Crying 20-Year Old Capitol Rioter Sentenced After Trying to Argue His Brain Wasn’t Fully Developed

That's an interesting comment you made. So in a democracy, and in America's constitution, you can challenge an election result. You can find past examples by using Google. So Trump, within a democratic framework, challenged the result and asked for a peaceful protest. Unfortunately, some didn't heed that advice, but you as being an upstanding democratic citizen believes, "Shoot them".

You have have a strange concept of democracy if you feel upholding democracy is to shoot them. Looks like you have communist tendancies.
Tommie the Commie sees things through his Gestapo eye.
That's an interesting comment you made. So in a democracy, and in America's constitution, you can challenge an election result. You can find past examples by using Google. So Trump, within a democratic framework, challenged the result and asked for a peaceful protest. Unfortunately, some didn't heed that advice, but you as being an upstanding democratic citizen believes, "Shoot them".

You have have a strange concept of democracy if you feel upholding democracy is to shoot them. Looks like you have communist tendancies.
Communist who tried to overturn the election should be shot.
Communist who tried to overturn the election should be shot.
From that sentence, you need a number of things. You need to find such a communist, you need evidence and you need due process. To blurt out, "Communist who tried to overturn the election should be shot", clearly shows a lack of understanding in the word Communist, how basic law works and what rules you have within a democracy. I know America is a Republic, but you do have a portion of Representative Democracy.

Jan 6th has highlighted the lack of Political understanding by lefties.
Yes, that's obvious.

..Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.
. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2018

TRUMP: I like this stuff. I really get it… every one of these doctors said, ‘how do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability.

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that."
From that sentence, you need a number of things. You need to find such a communist,
Trump and his cult and they did find some, still looking for other communist.
you need evidence and you need due process.
Videotape, and witnesses.
Their due process is in court.
To blurt out, "Communist who tried to overturn the election should be shot", clearly shows a lack of understanding in the word Communist, how basic law works and what rules you have within a democracy.
That's what communists do, try to remain in or seize power.
That's what traitors should get an execution.

I know America is a Republic, but you do have a portion of Representative Democracy.

Jan 6th has highlighted the lack of Political understanding by lefties.
January 6th highlighted what Trump and his cult would do, to remain in power.
Trump and his cult and they did find some, still looking for other communist.

Videotape, and witnesses.
Their due process is in court.

That's what communists do, try to remain in or seize power.
That's what traitors should get an execution.

January 6th highlighted what Trump and his cult would do, to remain in power.
Yes, you're a thick c***, a credulous person for nothingburgers.

Take one hour out, of your life, to watch Trump's full speech leading to the Jan 6th protest on YouTube. Go on, see if you can. Don't watch a Lefty edited version, watch the full real video.

I live in the UK, so watching you Democrats having a crying fit and your Republicans saying, "What the fuck are you retards on", I watched Trump's speech. All I can say is, "What the fuck are you regards on about".
Yes, you're a thick c***, a credulous person for nothingburgers.
You're a fucking moron.
Take one hour out, of your life, to watch Trump's full speech leading to the Jan 6th protest on YouTube. Go on, see if you can. Don't watch a Lefty edited version, watch the full real video.
Don't have to the dipshit, I watched it live as millions of others did.

I live in the UK, so watching you Democrats having a crying fit and your Republicans saying, "What the fuck are you retards on",
Awww, it the Republicans that were crying, including Trump, every day since November.
I watched Trump's speech. All I can say is, "What the fuck are you regards on about"
TDS is the belief that Trump won the election. A belief based on nothing.
I never said he won anything. I do believe that Trump triggers morons like you more than anyone so he has my support. Your preferred pronouns are what?
You're a fucking moron.

Don't have to the dipshit, I watched it live as millions of others did.

Awww, it the Republicans that were crying, including Trump, every day since November.
You haven't watched it, otherwise you wouldn't be coming out with all that shite. From day one, you Lefties have cried about Trump. Very weird, that's why I came to American politics to find out what mental conditions you Lefties suffer from. And you've cried ever since, from nothingburger to nothingburger. You Democrats are such spastics, you claim you want to save Democracy, yet in the same breath, didn't accept Trump as your president from an election. Can you see how retarded you guys are.

The Democrats have made the impeachment process a laughing joke. Never seen it so misused over your hissy fits. Surprised you didn't put golfing and farting on the high crimes and misdemeanor list.

Then if you empty your mind, fuck me that was quick, and watch Trump's speech, you will find 99% of it just incoherent waffle, then you have the part where he told people to march peacefully and cheer on senators. As some rioted, you fucking retard think Trump said, "Break in and riot".

