Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

"Data from China shows that 20% of COVID-19 patients, though, are serious enough to get sent to the hospital. That's about ten times more often than flu. Even though a great many people are hospitalized for the flu — the preliminary data for the 2018-19 flu season is nearly half a million — the rate of hospitalization is far lower: 1-2% percent of cases, according to the CDC."

How does the CDC know how many people got the flu in China? ...
Hey dumbass. If you are asymptomatic how do you know you have the flu? Only a idiot would compare this to the flu and only a retard would bring up washing hands when you rarely bathe.

All health officials worldwide recommend frequent washing of hands to prevent the spread of this, or any virus outbreak ...

If I think I've been exposed ... I assume I have been ... it's not difficult keeping 6 feet distance form sick people ... yeesh ... stop licking your hands will ya ...
Hey dummy. You can wash your hand all day long and it wont help you. You can touch the virus right after you wash your hand, get an itch on your eye and now you are infected. Did you graduate from grade school? :rolleyes:
"Data from China shows that 20% of COVID-19 patients, though, are serious enough to get sent to the hospital. That's about ten times more often than flu. Even though a great many people are hospitalized for the flu — the preliminary data for the 2018-19 flu season is nearly half a million — the rate of hospitalization is far lower: 1-2% percent of cases, according to the CDC."

How does the CDC know how many people got the flu in China? ...
You should probably stop talking before you destroy all your credibility as a thinking person. :laugh:
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?

You're not already doing this? ... what the hell ... If I think I might have the flu, I'm staying away from the sick, the elderly and the newborn ... common sense hygiene ... only a monster would think this is idiotic ... is washing your hands that much of a burden to you? ... yikes ...
Hey dumbass. If you are asymptomatic how do you know you have the flu? Only a idiot would compare this to the flu and only a retard would bring up washing hands when you rarely bathe.
It IS the flu. Why dont you know that? Stop watching MSLSD
Prove its the flu. I'll wait. :rolleyes:
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease
You may be right ,you may be wrong.Truth is we do not have a great deal of experience with pandimics. No one around left from the last one. I would imagine we have some of thier notes. Only time will tell, even then how do we know. We contain it and the cases drop dramatically surely they can claim it is because of the draconian measures taken. It spreads and becomes realy bad they can also tehn claim it would have been worse had those measures not been in place the only arguement left is the measures should have been more draconian and swifter. All I truely know is this sucks. I was truely looking forward to the tourist fishing season and now it appears that will be in the least not as busy as usual or does not even happen. I guess I can hop a freighter and earn but I live for fishing charters. True disappointment if charters do not go this summer not only for myself but my clientel.
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease
It's time to kick some China ass! Hit them hard now!
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?

Don't know for sure but from here it looks like you're the idiot.
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?

Don't know for sure but from here it looks like you're the idiot.
From every perspective I have zero doubts you're an idiot. Of that I'm sure. :rolleyes:
Show me where in the citation where it says the virus is the flu. I'll wait on that one too. :rolleyes:

"Flu and coronavirus are both thought to be spread primarily through close contact with droplets expelled from the nose and mouth of a sick person. So you can become infected by direct contact such as kissing but also by close talking with someone who's infected. The CDC recommends keeping a physical distance of about six feet away from others. You can also pick up flu or coronavirus if you touch a tabletop or phone that was coughed on, but not disinfected, in the past few hours or days, then touch your eyes, nose or mouth."

You said this was idiotic in post #2 ... it takes a special kind of moron to post links that refute their position ... special indeed ...
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?

Please provide your argument in a way that does not sound so stupid.

That wasn't the proposed solution.

Learn to read.
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease

Been trying to tell folks this all along. We are being gamed by someone. It's the flu. We are days from April. Lots of people are dying anyway and on top of that, we've destroyed a roiling economy and cost folks billions if not trillions.

View attachment 313874
You keep putting up that quote. Where did it come from?
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?
So what if you catch it? Unless you’re sick already you’ll live. Hanks is over 60.

"So what if you catch it?"

Are you really that stupid? Or is it that you are just selfish?

If I catch it, I can spread it. If I spread it then someone may die. Maybe my mom or pops or someone elses mom or pops.


Which is why we are taking the precautions we are...they seem intuitive.

The fact is that most everyone will catch it at some point. They are simply flattening the curve so they can deal with it (maybe even develop a vaccination or better treatment program).
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?

Please provide your argument in a way that does not sound so stupid.

That wasn't the proposed solution.

Learn to read.
You should learn to read. I asked a question. You know that funny little mark at the end of the sentence? So far no one has disagreed with my question.
Exactly what I’ve been saying.

90 people a day die in theirs cars in America. Do we close all roads? Nope, the economic impact would be catastrophic.

Anyone worrying about Tom Hanks dying after being infected? Nope. He says he’s just got aches and doing fine.

As most people who are healthy.

But there are people dying! Yep. Just like with the flu every year. Over ten thousand died from H1N1, did we shutdown America?

Prevention Expert: Data Shows Our Fight Against Coronavirus May Be Worse Than The Disease
Data says no such thing, trumpkin

only an idiot blog does

Besides being a liar (lawyer....ROTFLMAO).

You are now an anylist.
Show me where in the citation where it says the virus is the flu. I'll wait on that one too. :rolleyes:

"Flu and coronavirus are both thought to be spread primarily through close contact with droplets expelled from the nose and mouth of a sick person. So you can become infected by direct contact such as kissing but also by close talking with someone who's infected. The CDC recommends keeping a physical distance of about six feet away from others. You can also pick up flu or coronavirus if you touch a tabletop or phone that was coughed on, but not disinfected, in the past few hours or days, then touch your eyes, nose or mouth."

You said this was idiotic in post #2 ... it takes a special kind of moron to post links that refute their position ... special indeed ...
I dont see anywhere in there that says the virus and the flu are the same thing. You do realize you catch the cold the same way as you catch the flu and this virus as well. Cant you read or do you need help figuring out the task? Show me where it says they are the same thing. I'll wait. :rolleyes:
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?

Please provide your argument in a way that does not sound so stupid.

That wasn't the proposed solution.

Learn to read.
You should learn to read. I asked a question. You know that funny little mark at the end of the sentence? So far no one has disagreed with my question.

Your question is stupid because that isn't what he proposed.

You might consider a logic class (if they offer it at the high school you attend).
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?
So what if you catch it? Unless you’re sick already you’ll live. Hanks is over 60.

"So what if you catch it?"

Are you really that stupid? Or is it that you are just selfish?

If I catch it, I can spread it. If I spread it then someone may die. Maybe my mom or pops or someone elses mom or pops.


Which is why we are taking the precautions we are...they seem intuitive.

The fact is that most everyone will catch it at some point. They are simply flattening the curve so they can deal with it (maybe even develop a vaccination or better treatment program).
Yeah dummy. If everyone catches it at once they are going to bomb the medical system. Are you clowns really this dumb? :laugh:
The guy that wrote the article is an idiot. So his solution is let the virus run rampant among everyone under the age of 60 and isolate everyone 60 and up? I wonder how many of those people 60 and up have relatives that are below 60?

Don't know for sure but from here it looks like you're the idiot.
From every perspective I have zero doubts you're an idiot. Of that I'm sure. :rolleyes:

You are starting to sound like the board dickhead, IM2.

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