Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

I quoted what you actually said fuckstick. Your argument is with yourself.

You quoted me saying "something they CAN easily do in a year," douche bag.

I’ve quoted you saying “could” and “will” as you have said both. If you have an argument, it is with yourself.

Even you're quote is where I said they "CAN," you fucking piece of shit douche bag moron. Nowhere have you quoted me saying they "WILL."

Try reading your own material fuckstick.

I have, douche bag. Show the forum where I said "the WILL" deport all the illegals in one year. I know we will wait in vain as you weasel and squirm to avoid doing so.

You’re not that interesting.
You are an idiot. Okay I will make it 50 feet....... How about a rope with a hook at the end? How is that?
Israel West Bank Barrier.......... Both sides of the wall are residential. Our borders are not except close to cities............. I will leave that your stupid brain why you cannot compare these 2 walls.
Wall is just a waste.

You actually believe they just build a wall and leave with no other security, don't you? OMG, you're an imbecile, and the real thing, that's classic

Hey, Drumpf—small government conserve-hate-ice that he is—said he will triple the number of jack booted thugs. They will have to have something to do….patrolling a useless wall in Lordsburg NM is probably ample reward for them….

Meanwhile a 737 from Mazatlan flies overhead with 130 passengers; 10 of which will overstay their visas. But our precious wall will still keep out bad guys.

I always like you simpletons arguing that we get one solution and one solution only for every problem and that solution must solve every problem.

A standard you meet for your own proposals never

Hey, I’m all for the wall as I’ve said numerous times. I’m just not delusional enough to think it will stop illegal immigration which most often happens by persons overstaying their visa.

Since we’re hiring 10,000 new jackbooted thugs for the round-up, and apparently we’re going to put these people in camps according to another RWNJ to await “processing”, for new persons coming in…do you recommend we make them wear a garment like the Star of David or something so we can identify them before the next round of round ups start?

Then who are you arguing with since no one said it would solve the problem of people overstaying visas? It solves the problem of people running across the border. It also reduces the ability of trafficers to bring in drugs and other contraband like illegal weapons. I think drugs should be legal, but that is in part to stop drug cartels, not fund them.

BTW, you also just demonstrated my point, "I always like you simpletons arguing that we get one solution and one solution only for every problem and that solution must solve every problem."

It won’t stop the leading cause of illegal immigration…thanks for admitting it.

Care to go for double or nothing about who is going to be paying for the wall now?
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

For awhile he just stole Mittens plan which was to enforce the laws and then the 11 million would self deport. We have seen with those who won before and it never happens. Honestly, I don't see him doing much more then Hillary on the topic. It's an issue like guns are. That and race. Just used to fire up the base.
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So, 10,000 new ICE agents, making between 30 and 50 grand per year plus benefits. Glad to hear Drumpf is going to reduce the size of government (don’t forget the billions spent on building the “big beautiful wall”.
Paid propagandists on the government payroll.
If you insist although obviously they are not lol

Obviously they are. Are you claiming their salaries aren't paid by state and federal governments?
Link..No mention of Govt
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So why are so many mexicans still trying to get into the US if the mexican economy is "constantly growing"?
Ya. I'd LOVE to see what a Japanese car made in mexico will look like. HAAAA HAAAAAA!
Illegal flow of Mexicans has dropped off, but it's still a problem.

Only about half of the 11 million illegals in the US are Mexican. As noted previously, about half of illegal immigrants entered the US legally, but overstayed their visa. A wall costing US taxpayers 10-15 Billion dollars per year wouldn't have stopped them.

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S.
Mexicans make up about half of all unauthorized immigrants (49%), though their numbers have been declining in recent years.

Rubio says 40% of illegal immigrants stayed in the U.S. after their visas expired
In January 2003, INS released an updated report that said 33 percent of the illegal immigrant population in 2000 had entered the country legally. A 2004 report from the General Accounting Office, based on 2000 data, gave estimates on visa overstays ranging from 27 percent to 31 percent to 57 percent.

Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Immigrant Population Hits Record 42.1 Million in Second Quarter of 2015
10-15 BILLION! dollars a year????????
Where the fuck did you get that ludicrous piece of nonsense?
From a Soros website?
Let me get this straight to both of you.......... Illegals are NOT taking over jobs in a corporate world. That is impossible......... Most work in a mom and pop shops......... There is no such thing that an illegal working in the hospitals.
Are you against E-Verify? Why? Do you favor illegals being exploited for profit?

