Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Hey, Drumpf—small government conserve-hate-ice that he is—said he will triple the number of jack booted thugs. They will have to have something to do….patrolling a useless wall in Lordsburg NM is probably ample reward for them….

Meanwhile a 737 from Mazatlan flies overhead with 130 passengers; 10 of which will overstay their visas. But our precious wall will still keep out bad guys.

I always like you simpletons arguing that we get one solution and one solution only for every problem and that solution must solve every problem.

A standard you meet for your own proposals never

Hey, I’m all for the wall as I’ve said numerous times. I’m just not delusional enough to think it will stop illegal immigration which most often happens by persons overstaying their visa.

Since we’re hiring 10,000 new jackbooted thugs for the round-up, and apparently we’re going to put these people in camps according to another RWNJ to await “processing”, for new persons coming in…do you recommend we make them wear a garment like the Star of David or something so we can identify them before the next round of round ups start?

Then who are you arguing with since no one said it would solve the problem of people overstaying visas? It solves the problem of people running across the border. It also reduces the ability of trafficers to bring in drugs and other contraband like illegal weapons. I think drugs should be legal, but that is in part to stop drug cartels, not fund them.

BTW, you also just demonstrated my point, "I always like you simpletons arguing that we get one solution and one solution only for every problem and that solution must solve every problem."

It won’t stop the leading cause of illegal immigration…thanks for admitting it.

Care to go for double or nothing about who is going to be paying for the wall now?

I thought you said you are for the wall, but you keep arguing

1) It won't fix a problem no one said it would

2) You click "funny" on my point that we'll use electronic survellance

3) You keep arguing with people who are for the wall about the wall

What does you being for the wall mean to you exactly? Is there any level it means you're for the wall?

And I think the US should pay for our own security. I think trying to make Mexico pay for it is ridiculous

1). Drumpf says it will:
Pay for the Wall

Now of course, he doesn’t say it will stop illegal immigration in the same way GWB never said Sadam was behind 9/11. Anyone with 2 brain cells knew GWB was implying it and anyone with the same 2 brain cells knows that Drumpf is implying it when he writes on his website: “Mexico has taken advantage of us in another way as well: gangs, drug traffickers and cartels have freely exploited our open borders and committed vast numbers of crimes inside the United States.”.

I think we need the wall to keep out payloads of drugs and weaponry…much easier for one guy to cross than a convoy of trucks a vehicle. Most of the illegal immigration comes from people we let into the nation who don’t leave when they were supposed to. You may recall 9/11/01 was carried out by folks who did just that. But don’t let that stop the scape-goating; that nanny or gardener may be in a sleeper cell!!!!

2). I thought it was funny

3). I argue with Drumpf supporters who parrot the same bullshit as their Messiah.

If you think it’s ridiculous…gee whiz, you spend a lot of time signaling me out to argue with someone who agrees with you.
Sheesh, 500 posts in little more than a day. Can't go through all the answers here so maybe someone already posted my answer. Your reach should exceed your grasp. If you're selling something, you start high, just knowing someone will jew you down. Trump's a wheeler dealer and knows this, so he starts high. It's probably impossible to get rid of 11 million people that CAME HERE ILLEGALLY IN THE FIRST PLACE. We now have a candidate who will at least try to put a stop to this nonsense of bringing the whole third world here to satisfy the cheap labor lobby and the refugee for profit racketeteers like the catholic charities.
What happens if Trump reneges on his promise to remove 11 million people before he stands for reelection in 2020? Will his supporters tolerate failure on this issue?
Good to see you have finally come to your senses and have accepted the fact there will be a Trump presidency.
Don't worry pal. After four years with Trump in the White House there will no longer be an illegal immigration problem.
So, 10,000 new ICE agents, making between 30 and 50 grand per year plus benefits. Glad to hear Drumpf is going to reduce the size of government (don’t forget the billions spent on building the “big beautiful wall”.

'Drumpf' sounds kind of lame. Try 'Dumbf' (the 'uck' being silent), the progressive intelligencia will love it.

Y'all are a little slow on the marketing front.

If I recall, Drumpf was his actual name but someone changed it for marketing purposes or something.
So, 10,000 new ICE agents, making between 30 and 50 grand per year plus benefits. Glad to hear Drumpf is going to reduce the size of government (don’t forget the billions spent on building the “big beautiful wall”.

'Drumpf' sounds kind of lame. Try 'Dumbf' (the 'uck' being silent), the progressive intelligencia will love it.

Y'all are a little slow on the marketing front.

If I recall, Drumpf was his actual name but someone changed it for marketing purposes or something.

As I recall, you're a lying POS douche bag. Your posts aren't worth a substantive response. If they aren't outright lies, they are idiotic.
or awhile he just stole Mittens plan which was to enforce the laws and then the 11 million would self deport. We have seen with those who won before and it never happens. Honestly, I don't see him doing much more then Hillary on the topic. It's an issue like guns are. That and race. Just used to fire up the base
That's the same conclusion I've come to; immigration is largely a red herring designed to distract the public's attention from the controlling role the billionaire class plays in US politics.
Please look up the definition of Demagogue and see how well it describes Donnie. They should have a picture of him next to the definition.


