not eligible to run for President.

There is more. But this enough to get the idea.
I say that he is a mild to moderate type of racist.

He has generalized and stereotypical beliefs about different people

He rarely measures what he says about people of different races or heritage.

He sometimes oppress/refuse to employ certain individuals in key positions due to race.

He has not shown violence to people of different races or ethnicities.

However, one may argue that he has condoned violence against minorities. This is due to his early advocacy of violence to blm protestors. He has long ceased this activity.

So, yes I think he is a racist. I think he is borderlines dangerous to other racial and ethnic groups.

He is most dangerous, in my opinion, when he is directly opposed. This is despite race or ethnicity of the individual.

Racism is not his worst trait.

P.S. He does have a bias to/for women that is hard to describe.
what about Hillary? everyone knows she hates black people,,,,,anyone got any photos of Hillary Hugging/Kissing Moochelle?

The Obama's and the Clintons hate each other, especially when Hilary was told to take a back seat in 2008..
Well now it's her turn to cash in.
She bowed to their wishes, can they bow to hers

Not yet as Obama has yet to endorse her.

Although he has held of the DOJ into her actions in having a private server..
Although he has held of the DOJ into her actions in having a private server
Her downfall will be the Clinton Foundation and Bill will go down with her. The email shows her attempt to cover up hers and his illegal actions. And she placed America and American lives at risk by doing it.
Fyi... my formal answer is no. He is not proposing anything new. He is supporting deportation policies and actions put forth by the Democrat party.

The average Democrat lacks knowledge, in particular history. It is a bit disturbing. They do as they are told and appear to be incapable of independent thought.
Fyi... my formal answer is no. He is not proposing anything new. He is supporting deportation policies and actions put forth by the Democrat party.

The average Democrat lacks knowledge, in particular history. It is a bit disturbing. They do as they are told and appear to be incapable of independent thought.
I believe the OP was referring to Trumps comments about the judge, not his immigration of national security policies. I don't think Trump has anything against people of other races, religions, or gender, however, if he goes on the attack he throws out anything he can find which is often insults, criticisms and personal attacks that HAVE BEEN racist, sexist, and xenophobic in nature. Not an honorable or respectible trait especially for somebody running for president
1 preferring Jews over blacks to count his money

What?! Um, just what do you have against Jews anyway?

Believing most, if not all, illegal immigrant are smuggling drugs, carrying disease or are rapist.

Given what happen to Kate Steinle, and the other crimes involving illegal immigrants since then, maybe not all, but plenty of them are. Just this past April, ICE released 19,000 illegal immigrant criminal offenders back onto the streets. Are you denying that there are in fact those among them who present a danger to American citizens?

Oh, and calling him racist for that is dishonest. None of the terms used to describe people south of the border imply race of any kind. Not Mexican, not Hispanic, not Latino.

3. Suggested that since he plans a wall, any one of Mexican heritage will not be impartial in a case where he is the plaintiff.

What's wrong with wanting to enforce our immigration law? And once more, "Mexican" or someone from Mexico, is not a race, they are a citizen of Mexico. Mexico is a country.

4. Made a racial joke of ownership. Referred to the sole African American at his rally as "my African American"

And what if Hillary were to point at a Hispanic in her crowd and say "look at my Mexican American"? See, no outrage. Democrats have been playing upon racial animosity for 60 years now.

5. Settled/lost discrimination cases

Discrimination can come in many types, chaos, not just race. Pretty vague answer.

6. His involvement with birtherism. Has charged that both Obama and Cruz are not eligible to run for President.

That has nothing to do with their race! He was challenging their citizenship, not their race.
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Given Trump's comments about Judge Gonzalo Curiel's "Mexican Heritage" many people are condemning him as racist. Others are contending that Trump isn't racist, but only attacking the biases of the judge based on his affiliation with the "La Raza Lawyers Association" or whatever it's called. I am torn in between. I need to be convinced one way or the other:

Is Trump, or is Trump not, racist? Make your best case. I'm sincerely interested. Whether or not I vote for him is based on the conclusions I make from the cases you make below.


The problem is a judge, who has sworn to uphold the law, has been involved with La Raza, a group that exists to support breaking federal immigration laws. No judge should ever be involved with such a radical group and especially should not have a history of supporting the flouting of our federal laws. That should disqualify him from sitting on the bench.

Trump has reason to be concerned. When an activist judge has long supported open borders and rights for illegal aliens, he will have a problem with anyone who wants the opposite. The judge cannot be fair considering that helping illegal aliens has been a long time goal of his. Again, he needs to get off the bench after such behavior.
If policies involving beliefs and biases, whether religious or political, were decided by agreement through mediation between the sides, then this would be equally fair and inclusive.

