CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Under Oath Over Remarks About Immigrants

Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.

It's a her. Di Toro is the first married LGBT individual with children who has been approved by the Senate to serve the judiciary.[3]

Jennifer Di Toro - Ballotpedia
So fucking what!!!

I wouldn't give a toss if he claimed to be the love child of Space Aliens.

The judge is obviously biased and has no basis to demand that Trump testify in a obvious attempt to trash his reputation.
You mean like how the DNC fucked over Bernie and the shrilary campaign sent thugs in to incite violence in trumpster rally's? Best be looking in the mirror when you make those sort of asinine comments sweetie.

Your Russian fake news was old first time around. It might fool your fellow Stalinist rubes, but honest people always recognized it as fiction.

So, comrade, what else were you ordered to say?

Say ... given that, by your devotion to Putin, you've figuratively crapped on every American who fought against communism, why not make it official by physically crapping on the Vietnam Memorial? While you're in DC, you may as well take a dump on the WWII memorial as well, since you're also proudly running cover for the modern Nazis.

1. Your leadership fought against the will of the voters, just like ours did. The difference is that they won.

2. Russia is no longer communist, you moron.

3. Your Godwin in noted. Please consider it ridiculed.
....The judge is obviously biased and has no basis to demand that Trump testify in a obvious attempt to trash his reputation.
When a claimant files a lawsuit, it's normal for those being sued to depose them. I fail to see anything out of the ordinary here....except for a person suing another but not wanting to testify why.
....The judge is obviously biased and has no basis to demand that Trump testify in a obvious attempt to trash his reputation.
When a claimant files a lawsuit, it's normal for those being sued to depose them. I fail to see anything out of the ordinary here....except for a person suing another but not wanting to testify why.

THe why is obvious.

This order to testify has NOTHING to do with the case.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.
I wonder why they can't just play the video of his candidacy announcement and some of his speeches at rallies? Trump's gonna be pissed when he finishes that depo. LOL
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
If I were Andres, I wouldn't work for that fucker, either, after he made that rapist drug dealer speech. Probably 3/4 of the great food produced in restaurants in this country is made by guys speaking Spanish. You know that, right?
LOL.....this is the shit you come up with when you live in Scratchmyassville, South Dakota, on top of a rock with some tumbleweeds blowing by once in awhile.:up:

nobody cares about this

This is a POLITICS forum you dummy
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
If I were Andres, I wouldn't work for that fucker, either, after he made that rapist drug dealer speech. Probably 3/4 of the great food produced in restaurants in this country is made by guys speaking Spanish. You know that, right?

Trump was right to speak out against illegals, who are committing a shit load of crime in this nation.

Andres is an asshole for having a problem with it.

And he broke a contract and deserves to be punished for that.

And the vast majority of restaurant workers in this nation SPEAK ENGLISH.
Andres broke a contract. Does Trump not deserve protection under the law, without fear of being abused by judges with a political agenda?
It appears so. Yes Trump deserves protection under the law. Same for the Chef, including facing his accuser. I fail to see the issue here.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
If I were Andres, I wouldn't work for that fucker, either, after he made that rapist drug dealer speech. Probably 3/4 of the great food produced in restaurants in this country is made by guys speaking Spanish. You know that, right?

Trump was right to speak out against illegals, who are committing a shit load of crime in this nation.

Andres is an asshole for having a problem with it.

And he broke a contract and deserves to be punished for that.

And the vast majority of restaurant workers in this nation SPEAK ENGLISH.
Actually, statistically, illegals commit less crime than those of us who are here legally. More importantly, what Trump said in his kick-off speech was extremely offensive as well as being misleading. The reason is that no one is going to walk up to an Hispanic individual and ask if he is a citizen before forming an opinion of him. See an Hispanic, hear a guy speaking Spanish, and recall Trump's words.....
Don't tell me it doesn't happen.
Andres knew it wasn't going to be a picnic breaking this contract, but I don't blame him for refusing to work for Trump, even if it costs him.
THe why is obvious.

This order to testify has NOTHING to do with the case.
So if I slander you and you sue me, you wouldn't expect me to be deposed? BTW, that's what we're talking about, a deposition, not a requirement to sit in court for the trial.
Andres broke a contract. Does Trump not deserve protection under the law, without fear of being abused by judges with a political agenda?
It appears so. Yes Trump deserves protection under the law. Same for the Chef, including facing his accuser. I fail to see the issue here.

Andres broke a contract. Does Trump not deserve protection under the law, without fear of being abused by judges with a political agenda?
It appears so. Yes Trump deserves protection under the law. Same for the Chef, including facing his accuser. I fail to see the issue here.

Do you really think this order, or the questions would be about the contract, or would the goal be to smear and undermine the President they could not defeat at the ballot box?

Hint: The answer is the latter.