Wow, from you ...

Itis a fact that Trump has promised and made conflicting statements to different groups. He will say whatever it takes to win over the group he is addressing. He fits the definition perfectly.
So, 10,000 new ICE agents, making between 30 and 50 grand per year plus benefits. Glad to hear Drumpf is going to reduce the size of government (don’t forget the billions spent on building the “big beautiful wall”.

'Drumpf' sounds kind of lame. Try 'Dumbf' (the 'uck' being silent), the progressive intelligencia will love it.

Y'all are a little slow on the marketing front.

If I recall, Drumpf was his actual name but someone changed it for marketing purposes or something.

As I recall, you're a lying POS douche bag. Your posts aren't worth a substantive response. If they aren't outright lies, they are idiotic.

Can't debate, then call names. IT WORKS FOR DONNIE!
Sheesh, 500 posts in little more than a day. Can't go through all the answers here so maybe someone already posted my answer. Your reach should exceed your grasp. If you're selling something, you start high, just knowing someone will jew you down. Trump's a wheeler dealer and knows this, so he starts high. It's probably impossible to get rid of 11 million people that CAME HERE ILLEGALLY IN THE FIRST PLACE. We now have a candidate who will at least try to put a stop to this nonsense of bringing the whole third world here to satisfy the cheap labor lobby and the refugee for profit racketeteers like the catholic charities.
What happens if Trump reneges on his promise to remove 11 million people before he stands for reelection in 2020? Will his supporters tolerate failure on this issue?
Good to see you have finally come to your senses and have accepted the fact there will be a Trump presidency.
Don't worry pal. After four years with Trump in the White House there will no longer be an illegal immigration problem.
If the only "choice" is between Hillary or Donald, I will go with Donald since I believe his capacity for self-destruction is much more developed than Clinton's. They are both loyal servants of the US Billionaire Class.
So, 10,000 new ICE agents, making between 30 and 50 grand per year plus benefits. Glad to hear Drumpf is going to reduce the size of government (don’t forget the billions spent on building the “big beautiful wall”.

'Drumpf' sounds kind of lame. Try 'Dumbf' (the 'uck' being silent), the progressive intelligencia will love it.

Y'all are a little slow on the marketing front.

If I recall, Drumpf was his actual name but someone changed it for marketing purposes or something.

As I recall, you're a lying POS douche bag. Your posts aren't worth a substantive response. If they aren't outright lies, they are idiotic.

Can't debate, then call names. IT WORKS FOR DONNIE!

Candycorn doesn't debate. She lies, weasels, insults, deflects, runs away, but she doesn't debate.
11 million people at 100 per bus is somewhere around 110,000 bus loads.
If they buy 1000 buses, that's 100 trips per bus - something they can easily do in a year.
Of course they will all voluntarily line up for said buses.
No work. No food stamps. No free housing.
No nothing without proving they are in the US legally.
No problem getting the illegals onto the buses.
How many families of illegals would stay if they couldn't get free public education for their children along with the perks (free breakfast and lunch for example) that go with it?
I always like you simpletons arguing that we get one solution and one solution only for every problem and that solution must solve every problem.

A standard you meet for your own proposals never

Hey, I’m all for the wall as I’ve said numerous times. I’m just not delusional enough to think it will stop illegal immigration which most often happens by persons overstaying their visa.

Since we’re hiring 10,000 new jackbooted thugs for the round-up, and apparently we’re going to put these people in camps according to another RWNJ to await “processing”, for new persons coming in…do you recommend we make them wear a garment like the Star of David or something so we can identify them before the next round of round ups start?

Then who are you arguing with since no one said it would solve the problem of people overstaying visas? It solves the problem of people running across the border. It also reduces the ability of trafficers to bring in drugs and other contraband like illegal weapons. I think drugs should be legal, but that is in part to stop drug cartels, not fund them.

BTW, you also just demonstrated my point, "I always like you simpletons arguing that we get one solution and one solution only for every problem and that solution must solve every problem."

It won’t stop the leading cause of illegal immigration…thanks for admitting it.

Care to go for double or nothing about who is going to be paying for the wall now?

I thought you said you are for the wall, but you keep arguing

1) It won't fix a problem no one said it would

2) You click "funny" on my point that we'll use electronic survellance

3) You keep arguing with people who are for the wall about the wall

What does you being for the wall mean to you exactly? Is there any level it means you're for the wall?

And I think the US should pay for our own security. I think trying to make Mexico pay for it is ridiculous

1). Drumpf says it will:
Pay for the Wall

Now of course, he doesn’t say it will stop illegal immigration in the same way GWB never said Sadam was behind 9/11. Anyone with 2 brain cells knew GWB was implying it and anyone with the same 2 brain cells knows that Drumpf is implying it when he writes on his website: “Mexico has taken advantage of us in another way as well: gangs, drug traffickers and cartels have freely exploited our open borders and committed vast numbers of crimes inside the United States.”.

