Corrupt Obama administration collapsing under barrage of scandals


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
And his arrogance and doubling down is only adding fuel to the fire and outrage. It's going to get to a point where his propaganda arm, the main stream media isn't going to lie for him any longer.
Valerie Jarrett must be going bat shit crazy trying to run damage control for her man!
It's always the same: the paranoiacs and the haters on the right throw whatever they can at Obama, they convince themselves that he's down for the count and in their bubble they tell themselves that the rest of us are convinced along with them, until all of us moderates end up siding with Obama because the right-wing in America is completely fucking batshit crazy, so much so that we tune out their bullshit when we realize that every single one of their conspiracies was really nowhere near as big as they had been shouting that it was.

There were 64 attacks on US diplomats/embassies/consulates under the Bush administration, and we all understood it to be because we're stretched all over the world and simply don't have the resources necessary to keep every single person safe. And that's how most people understand Benghazi, despite Republicans telling us it's the biggest thing since Watergate. The problem is that we all understood Watergate, but on Benghazi it makes no sense when the right tells us that Obama and his team wanted that attack to happen, or let it happen.

On the AP issue, we all understand it to be a bi-product of the Patriot Act, and we all understand that it has given the Justice Department way more authority than we'd like to see. We all understand that Bush and the neo-cons wanted that the most. We may find this story to be another example of that excess, but we also understand that it did not start with this administration and that it had to do with a sensitive leak that the right has been whining about for a year now. A leak they themselves would have gone after journalists for, just like the Bush team did when they outed a CIA agent.

Incidentally, is outing a CIA agent a lesser offence than getting the phone records of journalists? Most of us think not.

And then on the IRS issue, we all understand that both sides have been targeted, from the NAACP to liberal churches, and now to Tea Party groups, all of whom wanting tax exempt status. We all understand the fact that ALL of these groups STILL got their tax exempt status despite the false outrage on the right. And we now all understand that the real controversy is how GE and other corporations continue to pay an effective tax rate that is lower than an average nurse.

I'm sorry, but with the economy and jobs being the most important things in people's actual lives, right-wing hysteria and whining about Benghazi (a city that 39% of Republicans don't even know which country it belongs to) Americans will end up not liking Republicans so much in the fall of 2014 for totally holding up our entire democracy over their stupid bullshit instead of passing the immigration reform and the gun reform we all wanted to see.

The end.
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Honestly I can't wait for some of these hearings to take place, IF!!!! and I emphasize "IF" the Dems have a set of brass balls, these hearings are going to blow up in the Republicans faces like shit hitting the fan.

IRS scandal bullshit...What scandal? No tea party group were DENIED their application request, now that is the scandal and Karl Rove 501 4C and others should be exposed and that classification be revoked.

Civil Rights groups were always targeted with the same treatment from the IRS, 2004 when the NAACP criticized the Bush Administration, the IRS came at them about their 501 4C status and in 2006 the IRS closed that file saying that they couldn't do nothing to the group.

Now all of these tea party groups who got this very special status, shouldn't have gotten it under the guidelines specified in order to have it in the first place. There is your scandal. When a Democratic group from San Francisco had their application rejected for being "too political" according to the IRS.

The Newspaper scandal, NOT!!! Someone is going to be indicted soon on this one because some information that we found out, we were never suppose to know about. That means there is a serious leak.

Beng what? Ooooh! that overblown which hunt, it's funny how others who seem friendly with Republican's which hunt are allowed to testify at these hearings and others who want to just tell the truth aren't? But hey, peeps like Glenn Beck wouldn't have a job and speaking of Glenn Beck, his 501 4C application for that march on D.C. really needs to be investigated. Scammed folks out of money and walked away with a big fat wallet...:clap2:

Race card?
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All the scandals that have happened in the past and are coming out now, are pointing to one disease: an arrogant president and administration totally corrupt and drunk with power, with absolutely no respect for the constitution.

Now that the Obama administration did what only third world fascistic dictatorial police states only do, by secretly spying on over 100 AP journalists, it has literally bit the mass media hand hand that fed it, glorified it, lied for it, kept him in power, and got him reelected.

The mass media and journalists in general having an "us vs them" mindset similar to law enforcement, will rally behind their fellow journalists at the AP, and start spilling the beans on everything that they've been holding back on Obama.

In other words all bets are off from here on.
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All the scandals that have happened in the past and are coming out now, are pointing to one disease: an arrogant president and administration totally corrupt and drunk with power, with absolutely no respect for the constitution.

Your opinion. You do know that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

Now that the Obama administration did what only third world fascistic dictatorial police states only do, by secretly spying on over 100 AP journalists, it has literally bit the mass media hand hand that fed it, glorified it, lied for it, kept him in power, and got him reelected.