If we don't resolve the conflicts, it is going to be unfair by favoring one sides interest 's or beliefs over the other. We'd either have to remove all cases or recuse all ppl, and only leave the ppl and decisions that can include all sides equally. Only the mediators who can facilitate consensus. This would likely take a diverse team of experts on each topic or legal issue such as consulting through the academic depts or political professional 's in each field to find ppl who can orchestrate a consensus.

If you think you can find a single judge to do this, good luck.

We really need a collaborative system to address and resolve conflicts on a practical level. And quit dragging problems to courts and expecting judges to make decisions for ppl. If I were a judge I'd most likely refer cases to mediation and refuse proposals that don't answer all objections and include all sides concerns and beliefs. In order to ensure equal protection inclusion and justice for all. And not favoring one person or group over another. If it's really the best solution, both sides would agree it's fair and hasn't left anything out .

I doubt the judge can be fair in this case due to his association with La Raza. The group has often taken a hostile attitude towards those who want secure borders. And having immigration laws and security on the border is not the least bit unreasonable.

Considering a judge, who is sworn to uphold the law, chose instead to assist a group in breaking the law, it is fair to question his loyalty to America and our laws. Trump has every reason to doubt this judge's ability to be fair to someone who is directly against his pet project.

I don't think Trump is racist. He's actually been liked by the left for many years and never were there any accusations of racism.

Insisting on border security and correctly stating that many rapists, criminals, drug cartels and even terrorists have come through the border is a true statement.

I am so sick of people being quick to play the race card anytime someone disagrees with what the Obama administration is doing. He is completely ignoring federal immigration laws and granting amnesty. We should have increased security at the border before even going down the amnesty road. As predicted, as soon as promises of amnesty were brought up, more poured through the borders to take advantage. How can we deal with the millions of illegals here when we keep getting overwhelmed with more?

Obama is also trying to overwhelm us with Muslims. They are seeding them across the country.

I don't know what the endgame is here. Why the insistence on unchecked illegal immigration? Ads were running in Mexico due to a joint effort between Obama and the Mexican government that encouraged people to enter the U.S. illegally. Of course, Mexico likes the idea because they don't want to do a damn thing for their poor people and they've found a way to use them. People come here, drop anchor, get welfare, and then work so they can send money back to Mexico. Great for them, horrible for us. I know the left has a fit when they hear anchor baby used as a term to describe the babies born to illegals, but it's accurate. They have a baby here, which entitles them to welfare. And since we foolishly allow citizenship even though they have no business sneaking in to give birth, it encourages more to come and get rewarded for breaking our laws. Something has gotta give.

I am really sick of seeing Mexican flags waving at the riots. They should be protesting their own government to get their shit together and fix Mexico's problems.
That Trump is a bigot and racist is settled, accepted, and beyond dispute; Trump’s fellow republicans and the Speaker of the House have acknowledged this fact.

The real question, therefore, is why would anyone of good faith and good conscience vote for the likes of Trump.

And don’t give is that rot about Clinton being ‘worse,’ because it’s not true and nothing but a red herring fallacy – as Clinton is clearly more qualified to be president than Trump.

Indeed, even if Trump weren’t a racist and bigot, he still has no business being president.
He has generalized and stereotypical beliefs about different people

Democrats have done that to white people, Christians, Jews, Southerners, Republicans. Black Lives Matter has done so for police. We can run the whole gambit if you like.

He rarely measures what he says about people of different races or heritage.

Should he? Explain why.

He sometimes oppress/refuse to employ certain individuals in key positions due to race.

Oh, so Ben Carson doesn't count?

However, one may argue that he has condoned violence against minorities. This is due to his early advocacy of violence to blm protestors. He has long ceased this activity.

Even after he "ceased this activity", anti-Trump protesters took it upon themselves to engage in violent behavior against his supporters. I argue, based on your description of "generalizations" that there have been generalizations heaped upon Trump supporters as racists, bigots, misogynists, gun freaks, Nazis--such generalizations which may have led to the violence against them.
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That Trump is a bigot and racist is settled, accepted, and beyond dispute; Trump’s fellow republicans and the Speaker of the House have acknowledged this fact.

You like to end a debate by saying an issue is settled. It's not. Make your case, Clayton. Why do YOU think he's racist?

The real question, therefore, is why would anyone of good faith and good conscience vote for the likes of Trump.

Why would anyone "of good faith and conscience" vote for Hillary Clinton? Beats me. It's not my place to tell people who to vote for.

And don’t give is that rot about Clinton being ‘worse,’ because it’s not true and nothing but a red herring fallacy – as Clinton is clearly more qualified to be president than Trump.

Let's say I'm looking at two computers, I am told to pick one. One is a early 1980's model Apple IIe, which uses a 5.25 inch 1.2 MB floppy disk for storage, 64 KB of RAM, a 1 MHz processor and runs on Apple DOS 3.3. The other is an early 2010's model Hewlett Packard PC, which uses a 3.5 inch 1 TB hard disk for storage, 10 GB of RAM, and a 6 core 3.9 GHz processor, which runs on Windows 10. Both of them are in good working order.