Don't be a sucker.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.
If I were Andres, I wouldn't work for that fucker, either, after he made that rapist drug dealer speech. Probably 3/4 of the great food produced in restaurants in this country is made by guys speaking Spanish. You know that, right?

Trump was right to speak out against illegals, who are committing a shit load of crime in this nation.

Andres is an asshole for having a problem with it.

And he broke a contract and deserves to be punished for that.

And the vast majority of restaurant workers in this nation SPEAK ENGLISH.
Actually, statistically, illegals commit less crime than those of us who are here legally.

Does not pass the smell test, i call bullshit.

More importantly, what Trump said in his kick-off speech was extremely offensive as well as being misleading.

Your choice to be offended has nothing to do with me or Trump. THe fact that you disagree with it, does not make it misleading.

The reason is that no one is going to walk up to an Hispanic individual and ask if he is a citizen before forming an opinion of him.

The reason for what? For Andres breaking his contract? LOL!!

See an Hispanic, hear a guy speaking Spanish, and recall Trump's words.....
Don't tell me it doesn't happen.

The image of illegals was not created by Trump, but by the high crime rate in illegal heavy areas, BY ILLEGALS.

Andres knew it wasn't going to be a picnic breaking this contract, but I don't blame him for refusing to work for Trump, even if it costs him.

Your sides lack of respect for the law, or professional ethnics, or morality, or anything, if it conflicts with the lefty agenda is well know. But thanks for sharing.
THe why is obvious.

This order to testify has NOTHING to do with the case.
So if I slander you and you sue me, you wouldn't expect me to be deposed? BTW, that's what we're talking about, a deposition, not a requirement to sit in court for the trial.

How much do you want to bet, that if this takes place, that it will NOT be limited to relevant questions, but will be nothing but a fishing expedition for ammo to use against Trump politically?
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.
Spanish, that other white European language.
Donald Trump Must Give Testimony Under Oath In Restaurant Suit, Judge Rules

The president-elect had tried to get away with not testifying, even though he himself brought the lawsuit.

WASHINGTON ― A judge has ordered Republican President-elect Donald Trump to give a deposition in a lawsuit against celebrity chef Jose Andres stemming from Trump’s disparaging remarks about Mexican immigrants.

District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must testify in New York about Andres’ restaurant deal at Trump’s luxury Washington hotel. The deposition can last up to seven hours and will take place in the first week of January.

His lawyers had sought to limit how long Trump could be questioned and what could be covered, contending he was extremely busy ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration.

But Di Toro said in her order that limits on the deposition could harm preparations by Andres’ lawyers, and that Trump’s own statements were at the heart of the case.

Trump is suing Andres for $10 million over breach of contract after Andres backed out of a plan to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel a few blocks from the White House.

Andres, who was born in Spain and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has said he canceled the project after Trump denounced Mexican immigrants in June 2015 as drug dealers and rapists.

Andres has argued that the comments made it difficult to attract Hispanic staff and customers and to raise money for a Spanish restaurant.

Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment.

CORNERED: Judge Orders Trump To Testify Over Remarks About Immigrants

Trump under oath! Sounds good. District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Jennifer Di Toro.

Andres broke a contract and this judge is abusing his position.

Trump's statements are irrelevant. Fucking liberal judges.

How dare they ask Trump to answer anything. Time to attack the Judge. Who is it? IDK but they stink and doing a bad job - Big Time. Sad
Do you really think this order, or the questions would be about the contract, or would the goal be to smear and undermine the President they could not defeat at the ballot box?

Hint: The answer is the latter.

Don't be a sucker.
No doubt the chef will do what he can to avoid being sued. Still, Trump can end this by dropping the lawsuit. While politics are certainly at work here, the bottom line is that the chef would prefer not to pay off a $10M settlement. Confronting his accuser seems fair.

In the criminal setting, the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses is fundamental. Although the fully panoply of right do not apply in the civil setting, the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses often still applies. Here, however, the due process clause, rather than the Sixth Amendment, protects the right. As we’ll see, the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses is much more flexible in the civil arena.....

....In non-criminal proceedings, the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses is part of procedural due process guaranteed by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments
Of course a liberal JUDGE would not take ANY opportunity to defame a Republican president. They are just too honorable to use their influence and PUBLIC position to try to undermine an opponent. How stupid are you dimshit liberals, WE ARE WATCHING loading up and getting the ball bats ready. The cops hate you the military hate you and anyone with half a brain hates you because you have harassed, intimidated, extorted, and defamed us, for as long as you have been allowed to, We are not going to allow your bullying anymore. IT WILL STOP, WITH your OWN methods "THE END JUSTFIES ANY MEANS" even slash, burn, scorched earth. I suggest you all sit down and be quiet before the ball bats come out. It is OUR TURN TO HAVE FREE SPEECH, and your time to be quiet as we do.

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