Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

The facts are that Rassmussen Polls showed Bush approval ratings higher than other polls and show Obama approval ratings lower that other polls. This is demonstrated in poll after poll.

That is why they are the only poll the right wing reports.

But its fine with me. If the right wing wants to believe the public likes them more than they really do.....thats their problem
except Rasmussen is better at it than the others
you guys just dont like that

Better at what? Skewing the polls?

I like Rassmussen, If republicans want to believe that the public really loves them in spite of all the other polls...go for it
STRAWMAN ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

never said anything of the sort
but then you are too fucking stupid to understand
How about Scott Rasmussen himself ADMITTING his poll skewed Bush's approval higher?

From June 2006:

At Rasmussen Reports, we ask if people Strongly Approve, Somewhat Approve, Somewhat Disapprove, or Strongly Disapprove of the way the President is performing his job. This approach, in the current political environment, yields results about 3-4 points higher than if we simply ask if people if they approve or disapprove

Polling Methodology: Job Approval Ratings - Rasmussen Reports™

Funniest thing is, Divecon will STILL deny it's true.

We know for a fact that it isn't doing that for Obama. Rasmussen's Obama polls are LOWER than the averages. That's my point.


Higher than the averages when a Republican is president

Lower than the averages when a Democrat is president.

Those are indisputable facts, and it is also indisputable that Rasmussen uses a unique polling method with unique questions to get those results.
yeah, sure, he changes his methodology by what party controls the white house
How about Scott Rasmussen himself ADMITTING his poll skewed Bush's approval higher?

From June 2006:

At Rasmussen Reports, we ask if people Strongly Approve, Somewhat Approve, Somewhat Disapprove, or Strongly Disapprove of the way the President is performing his job. This approach, in the current political environment, yields results about 3-4 points higher than if we simply ask if people if they approve or disapprove

Polling Methodology: Job Approval Ratings - Rasmussen Reports™

Funniest thing is, Divecon will STILL deny it's true.

We know for a fact that it isn't doing that for Obama. Rasmussen's Obama polls are LOWER than the averages. That's my point.


Higher than the averages when a Republican is president

Lower than the averages when a Democrat is president.

Those are indisputable facts, and it is also indisputable that Rasmussen uses a unique polling method with unique questions to get those results.

This may be the dumbest post I've ever read...Chris, is that you?
Are you crazy-assed rightwingers still cherry-picking the one poll out of a dozen that gives you the results you want?

This point has been proven again, and again, and every day you nutjobs just bring up the exact same argument again and again in favor of your single, cherry-picked poll.

Didn't Iraq teach you people anything about cherry-picking???

That's why one should use a Meta-Poll, or "Poll-of-Polls" like the one at RealClearPolitics instead of trying to find results that appeal to you, like Rasmussen.

Here's RCP's results for today:

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/4

Approve: 52.0 Dissapprove: 41.2 Spread: +10.8

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

But of course, tomorrow, "Ozzmdj" will just post the same old Rasmussen Reports results, and DiveCon will defend them as "the most reliable", and then a bunch of people will come on the thread and prove him wrong, again.

Why do they do it? Because Right-wingers believe that if something is repeated enough times, it becomes truth. It's very Orwellian, but they believe it to be true.

And, among right-wingers, it very well may be true. They all believe what they want to hear anyway.
Are you crazy-assed rightwingers still cherry-picking the one poll out of a dozen that gives you the results you want?

This point has been proven again, and again, and every day you nutjobs just bring up the exact same argument again and again in favor of your single, cherry-picked poll.

Didn't Iraq teach you people anything about cherry-picking???

That's why one should use a Meta-Poll, or "Poll-of-Polls" like the one at RealClearPolitics instead of trying to find results that appeal to you, like Rasmussen.

Here's RCP's results for today:

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/4

Approve: 52.0 Dissapprove: 41.2 Spread: +10.8

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

But of course, tomorrow, "Ozzmdj" will just post the same old Rasmussen Reports results, and DiveCon will defend them as "the most reliable", and then a bunch of people will come on the thread and prove him wrong, again.

Why do they do it? Because Right-wingers believe that if something is repeated enough times, it becomes truth. It's very Orwellian, but they believe it to be true.

And, among right-wingers, it very well may be true. They all believe what they want to hear anyway.
sorry, RCP is not a "poll"
it takes the polls and averages them
they include polls that are WAY outside the norms
ones that tend to favor the democrats
even rassmussen has a 52 - 48 split in favor of Obama approval today. (Here's a real clear indication that they are messing with their numbers - when is the last time you asked more than six or seven people a question and not a SINGLE ONE OF THEM was neutral on the subject????????)
Are you crazy-assed rightwingers still cherry-picking the one poll out of a dozen that gives you the results you want?

