Dear "Conservatives"....

I support Ron Paul 100% and voted for him, however it appears I will have to vote for the lesser of the two evils in November....

It reminds me of the Mark Kirk/Alexi Giannoulias crap that went down a couple years ago during the mid-terms.

I'm fucked either way...
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The topic is Romney. I should know. I started the thread.

You previously state words to the effect that conservatives shouldn't support

Then on this thread you said you left the GOP because it moved away from conservativism. Now you support the GOP candidate who you previously stated wasn't conservative enough. You've changed your tune.

All of the following.....

May be your rationale, but by virtue of your actions, you are more interested in helping the GOP move away from conservatism then holding them to the fire.

Not at all. Sure we would prefer to have a pure, hard core conservative who is also competent, experience, and capable in the White House. But we are not willing to throw the country under the bus because most conservatives chose somebody different than we would have chosen. It is one thing to be of strong convictions and quite another to be a spoiled brat who takes his ball and goes home if he cant have his way.

There will always be times when we are denied the choice of doing what we believe to be the absolute right thing, and are forced to choose the best thing of imperfect options.
You had your chance to pick a conservative there wasn't one fact you haven't had a chance to pick one in quite some time now.

Mitten is a liberal...
rick is a theocon
newt is a central government,bigger government type.
cain was a moron.
bachman was a female rick.
huntsman a centerist but right leaning.
perry,see bush or mittens.

The reality is you just want obama out,you want to win, and will back anyone who will get you what you desire.

You simply hate the fact its not your guy in power..

Yes, I want Obama out. No question about that, he needs to go.
Since it's a two party system still, it has to be the republican to beat the democrat. To put it as simple as possible for you, I'm an independent that is against Obama's policies. There are only two choices, voting for a person who I'm against his policies, or the other guy....I'll vote for the other guy.

You can try and play your party games all you want, Plasma....but it fools no one.
I support Ron Paul 100% and voted for him, however it appears I will have to vote for the lesser of the two evils in November....

It reminds me of the Mark Kirk/Alexi Giannoulias crap that went down a couple years ago during the mid-terms.

I'm fucked either way...

If we continue to fall for the lesser of two evils con, we all are.
I support Ron Paul 100% and voted for him, however it appears I will have to vote for the lesser of the two evils in November....

It reminds me of the Mark Kirk/Alexi Giannoulias crap that went down a couple years ago during the mid-terms.

I'm fucked either way...

If we continue to fall for the lesser of two evils con, we all are.

In this election it is not a choice between two evils. iIt is a choice between evil and imperfect. It's really a no brainer which is the better choice.
I support Ron Paul 100% and voted for him, however it appears I will have to vote for the lesser of the two evils in November....

It reminds me of the Mark Kirk/Alexi Giannoulias crap that went down a couple years ago during the mid-terms.

I'm fucked either way...

If we continue to fall for the lesser of two evils con, we all are.

In this election it is not a choice between two evils. iIt is a choice between evil and imperfect. It's really a no brainer which is the better choice.

that's pretty funny.
In this election it is not a choice between two evils. iIt is a choice between evil and imperfect. It's really a no brainer which is the better choice.

If you truly believe that, then fine. Vote your conscience. If you think Romney is a good candidate who will be a net positive for the country, then I can respect your decision to vote for him (though I'd completely disagree with your assessment). It's the people who claim they know he'll be a bad leader, but fear that Obama will be worse, who are failing their country.
In this election it is not a choice between two evils. iIt is a choice between evil and imperfect. It's really a no brainer which is the better choice.

If you truly believe that, then fine. Vote your conscience. If you think Romney is a good candidate who will be a net positive for the country, then I can respect your decision to vote for him (though I'd completely disagree with your assessment). It's the people who claim they know he'll be a bad leader, but fear that Obama will be worse, who are failing their country.

I don't know at all that Romney will be a bad leader. He never has been yet and has been in a number of leadership roles. Was he or is he my first choice as the GOP nominee? No he was not and is not. But for better or worse, while I have a vote like everybody else, I don't get to make the final decision, and it is obvious now that I have been overruled. I see nothing in Romneys very open book life to suggest that he is a bad or evil or devious or dishonest person. Does he stretch or amend the truth a bit in campaign rhetoric? Yes he does. But I don't believe I can name a single politicans anywhere ever who hasn't sometimes been guilty of that including Ron Paul. Would you or I be any different? I would like to think so, but in the final analysis, probably not.