If you're American, Americans have my sympathy that they have such a retard in their society
That's an interesting comment you made. So in a democracy, and in America's constitution, you can challenge an election result. You can find past examples by using Google. So Trump, within a democratic framework, challenged the result and asked for a peaceful protest. Unfortunately, some didn't heed that advice, but you as being an upstanding democratic citizen believes, "Shoot them".

You have have a strange concept of democracy if you feel upholding democracy is to shoot them. Looks like you have communist tendancies.
You are able to challenge any result though legal means. Trump tried that over 100 times in various courts and got his arse kicked every time.
Rioting at the Capitol in an attempt to atop the election being certified is not a legal route and they should probably have shot more of the scum.

Unless you can explain the legal process that the insurrectionists were following ?
You are able to challenge any result though legal means. Trump tried that over 100 times in various courts and got his arse kicked every time.
Rioting at the Capitol in an attempt to atop the election being certified is not a legal route and they should probably have shot more of the scum.

Unless you can explain the legal process that the insurrectionists were following ?
As you say, yes he can, and yes he did, and yes he's still doing so.

Some don't bother, some try once, some try a hundred times, and others like Trump will try all the way to his grave. That's why he is where he is.

If a President or Prime Minister had your lack of tenacity and just lay on their back over confrontation, your country would be bankrupt and trying to fight back China, Russia etc..

Surely you remember Tim Martin telling Theresa May over Brexit, "You don't get anywhere being soft".

Lefties run on emotions, that why so much drama follows you guys. Like him or hate him, Trump can challenge the result a billion times through the courts, he obviously feels sufficient fraud took place. I know fine well he won't get anywhere with it. But did you notice there, I didn't scream fascist, communist etc.. because I understand this political terminology.

If America wants to take something from this, change the constitution that the out going president has up to a year to take an election result objection case to the SCOTUS. Once, and once only. But at the moment, it doesn't, so Trump has every right to continue. If you wish to uphold democracy, allow him, if you don't, shoot him.
As you say, yes he can, and yes he did, and yes he's still doing so.

Some don't bother, some try once, some try a hundred times, and others like Trump will try all the way to his grave. That's why he is where he is.

If a President or Prime Minister had your lack of tenacity and just lay on their back over confrontation, your country would be bankrupt and trying to fight back China, Russia etc..

Surely you remember Tim Martin telling Theresa May over Brexit, "You don't get anywhere being soft".

Lefties run on emotions, that why so much drama follows you guys. Like him or hate him, Trump can challenge the result a billion times through the courts, he obviously feels sufficient fraud took place. I know fine well he won't get anywhere with it. But did you notice there, I didn't scream fascist, communist etc.. because I understand this political terminology.

If America wants to take something from this, change the constitution that the out going president has up to a year to take an election result objection case to the SCOTUS. Once, and once only. But at the moment, it doesn't, so Trump has every right to continue. If you wish to uphold democracy, allow him, if you don't, shoot him.
And if he doesnt get anywhere hetries theintimidation or violence route.
You blame "lefties" for acting on emotions which is ludicrous. I personally act on facts and the facts in this case are pretty clear cut. Trump lost but his ego cant cope with that so he is prepared to destabilise a democracy because of it.

Regarding brexit - are you really holding that up as a success ? Serioussly ?
And if he doesnt get anywhere hetries theintimidation or violence route.
You blame "lefties" for acting on emotions which is ludicrous. I personally act on facts and the facts in this case are pretty clear cut. Trump lost but his ego cant cope with that so he is prepared to destabilise a democracy because of it.

Regarding brexit - are you really holding that up as a success ? Serioussly ?
Sorry Tommy, the vast of the Left are subjective and your post was subjective. My previous post gave you an objective breakdown of the Trump situation, my objective part was what I thought the outcome would be. Your post was based on your feelings, not facts.

Regarding Brexit, there was a democratic vote, a referendum. I did not expect the UK to leave, I understand it wasn't a legal binding vote on what the UK should do. Those that, allegedly uphold democracy, tried to overturn a referendum. The government picked a softy to negotiate with the EU, May. That was a disaster, and as Tim Martin pointed out her flaw in this process, you don't get anywhere being soft. Hence her demise.

And Nicola Sturgeon is from the same mould as you with not only Brexit, but with Scottish independence, trying with all her might to overturn a democratic decision/result. And the Lefties claim to be, the Party for Democracy. Now if you claim to follow facts, let those absorb into you.

If you and Sturgeon were democratic, you would seek a voting auditing, pointing out the fraud you feel that happened. If you're not democratic, you would just try to overturn the result.
If he was 19 he wasn't a Trump supporter, dipshit.

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