This point has been proven again, and again, and every day you nutjobs just bring up the exact same argument again and again in favor of your single, cherry-picked poll.

Didn't Iraq teach you people anything about cherry-picking???

That's why one should use a Meta-Poll, or "Poll-of-Polls" like the one at RealClearPolitics instead of trying to find results that appeal to you, like Rasmussen.

Here's RCP's results for today:

RCP Average 9/17 - 10/4

Approve: 52.0 Dissapprove: 41.2 Spread: +10.8

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

But of course, tomorrow, "Ozzmdj" will just post the same old Rasmussen Reports results, and DiveCon will defend them as "the most reliable", and then a bunch of people will come on the thread and prove him wrong, again.

Why do they do it? Because Right-wingers believe that if something is repeated enough times, it becomes truth. It's very Orwellian, but they believe it to be true.

And, among right-wingers, it very well may be true. They all believe what they want to hear anyway.
sorry, RCP is not a "poll"
it takes the polls and averages them
they include polls that are WAY outside the norms
ones that tend to favor the democrats

I didn't say RCP was a "poll". It doesn't have to be a "Poll", its a "Meta-Poll", otherwise known as a "poll-of-polls" which is of course what I said.

Read what I say before you agree or refute.

And, as we have discusses, multiple times in this same thread, RCP delivers more reliable result than Rassmussen, not less reliable.

Like the 2008 Presidential elections.

Rassmussen: 6%, RCP: 7.6%

The actual result? 7.2%

Winner: RCP
even rassmussen has a 52 - 48 split in favor of Obama approval today. (Here's a real clear indication that they are messing with their numbers - when is the last time you asked more than six or seven people a question and not a SINGLE ONE OF THEM was neutral on the subject????????)
no, its clear they are reporting the findings of their polls
and it does jump because they ask strongly approve, somewhat approve, somwhat disapprove, and strongly disapprove
they dont have an option for neutral
so some that are in the middle could switch from somewhat approve to somewhat disapprove on a daily basis
You know what? I don't know why I bother. From now on, I'm just going to respond to this thread like Ozzmdj does.

I'll just find the poll I like, and then post the results of that poll multiple times in the thread.

Like this:

CBS News/NY Times 9/19 - 9/23

Approve: 56, Disapprove: 33, Spread: +23

Sweet! Looks like Obama's doing great!
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You know what? I don't know why I bother. From now on, I'm just going to respond to this thread like Ozzmdj does.

I'll just find the poll I like, and then post the results of that poll multiple times in the thread.

Like this:

CBS News/NY Times 9/19 - 9/23

Approve: 56, Disapprove: 33, Spread: +23

Sweet! Looks like Obama's doing great!
except rasmussen is closer to correct

That's never been true. The average has been closer to accurate.

And I am so wondering why the loons aren't posting that Rasmussen has Obama at 52% approval rating again.

I guess it must have slipped their notice.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
Oz did post it
go look

the loser posted it as -6...not as a 52% approval rating...

which is what it is.

That's called...

now repeat after me....

M-I-S-L-E-A-D-I-N-G and D-I-S-H-O-N-E-S-T

you'll forgive me if I find him a waste of time.
even rassmussen has a 52 - 48 split in favor of Obama approval today. (Here's a real clear indication that they are messing with their numbers - when is the last time you asked more than six or seven people a question and not a SINGLE ONE OF THEM was neutral on the subject????????)
no, its clear they are reporting the findings of their polls
and it does jump because they ask strongly approve, somewhat approve, somwhat disapprove, and strongly disapprove
they dont have an option for neutral
so some that are in the middle could switch from somewhat approve to somewhat disapprove on a daily basis

but where are the people who are in the middle RIGHT NOW recorded? Every single person they talked to reported being in one of their four categories? It's absurd. If they asked more than 20 people - at LEAST ONE would have been neutral.

slam dunk - they're lying.
except rasmussen is closer to correct

And that would be false, as per my prior post.
your prior post was full of bullshit
look at last election

Ok - let's look.

Florida - Rass says Obama 49 McCain 50 - actual Obama 51 McCain 48
Pennsylvania - Ras says 52 - 46 Obama - actual 55 - 44 Obama
Ohio - Rass: 49 - 49 Actual 52 - 47 Obama
Nevada Rass: 50 - 46 Obama Actual 55 - 43 Obama
Colorado Rass: 51 - 47 Obama Actual: 54 - 45 Obama
Iow Rass: 51-43 Obama Actual: 54-45 Obama
New Mexicao Rass: 49 - 44 Obama Actual: 57 - 42 Obama

Are we pattern-recognition challenged? Obama's support was systematically under-reported by Rassmussen.
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