Now, using your logic, I should get the older, very obsolete Apple IIe, simply because its been around longer and has more name recognition. I mean, it's an Apple, ya know? What could go wrong?
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That Trump is a bigot and racist is settled, accepted, and beyond dispute; Trump’s fellow republicans and the Speaker of the House have acknowledged this fact.

You like to end a debate by saying an issue is settled. It's not. Make your case, Clayton. Why do YOU think he's racist?

The real question, therefore, is why would anyone of good faith and good conscience vote for the likes of Trump.

Why would anyone "of good faith and conscience" vote for Hillary Clinton? Beats me. It's not my place to tell people who to vote for.

And don’t give is that rot about Clinton being ‘worse,’ because it’s not true and nothing but a red herring fallacy – as Clinton is clearly more qualified to be president than Trump.

Let's say I'm looking at two computers, I am told to pick one. One is a early 1980's model Apple IIe, which uses a 5.25 inch 1.2 MB floppy disk for storage, 64 KB of RAM, a 1 MHz processor and runs on Apple DOS 3.3. The other is an early 2010's model Hewlett Packard PC, which uses a 3.5 inch 1 TB hard disk for storage, 10 GB of RAM, and a 6 core 3.9 GHz processor, which runs on Windows 10. Both of them are in good working order.

Now, using your logic, I should get the older, very obsolete Apple IIe, simply because its been around longer and has more name recognition. I mean, it's an Apple, ya know? What could go wrong?
One thing I agree with about your analogy is that Hillary is like a Mac, stable and secure. Trump is like a older Windows machine, full of bugs and constantly crashing and open to security risks. It's actually a pretty accurate analogy... Well done!
Given Trump's comments about Judge Gonzalo Curiel's "Mexican Heritage" many people are condemning him as racist. Others are contending that Trump isn't racist, but only attacking the biases of the judge based on his affiliation with the "La Raza Lawyers Association" or whatever it's called. I am torn in between. I need to be convinced one way or the other:

Is Trump, or is Trump not, racist? Make your best case. I'm sincerely interested. Whether or not I vote for him is based on the conclusions I make from the cases you make below.


Trump is not a racist .. nor is he a fool. He's playing both to provide him a way out of running for president.

What Trump is, is a democrat and good friend of the Clinton's.

Vote for him if you choose .. won't make any difference. :0)
Gee. Is anyone else shocked that TemplarKormac ended up arguing with someone who thinks Trump is a racist and then started accusing Democrats and Clinton of wrongdoing?

Great thread. Chock full of bull and deflection. It meets USMB standards.
Nah. He's not a racist he just says what he thinks.

If you were a prosecutor and your case involved a police officer on trial and you found out the Judge overseeing the case had been a cop I'm sure you would be thinking that that Judge could be biased.

I sure would be.
That Trump is a bigot and racist is settled, accepted, and beyond dispute; Trump’s fellow republicans and the Speaker of the House have acknowledged this fact.

You like to end a debate by saying an issue is settled. It's not. Make your case, Clayton. Why do YOU think he's racist?

The real question, therefore, is why would anyone of good faith and good conscience vote for the likes of Trump.

Why would anyone "of good faith and conscience" vote for Hillary Clinton? Beats me. It's not my place to tell people who to vote for.

And don’t give is that rot about Clinton being ‘worse,’ because it’s not true and nothing but a red herring fallacy – as Clinton is clearly more qualified to be president than Trump.

Let's say I'm looking at two computers, I am told to pick one. One is a early 1980's model Apple IIe, which uses a 5.25 inch 1.2 MB floppy disk for storage, 64 KB of RAM, a 1 MHz processor and runs on Apple DOS 3.3. The other is an early 2010's model Hewlett Packard PC, which uses a 3.5 inch 1 TB hard disk for storage, 10 GB of RAM, and a 6 core 3.9 GHz processor, which runs on Windows 10. Both of them are in good working order.

Now, using your logic, I should get the older, very obsolete Apple IIe, simply because its been around longer and has more name recognition. I mean, it's an Apple, ya know? What could go wrong?
One thing I agree with about your analogy is that Hillary is like a Mac, stable and secure. Trump is like a older Windows machine, full of bugs and constantly crashing and open to security risks. It's actually a pretty accurate analogy... Well done!

Except you misread that analogy. Hillary is the old Apple IIe, Slade. Obsolete. Yes, she's there, she works, but she's a relic of the past. Out of touch with the times, just like that Apple machine.
Gee. Is anyone else shocked that TemplarKormac ended up arguing with someone who thinks Trump is a racist and then started accusing Democrats and Clinton of wrongdoing?

Great thread. Chock full of bull and deflection. It meets USMB standards.

Perhaps you can make a more convincing, case to the contrary.

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