Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

I post clear and convincing evidence that Correll and ChrisL are incorrect and all they can do is run a red herring, or deny, or go all "nuh uh" or foolishly accuse one of being a sock.

The evidence is clear that Trump has no intention of following through with his threats.

The evidence is clear that immigrants from south of the border are at greater medical risk because of American' lower vaccination rates.

Get off your trump rant and address the serious issues about immigration, you partisan POS.
Trump is walking his promise back, as you well know.

I have addressed the immigration seriously and rebutted your nonsense.
I post clear and convincing evidence that Correll and ChrisL are incorrect and all they can do is run a red herring, or deny, or go all "nuh uh" or foolishly accuse one of being a sock.

The evidence is clear that Trump has no intention of following through with his threats.

The evidence is clear that immigrants from south of the border are at greater medical risk because of American' lower vaccination rates.

Get off your trump rant and address the serious issues about immigration, you partisan POS.
Trump is walking his promise back, as you well know.

I have addressed the immigration seriously and rebutted your nonsense.

What is it that you think you rebutted? What claims of mine do you disagree with?
I post clear and convincing evidence that Correll and ChrisL are incorrect and all they can do is run a red herring, or deny, or go all "nuh uh" or foolishly accuse one of being a sock.

The evidence is clear that Trump has no intention of following through with his threats.

The evidence is clear that immigrants from south of the border are at greater medical risk because of American' lower vaccination rates.

Get off your trump rant and address the serious issues about immigration, you partisan POS.
Trump is walking his promise back, as you well know.

I have addressed the immigration seriously and rebutted your nonsense.

What is it that you think you rebutted? What claims of mine do you disagree with?
Just like Correll, you don't get "Just once more." Anyone can read the above in whole and see that your evidence is rebutted competently and that you get emotional when you realize it

What did you "rebut" that I posted? Are you saying that illegal immigrants should not be tested for diseases? What is it that you THINK (or are deluded enough to believe) that you are rebutting?
Watch Correll as a lying far right nativist wiggle around.

Trump's back walking his anti-immigrant speech is news as you well know.

And it has been repeatedly reported on the board that Hispanics from south of the border have higher rates of vaccinations then Americans.

You could back that up with links, right?
I post clear and convincing evidence that Correll and ChrisL are incorrect and all they can do is run a red herring, or deny, or go all "nuh uh" or foolishly accuse one of being a sock.

The evidence is clear that Trump has no intention of following through with his threats.

The evidence is clear that immigrants from south of the border are at greater medical risk because of American' lower vaccination rates.

Get off your trump rant and address the serious issues about immigration, you partisan POS.
Trump is walking his promise back, as you well know.

I have addressed the immigration seriously and rebutted your nonsense.

What is it that you think you rebutted? What claims of mine do you disagree with?
Just like Correll, you don't get "Just once more." Anyone can read the above in whole and see that your evidence is rebutted competently and that you get emotional when you realize it

My gawd, is it possible to be any more idiotic than you? You are like a caricature of a completely partisan political douchebag. Lol.
I post clear and convincing evidence that Correll and ChrisL are incorrect and all they can do is run a red herring, or deny, or go all "nuh uh" or foolishly accuse one of being a sock.

The evidence is clear that Trump has no intention of following through with his threats.

The evidence is clear that immigrants from south of the border are at greater medical risk because of American' lower vaccination rates.

Get off your trump rant and address the serious issues about immigration, you partisan POS.
Trump is walking his promise back, as you well know.

I have addressed the immigration seriously and rebutted your nonsense.

What is it that you think you rebutted? What claims of mine do you disagree with?
Just like Correll, you don't get "Just once more." Anyone can read the above in whole and see that your evidence is rebutted competently and that you get emotional when you realize it

My evidence? Which was what? Guidelines for immigrants to be tested for communicable diseases before entering the United States as set forth by the CDC?
I post clear and convincing evidence that Correll and ChrisL are incorrect and all they can do is run a red herring, or deny, or go all "nuh uh" or foolishly accuse one of being a sock.

The evidence is clear that Trump has no intention of following through with his threats.

The evidence is clear that immigrants from south of the border are at greater medical risk because of American' lower vaccination rates.

1. The illegals are obviously NOT a perfectly random cross section of Mexico. Thus vaccination rates for Mexico does NOT define the vaccination rates for illegals.

2. YOu focused on Measles and ignored Chris's post on TB.

3. You didn't refute, or even address any of my points.

4. All you did was lie and personally attack.

5. Your assumption about Trump not following though on his policies is just your personal unsupported opinion, no matter how many times you repeat it.
Most of that is illegal and inhumane .
On second thought maybe you should live for a year under those conditions .

I don't have to live like that, I'm a native born US citizen.

That's the point. They are NOT US citizens and shouldn't just be able to come over here illegally and enjoy the benefits of such.