I now have going on four years of experience with Barack Obama as President and while I don't know his heart or whether he himself is an evil person--he probably isn't--I have seen enough to believe that his policies have evil purposes for those of us who love our country, who love liberty, who want the door to better times at least kept open.

I do not believe Romney would do anything to intentionally hurt the country or anybody in it. If he had nothing else going for him, I would vote for him on the strength of that alone.
I support Ron Paul 100% and voted for him, however it appears I will have to vote for the lesser of the two evils in November....

It reminds me of the Mark Kirk/Alexi Giannoulias crap that went down a couple years ago during the mid-terms.

I'm fucked either way...

If we continue to fall for the lesser of two evils con, we all are.

In this election it is not a choice between two evils. iIt is a choice between evil and imperfect. It's really a no brainer which is the better choice.

Well I'm certainly not voting for Obama and I'm not wasting my vote either so you do the math on that one...

Romney is a fucking idiot RINO, however I know he wont terrorize our economy like Obama has, but he still believes in other fucked up shit like "Romneycare" which is identical to "Obamacare" - however, I don't believe he will push that issue as president because he knows republicans will throw eggs in his face. Besides, "Romneycare" is a Tenth Amendment issue, but Obamacare is blatantly unconstitutional because this is a blanket federal program.

Individuals have the right to move to another state if they don't agree with the states position on issues, however its not like an individual can move to another country if they don't agree with the position our federal government takes...

But I don't like the guy because he thought up "Romneycare" and one would have to be a big government loon to even think up such invasive bullshit...
If we continue to fall for the lesser of two evils con, we all are.

In this election it is not a choice between two evils. iIt is a choice between evil and imperfect. It's really a no brainer which is the better choice.

Well I'm certainly not voting for Obama and I'm not wasting my vote either so you do the math on that one...

Romney is a fucking idiot RINO, however I know he wont terrorize our economy like Obama has, but he still believes in other fucked up shit like "Romneycare" which is identical to "Obamacare" - however, I don't believe he will push that issue as president because he knows republicans will throw eggs in his face. Besides, "Romneycare" is a Tenth Amendment issue, but Obamacare is blatantly unconstitutional because this is a blanket federal program.

Individuals have the right to move to another state if they don't agree with the states position on issues, however its not like an individual can move to another country if they don't agree with the position our federal government takes...

But I don't like the guy because he thought up "Romneycare" and one would have to be a big government loon to even think up such invasive bullshit...

Romneycare was an experiment supported by almost the entire Massachusetts legislature that just isn't working out according to the way they thought it would. It is really really difficult to admit that your own baby isn't perfect or just isn't turning out well though. Can I forgive Romney for not being willing to freely admit it was a mistake? Yes I can, so long as he doesn't go so far as to say others should follow suit. (He hasn't.)

It isn't that different from "No Child Left Behind" that has had its good points and some things to commend it, but has also had enough bad points to justify scrapping it. Can I forgive those politicians on both sides of the aisle who promoted and voted for it? Yes I can so long as they aren't now promoting it as the great reform it was intended to be. (They aren't.)

The fact is, the all perfect, omnipotent, omnipresent, and worker of magic that we sometimes expect at least in the opposition candidate simply does not exist. We will try things that fail. We will fail to implement things that would work. The best we can do is to elect the candidate who will be first and foremost committed to doing no harm and who is genuinely open and up front about wanting to make things better. That in my opinion, is Mitt Romney.

We have already seen that making things better is not the motivation driving Barack Obama.
Except you had changed the topic. I was talking about President Obama. He sucks worse than Carter sucked -- which was massively.


The topic is Romney. I should know. I started the thread.

The original topic might have been Romney. But the conversation has turned and twisted. And the point is: if Romney was getting criticized before he secured the GOP nod, that was the very purpose of the GOP contests. Sort them out, weight them, assess them.

Now that he has effectively secured the GOP nod, the choice is no longer him or one of the other GOP contenders. NOW it is between him and the incumbent.

Is there ANY chance you are ever going to catch any of this -- or acknowledge it?

Stated most simply: Mitt is not the conservative I hoped for, nor even the one I am happy we ended up with. He is not even all that conservative in many respects.

But compared to the incumbent, he is plenty good enough.
...if you support the Massachusetts liberal known as Mitt Romney you are not a conservative, you are just a Republican that will support whatever bag of shit they send you.

At least the Paul people have the balls to support a losing candidate that truly endorses their beliefs.