Are you bullshitting or simply naive? Corporate or hospitals, both need minimum wage employees to clean toilets, wax hallways and other menial labor usually done at night and subtracted to a service. The corporation/hospital is just as guilty of illegal immigrant exploitation as the subcontracted service, but they have "plausible deniability" by looking the other way.
Total bullshit as usual.
NO hospital 'turns the other way' and allows ILLEGALS to wander around their hospital in night!
Are you fucking crazy!
What are you? Like twelve?
You quoted me saying "something they CAN easily do in a year," douche bag.

I’ve quoted you saying “could” and “will” as you have said both. If you have an argument, it is with yourself.

Even you're quote is where I said they "CAN," you fucking piece of shit douche bag moron. Nowhere have you quoted me saying they "WILL."

Try reading your own material fuckstick.

I have, douche bag. Show the forum where I said "the WILL" deport all the illegals in one year. I know we will wait in vain as you weasel and squirm to avoid doing so.

You’re not that interesting.

Just as I thought: You're a lying POS weasel.
So, 10,000 new ICE agents, making between 30 and 50 grand per year plus benefits. Glad to hear Drumpf is going to reduce the size of government (don’t forget the billions spent on building the “big beautiful wall”.

When leftwing douche bags start complaining about the cost of government, you know they are full of shit.
You actually believe they just build a wall and leave with no other security, don't you? OMG, you're an imbecile, and the real thing, that's classic

Hey, Drumpf—small government conserve-hate-ice that he is—said he will triple the number of jack booted thugs. They will have to have something to do….patrolling a useless wall in Lordsburg NM is probably ample reward for them….

Meanwhile a 737 from Mazatlan flies overhead with 130 passengers; 10 of which will overstay their visas. But our precious wall will still keep out bad guys.

I always like you simpletons arguing that we get one solution and one solution only for every problem and that solution must solve every problem.

A standard you meet for your own proposals never

Hey, I’m all for the wall as I’ve said numerous times. I’m just not delusional enough to think it will stop illegal immigration which most often happens by persons overstaying their visa.

Since we’re hiring 10,000 new jackbooted thugs for the round-up, and apparently we’re going to put these people in camps according to another RWNJ to await “processing”, for new persons coming in…do you recommend we make them wear a garment like the Star of David or something so we can identify them before the next round of round ups start?

Then who are you arguing with since no one said it would solve the problem of people overstaying visas? It solves the problem of people running across the border. It also reduces the ability of trafficers to bring in drugs and other contraband like illegal weapons. I think drugs should be legal, but that is in part to stop drug cartels, not fund them.

BTW, you also just demonstrated my point, "I always like you simpletons arguing that we get one solution and one solution only for every problem and that solution must solve every problem."

It won’t stop the leading cause of illegal immigration…thanks for admitting it.

Care to go for double or nothing about who is going to be paying for the wall now?

It's not the leading cause of illegal immigration, douche bag.
Please look up the definition of Demagogue and see how well it describes Donnie. They should have a picture of him next to the definition.
You actually believe they just build a wall and leave with no other security, don't you? OMG, you're an imbecile, and the real thing, that's classic

Hey, Drumpf—small government conserve-hate-ice that he is—said he will triple the number of jack booted thugs. They will have to have something to do….patrolling a useless wall in Lordsburg NM is probably ample reward for them….

Meanwhile a 737 from Mazatlan flies overhead with 130 passengers; 10 of which will overstay their visas. But our precious wall will still keep out bad guys.

I always like you simpletons arguing that we get one solution and one solution only for every problem and that solution must solve every problem.

A standard you meet for your own proposals never

Hey, I’m all for the wall as I’ve said numerous times. I’m just not delusional enough to think it will stop illegal immigration which most often happens by persons overstaying their visa.

Since we’re hiring 10,000 new jackbooted thugs for the round-up, and apparently we’re going to put these people in camps according to another RWNJ to await “processing”, for new persons coming in…do you recommend we make them wear a garment like the Star of David or something so we can identify them before the next round of round ups start?

Then who are you arguing with since no one said it would solve the problem of people overstaying visas? It solves the problem of people running across the border. It also reduces the ability of trafficers to bring in drugs and other contraband like illegal weapons. I think drugs should be legal, but that is in part to stop drug cartels, not fund them.

BTW, you also just demonstrated my point, "I always like you simpletons arguing that we get one solution and one solution only for every problem and that solution must solve every problem."

It won’t stop the leading cause of illegal immigration…thanks for admitting it.

Care to go for double or nothing about who is going to be paying for the wall now?

