Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

watching correll and daws go after each trying to prove which one is the more stupid poster , I envision Bills Cosby and Clinton arguing over which one is the creepiest towards women.

How much brain power does it take to come into a thread, and make an insulting post with NOTHING to say about the topic, let alone anything INTELLIGENT to say about the topic?
He is imitating you, little buddy.

Let's stay on topic, which is that Trump is not going to be able to deport the immigrants.

In fact, he will probably do nothing about it.

Here's what the government SHOULD do

Close the border

then institute a 60 day grace period. If you are in this country illegally (either because you sneaked in or because you overstayed a visa , or whatever) you have 60 days to report to a local DMV where you will be fingerprinted and given an ID. If a background check determines that you pose no danger to anyone. Fine , just let them stay as residents, who cares. If you fail the background check you are deported.

If for whatever reason in the future you are interrogated by the police and don't have the proper ID , that's a 10 year stretch in federal prison, followed by deportation.

Mass deportation is silly though.

We don't want them here.

That's what the laws mean. That's why these people had to enter illegally.

Mass Deportation is completely reasonable.

What you want is completely irrelevant to people in the real world who are interested in real world solutions that actually make sense.

I could get 30% , at least, of illegal immigrants to self deport within 120 days. Most of them would be the ones we don't want here.

Institute the policy I outlined above

Enforce laws against hiring illegals. And by enforce, I mean fine companies $100K or 5% of their gross sales whichever is higher PER illegal they employ

Cut off access to government benefits to illegals and their children who are under 18

Make it illegal to rent housing to illegals.

2nd time caught illegally entering in this country means a mandatory 20 year prison sentence

Boom done. No need to spend untold billions rounding people up and deporting them, they will fund their OWN deportation.
We don't want them here.

That's what the laws mean. That's why these people had to enter illegally.

Mass Deportation is completely reasonable
When was the last time 11 million human beings were uprooted from their homes and forcibly relocated?

Careful, or he'll suggest we round them up and put them all on reservations.
The fact is that there are plenty of unskilled workers in America who are losing out on jobs to illegals because employers can skirt the laws by employing them. People gave good examples of this in this thread . . . those who mentioned hiring illegals to do their landscaping or housecleaning because it is "cheaper." Ta da!!! There's the proof in front of your eyes.
How do you justify denying labor the same right to migration as capital currently possesses?

I agree there are many urban jobs lost to domestic labor because immigrants work cheaper and harder. Farm labor is an entirely separate beast, imho.

Neither capital or labor has any "right" to cross borders.

Such a "right" would violate the Right of Self Determination. (p.16)
D. Growth of Financial Flows Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows between Mexico and its partners strengthened after NAFTA. The agreement contained various provisions that improved the relative standing of investors from the partner countries in Mexico and expanded the sectors in which they could operate.

"These changes helped boost FDI flows to Mexico from US$12 billion over 1991–93 to roughly US$54 billion in the 2000–02 period and increased share of FDI flows in domestic gross fixed capital formation (investment) from 6 percent in 1993 to 11 percent in 2002, mainly on account of inflows from Mexico’s NAFTA partners (Figures 6a and 6b)."

Mexico is a democratic country.

Their democratically elected government signed NAFTA and thus agreed to the Capital flow across their border.

Thus their Right to Self Determination is NOT violated.

They willingly gave permission for this capital flow.

I have repeatedly explained this, and you keep ignoring this.

Why do ignore that?

I agree that "Free Trade" agreements have been mostly failures.

BUT my point that they were voluntarily entered into stands. The Rights of the People to self determination were NOT violated.

TRUMP is the candidate that wants to renegotiate those deals.

Hillary is the one that wants them to remain as is.
Maybe, maybe not, but there is always hope! If he did, just imagine how much better traffic would be!
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?
that would mean they would have to capture 734 illegals each that would meant it would take two years at what cost ... if they paid each person 50,000 dollars a year it would cost the government 1,500,000,000 thats just in salaries ... now they have to go through the court system, when they are incarcerated, each year whats that cost I remember reading 65,000 dollars a year thats 1,430,000,000,000 dollars talk about spenders is it worth it
Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Do not take comfort in the fact that Trump flip-flops on all sorts of issues. Contrary to his initial, typically strident position on abortion, the master demagogue now says women needn’t fear imprisonment if they terminate their pregnancy (unless he changes his mind again).

"Even his much-ballyhooed Great Wall of Trump along the Mexican border may wind up as half a wall.

"He does this a lot.

"But there’s no way he’ll back away from mass deportations.

