Cost of Obamacare 80% less than the lie Wendy's told


"So, to recap the situation: for fast food workers, the net effect of our new national health care plan will be to cost them $95 for the privilege of continuing to not have health care."

Not to mention the cost in TAX to the employer for not having it as well.. and the increased cost of the program to begin with that if the workers/employers deal with it, the price IS more

But nice try.. headline troll
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You rely on the word of the today admitted liars at these restaurants for your 'facts'.
Minimum wage workers won't be taking the private plan of their employer mainly because better plans exist - including subsidized Medicare in most states - still a cost savings over their current care through emergency rooms.
You rely on the word of the today admitted liars at these restaurants for your 'facts'.
Minimum wage workers won't be taking the private plan of their employer mainly because better plans exist - including subsidized Medicare in most states - still a cost savings over their current care through emergency rooms.

Yet you provided no facts and derived your CRAP from a article TITLE from a source you would not even link

You sir, are nothing more than the latest idiot hit and run troll on this board

Obamacare has been shown so far to cost 3X as much as projected from taxation/govt spending... to cost non-participators and non-participating companies thru additional tax, and the cost if there is participation INCREASES....

Nice try..... now back under your rock
Too funny kid, Sebelius admitted yesterday that we are going to see "significant" increases...individual State estimates all indicate increases from 40-106%...

Obama's exchange guru is worried that they won't be up and running in time...and has resigned himself to simply try to let it be a "third world experience", his words not kine.

You are way out of your league here.

You rely on the word of the today admitted liars at these restaurants for your 'facts'.
Minimum wage workers won't be taking the private plan of their employer mainly because better plans exist - including subsidized Medicare in most states - still a cost savings over their current care through emergency rooms.
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Your mixing apples and oranges jumping from news of the USUAL rate hikes while the topic at hand was the overall cost to businesses.
But since you insist ion changing focus - rate hikes in insurance have been epidemic for decades. the Obama plan will accomplish the following benefits for the county in that continuing sorry record that your recent Presidential candidate proved possible: 98% coverage and declining insurance rates - the latter accomplished by the big stick the govt can now weld through its cooperative work with insurers to force vendor price stability and eventually it's decline. Those benefits don't even start to accrue for another year.
Massachusetts and Hawaii Offer the Most Cost-Effective Health Insurance Coverage | The Health Care Blog
Son I am only telling you what Obama's people are know who they are, correct?

This thing is going to crash and burn and even they are getting scared, don't try and quote blogs to refute what the people instituting the law are saying sorry.

You are going to have to get better at this, there are too many informed people here for your tavctics thus far.

Your mixing apples and oranges jumping from news of the USUAL rate hikes while the topic at hand was the overall cost to businesses.
But since you insist ion changing focus - rate hikes in insurance have been epidemic for decades. the Obama plan will accomplish the following benefits for the county in that continuing sorry record that your recent Presidential candidate proved possible: 98% coverage and declining insurance rates - the latter accomplished by the big stick the govt can now weld through its cooperative work with insurers to force vendor price stability and eventually it's decline. Those benefits don't even start to accrue for another year.
Massachusetts and Hawaii Offer the Most Cost-Effective Health Insurance Coverage | The Health Care Blog
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We seem to have a Breitbart staffer here. The claim that Cho said the exchange would be a 'third world experince" is, ...well, its a lie. An utter and bald faced mis-quote. When you put quotes around something and you drop the not - that's a lie.
Here is the monologue Cho delivered to get people off the dime and working to the end product of the delivery mechanism for the markets.
“The time for debating about the size of the text on the screen, or the color, or is it a world-class user experience, that’s what we used to talk about two years ago,” said Chao. “Let’s just make sure it’s not a third-world experience.” Both Chao and Cohen said that it’s likely that some of the state-based exchanges might not be ready on time, in which case the federal government would step in as a backstop."
Dropping the not before your quotes is a poor way to debate.
some of the red states that are dragging their heels ARE essentially 3rd world countries - Looking at you Mississippi... and they likely will need the federal markets to save them - but there they are - and quite ready to fill in till the backward red states get their act together.
Please don't pull out any more lying quotations - it's quite painful to have to correct them!
Wendy’s lowered the figure after “digging through all the
pages and pages and pages of detail that’s now getting
thrown at all the businesses,” he said, according to a
transcript of the March 20 conference call hosted by
Bernstein Research that was released by analyst Sara
Senatore on Wednesday.
~from the link the op didnt bother to provide. and how is that telling a fib?
You have a valid point about being able to regurgitate the current lie wendy's is promoting. But lets face facts. If you state that something is going to cost 20.00 and later it comes to light that it only costs 1.00 you will have to justify your lie. and that is the thing Wendy is doing here - justifying a lie. if they were not aware of the cost - they might have said that. Instead they lied!
You have a valid point about being able to regurgitate the current lie wendy's is promoting. But lets face facts. If you state that something is going to cost 20.00 and later it comes to light that it only costs 1.00 you will have to justify your lie. and that is the thing Wendy is doing here - justifying a lie. if they were not aware of the cost - they might have said that. Instead they lied!