The mass media and journalists in general having an "us vs them" mindset similar to law enforcement, will rally behind their fellow journalists at the AP, and start spilling the beans on everything that they've been holding back on Obama.

In other words all bets are off from here on.

Judgment before indictment or facts in evidence, the sign of a partisan hack or worse.
All the scandals that have happened in the past and are coming out now, are pointing to one disease: an arrogant president and administration totally corrupt and drunk with power, with absolutely no respect for the constitution.

Your opinion. You do know that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

Now that the Obama administration did what only third world fascistic dictatorial police states only do, by secretly spying on over 100 AP journalists, it has literally bit the mass media hand hand that fed it, glorified it, lied for it, kept him in power, and got him reelected.

The mass media and journalists in general having an "us vs them" mindset similar to law enforcement, will rally behind their fellow journalists at the AP, and start spilling the beans on everything that they've been holding back on Obama.

In other words all bets are off from here on.

Judgment before indictment or facts in evidence, the sign of a partisan hack or worse.

Wretched Crier. Some people's assholes are located on top of their necks.

This will be a scandal ridden second term and what little Obama achieved in his first, will be destroyed under the footprint of his shattered credibility. That would include the asinine concept of letting the govt. and IRS handle people's health insurance. :cuckoo:
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It's always the same: the paranoiacs and the haters on the right throw whatever they can at Obama, they convince themselves that he's down for the count and in their bubble they tell themselves that the rest of us are convinced along with them, until all of us moderates end up siding with Obama because the right-wing in America is completely fucking batshit crazy, so much so that we tune out their bullshit when we realize that every single one of their conspiracies was really nowhere near as big as they had been shouting that it was.

There were 64 attacks on US diplomats/embassies/consulates under the Bush administration, and we all understood it to be because we're stretched all over the world and simply don't have the resources necessary to keep every single person safe. And that's how most people understand Benghazi, despite Republicans telling us it's the biggest thing since Watergate. The problem is that we all understood Watergate, but on Benghazi it makes no sense when the right tells us that Obama and his team wanted that attack to happen, or let it happen.

On the AP issue, we all understand it to be a bi-product of the Patriot Act, and we all understand that it has given the Justice Department way more authority than we'd like to see. We all understand that Bush and the neo-cons wanted that the most. We may find this story to be another example of that excess, but we also understand that it did not start with this administration and that it had to do with a sensitive leak that the right has been whining about for a year now. A leak they themselves would have gone after journalists for, just like the Bush team did when they outed a CIA agent.

Incidentally, is outing a CIA agent a lesser offence than getting the phone records of journalists? Most of us think not.

And then on the IRS issue, we all understand that both sides have been targeted, from the NAACP to liberal churches, and now to Tea Party groups, all of whom wanting tax exempt status. We all understand the fact that ALL of these groups STILL got their tax exempt status despite the false outrage on the right. And we now all understand that the real controversy is how GE and other corporations continue to pay an effective tax rate that is lower than an average nurse.

I'm sorry, but with the economy and jobs being the most important things in people's actual lives, right-wing hysteria and whining about Benghazi (a city that 39% of Republicans don't even know which country it belongs to) Americans will end up not liking Republicans so much in the fall of 2014 for totally holding up our entire democracy over their stupid bullshit instead of passing the immigration reform and the gun reform we all wanted to see.

The end.

Interpol, before the attacks on the embassies, did the State Department refuse protection to the Consulates? During attacks, were the forces on the ground, ready to go and fight told to "Stand Down?" Did Bush come out afterwards and blame these attacks on some ludicrous non event like an anti muslim video to deny the existence of an anti US attitude in the Middle East? In short, did the President cover up incompetence?

The AP issue defined the problem by the title itself. AP issue. We have rights in this country that protect the press and that distinguishes us from the Communist and Socialist countries we are trying so hard not to slide into.

As for the IRS issue, The IRS has already apologized, mea culpa.

Obama and his administration have been calling the shots. Let them take the bows and the criticism when they deserve each.
All the scandals that have happened in the past and are coming out now, are pointing to one disease: an arrogant president and administration totally corrupt and drunk with power, with absolutely no respect for the constitution.

Your opinion. You do know that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

Now that the Obama administration did what only third world fascistic dictatorial police states only do, by secretly spying on over 100 AP journalists, it has literally bit the mass media hand hand that fed it, glorified it, lied for it, kept him in power, and got him reelected.

The mass media and journalists in general having an "us vs them" mindset similar to law enforcement, will rally behind their fellow journalists at the AP, and start spilling the beans on everything that they've been holding back on Obama.

In other words all bets are off from here on.

Judgment before indictment or facts in evidence, the sign of a partisan hack or worse.

Wretched Crier. Some people's assholes are located on top of their necks.