"Why are deportations different? Radical nativism, as defined by this promise to deport illegal immigrants, every single one of them, defined his campaign from the start. It’s why he’s here. It’s why he won."
Why don't ONE of you explain why you want to have illegal immigrants in this country, if not for the cheap slave labor?
When NAFTA allowed US corporate farms to dump tons of cheap corn into Mexico's "free market", millions of Mexicans living on small farms were no longer able to feed their families. Their choice amounted to migration or starvation.
What would you have done?

I don't blame them one bit for wanting to come here. I blame our government for allowing it.
Do you blame our government for creating the choice between starvation or migration?
Why don't ONE of you explain why you want to have illegal immigrants in this country, if not for the cheap slave labor?
When NAFTA allowed US corporate farms to dump tons of cheap corn into Mexico's "free market", millions of Mexicans living on small farms were no longer able to feed their families. Their choice amounted to migration or starvation.
What would you have done?

I don't blame them one bit for wanting to come here. I blame our government for allowing it.
Do you blame our government for creating the choice between starvation or migration?

No, I blame the Mexican government for creating their own economy that the poor are desperate to get away from.
watching correll and daws go after each trying to prove which one is the more stupid poster , I envision Bills Cosby and Clinton arguing over which one is the creepiest towards women.

How much brain power does it take to come into a thread, and make an insulting post with NOTHING to say about the topic, let alone anything INTELLIGENT to say about the topic?
He is imitating you, little buddy.

Let's stay on topic, which is that Trump is not going to be able to deport the immigrants.

In fact, he will probably do nothing about it.
Says the man who will NOT support his opinion that Trump will not deport the immigrants. But will keep repeating it over and over again.
I have supported my assertion above many times. You just like about it. So, no, you don't get "just once more."
watching correll and daws go after each trying to prove which one is the more stupid poster , I envision Bills Cosby and Clinton arguing over which one is the creepiest towards women.

How much brain power does it take to come into a thread, and make an insulting post with NOTHING to say about the topic, let alone anything INTELLIGENT to say about the topic?
He is imitating you, little buddy.

Let's stay on topic, which is that Trump is not going to be able to deport the immigrants.

In fact, he will probably do nothing about it.

Here's what the government SHOULD do

Close the border

then institute a 60 day grace period. If you are in this country illegally (either because you sneaked in or because you overstayed a visa , or whatever) you have 60 days to report to a local DMV where you will be fingerprinted and given an ID. If a background check determines that you pose no danger to anyone. Fine , just let them stay as residents, who cares. If you fail the background check you are deported.

If for whatever reason in the future you are interrogated by the police and don't have the proper ID , that's a 10 year stretch in federal prison, followed by deportation.

Mass deportation is silly though.
We don't want them here. That's what the laws mean. That's why these people had to enter illegally. Mass Deportation is completely reasonable.
No, it is not; no, your "we" is not the general feeling in the country. Correll, they are not leaving as you want them to leave. Won't happen. And "renegotiation of those deals" means no mass deportation.
watching correll and daws go after each trying to prove which one is the more stupid poster , I envision Bills Cosby and Clinton arguing over which one is the creepiest towards women.

How much brain power does it take to come into a thread, and make an insulting post with NOTHING to say about the topic, let alone anything INTELLIGENT to say about the topic?
He is imitating you, little buddy.

Let's stay on topic, which is that Trump is not going to be able to deport the immigrants.

In fact, he will probably do nothing about it.
Says the man who will NOT support his opinion that Trump will not deport the immigrants. But will keep repeating it over and over again.
I have supported my assertion above many times. You just like about it. So, no, you don't get "just once more."

Sure you have.

watching correll and daws go after each trying to prove which one is the more stupid poster , I envision Bills Cosby and Clinton arguing over which one is the creepiest towards women.

How much brain power does it take to come into a thread, and make an insulting post with NOTHING to say about the topic, let alone anything INTELLIGENT to say about the topic?
He is imitating you, little buddy.

Let's stay on topic, which is that Trump is not going to be able to deport the immigrants.

In fact, he will probably do nothing about it.

Here's what the government SHOULD do

Close the border

then institute a 60 day grace period. If you are in this country illegally (either because you sneaked in or because you overstayed a visa , or whatever) you have 60 days to report to a local DMV where you will be fingerprinted and given an ID. If a background check determines that you pose no danger to anyone. Fine , just let them stay as residents, who cares. If you fail the background check you are deported.

If for whatever reason in the future you are interrogated by the police and don't have the proper ID , that's a 10 year stretch in federal prison, followed by deportation.