Get back to work, the fries aren't going to cook themselves.
Since the cost projections for EVERYTHING to do with ObamaCare are constantly being revised upwards, Cruss...I'm finding it hard to see anything to be thrilled about with what we have obligated ourselves to.
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Your mixing apples and oranges jumping from news of the USUAL rate hikes while the topic at hand was the overall cost to businesses.
But since you insist ion changing focus - rate hikes in insurance have been epidemic for decades. the Obama plan will accomplish the following benefits for the county in that continuing sorry record that your recent Presidential candidate proved possible: 98% coverage and declining insurance rates - the latter accomplished by the big stick the govt can now weld through its cooperative work with insurers to force vendor price stability and eventually it's decline. Those benefits don't even start to accrue for another year.
Massachusetts and Hawaii Offer the Most Cost-Effective Health Insurance Coverage | The Health Care Blog

Interesting you can post a source here, but not to the bold statement you made in the OP!
That estimate is flawed because it gives NO impact on preventive medicines effects on claims over time. at the end of 10 years the overall number of claims will be greatly reduced by the good effects of timely preventive medicine. One example - there will be many fewer amputations because diabetes will be caught quicker.

There will be no MORE serious illnesses because of Obamacare and those heavy drains on the health care system were being paid for anyway - The cost of providing medical care through ER's will go dramatically DOWN at the same time some claims will go up. We all pay for er coverage of serious illness in various ways - including through higher vendor costs which insurers were not able to slow.

Indigent care through eR's ins inane - it's idiotic and it's costly. Obamacare will be an improvement.

Medical costs increased 47% over the last decade 0
There will be no MORE serious illnesses because of Obamacare and those heavy drains on the health carebsystem were being paid for anyway
you serious? what the hell you smoking? I didnt know Great Britians social health care cured serious illiness
That estimate is flawed because it gives NO impact on preventive medicines effects on claims over time. at the end of 10 years the overall number of claims will be greatly reduced by the good effects of timely preventive medicine. One example - there will be many fewer amputations because diabetes will be caught quicker.

There will be no MORE serious illnesses because of Obamacare and those heavy drains on the health care system were being paid for anyway - The cost of providing medical care through ER's will go dramatically DOWN at the same time some claims will go up. We all pay for er coverage of serious illness in various ways - including through higher vendor costs which insurers were not able to slow.

Indigent care through eR's ins inane - it's idiotic and it's costly. Obamacare will be an improvement.

Medical costs increased 47% over the last decade 0

Only one problem with your scenario, Cruss...down here in Florida if you go to an emergency room most are literally overflowing with illegals. I hate to break the news to you but those people aren't covered by ObamaCare and the costs of THAT care will still be eaten by hospitals and passed along to average Americans.

As for costs going down because of preventative care? I'm not seeing it, quite frankly. We're going to see a tidal wave of diabetes diagnoses because the number of Americans who are obese is out of control. Under ObamaCare someone's going to have to pick up the tab for all the meds and treatments for how do costs NOT go up? Our government is putting itself (and the taxpayers) on the hook to pay for the bulk of our national health care at a time when the cost of that health care is about to skyrocket.
You're going to have obese people that insurance companies wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole because they were so at risk getting coverage NOW because the insurance companies can't turn them down. Not only will we be paying for the cost of all those fat slobs medical treatments...we'll also most likely be picking up the tab for their benefits when they go on disability, which is the other thing that's now increasing at never before seen rates.

Cost's going down? Not a prayer! Cost's are going to go through the roof and if you pay taxes it's going to come out of your pocket. That's reality...
Since the cost projections for EVERYTHING to do with ObamaCare are constantly being revised upwards, Cruss...I'm finding it hard to see anything to be thrilled about with what we have obligated ourselves to.

CBO's year-by-year projections have changed little since their original March 2010 estimates--and where they have changed, they're generally slightly lower in the February 2013 estimates.

That said, their estimates of Medicare and Medicaid spending have been quite off--they overestimated the programs' costs over this decade by hundreds of billions of dollars. They've been shocked--shocked!--by the dramatic and sustained slowdown in health spending growth economy-wide over the past few years.

The Recent Changes in CBO’s Baseline Reflect Trends That Have Developed Over the Past Few Years

In recent years, health care spending has grown much more slowly both nationally and for federal programs than historical rates would have indicated. For example, in 2012, federal spending for Medicare and Medicaid was about 5 percent below the amount that CBO had projected in March 2010.

In response to that slowdown, over the past several years CBO has made a series of downward adjustments to its projections of spending for Medicaid and Medicare. For example, from the March 2010 baseline to the current baseline, technical revisions—mostly reflecting the slower growth in the programs’ spending in recent years—have lowered CBO’s estimates of federal spending for the two programs in 2020 by about $200 billion—by $126 billion for Medicare and by $78 billion for Medicaid, or by roughly 15 percent for each program.

For comparison, the net cost of Obamacare's coverage provisions in 2020 is projected to be $149 billion.

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