This will be a scandal ridden second term and what little Obama achieved in his first, will be destroyed under the footprint of his shattered credibility. That would include the asinine concept of letting the govt. and IRS handle people's health insurance. :cuckoo:

How profane. The sign of a true dirt bag.
You have to admire the way the Obama-zombies are circling the wagons and unleashing their hate-filled arsenal of HYPOCRISY and lies.

These are the same people who mercilessly attacked George W. Bush for eight years, every day, every hour, and every minute.

The Obama-zombies are a direct reflection of their Messiah: no integrity, no accountability, no responsibility, hyper-dishonesty, hyper-hypocrisy, total disregard for human life, total disregard for the U.S. Constitution, and a chilling lack of basic human emotions.
here were 64 attacks on US diplomats/embassies/consulates under the Bush administration, and we all understood it to be because we're stretched all over the world and simply don't have the resources necessary to keep every single person safe. And that's how most people understand Benghazi, despite Republicans telling us it's the biggest thing since Watergate. The problem is that we all understood Watergate, but on Benghazi it makes no sense when the right tells us that Obama and his team wanted that attack to happen, or let it happen.

That's a fantastic set of apologies and excuses you posted there. But I want to focus on the bolded part...

I've heard Romney was briefed before the debate about Benghazi. For the life of me, I couldn't understand how he fumbled his wide open debate target on that issue till I heard he'd been briefed on whatever was going on over there. I suspect there are national security mistakes...err, issues, that can't be talked about regarding Benghazi.

It makes me sick to watch everyone talking about "talking pionts" when nobody wants to discuss why Stevens was in Benghazi and what was he doing there in the first place. And, if the Administration was SO confused about what happened there in the first few days, why was Hillary so quick to denounce a video in a televised broadcast?

The truth is likely that Obama was in an election contest while he was running guns to "Muslim Radicals" in Libya and Syria. When those folks decided to shut down Steven's little side business in Behghazi, Obama and his team wet the bed and fell all over the place to create something more plausible. He didn't want investigators rushing in to unearth a weapons business he hadn't reported to Congress. A dead Ambassador and his body guards can't testify or be compelled to tell the truth, can they?

What is most fascinating is how quickly Liberals would of pounced on this story like a hobo on a ham sandwich if the POTUS was Bush and not Obama. We ARE batshit crazy in this country.
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It's always the same: the paranoiacs and the haters on the right throw whatever they can at Obama, they convince themselves that he's down for the count and in their bubble they tell themselves that the rest of us are convinced along with them, until all of us moderates end up siding with Obama because the right-wing in America is completely fucking batshit crazy, so much so that we tune out their bullshit when we realize that every single one of their conspiracies was really nowhere near as big as they had been shouting that it was.

There were 64 attacks on US diplomats/embassies/consulates under the Bush administration, and we all understood it to be because we're stretched all over the world and simply don't have the resources necessary to keep every single person safe. And that's how most people understand Benghazi, despite Republicans telling us it's the biggest thing since Watergate. The problem is that we all understood Watergate, but on Benghazi it makes no sense when the right tells us that Obama and his team wanted that attack to happen, or let it happen.

On the AP issue, we all understand it to be a bi-product of the Patriot Act, and we all understand that it has given the Justice Department way more authority than we'd like to see. We all understand that Bush and the neo-cons wanted that the most. We may find this story to be another example of that excess, but we also understand that it did not start with this administration and that it had to do with a sensitive leak that the right has been whining about for a year now. A leak they themselves would have gone after journalists for, just like the Bush team did when they outed a CIA agent.

Incidentally, is outing a CIA agent a lesser offence than getting the phone records of journalists? Most of us think not.

And then on the IRS issue, we all understand that both sides have been targeted, from the NAACP to liberal churches, and now to Tea Party groups, all of whom wanting tax exempt status. We all understand the fact that ALL of these groups STILL got their tax exempt status despite the false outrage on the right. And we now all understand that the real controversy is how GE and other corporations continue to pay an effective tax rate that is lower than an average nurse.

I'm sorry, but with the economy and jobs being the most important things in people's actual lives, right-wing hysteria and whining about Benghazi (a city that 39% of Republicans don't even know which country it belongs to) Americans will end up not liking Republicans so much in the fall of 2014 for totally holding up our entire democracy over their stupid bullshit instead of passing the immigration reform and the gun reform we all wanted to see.

The end.

Honestly I can't wait for some of these hearings to take place, IF!!!! and I emphasize "IF" the Dems have a set of brass balls, these hearings are going to blow up in the Republicans faces like shit hitting the fan.

IRS scandal bullshit...What scandal? No tea party group were DENIED their application request, now that is the scandal and Karl Rove 501 4C and others should be exposed and that classification be revoked.