I thought you said you are for the wall, but you keep arguing

1) It won't fix a problem no one said it would

2) You click "funny" on my point that we'll use electronic survellance

3) You keep arguing with people who are for the wall about the wall

What does you being for the wall mean to you exactly? Is there any level it means you're for the wall?

And I think the US should pay for our own security. I think trying to make Mexico pay for it is ridiculous
You luving on sum Trump stump, for sure. Trump is interesting as a candidate. He has the far right on the hook and will betray them on immigration, no mass deportation and no wall. I don't think he can bring jobs back from overseas.

Why would Trump, a businessman first and foremost, want to do anything to eliminate the sources of cheap labor?
There isn't enough work for semi-literate legal latino labor as it is.
Adding millions of semi-literate illegals competing for the jobs that legal latinos are doing but willing to work for half the pay is so fucking profoundly stupid on the face of it there MUST be another reason why the LIBs are so for it.
Future DEM voters.
And that is going to help the country in the long run.
On day the legal latinos are going to get their heads out of their ignorant assholes and fucking wake up.
Hey, Drumpf—small government conserve-hate-ice that he is—said he will triple the number of jack booted thugs. They will have to have something to do….patrolling a useless wall in Lordsburg NM is probably ample reward for them….

Meanwhile a 737 from Mazatlan flies overhead with 130 passengers; 10 of which will overstay their visas. But our precious wall will still keep out bad guys.

I always like you simpletons arguing that we get one solution and one solution only for every problem and that solution must solve every problem.

A standard you meet for your own proposals never

Hey, I’m all for the wall as I’ve said numerous times. I’m just not delusional enough to think it will stop illegal immigration which most often happens by persons overstaying their visa.

Since we’re hiring 10,000 new jackbooted thugs for the round-up, and apparently we’re going to put these people in camps according to another RWNJ to await “processing”, for new persons coming in…do you recommend we make them wear a garment like the Star of David or something so we can identify them before the next round of round ups start?

Then who are you arguing with since no one said it would solve the problem of people overstaying visas? It solves the problem of people running across the border. It also reduces the ability of trafficers to bring in drugs and other contraband like illegal weapons. I think drugs should be legal, but that is in part to stop drug cartels, not fund them.

BTW, you also just demonstrated my point, "I always like you simpletons arguing that we get one solution and one solution only for every problem and that solution must solve every problem."

It won’t stop the leading cause of illegal immigration…thanks for admitting it.

Care to go for double or nothing about who is going to be paying for the wall now?

I thought you said you are for the wall, but you keep arguing

1) It won't fix a problem no one said it would

2) You click "funny" on my point that we'll use electronic survellance

3) You keep arguing with people who are for the wall about the wall

What does you being for the wall mean to you exactly? Is there any level it means you're for the wall?

And I think the US should pay for our own security. I think trying to make Mexico pay for it is ridiculous

Whenever a lib douche bag says "I'm for 'A,' but," that means he is not for 'A.'
So, 10,000 new ICE agents, making between 30 and 50 grand per year plus benefits. Glad to hear Drumpf is going to reduce the size of government (don’t forget the billions spent on building the “big beautiful wall”.

'Drumpf' sounds kind of lame. Try 'Dumbf' (the 'uck' being silent), the progressive intelligencia will love it.

Y'all are a little slow on the marketing front.
Sheesh, 500 posts in little more than a day. Can't go through all the answers here so maybe someone already posted my answer. Your reach should exceed your grasp. If you're selling something, you start high, just knowing someone will jew you down. Trump's a wheeler dealer and knows this, so he starts high. It's probably impossible to get rid of 11 million people that CAME HERE ILLEGALLY IN THE FIRST PLACE. We now have a candidate who will at least try to put a stop to this nonsense of bringing the whole third world here to satisfy the cheap labor lobby and the refugee for profit racketeteers like the catholic charities.
What happens if Trump reneges on his promise to remove 11 million people before he stands for reelection in 2020? Will his supporters tolerate failure on this issue?
General Election: Trump vs. Sanders
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Sanders

1. Says a lot about how far America has fallen.

2. Thank goodness that the Dem Party Bosses have a firmer grip on their Party then the GOP leadership. They are obviously doing to give the nomination to Hillary despite the wishes of their members.
Both Trump and Hillary serve the same 10% of voters. The biggest difference between the two that I see is that Trump, being the less skilled politician, will disappear in four years while Hillary will likely hang around for eight.
The FBI is going to recommend numerous charges be brought against her. This ends her life in politics THANK GOD!
Trump will serve two terms. When he leaves office he will pick the next REP president 100% guaranteed.

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