But then again, you are a dumb fuck, so no one expects you to understand that .
Hey slapdick my point is if you did live like that .
Your citizenship is no guarantee of benefits.
Should is irrelevant .
Attempt to stay in reality.

Actually dumb shit, my citizenship IS a guarantee of rights. That's the entire fucking point of the 13th,14th,and 15th fucking Amendments.

Come on, you morons make this too fucking easy.
Actually slapdick it's a promise and depending on the situation it's not always kept.
There's that pesky reality again.

Actually, moron, it's not a "promise." The Constitution is the law of the land. It's not some Dim political platform.
False ! The law is also a promise.
correll's manic posting style is indicative of mental instability .


I do other stuff, I come back and try reply to everyone who has responded to me, quickly because I have other stuff to do.

I find it telling though that you are looking for reasons (excuses?) to attack me personally so as to marginalize myself and my points.

That's a common tactic with leftists when they find someone who will call them on their bullshit and who is not silenced by the Race Card or whatever dishonest tactics the lefties in question use.

Lord knows that you lefties do ALL you can to avoid discussing the issues seriously and honestly.
More evidence of mania..
correll's manic posting style is indicative of mental instability .


I do other stuff, I come back and try reply to everyone who has responded to me, quickly because I have other stuff to do.

I find it telling though that you are looking for reasons (excuses?) to attack me personally so as to marginalize myself and my points.

That's a common tactic with leftists when they find someone who will call them on their bullshit and who is not silenced by the Race Card or whatever dishonest tactics the lefties in question use.

Lord knows that you lefties do ALL you can to avoid discussing the issues seriously and honestly.
More evidence of mania..

My explanation was completely reasonable.

YOu refuse to deal with that honestly

correll's manic posting style is indicative of mental instability .


I do other stuff, I come back and try reply to everyone who has responded to me, quickly because I have other stuff to do.

I find it telling though that you are looking for reasons (excuses?) to attack me personally so as to marginalize myself and my points.

That's a common tactic with leftists when they find someone who will call them on their bullshit and who is not silenced by the Race Card or whatever dishonest tactics the lefties in question use.

Lord knows that you lefties do ALL you can to avoid discussing the issues seriously and honestly.
More evidence of mania..

My explanation was completely reasonable.

YOu refuse to deal with that honestly

You've just supplied the best evidence yet for your mania !
Why don't ONE of you explain why you want to have illegal immigrants in this country, if not for the cheap slave labor?
When NAFTA allowed US corporate farms to dump tons of cheap corn into Mexico's "free market", millions of Mexicans living on small farms were no longer able to feed their families. Their choice amounted to migration or starvation.
What would you have done?
georgephillip: I don't believe enough US citizens will work in farm labor because of the long hours in often brutal heat or cold.

Correll: Labor moving across borders against peoples wishes is a violation of their Right to Self Determination.

You are both right, and that problem in the first sentence conflicts with Correll's statement.
When the Industrial Revolution first began it offered the seemingly impossible claim that, eventually, the machine would free humanity from the need to work.

Some believe many US workers have reached that point today:

Philosophy, et cetera: Universal Basic Income

"Universal Basic Income

"Should the state provide a baseline income to all adult citizens? It need not be a lot - though it could be - but even a few thousand dollars a year would surely help many of the less fortunate in our society. I think it is a much better idea than targeted (non-universal) welfare benefits, for several reasons."
Such a universal Basic Income would replace all forms of welfare available today and be accessible to citizens only.

Such a sea change as this would open a lot of low wage jobs to Americans with greater needs.
watching correll and daws go after each trying to prove which one is the more stupid poster , I envision Bills Cosby and Clinton arguing over which one is the creepiest towards women.

How much brain power does it take to come into a thread, and make an insulting post with NOTHING to say about the topic, let alone anything INTELLIGENT to say about the topic?
He is imitating you, little buddy.

Let's stay on topic, which is that Trump is not going to be able to deport the immigrants.

In fact, he will probably do nothing about it.
The fact is that there are plenty of unskilled workers in America who are losing out on jobs to illegals because employers can skirt the laws by employing them. People gave good examples of this in this thread . . . those who mentioned hiring illegals to do their landscaping or housecleaning because it is "cheaper." Ta da!!! There's the proof in front of your eyes.
How do you justify denying labor the same right to migration as capital currently possesses?

I agree there are many urban jobs lost to domestic labor because immigrants work cheaper and harder. Farm labor is an entirely separate beast, imho.

Neither capital or labor has any "right" to cross borders.

Such a "right" would violate the Right of Self Determination. (p.16)
D. Growth of Financial Flows Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows between Mexico and its partners strengthened after NAFTA. The agreement contained various provisions that improved the relative standing of investors from the partner countries in Mexico and expanded the sectors in which they could operate.