Civil Rights groups were always targeted with the same treatment from the IRS, 2004 when the NAACP criticized the Bush Administration, the IRS came at them about their 501 4C status and in 2006 the IRS closed that file saying that they couldn't do nothing to the group.

Now all of these tea party groups who got this very special status, shouldn't have gotten it under the guidelines specified in order to have it in the first place. There is your scandal. When a Democratic group from San Francisco had their application rejected for being "too political" according to the IRS.

The Newspaper scandal, NOT!!! Someone is going to be indicted soon on this one because some information that we found out, we were never suppose to know about. That means there is a serious leak.

Beng what? Ooooh! that overblown which hunt, it's funny how others who seem friendly with Republican's which hunt are allowed to testify at these hearings and others who want to just tell the truth aren't? But hey, peeps like Glenn Beck wouldn't have a job and speaking of Glenn Beck, his 501 4C application for that march on D.C. really needs to be investigated. Scammed folks out of money and walked away with a big fat wallet...:clap2:

Race card?

The IRS Tea Party Scandal, Explained | Mother Jones

IRS kept shifting targets in tax-exempt groups scrutiny: report | Reuters

Under sweeping subpoenas, Justice Department obtained AP phone records in leak investigation - The Washington Post

Daily Kos: GOP helped kill legislation sponsored by Obama that would have protected the AP

Republicans In Congress Killed A Media Shield Law That Would Have Protected The Associated Press

Why The Department Of Justice Is Going After The Associated Press' Records | ThinkProgress

Senator Who Criticized Sebelius For Soliciting Donations Asked For Private Funds While Serving In Bush Administration | ThinkProgress

Judgment before indictment or facts in evidence, the sign of a partisan hack or worse.

Wretched Crier. Some people's assholes are located on top of their necks.

This will be a scandal ridden second term and what little Obama achieved in his first, will be destroyed under the footprint of his shattered credibility. That would include the asinine concept of letting the govt. and IRS handle people's health insurance. :cuckoo:

How profane. The sign of a true dirt bag.
Scumbag, you're the one that started with the assholes. Go wash your ass er mouth and stay on topic.
here were 64 attacks on US diplomats/embassies/consulates under the Bush administration, and we all understood it to be because we're stretched all over the world and simply don't have the resources necessary to keep every single person safe. And that's how most people understand Benghazi, despite Republicans telling us it's the biggest thing since Watergate. The problem is that we all understood Watergate, but on Benghazi it makes no sense when the right tells us that Obama and his team wanted that attack to happen, or let it happen.

That's a fantastic set of apologies and excuses you posted there. But I want to focus on the bolded part...

I've heard Romney was briefed before the debate about Benghazi. For the life of me, I couldn't understand how he fumbled his wide open debate target on that issue till I heard he'd been briefed on whatever was going on over there. I suspect there are national security mistakes...err, issues, that can't be talked about regarding Benghazi.

It makes me sick to watch everyone talking about "talking pionts" when nobody wants to discuss why Stevens was in Benghazi and what was he doing there in the first place. And, if the Administration was SO confused about what happened there in the first few days, why was Hillary so quick to denounce a video in a televised broadcast?

The truth is likely that Obama was in an election contest while he was running guns to "Muslim Radicals" in Libya and Syria. When those folks decided to shut down Steven's little side business in Behghazi, Obama and his team wet the bed and fell all over the place to create something more plausible. He didn't want investigators rushing in to unearth a weapons business he hadn't reported to Congress. A dead Ambassador and his body guards can't testify or be compelled to tell the truth, can they?

What is most fascinating is how quickly Liberals would of pounced on this story like a hobo on a ham sandwich if the POTUS was Bush and not Obama. We ARE batshit crazy in this country.
Romney was an incompetent idiot with stupid advisers who gave him false information about almost everything. He could have killed Obama on foreign policy, the Arab Spring, Iran, and Benghazi specifically. Instead he decided to "play it safe" in the debate, and agreed with Obama on everything. He lost his momentum and never got it back after that.
And his arrogance and doubling down is only adding fuel to the fire and outrage. It's going to get to a point where his propaganda arm, the main stream media isn't going to lie for him any longer.

Tried to warn you with my earlier post with links, but you ignored and kept on running your mouth looking very uninformed to the FACTS..
Haven't you heard? Nothing Obama or his White House say have any credibility any longer! We have a leader who thinks he's above the laws and constitution of this land. Obama, America’s New “Humpty Dumpty”:

Humpty Dumpty Obama sat on the wall,
Humpty Dumpty Obama took a great fall,
All the MSM's lies and all the MSM's propoganda
Could not put Humpty Dumpty Obama back together again.

How proper and fitting a famous children’s nursery rhyme should serve to sum-up President Obama and his less-than-stellar stewardship after these past 5 plus years in office!

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