Cubans forced to fight for Russia in Ukraine – Cuban Foreign Ministry


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
Cuba has uncovered a human trafficking network coercing Cuban citizens into fighting on Russia's side in the war against Ukraine, and the country is making efforts to "neutralise and dismantle" the network.

Source: Cuban Foreign Ministry; Reuters

Details: A statement issued by the Cuban Foreign Ministry late on Monday night [4 September] gave few details but noted that the trafficking network operated both on the territory of the Caribbean Island nation, thousands of kilometres from Moscow, and in Russia itself.

Quote: "The Ministry of the Interior... is working on the neutralisation and dismantling of a human trafficking network that operates from Russia to incorporate Cuban citizens living there, and even some from Cuba, into the military forces participating in war operations in Ukraine.

Cuba is not part of the war in Ukraine. (Cuba) is acting and will act energetically against anyone... who participates in any form of human trafficking for the purpose of recruitment of Cuban citizens as mercenaries to use arms against any country.

Attempts of this nature have been neutralised and criminal proceedings have been initiated against people involved in these activities."

Apparently Putin just can't find enough Russians willing to fight in his wars.
Looks like everybody wants to be killing the Kyiv Nazis .
Hurry, Hurry because Winkle and Toomuchboozse are also are on their backs with their mouths wide open .
Mutiny and surrender everywhere and Moscow has barely started .

The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on September 5 2023
Russia Pockets Ukrainian Forces

Russian President calls Ukraine's summer counteroffensive a "failure"

Ukraine Shifting the World's Stage

Bad Guys Act on Perception - Greatest Danger to Peace is Miscalculation

Putin just changed EVERYTHING with this move and NATO knows it

We wrote about the fact that the counteroffensive turned into a massacre near the Sea of Azov, now the Western media are writing about it.

The British Times writes about the high losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the southern front. The article is titled "Ukraine's Counteroffensive: "I'm Ready to Die. 90% of the guys here will also die."

In the material, the Ukrainian military said that the unit, abandoned to “turn the tide at the front,” has already lost 75% of its composition.
There are plenty of Hondurans, Guatemalan, and Venezuelans to take too. If Russia was enterprising they could take Africans and Haitians. They already know how to fight.
Cuba has uncovered a human trafficking network coercing Cuban citizens into fighting on Russia's side in the war against Ukraine, and the country is making efforts to "neutralise and dismantle" the network.

Source: Cuban Foreign Ministry; Reuters

Details: A statement issued by the Cuban Foreign Ministry late on Monday night [4 September] gave few details but noted that the trafficking network operated both on the territory of the Caribbean Island nation, thousands of kilometres from Moscow, and in Russia itself.

Quote: "The Ministry of the Interior... is working on the neutralisation and dismantling of a human trafficking network that operates from Russia to incorporate Cuban citizens living there, and even some from Cuba, into the military forces participating in war operations in Ukraine.

Cuba is not part of the war in Ukraine. (Cuba) is acting and will act energetically against anyone... who participates in any form of human trafficking for the purpose of recruitment of Cuban citizens as mercenaries to use arms against any country.

Attempts of this nature have been neutralised and criminal proceedings have been initiated against people involved in these activities."

Apparently Putin just can't find enough Russians willing to fight in his wars.

"human trafficking?" doesn't that phrase have meaning?

this is somewhere between "recruitment" and "conscription" with a hint of "impressment," all widely practiced worldwide.
There are plenty of Hondurans, Guatemalan, and Venezuelans to take too. If Russia was enterprising they could take Africans and Haitians. They already know how to fight.

Sure. Who survives a coconut falling on the hat will also survive bullets shooting through the head.


And the madmen, the tremblers, those who went mad from the war - they also did not exist in the past.

There are very bad descriptions of injuries, but madness is something that people are afraid of. One does not speak about it. Madness is something too myterious. You can't talk about something like that.

A war trembler taken in Hamburg in 1916. "Man's natural instinct for self-preservation rebels against war," notes a German military psychiatrist. So going mad with fear is normal. An insight that doesn't sit well with the military. Censorship prevents such insights from becoming known.
To everyone here:

Nearly all Germans think US-Americans have not any idea about what war really is. One reason for this prejudice is it that people who are save behind their desks thousands of miles far from a real war are the only people who think war is something what could be good in any way. War is shit - pure shit - nothing else than only pure shit. And who thinks to go into a war and to come back as a respected hero is nothing else than an idiot. Who comes back out of a real war is often a stranger who nobody knows any longer.
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To everyone here:

Nearly all Germans think that US-Americans have not any idea about what war really is. One reason for this prejudice is it that people who are save behind their desks thousands of miles far from a real war are the only people who think war is something what could be good in any way. War is shit - pure shit - nothing else than only pure shit. And who thinks to go into a war and to come back as a respected hero is nothing else than an idiot. Who comes back out of a real war is often a stranger who nobody knows any longer.
please post this about 1,000,000 more times

for you guys who want a "civil war" think about your wives and children before you get too stupid.
please post this about 1,000,000 more times

for you guys who want a "civil war" think about your wives and children before you get too stupid.

What about to try to solve such problems with a referendum comparable to the Brexit? Or with a reduction of the concept "the winner takes it all" and more compromises in politics?

What about to try to solve such problems with a referendum comparable to the Brexit? Or with a reduction of the concept "the winner takes it all" and more compromises in politics?

i like both ideas, but the "davul is in the details." .

my state has not recovered from the last stupid civil war
To everyone here:

Nearly all Germans think US-Americans have not any idea about what war really is. One reason for this prejudice is it that people who are save behind their desks thousands of miles far from a real war are the only people who think war is something what could be good in any way. War is shit - pure shit - nothing else than only pure shit. And who thinks to go into a war and to come back as a respected hero is nothing else than an idiot. Who comes back out of a real war is often a stranger who nobody knows any longer.
You Germans know nothing about real wars. Killing Nazies and their puppets is a good thing, not bad.
And the only thing better than burning German tanks - is burning down German cities.
... Killing Nazies and their puppets is a good thing, not bad. ...

You and your allies made heavy war crimes during world war 1 and world war 2 and between world war 1+2. Very very very heavy war crimes. All of you. Also your whole nation. And you give yourselve always the same wrong excuses to do so and to continue to do so. That's why your whole extremely violent society lost their balance "up" from the highest authorities of your country "down" to the worst bums in the streets.

For your orientation: Killing is always a bad thing - always - without any exception! Also to kill an enemy is a bad thing! And when you think the USA was innocent in the existence of Nazis then you are only a dreamer in your own lovely nightmare full of wrong pathos.
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... And the only thing better than burning German tanks - is burning down German cities.

No wonder that you are still alive. It needs silver bullets to kill idiots like you. By the way: Tanks do not burn and in cities live human beings.


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