"These changes helped boost FDI flows to Mexico from US$12 billion over 1991–93 to roughly US$54 billion in the 2000–02 period and increased share of FDI flows in domestic gross fixed capital formation (investment) from 6 percent in 1993 to 11 percent in 2002, mainly on account of inflows from Mexico’s NAFTA partners (Figures 6a and 6b)."

This has nothing to do with illegal immigration. Lol.

Do you find that funny, too?
watching correll and daws go after each trying to prove which one is the more stupid poster , I envision Bills Cosby and Clinton arguing over which one is the creepiest towards women.

How much brain power does it take to come into a thread, and make an insulting post with NOTHING to say about the topic, let alone anything INTELLIGENT to say about the topic?
He is imitating you, little buddy.

Let's stay on topic, which is that Trump is not going to be able to deport the immigrants.

In fact, he will probably do nothing about it.
I think his doing nothing is more certain then not.
watching correll and daws go after each trying to prove which one is the more stupid poster , I envision Bills Cosby and Clinton arguing over which one is the creepiest towards women.

How much brain power does it take to come into a thread, and make an insulting post with NOTHING to say about the topic, let alone anything INTELLIGENT to say about the topic?
He is imitating you, little buddy.

Let's stay on topic, which is that Trump is not going to be able to deport the immigrants.

In fact, he will probably do nothing about it.

Says the man who will NOT support his opinion that Trump will not deport the immigrants.

But will keep repeating it over and over again.
watching correll and daws go after each trying to prove which one is the more stupid poster , I envision Bills Cosby and Clinton arguing over which one is the creepiest towards women.

How much brain power does it take to come into a thread, and make an insulting post with NOTHING to say about the topic, let alone anything INTELLIGENT to say about the topic?
He is imitating you, little buddy.

Let's stay on topic, which is that Trump is not going to be able to deport the immigrants.

In fact, he will probably do nothing about it.

Here's what the government SHOULD do

Close the border

then institute a 60 day grace period. If you are in this country illegally (either because you sneaked in or because you overstayed a visa , or whatever) you have 60 days to report to a local DMV where you will be fingerprinted and given an ID. If a background check determines that you pose no danger to anyone. Fine , just let them stay as residents, who cares. If you fail the background check you are deported.

If for whatever reason in the future you are interrogated by the police and don't have the proper ID , that's a 10 year stretch in federal prison, followed by deportation.

Mass deportation is silly though.
watching correll and daws go after each trying to prove which one is the more stupid poster , I envision Bills Cosby and Clinton arguing over which one is the creepiest towards women.

How much brain power does it take to come into a thread, and make an insulting post with NOTHING to say about the topic, let alone anything INTELLIGENT to say about the topic?
He is imitating you, little buddy.

Let's stay on topic, which is that Trump is not going to be able to deport the immigrants.

In fact, he will probably do nothing about it.

Here's what the government SHOULD do

Close the border

then institute a 60 day grace period. If you are in this country illegally (either because you sneaked in or because you overstayed a visa , or whatever) you have 60 days to report to a local DMV where you will be fingerprinted and given an ID. If a background check determines that you pose no danger to anyone. Fine , just let them stay as residents, who cares. If you fail the background check you are deported.

If for whatever reason in the future you are interrogated by the police and don't have the proper ID , that's a 10 year stretch in federal prison, followed by deportation.

Mass deportation is silly though.

We don't want them here.

That's what the laws mean. That's why these people had to enter illegally.

Mass Deportation is completely reasonable.
The fact is that there are plenty of unskilled workers in America who are losing out on jobs to illegals because employers can skirt the laws by employing them. People gave good examples of this in this thread . . . those who mentioned hiring illegals to do their landscaping or housecleaning because it is "cheaper." Ta da!!! There's the proof in front of your eyes.
How do you justify denying labor the same right to migration as capital currently possesses?

I agree there are many urban jobs lost to domestic labor because immigrants work cheaper and harder. Farm labor is an entirely separate beast, imho.

Neither capital or labor has any "right" to cross borders.

Such a "right" would violate the Right of Self Determination. (p.16)
D. Growth of Financial Flows Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows between Mexico and its partners strengthened after NAFTA. The agreement contained various provisions that improved the relative standing of investors from the partner countries in Mexico and expanded the sectors in which they could operate.

"These changes helped boost FDI flows to Mexico from US$12 billion over 1991–93 to roughly US$54 billion in the 2000–02 period and increased share of FDI flows in domestic gross fixed capital formation (investment) from 6 percent in 1993 to 11 percent in 2002, mainly on account of inflows from Mexico’s NAFTA partners (Figures 6a and 6b)."

Mexico is a democratic country.

Their democratically elected government signed NAFTA and thus agreed to the Capital flow across their border.

Thus their Right to Self Determination is NOT violated.

They willingly gave permission for this capital flow.

I have repeatedly explained this, and you keep ignoring this.

Why do ignore that?

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