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You idiot lefties supported, and some idiots still do, the bag of shit obamaturd. At least romney is better than, and a real citizen, obamaturd.
In this election it is not a choice between two evils. iIt is a choice between evil and imperfect. It's really a no brainer which is the better choice.

Well I'm certainly not voting for Obama and I'm not wasting my vote either so you do the math on that one...

Romney is a fucking idiot RINO, however I know he wont terrorize our economy like Obama has, but he still believes in other fucked up shit like "Romneycare" which is identical to "Obamacare" - however, I don't believe he will push that issue as president because he knows republicans will throw eggs in his face. Besides, "Romneycare" is a Tenth Amendment issue, but Obamacare is blatantly unconstitutional because this is a blanket federal program.

Individuals have the right to move to another state if they don't agree with the states position on issues, however its not like an individual can move to another country if they don't agree with the position our federal government takes...

But I don't like the guy because he thought up "Romneycare" and one would have to be a big government loon to even think up such invasive bullshit...

Romneycare was an experiment supported by almost the entire Massachusetts legislature that just isn't working out according to the way they thought it would. It is really really difficult to admit that your own baby isn't perfect or just isn't turning out well though. Can I forgive Romney for not being willing to freely admit it was a mistake? Yes I can, so long as he doesn't go so far as to say others should follow suit. (He hasn't.)

It isn't that different from "No Child Left Behind" that has had its good points and some things to commend it, but has also had enough bad points to justify scrapping it. Can I forgive those politicians on both sides of the aisle who promoted and voted for it? Yes I can so long as they aren't now promoting it as the great reform it was intended to be. (They aren't.)

The fact is, the all perfect, omnipotent, omnipresent, and worker of magic that we sometimes expect at least in the opposition candidate simply does not exist. We will try things that fail. We will fail to implement things that would work. The best we can do is to elect the candidate who will be first and foremost committed to doing no harm and who is genuinely open and up front about wanting to make things better. That in my opinion, is Mitt Romney.

We have already seen that making things better is not the motivation driving Barack Obama.

Exactly, which makes Obama insane, tyrannical or masochistic.

I'll bet on all three.

Romney is a RINO for even attempting that experiment, and Obamafool should have learned from it..

I can only forgive Romney for it because he was embracing the Tenth Amendment, however that doesn't mean he doesn't think in an authoritarian fashion....

The guy isn't nearly as bad as Obama but at the same time hes not as "liberal" (being a libertarian) as I see fit in a president...

He's getting my vote regardless....

I'd rather have Ron Paul but.....
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Except you had changed the topic. I was talking about President Obama. He sucks worse than Carter sucked -- which was massively.


The topic is Romney. I should know. I started the thread.

The original topic might have been Romney. But the conversation has turned and twisted. And the point is: if Romney was getting criticized before he secured the GOP nod, that was the very purpose of the GOP contests. Sort them out, weight them, assess them.

Now that he has effectively secured the GOP nod, the choice is no longer him or one of the other GOP contenders. NOW it is between him and the incumbent.

Is there ANY chance you are ever going to catch any of this -- or acknowledge it?

Stated most simply: Mitt is not the conservative I hoped for, nor even the one I am happy we ended up with. He is not even all that conservative in many respects.

But compared to the incumbent, he is plenty good enough.

That's some mighty impressive tap dancing.

And I haven't even started shooting!

I just find it ironic that you stated you left the GOP because they weren't conservative, stated Romney wasn't Conservative enough, and now that you are going to vote GOP.

I don't think they are getting your message.

McCain and now Romney. You are never going to get the conservative dream boat if you keep enabling their bad decisions.
Well I'm certainly not voting for Obama and I'm not wasting my vote either so you do the math on that one...

Romney is a fucking idiot RINO, however I know he wont terrorize our economy like Obama has, but he still believes in other fucked up shit like "Romneycare" which is identical to "Obamacare" - however, I don't believe he will push that issue as president because he knows republicans will throw eggs in his face. Besides, "Romneycare" is a Tenth Amendment issue, but Obamacare is blatantly unconstitutional because this is a blanket federal program.

Individuals have the right to move to another state if they don't agree with the states position on issues, however its not like an individual can move to another country if they don't agree with the position our federal government takes...

But I don't like the guy because he thought up "Romneycare" and one would have to be a big government loon to even think up such invasive bullshit...