Mass deportation is silly though.
We don't want them here. That's what the laws mean. That's why these people had to enter illegally. Mass Deportation is completely reasonable.
No, it is not; no, your "we" is not the general feeling in the country. Correll, they are not leaving as you want them to leave. Won't happen. And "renegotiation of those deals" means no mass deportation.

The law is our democratically expressed wishes.

It is the classic "We, the people" speaking.

When/If Trump wins, it will be "We, the People" repeating ourselves very loudly, trying to get the moronic and deaf leadership of this nation to fucking listen.
How much brain power does it take to come into a thread, and make an insulting post with NOTHING to say about the topic, let alone anything INTELLIGENT to say about the topic?
He is imitating you, little buddy.

Let's stay on topic, which is that Trump is not going to be able to deport the immigrants.

In fact, he will probably do nothing about it.

Here's what the government SHOULD do

Close the border

then institute a 60 day grace period. If you are in this country illegally (either because you sneaked in or because you overstayed a visa , or whatever) you have 60 days to report to a local DMV where you will be fingerprinted and given an ID. If a background check determines that you pose no danger to anyone. Fine , just let them stay as residents, who cares. If you fail the background check you are deported.

If for whatever reason in the future you are interrogated by the police and don't have the proper ID , that's a 10 year stretch in federal prison, followed by deportation.

Mass deportation is silly though.
We don't want them here. That's what the laws mean. That's why these people had to enter illegally. Mass Deportation is completely reasonable.
No, it is not; no, your "we" is not the general feeling in the country. Correll, they are not leaving as you want them to leave. Won't happen. And "renegotiation of those deals" means no mass deportation.

The law is our democratically expressed wishes.

It is the classic "We, the people" speaking.

When/If Trump wins, it will be "We, the People" repeating ourselves very loudly, trying to get the moronic and deaf leadership of this nation to fucking listen.
That "we" is in your head and exists no where else.

Your small minority now is not going to run the country, and the Republican Party is not going to go along with mass deportation.
How much brain power does it take to come into a thread, and make an insulting post with NOTHING to say about the topic, let alone anything INTELLIGENT to say about the topic?
He is imitating you, little buddy.

Let's stay on topic, which is that Trump is not going to be able to deport the immigrants.

In fact, he will probably do nothing about it.

Here's what the government SHOULD do

Close the border

then institute a 60 day grace period. If you are in this country illegally (either because you sneaked in or because you overstayed a visa , or whatever) you have 60 days to report to a local DMV where you will be fingerprinted and given an ID. If a background check determines that you pose no danger to anyone. Fine , just let them stay as residents, who cares. If you fail the background check you are deported.

If for whatever reason in the future you are interrogated by the police and don't have the proper ID , that's a 10 year stretch in federal prison, followed by deportation.

Mass deportation is silly though.
We don't want them here. That's what the laws mean. That's why these people had to enter illegally. Mass Deportation is completely reasonable.
No, it is not; no, your "we" is not the general feeling in the country. Correll, they are not leaving as you want them to leave. Won't happen. And "renegotiation of those deals" means no mass deportation.

The law is our democratically expressed wishes.

It is the classic "We, the people" speaking.

When/If Trump wins, it will be "We, the People" repeating ourselves very loudly, trying to get the moronic and deaf leadership of this nation to fucking listen.

Well, good luck getting a law passed that says "forcibly deport the beaners" LOL I'll bet you right now that Trump never mentions mass deportations in the general election process.
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

Living in reality


he's not stupid enough to yank 11 million paying customers out of our stagnant economy ... as always he's all mouth and no thinking ... he is doing nothing more than keeping his trained idiots foaming at the mouth hoping they will elect him ..

"Establishmentarians can’t imagine that Trump would actually go through with mass deportations, much less how he would carry them out. 'I can’t even begin to picture how we would deport 11 million people in a few years when we don’t have a police state, where the police can’t break down your door at will and take you away without a warrant,' says Michael Chertoff, head of the Department of Homeland Security under George W. Bush.

"You don’t need imagination to game this out. You need history.

"Right-wingers will call the cops to report their undocumented neighbors. As in Nazi-occupied Europe, anyone with a grudge against someone without a valid I-9 form — resentful ex-boyfriends, etc. — will drop a dime to Trump’s jackbooted thugs..."
Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

None of thoase asteps are necessary...just cut off the welfare dime.....simple shit.

Yup. And start arresting anyone who hires them.

Guess the word ILLEGAL doesn't mean much to some people. Especially those that hire them.

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