Zone1 Dear White Evangelicals

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There's this.....from even more pastors......

Don’t care. What I asked for was the link to the referenced “pastor” and his political screed.
And then even more pastors.....the Southern Baptist Convention variety....but I am sure you may think they don't count because they are "black" -- but don't their voices matter in the evangelical church??

"When it comes to navigating and addressing issues shaped by racialization, the great majority of the white evangelical church’s response has been slow and insufficient (if not counterproductive), following the predictable historical patterns where any time issues of race are addressed, there has been much symbolic gesturing without substantive change. Good intentions are often hindered by inaction. Those who have been shaped by whiteness - a force that seeks to maintain dominance by demanding assimilation (often incentivized with access), apartheid (through accepting a segregated status quo where resources are disproportionately distributed), or annihilation (by an erasure of cultural differences and ways of being) - often follow predictable paths as they publicly declare that they stand against racism, yet make very little change in the eyes of those most negatively impacted."

And then even more pastors.....the Southern Baptist Convention variety....but I am sure you may think they don't count because they are "black" -- but don't their voices matter in the evangelical church??

"When it comes to navigating and addressing issues shaped by racialization, the great majority of the white evangelical church’s response has been slow and insufficient (if not counterproductive), following the predictable historical patterns where any time issues of race are addressed, there has been much symbolic gesturing without substantive change. Good intentions are often hindered by inaction. Those who have been shaped by whiteness - a force that seeks to maintain dominance by demanding assimilation (often incentivized with access), apartheid (through accepting a segregated status quo where resources are disproportionately distributed), or annihilation (by an erasure of cultural differences and ways of being) - often follow predictable paths as they publicly declare that they stand against racism, yet make very little change in the eyes of those most negatively impacted."

Again. Don’t care. Also, again, not what I asked for. Obviously you know why. 😎 Thus, your ongoing deflections
He is a well known progressive activist.
What exactly is your point in posting this diatribe?

Excoriating white, racist, fraudulent "Christians".

They worship the golden calf named Donald Trump.

Don’t care. What I asked for was the link to the referenced “pastor” and his political screed.
Why, so you can shit on it and find a way to still wrap yourself in trump like he is Jesus? you mean, stuff like this......

And this...

We even have tweets....

Hell, this tweet is even from today.....

Why, so you can shit on it and find a way to still wrap yourself in trump like he is Jesus? you mean, stuff like this......

And this...

We even have tweets....

Hell, this tweet is even from today.....

Bottom line, as another member already noted: the guy is a liberal hack activist. He isn’t discussing religion. He is discussing his hackneyed views about partisan politics under a thin veneer of religion.

This thread is cheap bait.
That is a part of the OP's link and why I commented on it. Did you not read it?
You said: Obama was far and away better than Trump (or Clinton) but as a president he was no more a fan of the truth than Trump.

That is a demonstrably false statement. Trump is a pathological liar, it is documented. Pres. Obama is not. You said they are equal in their disdain for the truth.
The hell it isn't. We saw the cult in action for the past 5 years, and little has changed. Must white evangelicals made a Faustian bargain with Trump, except most have no regret for doing so, and do little to hide from their idolatry of Trump.

They had a choice between Hillary, who clearly hates them and would rule against their interests every chance she got,

or a Trump who was happy to work with them and bore them no ill will.

That you are having a hissy fit with them doing the completely normal thing of voting for the guy on their side,

is you singling out Christians for special hate because of their religion.
You said: Obama was far and away better than Trump (or Clinton) but as a president he was no more a fan of the truth than Trump.

That is a demonstrably false statement. Trump is a pathological liar, it is documented. Pres. Obama is not. You said they are equal in their disdain for the truth.

I listed a partial list of Obama's lies. Do I need to list even more?
They had a choice between Hillary, who clearly hates them and would rule against their interests every chance she got,

or a Trump who was happy to work with them and bore them no ill will.

That you are having a hissy fit with them doing the completely normal thing of voting for the guy on their side,

is you singling out Christians for special hate because of their religion.

They voted just the same in 2020, after 4 years of evidence. I certainly do not hate Christianity, what I dislike are fake, ignorant, racist people who masquerade as 'Christians' when they are far less 'Christian' than most atheist's.
They had a choice between Hillary, who clearly hates them and would rule against their interests every chance she got,

or a Trump who was happy to work with them and bore them no ill will.

That you are having a hissy fit with them doing the completely normal thing of voting for the guy on their side,

is you singling out Christians for special hate because of their religion.

It's the hypocrisy. If you are in a committed long term relationship with someone of the same sex, you are going to hell.

If you are a serial adulterer it's "TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP he's our guy".
You can list all you want, Pres. Obama is not a pathological liar. Pres. Trump is something else entirely.

I have no desire to parse how large of a liar one is over the other. It's all the same to me
They voted just the same in 2020, after 4 years of evidence. I certainly do not hate Christianity, what I dislike are fake, ignorant, racist people who masquerade as 'Christians' when they are far less 'Christian" than most atheist's.

Evidence of what? They supported him, he supported them. Or did you miss Roe v Wade being overturned?

This is normal political behavior. That you are having a hissy fit, is you holding Evangelicals to a standard you do not hold anyone else to.
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