Romneycare was an experiment supported by almost the entire Massachusetts legislature that just isn't working out according to the way they thought it would. It is really really difficult to admit that your own baby isn't perfect or just isn't turning out well though. Can I forgive Romney for not being willing to freely admit it was a mistake? Yes I can, so long as he doesn't go so far as to say others should follow suit. (He hasn't.)

It isn't that different from "No Child Left Behind" that has had its good points and some things to commend it, but has also had enough bad points to justify scrapping it. Can I forgive those politicians on both sides of the aisle who promoted and voted for it? Yes I can so long as they aren't now promoting it as the great reform it was intended to be. (They aren't.)

The fact is, the all perfect, omnipotent, omnipresent, and worker of magic that we sometimes expect at least in the opposition candidate simply does not exist. We will try things that fail. We will fail to implement things that would work. The best we can do is to elect the candidate who will be first and foremost committed to doing no harm and who is genuinely open and up front about wanting to make things better. That in my opinion, is Mitt Romney.

We have already seen that making things better is not the motivation driving Barack Obama.

Exactly, which makes Obama insane, tyrannical or masochistic.

I'll bet on all three.

Romney is a RINO for even attempting that experiment, and Obamafool should have learned from it..

I can only forgive Romney for it because he was embracing the Tenth Amendment, however that doesn't mean he doesn't think in an authoritarian fashion....

The guy isn't nearly as bad as Obama but at the same time hes not as "liberal" (being a libertarian) as I see fit in a president...

He's getting my vote regardless....

I'd rather have Ron Paul but.....

Another principled conservative! You guys are really flocking to the light.

Hopefully it's not a bug zapper.

But, in fact, it is. If Romney wins, he is going to through "conservatism" under the bus in .2 seconds.

That guy has no principles/spine.

The topic is Romney. I should know. I started the thread.

The original topic might have been Romney. But the conversation has turned and twisted. And the point is: if Romney was getting criticized before he secured the GOP nod, that was the very purpose of the GOP contests. Sort them out, weight them, assess them.

Now that he has effectively secured the GOP nod, the choice is no longer him or one of the other GOP contenders. NOW it is between him and the incumbent.

Is there ANY chance you are ever going to catch any of this -- or acknowledge it?

Stated most simply: Mitt is not the conservative I hoped for, nor even the one I am happy we ended up with. He is not even all that conservative in many respects.

But compared to the incumbent, he is plenty good enough.

That's some mighty impressive tap dancing.

And I haven't even started shooting!

I just find it ironic that you stated you left the GOP because they weren't conservative, stated Romney wasn't Conservative enough, and now that you are going to vote GOP.

I don't think they are getting your message.

McCain and now Romney. You are never going to get the conservative dream boat if you keep enabling their bad decisions.

It's all about lesser weevils. They will save us from the greater weevils.
In this election it is not a choice between two evils. iIt is a choice between evil and imperfect. It's really a no brainer which is the better choice.

If you truly believe that, then fine. Vote your conscience. If you think Romney is a good candidate who will be a net positive for the country, then I can respect your decision to vote for him (though I'd completely disagree with your assessment). It's the people who claim they know he'll be a bad leader, but fear that Obama will be worse, who are failing their country.

That's a cop out.
People like you are the problem. They cannot face another term pf Obama yet they will vote for him anyway because it's "safer" to keep the status quo.
In this election it is not a choice between two evils. iIt is a choice between evil and imperfect. It's really a no brainer which is the better choice.

If you truly believe that, then fine. Vote your conscience. If you think Romney is a good candidate who will be a net positive for the country, then I can respect your decision to vote for him (though I'd completely disagree with your assessment). It's the people who claim they know he'll be a bad leader, but fear that Obama will be worse, who are failing their country.

That's a cop out.
People like you are the problem. They cannot face another term pf Obama yet they will vote for him anyway because it's "safer" to keep the status quo.
Try to follow along. I'm not voting for Obama, are you? (aka Romney?)
That's a cop out.
People like you are the problem. They cannot face another term pf Obama yet they will vote for him anyway because it's "safer" to keep the status quo.

Both guys are the status quo Romney is not different then Obama on many issues. If this was a candidate like Gary Johnson or Ron Paul I would be with you. But, it's not its Mitt Romney a guy so much like the guy he's running against its down right sad that a lot of you so call Conservatives.

Are going to hold your nose and vote for a guy who is going to not going to stop the spending he's not going repeal Obamacare he's going to just force Romneycare on us which is basically the same thing. So I ask you sir why are you voting for the status quo

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