Dalia...what's going on in France lately??


Russia doesn't care and will never help idiots
In 1991, Ukrainian separatists promised the people that Ukraine could become the second France.
And now 30 years have passed and we see that France can become the second Ukraine.
And what is wrong with that from Supremacists who remain supreme ? You never put inferiors in charge unless you are one yourself
It is called negative selection. I have heard it is quite widespread in Russia. Didn't your team leader get their job thanks to that?
It's even before the 60s and the French vote for the Bobos and then they protest.
This was interesting.

I listened to TLAV's podcast this evening. I did not know how strained the relationship between France and the Anglo-Americans has become over the last several years, and how these riots, may have been orchestrated? :tinfoil:

If you are interested in the video commentary, I think he hits it in that part of the show around 1: 11 :30. He brings in other things, like the French getting screwed out of the nuclear sub deal they had with the Aussie's from the British/and Americans as well. . . .
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This was interesting.

I listened to TLAV's podcast this evening. I did not know how strained the relationship between France and the Anglo-Americans has become over the last several years, and how these riots, may have been orchestrated? :tinfoil:

If you are interested in the video commentary, I think he hits it in that part of the show around 1 :11 :30. He brings in other things, like the French getting screwed out of the nuclear sub deal they had with the Aussie's from the British/and Americans as well. . . .
Yes, it was a hold-up a real stab in the back and I think that the French government will not forget any time soon.
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