I think we need the wall to keep out payloads of drugs and weaponry…much easier for one guy to cross than a convoy of trucks a vehicle. Most of the illegal immigration comes from people we let into the nation who don’t leave when they were supposed to. You may recall 9/11/01 was carried out by folks who did just that. But don’t let that stop the scape-goating; that nanny or gardener may be in a sleeper cell!!!!

2). I thought it was funny

3). I argue with Drumpf supporters who parrot the same bullshit as their Messiah.

If you think it’s ridiculous…gee whiz, you spend a lot of time signaling me out to argue with someone who agrees with you.

What is "funny" about saying we'll have electronic in addition to human surveillance?

How is responding to the posters in the thread singling you out? I've responded to you 2 or 3 times. Persecution complex?

And you keep arguing against the wall you say you are for and arguing that it won't solve a problem no one said it would. Why would I not address that when you argue against the wall then say you're for it?
or awhile he just stole Mittens plan which was to enforce the laws and then the 11 million would self deport. We have seen with those who won before and it never happens. Honestly, I don't see him doing much more then Hillary on the topic. It's an issue like guns are. That and race. Just used to fire up the base
That's the same conclusion I've come to; immigration is largely a red herring designed to distract the public's attention from the controlling role the billionaire class plays in US politics.

"...largely a red herring designed to distract the public's attention from the controlling role the billionaire class plays in US politics."

Like transgender bathrooms?
Please look up the definition of Demagogue and see how well it describes Donnie. They should have a picture of him next to the definition.


Wow, from you ...

Itis a fact that Trump has promised and made conflicting statements to different groups. He will say whatever it takes to win over the group he is addressing. He fits the definition perfectly.

Actually, that isn't what demagoguery means You may want to actually look it up. You on the other hand make irrational, exaggerated attacks on Republicans while letting your own side off for doing the same things. That actually is demagoguery
11 million people at 100 per bus is somewhere around 110,000 bus loads.
If they buy 1000 buses, that's 100 trips per bus - something they can easily do in a year.
Of course they will all voluntarily line up for said buses.
No work. No food stamps. No free housing.
No nothing without proving they are in the US legally.
No problem getting the illegals onto the buses.
How many families of illegals would stay if they couldn't get free public education for their children along with the perks (free breakfast and lunch for example) that go with it?
It doesn't matter because the courts have already ruled that we can't deny education to illegal alien children.
That is incorrect. Jobs are available now and there are some shortages of workers
I don't see American going for those jobs.
Feel free to provide evidence...and I'm not just talking about Bernie speeches.

That said, a worker shortage doesn't justify you supporting the victimization and exploitation of illegal immigrants. Why not support immigration reform? Worker visas? Why do you support illegal immigrants who can be exploited for profit and not lawful workers who have the protection of the law?

I'm in the business of medical instruments, consumables and reagents. I do not have illegal employees but I have lots of legal Asian, Hispanic middle easterners, Russian immigrants............... My company is predominantly white Americans....... but when it comes to blood products, warehouse, refrigeration and janitorial jobs......... my fellow Americans are none existent.
Some applied and take the jobs but most they do not last long or quit the next day. I know tons of other business owners like hospitals, hotels, manufacturing operations etc. are also facing the same problem. As I said jobs are available now but where are they?
I also know several small business owners like mom and pop shops that hire illegals............ They are facing shortages of workers and are willing to hire Americans or anybody but where are they?
I do not support illegal immigration and I do not support deportation.
I support immigration reform and that is where I stand.

"Immigration reform" is a code word meaning "amnesty."
Calling everything you don't understand a code word is a code word for ignorance.
Please look up the definition of Demagogue and see how well it describes Donnie. They should have a picture of him next to the definition.


Wow, from you ...

Itis a fact that Trump has promised and made conflicting statements to different groups. He will say whatever it takes to win over the group he is addressing. He fits the definition perfectly.

Actually, that isn't what demagoguery means You may want to actually look it up. You on the other hand make irrational, exaggerated attacks on Republicans while letting your own side off for doing the same things. That actually is demagoguery

Demagogue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A demagogue/ˈdɛməɡɒɡ/ (from Greek dēmagōgos, dēmos ‘the people’ + agōgos ‘leading’)[1] according to Webster's Universal College Dictionary is a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power by arousing people's emotions and prejudices.

This is exactly what Donnie is doing. he is playing on emotions and fears.
So, 10,000 new ICE agents, making between 30 and 50 grand per year plus benefits. Glad to hear Drumpf is going to reduce the size of government (don’t forget the billions spent on building the “big beautiful wall”.

'Drumpf' sounds kind of lame. Try 'Dumbf' (the 'uck' being silent), the progressive intelligencia will love it.

Y'all are a little slow on the marketing front.

If I recall, Drumpf was his actual name but someone changed it for marketing purposes or something.

As I recall, you're a lying POS douche bag. Your posts aren't worth a substantive response. If they aren't outright lies, they are idiotic.

Can't debate, then call names. IT WORKS FOR DONNIE!

Candycorn doesn't debate. She lies, weasels, insults, deflects, runs away, but she doesn't debate.
Hilarious coming from you .
You make false assumptions and spew false accusations .
then you whine about being slandered when you're idiocy is pointed out.

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